432-00435 Foreign affairs
Brad Vis
Civil and human rights,Farming and farmers,Foreign policy,India,Protests
        Canada and India share a longstanding and peaceful bilateral relationship;
        Canadians uphold basic human rights, such as the freedom of expression and the freedom of peaceful assembly, as the hallmarks of a just, democratic, and pluralistic society;
        Farmers from the Indian states of Punjab and Haryana have, for several months, been peacefully protesting a domestic legislative change that affects their agricultural enterprises;
        Recent footage and images from India show violent aggressions carried out on protesting farmers that appear to be perpetrated by state police and security forces.
    We, the undersigned citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to express condemnation of the violence perpetrated against peacefully protesting Indian farmers, and to convey our sincere belief in the rights of individuals to freedom of expression and to peaceful assembly.