Consultations on a potential Canada-Indonesia comprehensive economic partnership agreement
Consulting Canadians on a possible comprehensive economic partnership agreement with Indonesia

The Government of Canada is committed to strengthening its trade and investment ties with Asia-Pacific partners in line with Canada’s export diversification strategy. As discussions continue on a possible free trade agreement between Canada and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Canada is also considering advancing parallel opportunities in this dynamic region, including by expanding trade and investment ties with fast-growing markets, such as Indonesia.

Our inclusive approach to trade puts the interests of Canadians, including traditionally under-represented groups, such as women, youth and Indigenous people, front and centre.

The Government of Canada is soliciting the views of the Canadian public and interested stakeholders to help define our priorities in relation to a possible comprehensive economic partnership agreement (CEPA) between Canada and Indonesia. We want to hear from you.

Join in: How to participate

The Government of Canada is seeking the views of all interested Canadians.

You can participate in these consultations in different ways. You can provide a written submission in response to the Canada Gazette notice until February 23, 2021, using 1 of these options:

  1. Send your submission or any questions by email to
  2. Send your submissions or any questions by mail to:

    Canada-Indonesia Trade Consultations
    Global Affairs Canada
    Trade Negotiations Division(TCD)
    Lester B. Pearson Building
    125 Sussex Drive
    Ottawa, ON K1A 0G2

Please read the privacy notice statement carefully before sending a written submission. In the personal opinion(s) you submit, please do not include the personal information of other individuals.

Information on the consultations

Why is Canada holding consultations on a possible Canada-Indonesia comprehensive economic partnership agreement?

We want to hear from you. We want to hear your views, your experiences and your priorities in relation to a possible CEPA with Indonesia through these public consultations.

These consultations will seek the views of Canadians to help define Canada’s interests in a possible agreement and identify opportunities for such an agreement to create economic growth and future jobs for Canadians. As a trading nation, Canada is also committed to strengthening the rules-based international trading system. A CEPA between Canada and Indonesia could support those goals and contribute meaningfully to Canada’s overall economic, social and environmental priorities.

What will consultations focus on?

The consultations will focus on determining how Canada should proceed regarding a possible CEPA with Indonesia. This would include not only determining the best ways to improve market access, legal certainty and transparency for Canadian business, but also understanding any other issues and concerns relevant when considering a possible CEPA.

The Canada Gazette notice on consultations on a possible Canada-Indonesia CEPA (PDF) provides background information on this initiative and lists areas in which the government is seeking your views.

Who should participate?

We want to hear the views of all Canadians and representatives of all Canadian interests, including but not limited to:

  • individuals
  • businesses, including micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises
  • industry associations
  • experts and academics
  • civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations
  • labour unions
  • provincial, territorial and municipal governments
  • Indigenous peoples
  • women’s associations; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and 2-spirit stakeholders; and other community groups
  • students and youth
  • any other interested Canadian stakeholders

Because we seek to ensure that more Canadians have access to the benefits and opportunities that flow from international trade and investment, we welcome input from traditionally under-represented groups and submissions on the potential gender, environmental and social impacts of launching negotiations with Indonesia.

What is the deadline for consultation submissions?

The submission period for responses to the Canada Gazette notice will last 45 days and end on February 23, 2021. The Government of Canada is committed to hearing from Canadians on this important initiative and will ensure that Canadians continue to have the opportunity to provide their views, including through our ongoing consultations, as we engage with Indonesia.

Related information


While Canada continues to engage with ASEAN on a possible free trade agreement, we are also looking for other opportunities to advance Canadian trade and investment priorities in this dynamic region. To this end, Canada is exploring the possibility of a CEPA with Indonesia.

Indonesia is the largest export market for Canada in Southeast Asia and a key destination for Canadian investment in the region. Bilateral merchandise trade reached a total value of $3.7 billion in 2019. Indonesia is also the second-largest destination for Canadian direct investment in the region, which totalled a value of $3.84 billion at the end of 2019. A CEPA with Indonesia could benefit importers and exporters of goods and services, as well as investors and consumers, by improving bilateral market access and enhancing the transparency and predictability of trade and investment for Canadian business, including micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises. Such an agreement would also provide Canada with the opportunity to strengthen its bilateral relationship with Indonesia, as well as providing economic and strategic benefits to Canada in the Southeast Asia region.

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