Needs Assessment for Seed Regulatory Modernization
Join the discussion: needs assessment survey on seed regulatory modernization

Join the discussion: needs assessment survey on seed regulatory modernization


Current status: Open

Opened on January 28, 2021, and will close on March 15, 2021.

About the consultation

As part of the seed regulatory modernization (SEED-RM) process, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) will be reviewing the following sections of the Seeds Regulations:

  • Part I-Seeds other than Seed Potatoes
  • Part II-Seed Potatoes
  • Part III-Variety Registration
  • Part IV-Registration of Establishments that Prepare Seed and Licensing of Operators

The CFIA is looking to update the Seeds Regulations to:

  • improve responsiveness and consistency
  • reduce complexity
  • become adaptable and flexible to function in the modern, fast-changing world
  • protect producers and consumers by strengthening existing requirements

The first step is a needs assessment survey to establish a baseline understanding of seed and seed potato stakeholder needs to provide important perspective to the process.

It is important to note the SEED-RM initiative does not include the following:

  • value creation
  • plant breeders' rights
  • plant breeding innovations
  • plant protection program
  • Ministerial Exemptions for potatoes

How to participate

Complete the initial needs assessment survey on the Seeds Program and Seed Potato Program.

Who is the focus of this consultation

The CFIA welcomes comments from:

  • farmers
  • seed industry
  • seed potato industry
  • producer groups
  • commodity/value chain associations
  • breeders
  • other special interest groups
  • other government organizations

Key questions for discussion

This is the first survey early in the SEED-RM consultation process.

The CFIA would like to know your thoughts and ideas on the following topics to help inform potential changes to the regulations:


  • labelling
  • grading and seed standards
  • imports
  • variety registration
  • alternative service delivery

Seed potato

  • standards for classes
  • tuber grade sizes
  • standards for tubers
  • application for crop inspection
  • conditions for crop inspection
  • breeders' selection
  • tuber storage
  • tags
  • packaging and marking

Related information

Overview of seeds regulatory modernization

Canada's current seed regulatory framework

Seed Regulatory Modernization: Executive summary prepared by Synthesis Agri-Food Network for SEED-RM - available upon request

Canada's Seed Regulatory Framework: A primer for Seed Regulatory Modernization prepared by Synthesis Agri-Food Network for SEED-RM - available upon request

Looking Ahead: Trends and forces impacting the future of the seed industry prepared by Synthesis Agri-Food Network for SEED-RM - available upon request

Incorporation by reference

Contact us

Seed, Potato and Forestry Section
Plant Production and Plant Protection Divisions
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
59 Camelot Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Y9

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