Alberta Senate Election Act
May 27, 2021
For information only: Made by the Lieutenant Governor in Council (O.C. 147/2021) on Ma 27, 2021 pursuant to section 27 of the Alberta Senate Election Act. 1 The Senate Nominee Regulation (AR 105/2020) is amended by this Regulation. 2 Section 1 is amended by striking out "that is to be held in conjunction with a general election under the Election Act". 3 The Schedule is amended by repealing Form 1 and substituting the following: Form 1 (Section 5(1)(b)) Writ of Alberta Senate Election Canada Province of Alberta Elizabeth The Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom, Canada and her other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. To , Chief Electoral Officer, Greeting: We command you that, notice of the time and place of election being given, you do cause an election to be held to elect person(s) in accordance with the Alberta Senate Election Act as Senate nominee(s) who may be summoned to the Senate of Canada for the purpose of filling a vacancy or vacancies relating to Alberta, with nomination day for the election to be the day of , 20 , and in the event that voting is necessary you do cause a poll to be taken on the day of , 20 , and you do cause the name(s) of the Senate nominee(s) so elected to be certified to the President of the Executive Council. Dated at the City of Edmonton in the Province of Alberta, this ___ day of , 20 . Endorsement By Order: This writ received on the day of , 20 _________________ ___________________ Lieutenant Governor Chief Electoral Officer