Management plan review

All Parks Canada consultations and formal engagement on management plans are suspended until further notice.

The health and safety of Canadians, visitors, and Parks Canada team members is of the utmost importance to the Agency. Parks Canada is following the advice of public health experts and implementing measures to support Canada’s efforts to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and reduce risks to employees and visitors.

As a result, Parks Canada has also suspended all public consultations and formal engagement with stakeholders and Indigenous peoples on management plans until further notice.
Management plans are developed through consultation and input from various people and organizations, including Indigenous peoples, local and regional residents, visitors, and the public.

The Agency is currently focusing its efforts on critical operations. There is, therefore, limited capacity to undertake full and meaningful management planning consultations at this time. Parks Canada also recognizes that the focus of the Canadian public, Indigenous partners and our stakeholders is on public health and safety and the economy.

Parks Canada is committed to resuming all management planning activities, including public consultations and formal engagement with stakeholders and Indigenous peoples, once operations return to normal and capacity allows.

Planning for the future at S.S. Klondike National Historic Site

Parks Canada is reviewing the management plan for S.S. Klondike National Historic Site, for completion by 2020.

A management plan provides a vision and strategic direction for the future of a national historic site. It guides decision making to ensure that cultural heritage is protected, and visitors can experience and enjoy these treasured places in a manner that supports their ongoing conservation. Management plans are required for all national historic sites, and must be reviewed every ten years.

Public consultation is an important part of the planning process, ensuring that Canadians have opportunities to provide meaningful input on how Parks Canada places are managed. Parks Canada is in the early stages of the plan review for S.S. Klondike National Historic Site and is committed to providing ongoing information about the process. Detailed newsletters and notification of public participation opportunities will follow as planning progresses.

For more information:

S.S. Klondike National Historic Site