Funds recovered for investors solicited by Ronald Mainse and David Rutledge
June 29, 2021

For Immediate Release OSC

TORONTO - Approximately forty investors may be eligible to file a claim with respect to roughly $435,000 recovered from Ronald Mainse, David Rutledge and 6845941 Canada Inc., carrying on business as Anesis Investments (Settling Respondents). Only investors who were introduced to the Axcess Automation Investment and the Axcess Fund Investment (Axcess Investments) by the Settling Respondents may file a claim for their losses.  All claims must be filed on or before September 30, 2021.

The Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List) made an order appointing Grant Thornton Limited as receiver (Receiver) of these funds, which were paid to the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC), pursuant to settlement agreements and orders and authorized the Receiver to implement a claims process for persons who invested money in Axcess Investments through the Settling Respondents.

What Investors Need to Know

  • Who is eligible to make a claim: Only investors who were introduced to Axcess Investments by the Settling Respondents are eligible to file a claim.
  • How to make a claim: Any eligible investor who has not already received a Notice of Claim from the Receiver, please visit
  • Deadline to file a claim: Eligible investors must file their claim by 5:00 p.m. EST on Thursday, September 30, 2021. Claims that are not received on or before September 30, 2021 will not be permitted.
  • Questions: Investors who have questions should visit Grant Thornton’s website at Questions can also be sent to Daniel Lim, at 416-607-8767 or [email protected] .

To maximize recovery for investors, the costs of this receivership are being funded by an allocation from the OSC’s Designated Fund.

The mandate of the OSC is to provide protection to investors from unfair, improper or fraudulent practices, to foster fair, efficient and competitive capital markets and confidence in the capital markets, to foster capital formation, and to contribute to the stability of the financial system and the reduction of systemic risk. Investors are urged to check the registration of any persons or company offering an investment opportunity and to review the OSC investor materials available at


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