Common Business Number Act
June 23, 2021
For information only: Made by the Lieutenant Governor in Council (O.C. 190/2021) on June 23, 2021 pursuant to section 11 of the Common Business Number Act. 1 The Common Business Number Regulation (AR 33/2018) is amended by this Regulation. 2 The following is added after section 8: Expiry 8.1 For the purpose of ensuring that this Regulation is reviewed for ongoing relevancy and necessity, with the option that it may be repassed in its present or an amended form following a review, this Regulation expires on June 30, 2026. 3 The Schedule is repealed and the following is substituted: Schedule 1 The following enactments are designated enactments: (a) the ABC Benefits Corporation Act; (b) the Alberta Corporate Tax Act; (c) the Business Corporations Act; (d) the Companies Act; (e) the Crown's Right of Recovery Act; (f) the Electric Utilities Act; (g) the Emergency 911 Act; (h) the Emissions Management and Climate Resilience Act; (i) the Employment Standards Code; (j) the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act; (k) the Fisheries (Alberta) Act; (l) the Fuel Tax Act; (m) the Mines and Minerals Act, Part 8; (n) the Occupational Health and Safety Act; (o) the Partnership Act; (p) the Provincial Parks Act; (q) the Public Lands Act; (r) the Religious Societies' Land Act; (s) the Societies Act; (t) the Tobacco Tax Act; (u) the Tourism Levy Act; (v) the Unclaimed Personal Property and Vested Property Act; (w) the Water Act; (x) the Wildlife Act; (y) regulations made under an enactment referred to in this Schedule.