Water Operator fined $1,000 for Safe Drinking Water Act Violation
Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks
2021-08-06 15:30:00

Convicted – Paul Hatton

Court Location – Sturgeon Falls Court

Description of Offence – The conviction against municipal employee Paul Hatton relates to operating a municipal drinking water system without a valid operator’s certificate.

Date of Offence – During the period beginning on or about July 1, 2018 and ending on or about September 7, 2018

Date of Conviction – July 9, 2021

Penalty Imposed – Paul Hatton was convicted of one violation under the Safe Drinking Water Act and was fined $1,000 plus a victim fine surcharge of $125 with 12 months to pay the fine.

Background –

  • The Municipality of West Nipissing runs the Sturgeon Falls water treatment plant located on Nipissing Street. Paul Hatton is employed by the municipality as the Chief Operator for the system.
  • On September 20, 2018 the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks conducted an unannounced inspection of the system, at which time the ministry learned that Mr. Hatton’s operator’s certificate had expired on June 30, 2018 and that he had continued to work as the Chief Operator for the system without a valid operator’s certificate in July, August and September 2018.
  • Mr. Hatton realized that his operator’s certificate had expired on September 7, 2018. Upon making this realization, he applied for a renewal and undertook modified duties until he was issued a renewed operator’s certificate on September 19, 2018.
  • The ministry’s Environmental Investigations and Enforcement Branch investigated and laid charges which resulted in the current conviction.