Reforming Canada’s Employment Insurance Program
Share your thoughts: Help us build a better EI program

Key questions for discussion

As we move towards improving the EI program, we want all interested Canadians to contribute their ideas and opinions. For example:

  • how should we help the increasing number of gig and self-employed workers who are currently not covered by EI
  • how can we improve support for Canadians during 'life events', for example:
    • birth of a child, or
    • adoption
  • how can we make EI more reliable for workers in seasonal industries

We are also seeking opinions on:

  • how best to improve access to EI, and
  • how best to simplify the rules for workers and employers

Along with individual Canadians, we will also be asking worker and employer groups, and other EI experts, for their advice and opinions. We will use the information we gather to build a more modern EI program to better serve all Canadian workers and employers.