432-00522 Health
Paul Manly
COVID-19,Natural health products,Pandemic,Public health
Petition to the House of Commons in Parliament Assembled
        The majority of COVID-19 communications and mandates by health officials include social distancing, masking, hand sanitizing, contact tracing, and vaccination;
        Natural, time-tested immune system essentials and holistic health practices have received less attention for their role in preventive healthcare;
        A holistic and complementary approach to health would be more affordable for taxpayers than treating disease;
        Many Canadians already invest in natural immunity, proactive self-care and prevention strategies;
        Eating fresh vegetables, exercising, managing stress, drinking water, walking in fresh air/sunshine and getting adequate sleep are simple and cost-effective measures to improve immune function and overall wellness;
        Vitamin D has been shown to significantly reduce symptoms associated with COVID-19;
        Many Canadians are deficient in Vitamin D during winter months and yet are isolating for safety in their homes without supplementing;
        Other vitamins and nutrients essential for optimal immunity and overall health include Vitamin C, Zinc, Selenium and plant extracts, and show promising results for COVID-19 prevention;
        Greater attention and education on natural health solutions would help optimize Canadians' immune systems, increasing quality of life and productivity;
    THEREFORE, we the undersigned citizens and residents of Canada respectfully request that the Government of Canada:
     1) Educate and empower Canadians on holistic approaches to optimize and maintain their natural immunity and wellbeing.
     2) Cover practices for health sustainability and wellness care under the Canada Health Act, including chiropractic care, massage therapy, acupuncture, and meopathic and naturopathic medicines.
     3) Support, promote, and enhance Canadians' access to holistic health services and natural products.
     4) Include immune-strengthening measures and practices in COVID-19 prevention messaging.