Investigation into RCMP officer-involved shooting causing injury continues

On the evening of Aug. 26, Athabasca RCMP responded to a possible shooting in Calling Lake. During their investigation, they received information that the suspect was at a specific residence.

Shortly after 8 p.m., RCMP officers responded to and contained the residence. RCMP Emergency Response Team (ERT) and Police Dog Services officers also responded.

As described by both police and an independent witness, over the next approximately two to 2.5 hours, a man with a gun repeatedly exited the residence, fired shots and then returned inside. At approximately 10:52 p.m., the man came outside the residence again. A confrontation occurred with police during which officers discharged their service firearms, striking the man. The man fell, then got up and entered the residence.

When safe to do so, officers entered the residence and found the injured man on a bed. They provided immediate emergency medical assistance until Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel arrived. The man was taken to a nearby hospital, then airlifted to an Edmonton hospital. He remains in critical but stable condition.

A .22-calibre rifle was recovered on scene.

A critical part of ASIRT’s investigation will focus on what happened when the officers discharged their firearms. RCMP retains the investigation into the conduct of the man before the officer-involved shooting. No additional information will be released until any and all available witnesses have been interviewed.

ASIRT continues to attempt to identify those who may have witnessed aspects of the events that occurred at the residence between the RCMP and the man. As such, ASIRT asks that anyone who may have been in the area and may have witnessed these events and/or may have video to please contact ASIRT investigators at 780-644-1483.


Rifle recovered from incident scene.

ASIRT’s mandate is to effectively, independently and objectively investigate incidents involving Alberta’s police that have resulted in serious injury or death to any person, as well as serious or sensitive allegations of police misconduct.


This release is distributed by the Government of Alberta on behalf of the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team.