Consultation on Triticonazole and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re‑evaluation Decision PRVD2021-05
Consultation on Triticonazole and Its Associated End-use Products, Proposed Re‑evaluation Decision PRVD2021-05

Health Canada is consulting Canadians on the proposal to continue registration of triticonazole and all associated end-use products registered for sale and use in Canada.

With respect to human health, dietary and occupational risks were shown to be acceptable when triticonazole is used according to the proposed conditions of registration, which include new mitigation measures such as updated personal protective equipment, rate reduction for use on golf courses and additional use precautions.

Based on available scientific information, potential risks to the environment were shown to be acceptable when triticonazole is used according to the proposed conditions of registration, which includes new mitigation measures such as additional precautionary label statements and spray buffer zones.

Triticonazole is a systemic fungicide registered for control or suppression of foliar, seed-borne and soil-borne diseases on cereals, corn and turf. Triticonazole is registered alone and as a co-formulation with trifloxystrobin, pyraclostrobin, and metalaxyl. It is applied as a seed treatment (cereals and corn) or via ground equipment (golf courses).

Currently registered products containing triticonazole can be found in the Pesticide Label Search and in Appendix I.

For more information on the proposed decision open the “Proposed Re-evaluation Decision” .

How to Get Involved

This consultation is open for comment from 30 March 2021 to 28 June 2021 (90 calendar days).

To comment on PRVD2021-05:

All comments received will be considered. A final re-evaluation decision will consider additional scientific information provided during the public comment period.

Please refer to the document title (for example: PRVD2021-05, Triticonazole and Its Associated End-use Products) when providing comments.

Reporting to Canadians

Health Canada will make the results of this consultation available on this website. Once the decision is finalized, the PMRA will post a Re-evaluation Decision on the Pesticides and Pest Management Reports and Publications portion of

If you have any questions, contact the Pest Management Information Service.

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