BC Government News: Social Media Moderation Policy, hours of operation and collection notice
Thursday, April 8, 2021 1:31 PM

Welcome to our social media channels. We encourage your comments and questions and look forward to an active exchange of ideas. We endeavour to make our channels a source of factual information and a space for respectful discourse. Our small team of moderators do their best to answer questions, clarify confusion and point people to resources.

We believe people should feel respected and safe on our channels. That’s why we enforce the moderation policy. The Province of British Columbia's social media moderators will not tolerate comments that are offensive (to an individual or organization) or are harassing in tone. Because ours is a channel people turn to for facts, we hide third-party links that point people to anything other than credible news or research sources. Similarly, we remove comments that contain claims that cannot be easily verified by trustworthy sources.  We welcome fair comments about policies, but not disparaging remarks about individuals. Please don’t call politicians or public figures by their first names. Because many of these comments are often disrespectful, they will be removed.

We reserve the right to edit our posts for clarification or remove comments that abuse the following conditions:

• are racist, hateful, sexist, homophobic, slanderous, insulting, or threatening 
• contain abusive, obscene, indecent or offensive language (this includes emojis)
• include defamatory, abusive, harassing or hateful remarks
• make unproven or unsupported accusations against individuals or organizations
• make unproven, unsupported or factually inaccurate claims (e.g., conspiracy theories)
• constitute spam, promote services or products
• constitute spam through repetition (the same comment posted more than two times in a post)
• invade anyone’s privacy or include identifying or personal information about someone other than yourself (please don’t post about people you know)
• impersonate or plagiarize (comments where the sender is not the author)
• are far off-topic or deviate from the flow of polite debate and discussion
• are posted without the necessary rights, licences and consents
• encourage conduct that may or would constitute a criminal offence or give rise to civil liability, or that otherwise violates any local, provincial, national or international law or regulation anywhere in the world
• contain excessive links or contain code
• contain links to partisan website(s)
• identify any publicly-elected representative or candidate regardless of their political affiliation, whether those comments are supportive or critical (we discuss policies, not people)
• are contrary to the principles of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Please note that while we try to respond to comments, we are not able to reply to or moderate every inquiry. As such, people should not take comments posted on our site as true or supported by the Government of BC. 

Also Note

Users who repeatedly and/or purposefully post comments that violate the above policies in any way may be prevented from accessing this page at the discretion of the Government of British Columbia.

Social Media Collection Notice
