Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services - Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Hansard Blues

Select Standing Committee on

Finance and Government Services

Draft Report of Proceedings

2nd Session, 42nd Parliament
Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The committee met at 1:03 p.m.

[J. Routledge in the chair.]


J. Routledge (Chair): I'll call this meeting of the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services to order.

I will entertain a motion to move in camera.

Motion approved.

The committee continued in camera from 1:03 p.m. to 2:36 p.m.

[J. Routledge in the chair.]

Committee Report to the House


J. Routledge (Chair): Thank you, everyone, on the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services.

I will now entertain a couple of motions.

G. Lore: I move that the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services approve and adopt the report about the Budget 2022 consultation as amended today and, further, that the committee authorize the Chair and Deputy Chair to work with the committee staff to finalize any further editorial changes to complete the supporting text.

J. Routledge (Chair): Thank you. Am I correct that we do need a seconder, or we do not need a seconder for this motion. Okay.

The motion's been moved.

Motion approved.

J. Routledge (Chair): Our second motion is moved by Deputy Chair Ben Stewart.

B. Stewart (Deputy Chair): I move that the Chair of the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services present the committee's report on the Budget 2022 consultation to the Legislative Assembly at the earliest available opportunity.

Motion approved.

J. Routledge (Chair): Before we adjourn, Jennifer, you had a few words that you wanted to say.

J. Arril (Clerk of Committees): Yes, thank you, Chair.

On behalf of the Parliamentary Committees Office, we all really appreciate the opportunity to work with the committee, and we wanted to thank you. You've been lovely to work with, and it has been our pleasure supporting the budget consultation process this year.

Because I have the floor, on a personal note as Clerk of Committees, I also wanted to express my deep appreciation for the Parliamentary Committees Office team, who did an incredible job of supporting the committee — in particular, Karan Riarh and Katey Stickle, who are here today, as well as Jenny Byford, Jesse Gordon, Jonathon Hamilton and Mary Newell.

I am very privileged and honoured to have such capable and dedicated colleagues. Thank you very much.

J. Routledge (Chair): Thank you, Jennifer. The committee would like to thank the staff that you've been working with, but we'd also like to thank you for your leadership in this area, navigating what has been a huge job, and a very important job for democracy, in gathering and expressing and articulating the will of the people of British Columbia. It's really important, so thank you for that.

Any other words people want to say before I entertain a motion to adjourn?

B. Stewart (Deputy Chair): In addition to the staff that are working in the Clerk of Committees office, I think it's important to recognize the people that work with us around the province from Hansard. It's appreciated. They have to put up and listen to all of what we have to discuss over the many, many weeks that we've been at this, so thank you.

J. Routledge (Chair): Thank you for that addition.

Okay. It looks like it's time to adjourn what has been an incredible process of pulling this report together.

I'll entertain a motion to adjourn.

Motion approved.

The committee adjourned at 2:40 p.m.


NOTICE: This is a DRAFT transcript of proceedings in one meeting of a committee of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia. This transcript is subject to corrections and will be replaced by the final, official Hansard report. Use of this transcript, other than in the legislative precinct, is not protected by parliamentary privilege, and public attribution of any of the proceedings as transcribed here could entail legal liability.