Equal Opportunity (Religious Exceptions) Amendment Bill 2021
Council - second reading (passed Assembly)


Equal Opportunity (Religious

Exceptions) Amendment Bill 2021

Introduction Print



The Equal Opportunity (Religious Exceptions) Amendment Bill 2021

amends the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (referred to as the "Principal Act"

in this explanatory memorandum) to narrow and remove exceptions to the

prohibition of discrimination for religious bodies, religious educational

institutions and religious individuals in certain areas of activity. The purpose

of these amendments is to better balance the right to equality with the right to

freedom of religion, so that both rights can be appropriately recognised and


Clause Notes

Part 1—Preliminary

Clause 1 sets out the purposes of the Bill, which are to amend the Principal

Act to limit the exceptions to discrimination for religious bodies

and religious educational institutions in relation to employment,

religious bodies in relation to the provision of government funded

goods or services, the general exception for religious educational

institutions, and to remove the religious exception to

discrimination by individuals.

Clause 2 is the commencement provision, which provides for the Bill,

except for Division 2 of Part 2, to come into operation on a day

or days to be proclaimed, or 6 months after the day on which the

Bill receives Royal Assent if not proclaimed before that date.

Division 2 of Part 2 will come into operation on a day or days to

be proclaimed, or 12 months after the day on which the Bill

receives Royal Assent if not proclaimed before that date. This

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allows for planning and consultation for the narrowed exception

for government funded goods or services to minimise any

disruption to service provision, particularly in regional and

remote areas.

Part 2—Amendment of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010

Division 1—Employment and general

Clause 3 amends section 81 of the Principal Act, which defines religious

body for the purposes of sections 82 and 83. The purpose of the

amendment is to apply the definition of religious body to all

provisions that use the term in Part 5 of the Principal Act.

Clause 4 inserts a new section 81A into the Principal Act to define

relevant educational entity for Part 5. A relevant educational

entity is defined as a person or body to which section 83 of the

Principal Act applies. This is important for the operation of

clause 8 of the Bill, which inserts new section 83A into the

Principal Act to provide a specific exception for religious

educational institutions in relation to employment.

Clause 5 amends section 82(2) of the Principal Act. Section 82(2)

contains an exception to discrimination under Part 4 of the

Principal Act for religious bodies.

Subclause (1) carves out the area of employment from this

exception to enable the operation of new section 82A.

Subclause (2) inserts an additional requirement that the action

taken by the religious body is reasonable and proportionate in

the circumstances in order to fall within the exception in

section 82(2). This could include consideration as to whether the

action is harsh or unjust and the consequences for the person and

religious body. The purpose of this amendment is to better

balance the right to equality with the right to religious freedom,

so that both can be appropriately recognised and enjoyed.

Subclause (3) amends sections 82(2)(a) and (b) to clarify that the

religion referred to is that of the religious body.

Subclause (4) inserts new subsection (2) into section 82 of the

Principal Act to make it clear that the religious exception in

section 82(2) is subject to the specific exceptions for religious

educational institutions (both the general exception in section 83

and the employment exception in new section 83A). The


intention is that religious educational institutions may only rely

on section 83 and new section 83A rather than the broader

exception in section 82(2) (which allows discrimination on the

basis of a wider range of attributes).

Clause 6 inserts new section 82A into the Principal Act, which provides an

exception to discrimination available to religious bodies in the

area of employment. This exception is narrower than the general

exception in section 82(2)—discriminatory conduct will only be

covered by this exception if it is on the basis of religious belief

or activity, and not based on other protected attributes such as

sexual orientation, lawful sexual activity, marital status, parental

status or gender identity. The purpose of this amendment is to

better balance the right to equality with the right to religious

freedom, so that both can be appropriately recognised and


New subsections (1)(a) and (b) provide that the exception can

only be relied upon if conformity with the religious body's

doctrines, beliefs or principles is an inherent requirement of the

position, and a person cannot meet the inherent requirement

because of their religious belief or activity.

New subsection (1)(c) provides that the exception only applies

where the discrimination is reasonable and proportionate in the

circumstances. This could include consideration as to whether

the action is harsh or unjust and the consequences for the person

and religious body.

New subsection (2) provides guidance that the nature of the

religious body and its religious doctrines, beliefs or principles

must be taken into account when determining the inherent

requirements of a position.

New subsection (3) makes it clear that this exception only allows

discrimination on the basis of a person's religious belief or

activity, and not on the basis of other protected attributes such as

sexual orientation, lawful sexual activity, marital status, parental

status or gender identity.

Clause 7 amends section 83 of the Principal Act, which contains the

exception to discrimination available for religious educational



Subclause (1) amends the heading of section 83 to make it clear

that the exception applies to all educational institutions

conducted in accordance with religious doctrines, beliefs or

principles, not just religious schools.

Subclause (2) amends section 83(2) of the Principal Act to carve

out the area of employment from the exception available for

religious educational institutions, to enable the operation of new

section 83A. This subclause also narrows the exception in

section 83 so that it can only be relied on for anything done on

the basis of a person's religious belief or activity. This prevents

religious educational institutions from relying on this exception

to discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, lawful

sexual activity, marital status, parental status or gender identity.

The purpose of this amendment is to better balance the right to

equality with the right to religious freedom, so that both can be

appropriately recognised and enjoyed.

Subclause (3) inserts an additional requirement that the action

taken by the religious educational institution is reasonable and

proportionate in the circumstances in order to fall within the

exception in section 83. This could include consideration as to

whether the action is harsh or unjust and the consequences for the

person and religious body.

Subclause (4) amends subsections (2)(a) and (b) of section 83 of

the Principal Act to clarify that the religion referred to in these

paragraphs is that of the religious educational institution.

Clause 8 inserts a new section 83A into the Principal Act, which provides

an exception to discrimination that is available to religious

educational institutions in the area of employment.

New subsections (1)(a) and (b) of section 83A of the Principal

Act provide that the exception can only be relied upon if

conformity with the religious educational institution's doctrines,

beliefs or principles is an inherent requirement of the position,

and a person cannot meet the inherent requirement because of the

person's religious belief or activity.

New subsection (1)(c) of section 83A of the Principal Act

provides that the exception only applies where the discrimination

is reasonable and proportionate in the circumstances. This could

include consideration as to whether the action is harsh or unjust

and the consequences for the person and religious educational



New subsection (2) of section 83A of the Principal Act provides

guidance that the nature of the religious educational institution

and its religious doctrines, beliefs of principles must be taken into

account when determining the inherent requirements of a


New subsection (3) of section 83A of the Principal Act makes it

clear that this exception only allows discrimination on the basis

of a person's religious belief or activity, and not on the basis of

other protected attributes such as sexual orientation, lawful

sexual activity, marital status, parental status or gender identity.

Clause 9 repeals section 84 of the Principal Act, which currently provides

an exception to discrimination for individuals on the basis of

listed attributes where the discrimination is reasonably necessary

for the person to comply with the doctrines, beliefs or principles

of their religion. This provision allows individuals to

discriminate on the basis of a person's religious belief or activity,

sex, sexual orientation, lawful sexual activity, marital status,

parental status or gender identity.

The Bill removes this exception as it is anomalous both in the

Principal Act (there is no similar exception for individuals with

other protected attributes) and in similar anti-discrimination laws

across Australia. The purpose of this amendment is to better

balance the right to equality with the right to religious freedom,

so that both can be appropriately recognised and enjoyed.

Division 2—Government funded goods and services

Clause 10 sets out definitions of expressions for inclusion in new

section 81A of the Principal Act to apply in Part 5.

Government funded goods or services is defined to mean goods

or services (including accommodation services) that are provided

under a funding agreement between a religious body and a public

sector body. Religious bodies that provide goods or services

under one of these funding agreements are only able to

discriminate in the provision of those goods or services as set out

in new section 82B.

The definition of Public sector body adopts the meaning used in

the Public Administration Act 2004.


Clause 11 amends section 82(2) of the Principal Act, which contains the

general exception to discrimination under Part 4 of the Principal

Act available to religious bodies. The purpose of the amendment

is to carve-out the provision of government funded goods or

services from this exception to enable the operation of new

section 82B.

Clause 12 inserts new section 82B into the Principal Act, which provides an

exception to discrimination for religious bodies in the provision

of government funded goods or services. This exception is

narrower than the general exception in section 82(2)—

discriminatory conduct will only be covered by the exception if

it is on the basis of religious belief or activity, and not based on

other protected attributes such as sexual orientation, lawful

sexual activity, marital status, parental status or gender identity.

The purpose of this amendment is to better balance the right to

equality with the right to religious freedom, so that both can be

appropriately recognised and enjoyed.

Religious bodies can rely on this exception in the provision of

government funded goods or services (regardless of whether they

are provided for payment or not) where the body, based on a

person's religious belief or activity—

• refuses to provide the goods or services;

• determines the terms on which the goods or services are

provided; or

• subjects a person to any detriment in connection with

the provision of the goods or services.

This exception applies where the discriminatory action is in

conformity with the doctrines, beliefs or principles of the

religious body or is reasonably necessary to avoid injury to the

religious sensitivities of adherents of the religion and the

discrimination is reasonable and proportionate in the

circumstances. This could include consideration as to whether

the action is harsh or unjust and the consequences for the person

and religious body.


New subsection (2) of new section 82B of the Principal Act

makes it clear that this exception only allows discrimination on

the basis of a person's religious belief or activity, and not on the

basis of other protected attributes such as sexual orientation,

lawful sexual activity, marital status, parental status or gender


Clause 13 provides for the automatic repeal of this amending Act on the

first anniversary of the first day on which all of its provisions are

in operation. The repeal of this Act does not affect in any way

the continuing operation of the amendments made by this Act

(see section 15(1) the Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984).