Bill 78, Police Services Amendment Act, 2021
Current status: First Reading Carried


The Police Services Act is amended to provide that municipal police officers and First Nations Constables may be named to the rank of commissioned officers.

Bill 78 2021

An Act to amend the Police Services Act


The Queen’s Commission is an award of recognition granted to police officers for exemplary performance of their duties. Under existing legislation, only police officers serving with the Ontario Provincial Police qualify for the Queen’s Commission.

The Police Services Amendment Act, 2021 will provide that the Queen’s Commission may be granted to exceptional municipal police officers and First Nations Constables, thereby honouring those officers who demonstrate leadership consistent with seeking justice, applying the law, respecting human dignity, and upholding the democratic principles which sustain our society.

Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1 Section 38 of the Police Services Act is amended by adding the following subsection:

Commissioned officers

(2)  The Lieutenant Governor in Council may name municipal police officers to the rank of commissioned officers and may authorize the issue of commissions to them under the Great Seal.

2 Section 54 of the Act is amended by adding the following subsection:

Commissioned officers

(9)  The Lieutenant Governor in Council may name First Nations Constables to the rank of commissioned officers and may authorize the issue of commissions to them under the Great Seal.


3 This Act comes into force on the day it receives Royal Assent.

Short title

4 The short title of this Act is the Police Services Amendment Act, 2021.