16 December 2015
Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources Committee
26 Nov 2021

Queensland Government

Departm ent of

Stale Development

Our Ref; DEPBN15/769 Your R ef 11-1.14C

16 DEC 2015

Mr Jim Pearce MR Chair infrastructure. Planning and Natural Resources Committee Parliam ent House Brisbane OLD 4000 via email: IPNRC@ parllament.qld.gov.au

Dear Mr Pearce

Thank you for your letter o f 9 December 2015 about the Queen’s W harf Brisbane Bill 2015 (the Bill).

P lease find attached two fu ll survey reports from the The Com m s Team and Enhance Research undertaken in 2013 for Q ueen’s W harf Brisbane (formerly the Governm ent P recinct Redevelopment), and their respective survey instruments. In relation to the 16 subm itters referred to on page 17 o f the Bill’s explanatory notes, we are currently seeking permission from the subm itters to provide their contact details to you. This is consistent with the privacy statem ent on the submission form.

The Department o f S tate Development will continue to work closely with the Departm ent o f Justice and Attorney-General, as the lead agency fo r the Bill, to assist with your Committee’s inquiry.

If you require any fu rther information, please contact Ms Hannah Jorgensen, Principal Project Officer, Special Projects Unit, Department o f State Development, on 3452 7790 or Hannah.Jorgensen@ dsd.qld.gov.au, who will be pleased to assist.

Yours sincerely


Toni Power A/ProJects Chief Executive

cc David.Ford@justice.qld.gov au Michael Schaumburg@dsd.qid.gov.au

6 i Mary Street Brisbane PO Box 15009 City East Queensland 4002 Australia Telepfione +617 3452 7100 Website www.statedevelopment.qld.gov.au ABN 29 230178 530


Government Precinct Redevelopment

Full copy of feedback received from online survey 20 June to 2 September 2013

Q1. Do you currently use the precinct for any of the following activities?

• W orking out o f Harris Terrace, supporting The Australian W orkers Heritage Centre and W anpa-rda Matilda Outback Education Centre in Barcaldlne - Central Qld, a not- for-profit outback heritage attraction, which is an important link in the Heritage Trails Network and a Centre that forms part o f a critical mass o f attractions that provides substantial, much needed econom ic benefit to the outback isolated region o f our state.

• Using public transport. • Comment -currently mainly public buildings but alienated from general public access. • Running Australian institute o f International Affairs Sem inars every fortn ight at Harris

Terrace 46 George S t Brisbane which involve 1000 + people annually including politician’s diplom at’s academ ics and other citizens in active discussions im portant to Queensland.

• "attend at least once a fortnight the Australian institute o f international Affairs meetings from 5-7 pm at Harris Chambers on a Tuesday

• Once a month go to the OUT Art Gallery." • Using spaces within the precinct to contemplate, to generate ideas and concepts,

and to meet colleagues and clients in shaping the future.... but this part o f our state capital is very poorly designed, and fa ils to maxim ise its potential - and to meet its challenge - as the hub of Queensland. Bus stops outside Myer Centre then walk to work. Running along the bike way. Regular user o f George St Taking visitors from other country's to visit the precinct None. The only thing o f slight Interest Is the casino but Its horribly laid out, the sta ff are useless and there are not enough craps tables Cycling Fitness - running route cycling through the precinct on way to work attending meetings in existing public service buildings No "cycling (commuting to work) on roads through precinct cycling & running along river (recreational)" bike rides past that area Cycling corridor fo r recreational purposes. A key link in the cycling network. Quiet spaces away from crowds to look at the R iv e r , meditate, chill-out, experience the amazing mangroves and reflect on what they do fo r the river (clean and purify i t ). Just enjoying the solitude o f it. DON"T TAKE THIS AW AY in any proposed redevelopment!!

Driving through precinct Live out o f Brisbane however v isit the city o f birth regularly Live out o f Brisbane however v isit the city o f birth regularly Don't regularly use it but have visited the Comm issariat Store, State library and events in Queens Park Driving car through area W e like to jus t walk through the area to get some exercise. W ould be nice if there was something more to look at, like some dining options or shopping or entertainment types of things. W ould be even better if you made a "South Bank 2" and made it a nice area to visit fo r both tourists and residents alike. Previously worked in the precinct - now work in Fort Valley commute ex Gold Coast. Take in views from South Bank or train Not currently but have had a few jobs where I worked in the precinct. W ork immediately adjacent to the precinct None exercising - running along the river Attending meetings in the precinct Eating lunch, sitting in the sun. Drive past every day. Going on paid tours around the city. Visit occasionally I have had dinner at the restaurants in the heritage buildings Cycling through the precinct on the way to work, as well as for recreation. Living in the area W ork nearby. May end up relocated to 1 W illiam Street. Used to walk through to OUT Sporting activities along river pathways i don’t use the precinct at ail, there is absolutely nothing interesting there and I don't work in the CBD. if there were some small, commercial art galleries with art creations of Brisbane and interstate artists I’d come every week. Don't fool yourselves, good people in Government and BCC. Brisbane is not a vibrant city, unless you count feeding and drinking places- NO CULTURE. How many galleries in C ity? And I don't mean Micky Mouse gift shops with boomerangs. And pleaaaase, no another casino with low life Asian or Caboolture gamblers. Existing casino is disgusting enough and a total waste o f a beautiful space. By the way, what "monetisation" means? Can you speak normal English, no em pty phrases? Cycling through on my way to work. i live in Club Lodge on the corner o f Margaret and George, so the precinct is where I live. Rarely visit the area, nothing of interest No Attend meetings in buildings w ithin the precinct. Traverse through precinct to engage clients i cycle along the river on the w ay to work two days a week. no Cycling along river.

Don't use it M iller Park, Queens Garden Visiting government departments on work related matters Reflection (at w ar memorials in Queens Park) Do not use Bike Commuting Cycling through precinct Going for a walk/exercise-taking in the views. Cycling through Regular use of cycling path Cycling through Gambling Run through the precinct No I don’t use that part o f the CBD as I feel it has not life or heart. A t th is stage. Exercise (running and riding along bicentennial bikeway) No cycling through if it was redeveloped I would spend more time there Cycling to/from work, running or sitting in queens park at lunch hour No. Lifelong resident - this is my home. Visiting comm issariat store museum. I really like the area as is. I am deeply concerned about redevelopment impacting the historical buildings and having a detrimental impact to the overall feel o f the area. W e don't need the CBD to extend its reach into this precinct; it serves as a pleasant contrast to the comm ercial area. W orking in the National T rust building as a volunteer There is not much to do in th is precinct. Brisbane really needs a CBD which is interesting and connected. More overpriced restaurants/bars, hotels and retailers are not the answer, so I hope that th is redevelopment will include interesting public space designs that integrate with existing architecture and utilise more natural elements (not jus t giant concrete slabs like Brisbane Square, King George Square and Chinatown), unique retail spaces, decent bars, more transport options to account for an expected increase in area patronage and less of a dead-zone fee! that the precinct currently exudes. I live In this precinct. I have no need to go near the area. Nothing at all, fo r me it’s a dead zone. Relaxation. Investment property owner. "W orking within about 100m of the precinct. Cycling through the precinct on the way to work or to buy groceries." Unfortunately I visit the precinct fa r more rarely than I'd like, the principal reason being the high levels o f tra ffic noise generated by the riverside expressway. This road is also looks absolutely terrible, and obviously destroys the relationship between the CBD and the river along the entire western edge o f the City. I cycle through th is area tw ice daily (commute to and from work).

I also cycle through the area to commute and recreatlonally Cycling and running CYCLING Cycling through precinct Cycling Cycling and running Run along river As I work in 111 George S treet I see the precinct area every day but do not use the space. I don’t gamble. 1 have no need to visit the other buildings fo r any reasons, however from time to time I do utilise the park space to s it and enjoy some quite moments at lunch time. Nil Sport & Recreation - jogging though the precinct I used to shop in the area and support local shops, but since the change of government, many of the local shops have closed down as the loss of government work has reduced the amount o f money going back into the community. I think the public may be angry about such an developing a new casino when there have been so many job losses and depression and a new casino m ight have a negative impact on the marginalised o f the community. Use the small park (M iller Park) opposite Treasury hotel fo r lunch and reading. Nil Run along the riverside path. Travel along the Riverside Expressway and the exit ramps into and out o f the CBD (these appear to be within the study area) Living in the city. Bicycle route connection between the bikeway north through Roma Street Parklands and the R iverside/Bicentennial bikeway along the river Running along the bikeway Running along the riverside pathway. Visiting specific locations when in Brisbane from North Qld (i.e. meeting with Ministers or Agency Staff Doing business within the precinct - attending meetings, etc. Pedestrian and bike access from George St and W illiam Street through to the OUT city cat je tty and the Goodwill Bridge should be dramatically improved. W orking adjacent to precinct Getting out, about, the neighbourhood: from South Brisbane... I used to work in that area, now I hardly ever go. Riding along the bikeway Running and riding on a daily basis i have coffee there but I don't shop there. I do not use the precinct currently Cycling to w ork and socially i also work opposite the precinct a t 63 George Street W alking through the precinct fo r recreation Cycling Take all our international visitors through the precinct

Bike riding and walking through the precinct Bike riding Cycling through Planner involved in strategic planning industry Cycling through to commute and for leisure Enjoying the historical ambience No I do not. I worked in the precinct fo r 10 years. Lunch in parks Cycling to/from work I regularly jog through the precinct when training fo r running events. Educational purposes, UQ architectural history subjects, walking tours Nothing in area to attract me there nothing "Com m uter transportation route whilst cycling to work. Recreational route whilst cycling fo r pleasure." None Cycling I don't walk through the precinct on my way to work, university, PT or other parts o f the CBD but had to check one of the boxes. I actually run and cycle along the river under the Riverside Expressway none of the above Biking to and from work Cycling to work, daily, cycling through precinct Cycling through the precinct None " i don’t frequent the area of the CBD. But the Survey Form made me have to choose a selection, so i chose "Sight-seeing historical buildings o r landmarks" I live in Casino Towers daily (M-F) com m uter cycling W ork very close by. Exercise - running/walking through precinct streets and along the river Walking through precinct to OUT

Q3. If yes, which parts of the precinct should be revitalised?

• Answer is dependent heavily on what 'revita lisation' is deemed to constitute. A very carefully thought through balanced outcome is most desirable, giving very serious consideration to the outstanding heritage value contained within the precinct. Private sector involvement and initiative is very im portant and will provide a very important part o f the answer, but over commercialisation should be avoided in order to protect and ensure tha t the heritage assets that currently exist are maintained to the highest quality and protected, as they will never be able to be replaced.

• The whole area requires master pianning and to rationalise vehicular and service vehicle access

Harris Terrace is o f great historical value. It needs to be maintained in a better state but current uses should be maintained It is a disgrace getting off the City Cat at OUT and walking up to George S t or along the river to OUT. In fact, the North Quay area is a disgrace. Ugly and not well illuminated Podium level concourse over the Riverside Expressway with vertical pedestrian connection to floating commercial marina and River Cat Terminal. A focus on the Public Realm is essential. All development/redevelopment m ust defer to strong ideas fo r the activation and high quality characteristics o f the public realm including all streets, lanes {old and new) and the river’s edge. Redevelop all o f the area The area could do with an upgrade; however, the destruction of the Com m issariat S tore Museum would be devastating...as it is the last building in Brisbane tha t was built by convicts that is still in use today! State Library Building - heritage buildings to remain "1 W illiam St only. The Neville Bonner building looks fine to me, as does the Dept, o f Public W orks building. The Executive building is also perfectly functional. It would be nice to have better access to the historical buildings such as Commissariat, old State Library etc. The bikeway could do with a facelift." 80 George Street, Executive Building, Executive Annex Brisbane river edge is an important "fast" route for cyclists. That needs to be maintained. If the area is to be "pedestrianised" then cyclists and pedestrians need to be kept separate - not like the current situation at South Bank where numerous com plaints and accidents occur due to the shared footpath. Seems underutilised for prime central space. Need to bring it alive Further consideration should be given to Alice Street to the Domain along the Brisbane River foreshore. Current car parking facilities limit access and visual connectivity between the foreshore and Gardens Point Road (formerly Domain Lane [c1955]), including (former) Short S treet (c1955). A ll that is needed is jus t to expand on the mangroves/ vegetation of the R ivers Edge ...i.e. GREENIFY the area, not DEVELOP it. No need to revitalise National Trust and Commissariat. But the Executive and Annex do need to be revitalised. under the freeway, around the C ity Cat stop The whole thing is old and useless to us. You need some modern attractions in there - make it a nice place to spend an evening or something. Especially with so much riverside frontage you are really m issing out on some nice opportunities. Non heritage parts o f George St, keep Queens Park, Treasury Casino and assoc hotel; keep the Mansions. Preserve and protect the heritage buildings, remove and replace the 70s and 80s buildings. All areas but to the benefit o f the heritage buildings within the precinct Capital Hill and Education House are looking very tired. The open space, heritage listed sites, public roads and the presence of the freeway makes redevelopment of the entire area as extremely problematic

Both 80 George Street and the Neville Bonner are fine examples of arch itecture of their day paid fo r by public money. They can be reused with m inor cost. T he idea that one must have a green field site is lazy thinking AND a waste o f me and m y parents taxes which paid fo r these buildings. The casino is an old building - we really need a modern development area tha t is cosmopolitan and attractive fo r tourists to sell the city. The casino can go. Interestingly you have combined buildings that I believe require revitalisation with those that I believe do not require revitalisation. In any case no m atter which option I choose I cannot state the specific areas. This is a ploy by the Governm ent to get what they w ant no matter what I as a respondent say. Margaret and Mary Streets between George Street and A lbert Streets But would like consideration of the v iew from Mary, Margaret and Charlotte S t properties The river’s edge needs to be utilised sm arter w ithout Impacting on the m angroves etc. I would like to see any development in keeping with the present heritage buildings. I do NOT w ant to see high rise development or structures that don't respect the heritage of the area. The corner o f George and Alice S treets which is currently governm ent offices, any redevelopment needs to be done with respect for the heritage buildings and places that exist here The riverfront needs to be utilized more; it’s underused fo r a capital city. Revitalising should incorporate heritage buildings not remove or destroy them. All non-historlcal buildings Brisbane needs a facelift - it’s a lm ost impossible to have a meal and a night out w ithout having to change precincts - Melbourne's upgrades throughout the CBD and out to the Casino is impressive Access to the area from the Goodwill bridge (through or near OUT) Yes, if done well. Be respectful o f heritage buildings. Don’t use it enough to comment I LOVE sitting in queens park at lunch though so would like this park to remain as it is!! The area in front o f the casino is obviously great that has already been revitalised and hosts the weekly farmers markets. The remainder looks tired and underutilised. "The whole area needs a rethink. Look at C ircular Quay in Sydney as a start and improve on the facilities offered there. A good and safe entertainment area w ith good ferry and bus services throughout the day and night"", (even light rail) would be a boost. Regular free buses or light rail that loops the city. (W ithout long stops along the route as currently happens on the red circle bus). Just keep going around w ithout a timetable, but at 5 or 10 minute intervals would be great fo r the locals and tourism." Under the Expressway W e must not make this into a modern style precinct. As there are so many wonderful old buildings. Please build the area as a proud "colonial" feel. As Brisbane has lost forever that wonderful old world charm it once had.

• Depends what you mean by revitalisation. These areas need activity. Dressing up the streets w ithout diversifying the land uses will add no value. The old worn down The old worn down Part areas to be revamped - all historical buildings to be retained and left visible and usable fo r the public. Brisbane has already lost too many of its historic buildings. Treasury Casino Specifically, can a more useable access be provided from city cat up to Queen Street mall? I support clients in wheelchairs and there is no easy access via a ramp all the w ay up to street level. Move coaches parked on Queen W harfs Road, Improve pavem ent on W illiam street (George side), spruce up m iller park and improve signage as access to the bikeway path at wharf In ticking all areas, I don't mean that everything needs to go. I think some of the older buildings on W illiam Street and the mansions show som e of Queensland history and architecture. "Don’t fuck with the mansions, Harris terraces, the old printery or the commissariat store. The Queen St half o f Queen's W harf Road could be improved & the river edge is not an overly pleasant place to be." Existing heritage buildings such as the Commissariat Store, the National Trust building, the old Printery area, the Mansions and Harris Terraces buildings should retain their heritage value. O uter suburban areas. It would be great to tie it all together in with one theme All areas need im provem ent but NOT at the expense of knocking down heritage buildings. If they cannot be used fo r offices or something functional then allow com munity groups to have access and allow them to be used by the public. Lower George revitalise the newer buildings, keep the o lder Mansions, Terraces, Old Printery, Casino fo r heritage landmarks w ithin Brisbane. Don’t want to lose these beautiful historical buildings that Brisbane has so little. The spaces under the riverside expressway are in places quite interesting, however the noise pollution generated by the traffic means that no-one spends any time under near the river. Rather they jus t pass through quickly on route to somewhere nicer. Cycle path below expressway, a casino is not a revitalisation Old State Library Building needs to be used fo r historical purposes, such as a Museum related to the historic nature of the precinct e.g. Indigenous Museum. The Mansions, Harris Terraces, Executive Building, Executive Annex, Old Printery Building, Queens Garden and the Treasury Casino and Hotel) are all ok as they are. Capital Hill is the worst building in town. But pulling down Neville Bonner building is a bit much. Extremely concerned those heritage properties will be lost; retaining the unique character o f the existing historical buildings is paramount!

None - if you are sacking everyone and MP's are paying them selves a hefty and unjustified pay rise then YOU CANNOT AFFORD revitalisation. Better tha t all MP's sack themselves. Get rid o f the express w ay and develop fo r recreational purposes I am concerned that we might have another "Northbank" project which interferes with the integrity of the historical precinct, i am concerned that the areas you identify above are too vast. I think fortitude valley should be revitalised. That is more dead than that part o f CBD and would have a greater positive impact on the surrounding areas. The CBD should be kept as purely business, retail and/or hotel. It would be good to also include rundown buildings on the other side of George Street such as Mineral House I do not know it well enough to comment on specific areas Pedestrian and bike access from George St and W illiam Street through to the OUT city cat je tty and the Goodwill Bridge should be dram atically improved. It is currently dark and dangerous in the evening. However, revitalising the Brisbane River's edge is d ifficult as the expressway dominates the area & not friendly environment for people. Revitalisation' should include a theme o f continuity across all areas; with a strong emphasis on wheelchair, pedestrian and cyclist access. It's probably not a bad idea to revitalise all o f it, but considering the econom ic plight o f the Queensland Governm ent and the state, is this really something we can afford? O r is the Costello audit a piece of propaganda? Surely we cannot justify this on the back of the significant austerity measures recently heralded in. There are fa r more priority areas I would think. Executive Building I th ink that it would be important to keep Terrace building / historic building near the Parliament House / OUT. Not all these areas need revitalising- buildings need it- fo r instance the Neville Bonner building. The Executive Building w ith its dated brown exterior needs to be completely removed as it is Brisbane's worst eyesore. W ould target Mary and Margaret Streets as well. Is th is something that the Queensland Government should be looking at? if anything all heritage buildings need to be looked after better than what they have been. I believe security is required along the river edge as people are assaulted walking or riding along there The BCC is keen on 'activating' areas: why not 'activate' the courtyard area (site of the Bellevue Hotel) in some way? better walking and cycling connectivity from the streets to the bikeway along the river Leave it the way it is. Commissariat S tore Museum should not be removed or altered in any way that will ruin its vital role as a part o f Brisbane’s history. Queens Gardens should not be altered in any way. The Mansions should also not be altered in any way.

It is a real shame that this area of Brisbane is disconnected from the river but it is hard to see how this will be overcome considering the riverside expressway is what causes the disconnection. Especially under the riverside expressway. Yes all areas need renewal Parts o f George and W illiam Street could be looked at but a lot o f it is fine as Is Not very inviting. Needs activation in various ways. "All areas no some revitalisation, but only the river edge and Queens W harf areas need radical attention.

• I see no need to make major change in Lower George Street. The historic buildings need to be preserved and converted to be more accessible and with greater use options by the community. The main buildings on 80 and 100 George need refurbishment, but not necessarily demolition. If some public space could be returned to the community during any redevelopment that would be ideal.

• The Lower W illiam Street A rea contains buildings of historic significance which should all be preserved. Any developm ent o f the river edge and Queen's W harf areas must be sympathetic to the original aspect the Commissariat Store had. I would not favour any building In this area that is ta ller than what is already there. I would favour relocation or undergrounding of the freeway, or perhaps hiding it within buildings, but 1 don't see how that could be done w ithout dwarfing the historic buildings as viewed from the river."

• None • The preservation o f our heritage buildings should be of utmost importance • 80 to 100 George is a poor use of public space but the original buildings are beautiful

and shouldn 't be surrounded by poorly designed contemporary buildings. • W hile I said all areas, I would say especially the River's Edge & Queens W harf Road

area and the non-heritage Governm ent Buildings. • Pedestrian safety and seating facilities • Revitalising should build on the history that's already there - The Mansions, Terraces,

Printery, S tate Library and Comm issariat are all beautiful buildings that should be preserved. Development should be sensitive to the environment and its history.

Q4 In the future what would you like to see in the precinct?

• "W hilst most o f the above currently exist and need to continue to be part o f the upgraded precinct, the level o f commercial extension and transformation will no doubt be determ ined by private sector investment which will be based on economic viability that will only come about by the overwhelm ing support o f the public.

• To attain the level o f support that will be required and most Importantly attract fam ilies and the majority o f Brisbane residents, visitors from within the state, interstate and internationally Government, the private sector and the broader com m unity must work w ithin a genuine partnership towards a sophisticated, very diverse balanced vision.

• Easy public access to the proposed revitalised precinct will be crucial and could be well served by a light rail / modern tram way system that would link the precinct with the surrounding areas such as South Bank and Fortitude Valley.


W e would encourage the continuity o f support for not-for-profit organisations that currently exist w ithin the precinct, such as those currently occupying 'Harris Terrace ' - T h e Mansions' - National Trust buildings and other very im portant heritage sites." Trees. Humanizing the precinct with residential development, public spaces and places and river access Maintenance o f existing uses in Harris Terraces "R iver Bank cleaned up. Lower George Street should retain its colonial heritage" The ridge along George and William Streets, at the 'top of town' provides a precinct from the Botanical Gardens and Old Governm ent House in OUT, Parliament House, the historical governm ent buildings, Queens Park and the old State Library o f Queensland through to the Law Courts Precinct, is the civic mile o f Queensland. The Queen Street Mall is the public precinct o f Brisbane City. W hat is missing from the Queensland Capital City is the Queensland Precinct - a place to celebrate all o f Queensland in the Capital. There is a university just close by and the art gallery precinct on the other end, so I don 't think these are legitimate options. No casino! "Better upkeep o f the few historical buildings left In th is sad vandalised and ravaged city. More access so more schoois can have day excursions to learn more about Brisbane with a hands on tactile approach. H istory makes us and the future fo lk o f any City the spiritual link to the heart o f that City. Trust me, most people In the world choose to continually visit places like Florence, Rome, London, Paris and New York because of their historical roots. Brisbane is hanging by a thread on to the very little which is left o f hers." 6 S tar Casino Resort More greenery, less industrial-looking buildings that cast massive cold shadows, e.g. the entertainm ent centre. That thing is ugly and Imposing and makes the walk between the (somewhat isolated) galleries and the rest of South Bank rather unpleasant. The main road through South Bank is a giant cold wind tunnel covered in drab grey. Grey is never a good colour en masse. No more casinos please. I would love a small river cruise term inal fo r boats like Kookaburra Queen. It would be a tragedy to loose these boats. Just leave it alone Cannot prioritise, all essential. Free from casinos No commercial development, free public spaces "Places to cycle - good access to off road cycling along the river & linkage to cycling In the city. Easy linkage to public transport. Ensuring future Cross River Rail planning is integrated" If a Casino jus t does one casino so they can do it properly on a decent scale rather than two sm aller poor versions of what you get overseas. Make it a real destination hotel rooms only Only one Casino in CBD


re public transport - ferry most obvious method and would link this side o f the river with South Bank w ithout an increase in road congestion Just a special subtropical green strip that could be a one-off in the world (perhaps explaining to all visitors/inhabitants of Brisbane the importance of RETAINING and CARING FOR such areas along rivers, which would be destroyed otherw ise, child care centre for employees working in the precinct Labyrinth More unstructured sport and active recreation; enhancement o f mangrove biodiversity Jetty style fishermen's market restaurants, com munity gardens / guerrilla gardens, historical museum, monument Too bad we can't select all these options. I'd like to see something sim ilar to South Bank - a big parkland area combined with fine dining (well some cheap options too would be great) but make it something that we can go to after w ork Monday - Friday (as opposed to South Bank which is only used by people who don't work or live in the CBD and jus t come to the CBD to visit on Saturdays). Put in some good after-work drinks, some better shopping please (preferably stores that stay open late the whole week and not close at 5pm like the rest which is Just ridiculous). Make the river frontage useful to people, with a beach or some parkland, but line the whole thing with shops and cafes and the like. Feel free to put in offices and residential apartments but they need to have limited frontage and please do us all a favour and build them to the sky so that we won't need to tear them down in 10 years fo r being too small. Preserve the historical context as a vital ongoing historical precinct and fo r God's sake keep any more bloody casinos out. I do not w ant to see a casino. This is one of the nicest parts o f the Brisbane CBD with some beautiful historic buildings which should be highlighted and maintained. There is already a casino there which fits as they have utilised the existing buildings well but bulldozing the executive building and putting a 'star city' will not com plem ent the current environment. However if it is a casino then only one is required fo r Brisbane so move the Treasury Casino Commercial office like Eagle St. and those river side restaurants and cafes. Strengthen its long term association as a government precinct and preserve all heritage listed buildings and parks This is the heart o f Queensland governm ent with Parliament House and executive government occupying space. It needs to be treated with respect and discrimination, not turned into a commercial them e park. It is also the heart o f historic Brisbane and first settlem ent with some fine buildings. Access fo r cultural activities should be encouraged. Need to ask: "W hat goes well with a freeway?" Check other cities with freeways running through them in the world egg Kansas City. Freeways and railways need to be underground in a city and built over; hidden from sight they are ugly. E.g. the rail line from Park Rd Station to the river should be all built over, jus t like 100m of it is. All buildings along W illiam St are made ugly by the presence of the sterilising Riverside Expressway - need to put the Expressway OUT OF SIGHT, then all options fo r #4 above would apply.


A free art gallery or modern-style library would be nice! It doesn't matter what the public say as the Government will do w hat they w ant and you as their puppets will follow like lap dogs. The existing functions of public service work places, heritage, and transport all need to continue. Functions supporting these should be enhanced: active transport, public transport, cafes and retails to support the workforce and visitors. Use of the heritage buildings and the riverfront as recreation areas should be established to make use of their potential, create opportunities for small business and boost the population using the area. Green spaces no blockage of views Re-enforce link to Southbank Need opportunities for people to meet and network. Cross fertilisation is essential and the current silos within governm ent have been a problem fo r ages. I would also like to see improved infrastructure for public transport. Definitely NOT a casino. See above ( No 1 ) No Casino!!!! Places to get from the bikeway (or the C ity Cat stop) into the CBD quickly and w ithout detours at a reasonable number of points. G rant more land to OUT These are all mostly desirable, and not mutually exclusive, and can be combined in a number of ways successfully: should not be limited to three choices, th is gives an artificial result. Places to entertain, but not necessarily a casino - th is could have been a separate check-box fo r clarity W hile I support shopping and entertainm ent in the precinct I do not support a new Casino. W e need to learn from the success of Southbank. Something tha t brings people o f all ages to the area to visit, eat and play will be the m ost successful. W e already have a casino - we don't need another one. Having a casino In that area will not bring young people and fam ilies to the area like Southbank does. Vibrant mix o f uses. NO Casino!! Iconic architecture that will a llow Brisbane's skyline to be identified globally - something on par with the Sydney Opera house or the Eiffel Tower. Theatres! Brisbane is in need o f another theatre. QPAC is often booked out, and some touring events skip Brisbane all together. Trees, gardens, parks I would expect that Miller Park and Queens Garden remain. There are very few green spaces in the city for people to take a break from working in offioes already. Provision fo r cyclists and pedestrian traffic "no more casino's restaurants, cultural facilities"


Leave it alone. Politicians on both sides have said words to the effect that our river is one o f our greatest assets yet they continually remove more and more o f it from us by building high rise buildings. The entire above, but in measured amounts. Anything that does\t involve building someone else’s dream and at no cost to the tax payer. Places to exercise i.e.: current bike path and running tracks along the river near the mangroves, etc. Innovative technologies such as: vertical parking, indoor hydro gardens fo r farmers market purchase, com munity initiatives Quicker and safer transition from paths to roads for cycling. Green spaces I think that existing governm ent 'placed to work' buildings should be used as they are not fully occupied at present. The development o f new buildings will create further deficit in the budget. Existing buildings are closer to the train and main shops. A better casino. Focus on green space in the city and access to it by foot and cycle All o f these places exist in in walking distance o f the precinct already. The government should keep this land fo r government use, using this land for private sector then renting elsewhere is a ridiculous idea... But not another casino! "New hotels are already being constructed nearby. Also don't build another casino. Just don't. The patrons are always awful. Treasury is not busy enough to warrant it another w ithin spitting distance & if you want some 'high rollers' casino jus t renovate treasury. Convention facilities seem redundant given the centre at South Bank. There is already too much traffic in the area and no need for increased public transport. There are more than enough shops in the city. The botanic gardens & riverside area are already the ideal waling places. The riverside cycling path could use work in this section. Improved access to buildings such as the mansions and old printery would be nice." A live music venue Nothing. Nothing more needs to be done, in terms o f these sorts of developments. They would jus t be a waste of our money. I do not see the need for another casino. Queensland relies too much on revenue from gambling. Another theatre. Think Southbank style "Places to catch public transport Places to shop Places to play Places to learn" 24 hour entertainm ent precinct, it is fine as it is no new casino - another casino will make Brisbane trashy


Funny that entertainment includes a casino. I would like entertainment, but I do not consider a casino as entertainment. Very poor and skewed survey design. Something fo r the public. Too much is taken from the taxpayer for whom we are denied access. I would like it to continue to be a contrast to the commercial tone of the neighbouring portion of the CBD. with the exception of 'casino' Safer active transport (as in fo r transportation, not "play") (better cycling links, less car parking/lower speed limits) More public space should be created along the river edge, which isn't blighted by the current levels of acoustic pollution generated by the riverside expressway. It should be an accessible, green area that values the unique environmental and heritage values of the area. Underground bus way / expanding a through road system linked to Coronation Drive / Captain Cook Bridge, etc. to relieve traffic congestion now and in the future A mega television screen somewhere in the new cultural centre and foreshore area with a grass hill near restaurants etc. fo r people to relax at like South Bank while watching Broncos, Reds and Roar games. Future use will obviously include any celebrations like the river fire or grand finals fo r d ifferent codes. I would like to see more night time and weekend activity generated from the precinct. In reality, It is located near the future Cross River Rail and on the weekends and at night it's quiet in that part o f the city. More bars would definitely liven it up. I agree we should also have restaurants and cultural facilities but couldn't tick 'places to entertain' as casinos are also listed as an example - 1 am strongly opposed to a casino as part o f th is redevelopment. more encouragem ent for travel that doesn't create tra ffic congestion - better public transport, bike ways and parking, and footpath parking fo r motorcycles playground area fo r children no casinos "The preservation of what is left o f our heritage buildings. The new BCC library building is hideous! The new King George square is also hideous!!" I would also like to see somehow a plan that involves keeping the park area whether it is a roof top park area to by utilise by the public or the original park opposite the casino stays. DEFINITELY NOT A CASINO. restaurants, cultural facilities, yes, but NOT A CASINO I don't want a Casino - and I w ant the government to keep control o f its assets (the land and buildings) - Darling Harbour leases are supposed to make lots o f money for the NSW Governm ent - can't the government retain control o f th is land and lease to the private sector and make money instead of paying top dollar to private interests so they reap the rewards of largely tax payer funded infrastructure, improved access to heritage buildings and interpretation o f the city and its government precinct in an interesting and accessible w ay i.e. not boring plaques - what about public artworks commissions


Leave the precinct as is until you have a surplus to be able to afford it. W hat kind of irresponsible government says we are broke, sacks public servants, w on 't pay crucial police, fire brigade and nurses goes and destroys a precinct so it 'looks good'? Unbelievably irresponsible!!! Improvements to Miller Park NO CASINOS!!! Picnic/eating area with tables Newman Towers is a waste of money. Don't know a public servant who w ants to work there places and spaces that encourage seamless connection between the CBD and the river foreshore The heritage buildings must be kept. I don't like the idea of any of the historical buildings remaining, but being "consumed" in a big tall modern building like "north bank" proposals o f the past. I am concerned that heavy-scale building projects could underm ine and weaken the old historical structures. W hat about access? The area is empty after 5pm. It’s prime real estate right on the river and should be developed as the Eagle St rive rfron t has been developed, with restaurants and cafes, but also with hotels and night clubs o r bars. It needs some life. Improvement in bicycle facilities, which would foster a massive increase in accessibility and therefore usage o f all aspects o f the space. Currently the area between the bicentennial bIkeway and Roma Street parklands is a cycling black hole. Opening up access with dedicated cycle pathways is key to revitalising the space and enabling maximum usage. Riverside public open space and vastly improved connections to the city I don't believe Brisbane needs another casino or residential tower. Brisbane needs a central a Government precinct where agencies are in close proxim ity to each other. This will encourage more collaboration across agencies and levels o f government. Places to entertain - but not another casino. I would say that all those options are viable but would question the need fo r a university given Its close proxim ity to OUT. High quality green space No casino- yuk. concert/music facility (think Festival Hall replacement) A university art gallery attached to OUT would be good Variety o f places to eat, ranging from 'fast food' options to cafes to restaurants. No more casino development the treasury contributes nothing to making this an actively utilised precinct. Leave it Just how it Is now. a central bike storage and shower facilities fo r state government workers NO casino! Do not put another casino there please! Free rock climbing walls under the motorway sim ilar to the Burnley Bouldering W alls in Melbourne, see http://www.vicclimb.org.au/includes/file.php?ld=78 We do not need an additional casino In this area. Should be developed as open space with parklands integrated with buildings. Should m irror South Bank rather than be buildings to the foreshore


"Places to entertain are required, but no casino. Also, the project time should be am bitious given redevelopment here will shape the site fo r the next 50+ years. W e should be focussed on more places fo r people, and th is must mean considering options to replace the Riverside Expressway (in the long term ) and truly opening up this part o f the River. Any interim uses / structures should not compromise this long term possibility." There is a desperate need fo r CBD car parking. It m ight not make sense to include it into this precinct but it needs to be nearby at least. Holiday resort Accommodation isn't suitable near the expressway. Preferably not a university unless it is a specialist campus linked to the cultural use of the area (As Gonservatorium is to South Bank). A ban on more casinos I would LOVE to see more cafes and parks along the river. An aquarium would be wonderful. W e are one of the only states not to have one in the city and it w ould be a great tourist attraction, wonderful fo r schools and children. There is a lack of education venues like this in Brisbane. NO Casinos or gambling hotels PLEASE!!!! The government end of town is already difficult w ith regard to accessing public transport, particularly fo r those o f us with failing limbs. The train is far too fa r on our uneven paved footpaths. My buses do stop nearby and I'd like to see them remain so or even better with all-day services. And all-day services would benefit people visiting government offices also - currently it's difficult although the Red Loop bus is a big help. Public transport that operated beyond 6pm would also be essential. No casino please Leave it as it is places for river edge conservation (green spaces) Dining options also welcome Entertainment centre - essentially relocation o f Brisbane Entertainment Centre to Brisbane CBD. CBD would benefit from hosting concerts, entertainm ent events and sporting events within the CBD. Associated benefits such as bed nights, expenditure on retail and hospitality, good public transport etc. Existing EEC land at Boondall can be sold fo r development. Restore the Bellevue hotell Make it a lovely restaurant. Put the Joh era In the past! improved bike/pedestrian links from bicentennial bikeway to Good W ill bridge & OUT Green Space with seamless integration to the botanic gardens Brisbane needs more attractions; I would love to see an Aquarium, a National Indigenous Museum and Heritage Centre and anything other attractions that would bring more people to our City. The Governm ent Precinct Is drab and in desperate need of an overhaul - this opportunity cannot be wasted! Hotels are also a m ust and it would be a great opportunity to attract some o f the brands that Brisbane does not currently have such as InterContinental, W Hotels, Four Seasons, Shangri-La et al Theatre I would like to see it transformed into an active, dense, m ixed-use precinct with things to do and see and attractions fo r people to visit. W ould be great to have a busy, interesting feel to it with lots o f people.


The precinct redevelopment should atm to revitalize what currently is a dreary, empty part of the city. We need to encourage all kinds of people to be out on the streets at all tim es of the day (24/7) in order to make Brisbane a true world city. More people = more safety. "Commercial Offices must meet specific architecture guidelines I would love to see a celebration of the Casino and Hotel ""old"" architecture theme - it is the most beautiful ""face"" o f the C ity when you enter via the Pacific Freeway (Elizabeth St)" Something along the lines o f Melbourne's Southbank precinct, and whatever development takes place here needs to engage the river under the expressway! Good quality bikeway Improved space to walk, run and ride through the precinct between Good W ill Bridge and Victoria Bridge as well as connections up to George S treet and the CBD. Have ignored the ‘choose 3 ’ option. A precinct o f this magnitude needs to have a varied mix o f retail and commercial, and it has ample room for a residential offering as well. 1 would assume that these could not come w ithout public transport, cafes etc. This area has poor access to buses and trains and lacks a diverse range o f eateries. It's also dark and unsafe and extrem ely uninspiring under the freeway despite the promotion of the area as a walking and cycling area. A mix between Southbank (leafy, outdoor spaces) and Fortitude Valley/W est End (funky, fun shops, lots o f entertainment) A large scale performance theatre It should be an area that is largely open to the public with retail, dining, entertainment and cultural uses as the primary ones, with residential and comm ercial offices as secondary, sim ilar to the Grey Street precinct at South Bank. "The cross river rail project. No second casino fo r Brisbane City. W e can achieve a world class city and a world class tourist destination w ithout an additional casino." Improved shared cycle/pedestrian pathway Casino is already in existence and in a good location. W e do not need another one. Development close to the river foreshore needs to be carefully considered in terms of possible flooding. I think better use of the heritage buildings. The casino would make a great upmarket hotel o r Brisbane's version of Sydney’s QVB. Focus on keeping the existing heritage buildings, keeping and improving green and open spaces, adding new and modern shopping, learning and working spaces. It is paramount that the heritage buildings be protected and respected in any re­ development. Making the river accessible and making it a community space would be brilliant.

Q5 What improvements to the precinct's public realm would you like to see?

• "High quality maintenance upkeep of existing heritage buildings and sites, open areas and park lands. Governm ent buildings and streetscape. The revitalised precinct should focus very heavily on being a people place thus minimising traffic to the greatest degree possible and practical"


• Contemporat7 interpretation of the Queenslander and the sub-tropical veranda and shaded streets.

• Better standard of upkeep o f Harris Terrace • I can't imagine how an architect could m ix modern architecture with heritage

buildings. This has not been done opposite the Casino with the Suncorp building. • A signature building that uses the old State Library as its entry facade, and featuring

a vibrant concourse w ith access from Queens Park, the Treasury Building and Brisbane Square, embracing views o f Southbank and the d istant ranges, connecting to a vibrant commerciai marina along the north shore of the South Brisbane Reach of the Brisbane River, utilising constructed plazas projecting over the Riverside Expressway, featuring generous rain protection / shade structures and utilising the south-facing aspect and River Breezes fo r naturally cool public amenity. The entire ground level, including the ground floor o f the building is to be public use space.

• "With the tragic loss of the likes of all our amazing theatres, the New York Hotel, The Bellevue Hotel (Something one would have hopped on a plane from all over the world to see with its renovation. W hite ants, my eye),

• The one and only unique Cloudland, once again with its renovation, could have held some of the grandest functions In the world not to mention global Ballroom competitions. W e didn't really know what we had then but we do now. Too late fo r the grandest buildings we had but not too late fo r those left.

• http://en.wikipedia.Org/wiki/File:Cloudland.jpg • http://www.google.com.au/im gres?imgurl=http://4.bp.bIogspot.com/-

UA_6iiB1z_s/Tghxslr_vsl/AAAAAAAAAAs/Splh2l_uGBU/s320/Bellevue% 2BHotel% 2 Bin% 2BBrisbane% 2B1933.]pg&im grefurl=http://qldhistory.blogspot.com/2011/06/dest royed-icons-bellevue-hotel-brisbane.htm i&h=357&w=500&sz=69&tbnid=CA3-d7ql2- m W G M :&tbnh=90&tbnw=126&zoom =1&usg=_VvQ TISm h0ovELt6AbrAPkjwaSY0= &docid=yGgqE7OPCspaPM&sa=X&ei=wNkiUsyrKsaHkwW m 4oA4&ved=0CDQQ9Q EwAg&dur=1150#imgdii=_"

• Green space that Is more productive and environm entally sustainable than empty lawns - an inner-city com munity garden would be great. A t the very least a few veggie patches or raised garden beds to grow perennial edible plants.

• None • Significant acknow ledgem ent o f heritage buildings and inspire interest in Brisbane's

colonial past • "C lear bikeway/footpath corridor connecting with South Bank and Roma Street

Parklands: • Queens Park to remain open space in perpetuity; • Heritage value of existing buildings to be preserved." • Cannot prioritise, all would be an asset. • none • Doesn't m atter as long as its public space • The Government Precinct should remain true to its name as it has the items above in

conform ity with the SOM m aster plan developed 40 years ago, and now rudely contravened with the new "Tower of Power!"

• Pubic plazas which are activated w ithout the need for comm ercial enterprises (including coffee shops and retail). Consideration fo r com m unity support facilities and


multi-use spaces. Open spaces should afford good shading for sun protection/ skin cancer awareness. None Height restrictions on new buildings so as to prevent overshadowing of heritage buildings casino big one Perhaps a sensitive combination of these things, done with style and using the best eco-designers available More open space green native plant generation and low impact open space Modern 'iconic ' structures Again, I w ish I could select ail these options. W hy don't you guys look overseas for some good examples (like P ier 39 in San Francisco, or W aikiki Beach in Honolulu, or the Grove in Los Angeles)? All new buildings must be designed to be in keeping with and complem entary to the existing heritage buildings. I'm not sure if my understanding o f'm odern architecture' fits th is description let alone what you understand 'modern architecture' to mean. I would not like to see any heritage buildings removed; the only building fit fo r removal is the executive building. Leave the heritage buildings alone; including Queens Park (remember what a mess you made of King George Square!) "Improved interpretation of the historic resource. Better conservation of the historic buildings and Miller Park which has been open space since first European settlement. Improvements to the park in front o f 80 George as green space and a place fo r viewing Parliament House. Although the freeway has bad press where else in the world can one wait fo r a ferry next to Parliament House and watch herons fishing in the mangroves. I think that is magic." Heritage style architecture to complement and make the most o f the historic buildings in that area and to make it more interesting to tourists egg The Rocks in Sydney "Get the Casino out o f the Treasury Building put it towards or in Fort. Valley it is only bringing a bad element o f people into the city to inappropriately educate our youth. Sandstone facades at least up to 3rd floor o f any new building." A m odern-architecturally attractive covered expansive open area would be nice (as in the Mall). W hat public realm, you will do what the government wants or approves from businesses anyway and destroy the fabric o f the landscape anyway. Activated rive rfron t but W ITHOUT jetties and marinas, as these would: (1) comprom ise flood management and increase hazards in times of flood, (2) alienate and privatise public space, (3) remove valuable, attractive and iconic mangrove habitat, and (4) dim inish the visual experience from Southbank. W hat would be wrong with open grassed public areas with a few trees and bench seats. Just like every other city, except Brisbane, in the world. I hope that modern architecture means buildings in keeping with the area and not glass palaces for casinos and hotels, and definitely not high rise. NO CASINO.


The best improvement would be no 7/11, Me Donald or similar. Good quality buskers and a good place with jazz or small classical ensemble. NONE Better infrastructure for pedestrians & cyclists. Modern conservative style government precinct. Street art won't stand the test of time. See note above re limiting options: this is one chance in a generation. No high rises. European style safe spaces that encourage socialising, walking, riding and a healthy lifestyle. It would be great to have greater accessibility to the riverside pedestrian/bike path. Currently it’s not easy or safe to get from the path into the city, e.g. you can access from Queens W harf Road onto Margaret S treet onramp, or via Gardens Point Road onto Margaret St onramp. Merging onto the onramp is very dangerous, as cars a not looking fo r bikes, and are going from a 70km zone, and are rushing to work. It would be great to have a dedicated corridor specific to pedestrians and bikes that gets you from the bike path onto W illiam or George S t near Mary Street, activated river foreshore, but not with marinas W hatever Is built please ensure that you do not cause a shadow to be cast on Queens Park. The Brisbane River and the Heritage buildings are both significant assets and should be made as accessible as possible to as many people as possible. The emphasis on this area should be on uses that capitalise on these assets. The most important thing for the precinct's success is to do something about the wind tunnel problem at th is end of George St - it is a lm ost unbearable year round and will be a deterrent to walking along George St, let alone anything outdoors. "This has to be different to North bank proposal. Can we make parts o f W illiam closed to vehicles?" Love the heritage Brisbane’s subtropical fru it trees are fascinating fo r tourists. I would suggest a demonstration orchard (as at the Mt Coo-tha botanic gardens). Restore the old buildings and bring the more historic view If I could, I would select all options. Activated river foreshore being the most important. 6 Start Accommodation - Brisbane falls way short o f having decent 5 star accommodation and event facilities. For a population the size o f Brisbane and the am ount o f business in the CBD its near impossible to get decent 5 start accommodation that has decent event facilities included in the hotel Lose the heritage buildings All o f the above Anything that involves no cost to the people o f Brisbane NO modern architecture at all. This is our chance to turn back the clock and show the world what Brisbane once was. As lovely subtropical colonial city. Just look at the wonderful old buildings that are in tha t area. W e need to remove the old 1960-70’s rubbish and replace them with replica heritage style buildings. I would like to see a :"Qld" park with a feel o f a Qld back yard, as in the old day, so people can enjoy what


we use to have, such as the Mango tree in the yard, a frangipani or two, an mulberry tree an old rain water tank ( that we can drink from ) and back yard "deck" structure. The back yard that we all grew up in. But unfortunately our c ity is shrinking our living space. Yes in regards rive rfron t marinas, walkways and restaurants. Did you know the first Pub in Brisbane was at Queen's W harf? It was call the Green Man. Use the name from the past that once stood proud in this area. Rebuild a replica Bellevue Hotel. I think the activated foreshore is a big ask. Is this really something that is in the budget to do? No foreshore development - we should be celebrating the river's heritage and encourage more mangrove growth to assist the waterway to become a healthy place fo r fish Interactive street art, enhance heritage restoration work, sustainable technologies i.e.: net zero impact Public waterfront like South Bank. Big trees such as figs and hoops. Public waterfront like South Bank. Big trees such as figs and hoops. Pedestrian only precinct! It is fine the way it is - these options generally sound like a waste o f public money. Take a trip over the river to Southbank for these things. Seriously, don't fuck with the old buildings. The riverside walk could use a lot o f work in making it friendlier fo r pedestrians. Seating by the river would be nice but there is only so much that can be done to the area given it is sheltered by the overpass. Retain the integrity o f heritage buildings. Queens Park is well used every week day. no improvements as it is fine as it is Has the State reviewed the BCC city centre master plan? This project should be integrated with the public realm outcom es being sought through the city centre master plan so that the City is seam less and vibrant in a unified way. Massive casino entertainment, restaurant and gambling precinct a complete assault on the senses! Green, outdoor areas suitable fo r eating lunch outside would be great! i feel the key issue to improving the public realm will be effectively dealing with Riverside Expressway which inhibits movement through the space. It also confines space, is noisy and ugly. A mega television screen somewhere in the new cultural centre and foreshore area with a grass hill near restaurants etc. fo r people to relax at like South Bank while watching Broncos, Reds and Roar games. Future use will obviously include any celebrations like the river fire o r grand finals fo r different codes. Reduce heat island effect using water sensitive urban design through total integrated water management. There is also an opportunity to incorporate a district cool system to centralise the precinct's heating and cooling needs therefore removing the need fo r roof chillers and heaters. The advantages to the CBD are numerous including stepping closer to being a carbon neutral city by 2026, ability to activate green roof tops and delaying the need to update electricity demand Infrastructure, child friendly places and activities Would like to see high quality public art and urban design - not jus t 'local community sculptures'. important to maintain and encourage natural flora and fauna


• would like to see enhancement of historical features of the buildings that are there and also more greenery and shade

• As above. This is like 'feeding cake to the masses' while all the workers starve for lack o f jobs, increased taxes and subsidies to support everyone other b ludger at the expense of them selves and the ir own families.

• None • I thought we had limited dollars in Qld - 1 would rather see services fo r our community • Street art? Look at the reaction the new court building in George S treet go t • My selection of item (1) Modern architecture sensitively integrated w ith heritage

buildings is based on an understanding that the heritage aspect would be promoted and actively restored and maintained, unlike w hat appears to have happened on other sites in the Brisbane CBD, where the heritage component is sacrificed to prefer the modern aspect (such as top of Elizabeth Street, Queen Street Mail - w here the heritage aspects are obscured almost com pletely by the modern awnings and new builds). Some modern architecture (essentially to replace or renovate modern buildings or new buildings), but emphasis on retaining and restoring the heritage buildings and feel o f the area.

• Entertainment precinct - Casino • Improvements that include the ultimate removal o f the Riverside Expressway • Again -- keep the integrity o f the historical precinct. It is more than any individual or

collection of historical buildings. It is our only "Historical precinct". You have to be serious about keeping what we have left. No historical building should be consumed or altered by a big modern building. Keep the buildings low and in keeping with the historical buildings that exist.

• "Need to better empathise the presence and access to the historic buildings. • Improve the bikeway through better links back up into the city • Need investment to reduce the Impact o f the motorway - perhaps remove some

on/off ramps." • A light rail system integrated into the precinct and beyond. • Predominantly walkways and bikeways along the river front. The riverfront should be

preserve as a public asset fo r use by the general public. The river front should not be privatized.

• not a marina, though - jus t a fu rther opening up of safe access to the river for people to enjoy and look back and appreciate the city - especially the heritage buildings that are being lost amongst the developm ent around - other cities around the world are proud of their heritage buildings, we have so few we should be preserving them and honouring them

• Love the idea of a public plaza with sub-tropical landscaping, grass and paths. • However, destruction or am endm ent o f heritage buiidings should not occur. • water features like in Vegas • Skip the modern architecture. Sensitive reuse o f the im portant heritage buildings. • I think that integrating the new build environment with heritage buildings is especially

important. • Leave our few historic buiidings alone!!! • Access to public transport. D irect access to transport links with other services such

as buses to Central Station and Roma Street Station.


Create a 'heritage' part o f Brisbane and combine a heritage look and feel w ith mod cons. W e got modern architecture throughout the CBD; it would be nice to have an 'olden day’s quarter to tie in w ith the original heritage buildings.' Build a replica o f the Bellevue Hotel. More on Street Parking Leave it just how it is now. I do NOT w ant any buildings along the river. W e've ju s t had two major floods; it would be ludicrous and stupid to build anything more along the river's edge. Parking Leave it the way it is. Biggest barrier to the river foreshore is the riverside expressway. Important to maintain bike paths due to increased usage by the public, an important transport hub Demolish the Executive Building and Annexe and replace with Plaza that opens up historic precinct and reconnects it to George Street Based on past experience, modern architecture is NOT sensitively integrated with heritage buildings, no matter w hat the architect claims. For example, the hideous King George Square re-development Is no way sensitively integrated. No changes Fitness & dinning close to the expressway will need to consider 0 0 2 , particulate & CO concentrations. Removal if the Riverside Expressway west o f Alice Street. http://www.sustainablecitiesinstitute.org/view/page.baslc/report/feature.report/Guide_ U rba n_F reeway_Remo val Keep the high-rise away from the river's edge - make river edge buildings lower, and rise up further back. W e need shaded areas with seating, cafes, places to have lunch and get supplies for work - milk, tea, coffee, snacks etc. Some reasonably priced restaurants would also be good fo r special lunches. More grassy areas like in front o f the supreme and district court Definitely better use of the river foreshore, while still maintaining a dedicated pedestrian/cycle path for commuters, non-active spaces, nature conservation spaces Lower hill in Alice St between George & W illiam St to create an underpass and a pedestrian plaza to create a strong link into OUT & Botanic Gardens. Consider the same fo r A lbert St to link boulevard into botanic Gardens Good modern architecture like that o f Berlin - not like the current concepts. The majority o f people I speak with only consider the State Law Building at 50 Ann Street a quality example of modern architecture. Improving connections to the city for pedestrians and cyclists. There needs to be strong engagement with the river, particularly through the location o f public spaces on/in the river. Also there should be a focus on ensuring that connectivity and way finding can be achieved from George / W illiam Street to the precinct.


• Brisbane needs to be brave here. W e are nearly a t the same level as Sydney and Melbourne. To tru ly compete we need to stick our necks out here and not go fo r the cheaper/suits everyone's tastes option. A real icon is needed

• More effective access through the riverside corridor and access to and from the corridor as well.

• Reduced street parking, particularly fo r buses along Queen's W harf Road and William Street (reduces amenity and obscures the heritage buildings)

• All 5 listed improvements are important, but public realm areas are the m ost important, followed by conservation of heritage buildings and replacing other buildings (Executive Building & Annex) with modern architecture of a high quality. Architectural competitions should be considered fo r new buildings.

• A Graffiti wall. • Improved shared cyclist/pedestrian pathway • An opportunity here for a seriously integrated art and design intervention - the

immediate priority should be the development o f a Public A rt and Design M aster Plan by an experienced local curator/consultant

• No modern architecture - this is a really important heritage precinct. Som eone once thought that The Executive Building was sensitive modern architecture

• Combination of ali • I would love to see we could pull o ff something like Melbourne’s fam ous laneways,

down next to the river! • Iconic modern architecture • Don't think it needs improvement • "New buildings in a heritage style. This could differentiate Brisbane from every other

concrete and glass box city. • The modern architecture does not sensitively integrate at all. Newman Tower at 1

William Street will be an eyesore." • Not too many closed-in buildings.

Q6 What leisure and entertainment activities would you like to experience within the precinct?

. NO CASINO • Perhaps all day shopping to ensure that the precinct is OPTED safe. Attention needs

to give to com plem entary day and night uses so the area remains vital at all tim es unlike the office city which is mainly 'dead' after office hours

• Theatres? You must be joking. So many have closed: Her Majesty, one at W oolloongabba, another a t W est End, SUNCORP theatre, La Boite, etc. There will not be the patronage fo r further large theatres. Again Convention Centre. W e already have one, and Brisbane could not support more. W hat is really missing in Brisbane is a Museum of Science or Technology. The obvious place is the Parmalat factory, but I believe this will be units. This could blend in next to the old History o f Brisbane Museum in W illiam Street or near OUT.

• "This precinct needs to be alive during the day and vibrant well after 6pm when commuters leave fo r home.

• This is the heart o f the state of Queensland. Here should be the celebration o f this great state. Here should be a 'm ust see' for visitors to Queensland, and a favourite


domain fo r locals. Here is Queensland Plaza. This is where we take visiting dignitaries, coiieagues, business associates, friends and fam ily when they visit Queensland. Here is a celebration o f our lifestyle, achievements and plans fo r the future." Activation o f the public realm as entertainm ent and recreation venues like the fully managed Federation Square W ith the gradual demise of the Valley as a music precinct this area of the c ity lends itself to small scale music venues as it impact least on urban dwellers "Certainly NO MORE GAMBLING. My first and only evening out at the Treasury Casino when it was relatively new, I dressed in what I thought was an appropriate manner. In other words, better than my Sunday best. On my arrival I realised that sand shoes and board shorts, somewhat rather trashy, was the order o f the day o r evening in th is case and that I was completely overdressed. And embarrassed at this point. Couldn't wait to leave. Learning that Casino's weren't my cup of tea and that the proceedings taking place in such a grand and distinguished building were certainly not up to the Treasury's standards and that this noble edifice deserved so much better. So no trashier Casino's in what's left o f our Historical treasures." Live music venues "NONE OF THE ABOVE

r i

None I would prefer that there was no poker machine gambling In this state. Improved bikeway Open air facilities No casinos leave it as it is No casinos no fucking hotels No casino. W e do not need another casino and we don't need to promote gambling Should open to other casino business so Treasury is not the only casino. It leaves the publics no choice if it’s only one. Hope Crown is coming to Brisbane, they have excellent entertainment business ideals and know how to do it properly- see what happens to Melbourne, the city is beautifu lly done, eco Is stronger, more international and Interstate visitors. They create more job opportunities. Late night shopping everyday "I wouldn't - it's a Government Precinct and should remain so and not is turned into a Chinese ""Den o f Iniquity"" in Brisbane's new era, destroying the site o f our European heritage in our ""New World City."" When you forget your roots, you are lost!" "Activates should be activated w ithout the need for commercial enterprises (including coffee shops and retail). Consideration fo r community support facilities and multi-use spaces, creating and supporting a CBD neighbourhood centre fo r CBD residents and visitors. Open spaces should afford good shading fo r sun protection/ skin cancer awareness." None, if people keep changing everything then what would Qld's have to offer (Just in the area closest to mall)


Outdoor pubs and restaurants - beer garden atmosphere Reflective space, and natural spaces, acknowledgem ent o f traditional owners, aboriginal clans art galleries and spaces fo r public forum s, learning and discussions community space for amateur / low cost entertainm ent presentation and band practice areas for youth music groups "Please late-night shopping on week nights. Queensland must be the only area in the developed world that stores close at 5pm on the dot. Most stores In the USA are e ither 24 hour o r a t least until 10pm.

Put in all o f the above and we will be very happy. The CBD Is dead on weekday evenings and weekends. W e need to liven it up." None of the above None of the above None of these Definitely not another casino Galleries. Live music venue. Markets Each of these categories typify an existing part o f the city - what is unique to this area? None this is not a leisure and entertainm ent precinct. To do so will only dim inish existing leisure and entertainm ent precincts in the city and nearby already available in nearby locations on this side and the other side o f the river Maybe a multi-purpose space fo r poetry readings, public lectures, small cinem a screenings etc. Definitely NOT casino - it’s not consistent with the sort o f values I'd w ant to promote her, specifically the values of com m unity and cultural development. The casino should be moved from the Treasury to the area around Edward and Eagle Streets: the area o f big money and people with financial capacity to use a casino. Please not a casino next to Parliament House - how tacky can one get. Museums and craft m arkets with heritage them e None that would harm the heritage listing o f the buildings Non-Asian cuisine. Definitely not a casino None, but why ask when the Governm ent has already sold everything o ff and has pretty much already approved anything to be built An ideal location fo r live music venues w ithin the precinct - this would give a boost to emerging industry and encourage visitors, in an area where there Is little residential use to conflict. It is compatible with the existing nearby education/office/comm erce activities, as the workforce provides an after-work custom er base. Promote cafes and bars for this, rather than a big venue, to encourage local and emerging talent - not a big venue as th is is already available at QPAC and the stadium. Provide for recreational use of the river front with bike hire, water sports hire, mangrove interpretive boardwalk, picnic facilities in open spaces, cafes and bars along the river frontage. . Provide a public bike facility w ithin the precinct to encourage active


transport and reduce traffic congestion {I.e. bike storage, change rooms, integrated retail services such as bike shop and dry cleaners, linked to an enhanced and extended network o f CBD bike tracks.) Activities which enliven the space after 5pm "None leave It alone. There are plenty who would love more patronage now." There is already a convention centre across the river, i do not want to see a Casino in the city centre, particularly as It is in all likelihood it won't be geared to Brisbane residents. If the Casino is moved it should be incorporated into the current convention precinct. Live entertainment fo r the general public. Make this area a focus for people to come on sum m er nights and watch entertainm ent that will appeal to all. The gardens are nearby and this area should be integrated with it to provide a marvellous entertainment precinct. During the weekend, markets such as Hobart's Salamander Place could be something to th ink about. NO CASINO. Please do not put any large single purpose facilities in the redeveloped area. It is better to have a range of facility types that encourage d ifferent types of traffic throughout many different tim e periods to ensure that there is always at least some activity going on. Late night shopping??? Are you out o f your mind? Are you fam iliar with a concept of "Culture"? The old immigration depot should have an exhibition space that celebrates our multicultural society. The thread that connects all Brisbane people together is that we are immigrants - some arrived here thousands of years earlier than others - many cultures one people - W e need to tell th is story, as well as recognize this site as the birthplace of the city that we see today. No Casino!!!! definitively not a casino Arts and culture with some dining/cafes. Definitely no casino - as there already is one and too many people have gambling addictions. None of the above. Great cities are not defined by casinos. They are defined by architecture and access to commercial services (cafes, restaurants, small bars). Redevelop the area with this in mind. The emphasis on this area should be on uses that capitalise on the River and the Heritage assets. Green space activities - parks and boulevards / promenades for walking, picnics, bikeways etc. safety, lighting and public transport w ill be important to support this nil Sightseeing, walking and cycling along river edge Nothing, none Something sim ilar to south bank Thoughtful and creative use of M iller Park and spaces tucked In and around the heritage buildings for small outdoor musical and other events.


As James packer recently pointed out echo entertainment are an absolute disgrace. For the good of the state and the punters I Implore you to give the go ahead to James Packer. I am a black card holder [the highest level] a t treasury] and the poor level o f rewards tha t echo give us after the am ount o f money we turnover, Is the reason I ask that packer be given the opportunity. He will ensure that many international players, along with their bankrolls will come to our beautiful city! And the small fry like me will be fa r better taken care of! As James Packer recently pointed out echo entertainm ent is an absolute disgrace. For the good of the state and the punters I implore you to give the go ahead to James packer. I am a black card holder [the highest level] a t treasury] and the poor level o f rewards that echo give us after the am ount o f money we turnover, is the reason I ask that packer be given the opportunity. He wili ensure tha t many international players, along with their bankrolls will come to our beautiful city! And the small fry like me will be fa r better taken care of! Parks and gardens, parks, green spaces A Casino so close to Parliament House would be a sorry com m ent on the State. markets like the Melbourne markets Something like Crown In Melbourne not Star City "Live music venues Definitely no casino o r resorts" Park land None All o f the above- but extend the late night shopping to all days "at the shop owner's discretion" Improved cycle path. Anything that involves no cost to the people o f Brisbane No need fo r convention facilities as there is one over the bridge already. W hat about having an old style pub on four corners. No place in Australian has such a thing. W e all hear about it but it does not exist NONE Gardening, aquaponics programs, self-sufficient technologies None o f the above Not casino. More casual river dining No casino please. W hat a waste of space. None o f these options allow fo r the park like are to be accessed fo r non-retail activities a shameful and leading question. Outdoor sports facilities e.g. tennis, soccer, basketball 'A rts/C inem a Green Space - Park - Childen's Playground" jazz venue Leisure and entertainment activities are not necessary in this area o f the CBD; again they all exist in walking distance. W e don't need another shopping precinct or casino. "Not another casino.


Read m y other answer. Don’t build a resort, the best part o f th is area is it's calm ness in contrast to the city" Live music venue(s) More street music venues i.e. not jus t buskers on the street... The government precinct should continue to be used for that purpose. There is no need to extend the main shopping precinct. There should be a few restaurants and cafes, but not an area dedicated to leisure and recreation. No more please, the city becomes a cesspool. Redevelop outer suburban areas to halt the congestion. "Outdoor spaces to bring people in. This area is relatively uninviting after hours and a prime location to lay in w a it for unsuspecting peoples." The city does not need another casino! Places need to provide ail hours opportunities for activation. Restaurants, cafes, theatre, entertainment, culture, gambling, adult entertainment, live music Parks along the river's edge NO CASINO! Lots of new businesses to encourage competition and choice fo r the consumers. Brisbane has very little to offer fo r choices in ali areas, particularly in affordable furniture; electrical; quality shoes/clothes I would be happy fo r another Casino in the area or alternatively a redevelopment of Treasury Casino into something we can be proud of instead o f the hovel it currently is. Safe cycling and running paths. No casino Safe friendly cycling and walking facilities Ensure spaces can be activated with ease fo r tours, stand ups, local productions, child entertainment Enhancement o f the existing historical buiidings and area's history. A wonderful synergy could be created with a theatre opposite QPAC where you could catch a cross rover ferry to another cultural precinct with a new theatre. Open space and riverside green areas, tourist focus with historic and cultural activities pertaining to Queensland W ho can afford leisure activities when you have put the state into a financial precarious position and then exacerbate that by redevelopment - how you are going to pay the state's debt down with this activity. How are all the public servants going to afford leisure when they have been fired, don't have a trade to acquire a job on the redevelopment (or are too old) and haven't received a pay rise In 2 years? None Again as above - more resources for the most marginalised than entertainment for the rich. W e already have plenty o f entertainm ent spaces In Brisbane NO CASINOS No casino please Public pool/swimming sim ilar to Southbank none of the above


Various daytime and n igh ttim e options for public utilization o f the foreshore Not at the expense of our historical precinct. A casino run by Packer not by Echo Entertainment, i have worked fo r Echo and they don’t know how to run a casino like Packer does. Hard Rock Cafe, Jamie Oliver Restaurant, commercially operated TV studio (free-to- a ir o r Foxtail fo r regular news or other) New standalone public bar, medium to high end boutiques such as Tomm y Hilfiger, Nespresso, Disney, Virgin Megastore, live music/entertainment venue. "Definitely NO casino - one glamorous one in the city is more than enough - who would visit there? I thought we were trying to discourage people from gambling. This can only be a revenue raising initiative fo r the government.

definitely NO convention centre - why did we jus t build such a large extension to the existing convention centre - no more is needed - better utilisation o f what we have

definitely NO theatres - we have plenty across the river and elsewhere in the city - and outskirts - some are in disuse but are wonderful spaces and should be revitalised before anything new is considered - if you are thinking movie theatres, we don't need them in the city - we have the Myer centre, the alternative one on George S treet and a bank of them across the river a t Southbank as well as the new developm ent at Petrie Terrace Barracks

• the shopping precincts in Brisbane are well defined - Queen Street and now the Queens Plaza travelling down a few blocks of Edward S treet - this is more than enough - even these shops are struggling - a well-defined city that we can all be proud of and that functions well both now and in the future should be better planned than a hotchpotch driven by commercial interests"

• Don't you dare put another casino in? One in the CBD is enough. • Do not support a casino being developed in th is precinct. • Unless the Treasury Casino is moved from where it currently is I would not see a

need for another casino. • Supermarket • Better exercise and walking facilities, better lit and more populated to facilitate more

often use of the area • Heritage tours and historical re-enactments • Late night shopping or entertainment options fo r evening should only be an option if

safe public transport options are available with direct access to and from the precinct. • Integrate sporting/fitness area. W hy not have featured sports activities throughout the

day, within the 'wet zone', sim ilar to the tem porary cricket area in on top of the River Thames.

• None. There are plenty of entertainm ent options already in other places. • no casino


• The precinct should complement current South Bank usage times, i.e. day and night including weekends. Free live music None Leave it just how it is now. Keep it simple: no casinos necessary! More activities which utilise the riverfront (as much as possible). Do not put another casino there please! Public swimming pool by the river None of the above Open space, parklands etc. I th ink theatres and convention facilities would be a big mistake unless there are massive car parks built to support them. BCEC, QPAC and Southbank have reasonably large car parks nearby but when there are a lot o f concurrent events in that area, the parking fills up and people with pre-paid tickets to shows can't find anywhere to park. I am already very reluctant to attend large events in the CBD because o f the limited availability o f affordable parking. Building more convention facilities, theatres, and casinos in the CBD wili make it worse. Holiday based activities None o f the above - weekend activities. I wanted to tick no box but it would not give me that option! Active public spaces and place creation An aquarium to attract tourists and entertain children. "None o f the above....please construct your survey so people can answer properly, I can't subm it the survey w ithout choosing an option above, when my response is: Parks and open spaces" Live music venues Safe access to the rIverfront/near river venues I don't th ink any o f the above are necessary as these are already in close proxim ity to the precinct. Night markets, green spaces fo r nature, acknowledgement o f the historical importance of the river edge and surrounds - birthplace of Qld? No need fo r considerable convention facilities as Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre across river. Definitely theatres and while I wouldn't normally support an additional Casino, if It was anything like that o f the recent one constructed in Singapore, I'd be all fo r it Bars, Nightclubs "Deregulating trading hours in the CBD in general would help to revitalize our city. There is a desperate need fo r more theatre space in Brisbane: making the inclusion o f a theatre to rival QPAC should be a fundamental term of granting a new casino licence." There should also be a focus on public recreation - places to moor watercraft (non­ motorised and motorised), a lap swimming pool, integrated bikeway and pedestrian/jogging path. Live music residential


"Pop up cafes and retail outlets Markets Live entertainment" "Yes, a premium theatre space on the North side o f the river! Do we really need more convention spaces?" Brisbane already has adequate convention space with the BCEC at South Bank and the RNA, but we desperately need more large scale theatre space (1000-2000 seats). More river front dining is always a good idea, and I would love to see a retail precinct in the Mansions and Harris Terrace. "Free of charge public open green space e.g. parks/plazas This is a dodgy survey as I d idn’t w ant to tick any o f these boxes but had to tick one to submit my survey!!!!!!!]" it is opposite South Bank so a reflection of the ethos there makes sense - it must be possible fo r fo lk to enjoy the precinct w ithout having to spend money Bars sim ilar to Burnett Lane A small, intimate live music venue with soul - something in between the Tivoli and the form er Troubadour (now Black Bear Lodge) in the Fortitude Valley. It could be used by local up and coming artists/performers. Open park spaces to use for lunch tim es being a CBD worker. W e already have a huge convention centre at South Bank. They take up too much space fo r little return healthy living outdoor activities O ther parts o f the city cater fo r leisure activities. This should be an office and university precinct None Making the river accessible and making it a comm unity space would be brilliant. Not too many buildings Live music venue

Q7 Should the precinct's heritage buildings be used for any of the following?

• "Much depends on the building - case by case, but generally the heritage buildings should be used in the public interest to display, exhibit, celebrate our rich history and adequate space should continue to be provided to support not-for-profit community organisations that act In the public interest.

• The support provided for the organisations currently within 'Harris Terrace', provides a find example - not a huge costly space that provides a very im portant benefit to numerous community organisations and volunteers."




The main heritage buildings would suit retail as an adaptive reuse as the ceiling heights are compatible with retail ceiling heights and thus more publically accessible than the current Casino/Hotel use. Organisations which act in the public interest such as existing users o f Harris Terrace To support non-profit organizations that makes Brisbane a liveable city. (US alphabet!) Sensitive commercial use of heritage buildings should be a support means to enable continued public access. No heritage building should be solely fo r private or commercial use. Cultural facilities; Design Centre; Museum non fo r profit o r NGO office accommodation "Art Galleries and Museums perhaps. Cafes and Restaurants which may finally be used for dinner and dancing, but no more Retail. On last walking past the Broadway arcade, I noticed it to seem rather empty of people and retailers fo r that matter. It seems we can't fill the spaces we already have because of the enormous rents and people now shopping on line as I do. The last tim e I dropped in to have a drink in the Park Bar at the Treasury Hotel, I noticed the beautiful grand piano in the corner o f the lounge. Excited, I ran to the barman and asked him, 'what nights the Piano Bar Is open’; he replied that there is no such thing. So only goes to show, businesses don't take business opportunities when they are literally biting them on the bottom. I thought I was finally on my way out all dressed up fo r dinner and dancing. W hat a waste o f the stunning ambience in that beautiful Victoria Building. Not to mention a loss of revenue fo r the Hotel and then intern funds to maintain this luscious building. Also, the am ount o f empty office space in the city is shameful considering the beautiful Brisbane Icons demolished to erect them. http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensiand/brisbane-office-space-overload- 20130814-2rwif.htm l'' Leave the Heritage Buildings alone!! All o f the above can be used. But, any use must enhance the heritage aspect o f the buildings. An active fam ily friendly museum room should be part o f any o f the existing heritage buildings. The hands on approach of the present Qld Museum is a good example o f th is type of approach, art "NO, NONE OF THE ABOVE. AS IN 4 ABOVE - CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL perhaps with minimal themed shops, galleries and cafes." NO!!! Buildings should be revitalised and opened to the public to showcase our heritage. Any commercial use should be low key and sensitive to the buildings. I like the fact they are currently used by NFP groups. Yes defin ite ly - heritage buildings should be used for all o f the above. The CBD has a considerable oversupply o f low grade commercial offices. NO None of the above, public buildings, FREE galleries, museums


As long as the integrity o f the buildings is kept (and not jus t as a facade), then using them for modern uses would allow them to be restored I th ink the loss of heritage buildings and character in Brisbane has been a real shame. These need to be preserved as close to original as possible. bring them to life by used and enjoyed by the public rather than locked away and something you walk past Casino No - unless the occupants have the finances and are able to maintain the heritage structures to the standard required to uphold the historic value of the buildings for future. No objection to reuse of the precinct's heritage buildings though would prefer not to change the use to private residential and the character and scale o f the SOM master plan. In th is regard we have an architectural treasure in the SOM m aster plan and should not restrict heritage to 19th century examples. It's 2013 who cares about an old building. Pull it down and make something fo r now and the future. The buildings should serve a public role such that many people can appreciate these heritage assists. Strong consideration fo r community use facilities. None Museum displays Further discussion required Further discussion required Museums, public service and NGO facilities, union activities to support less fortunate Queenslanders None of the above No we are low rent, NGO charity offices to reduce overheads fo r the non-profit groups get rid o f them... no one cares about heritage buildings anymore You can use them for governm ent stu ff still if you want. They are nice to look at and serve tourists well, but have no real use to residents. Just build around them with massive office or residential buildings. None of these It is important that the heritage buildings remain accessible to the public. Anything that ensures they are cared fo r and maintained. They should continue to be used fo r purposes sympathetic to their heritage value Absolutely not! This is something that can and should be decided only on a case by case basis. Some heritage buildings fo r example, should be seen from within if their internal features are of exceptional value and public interest, and if they are sufficiently robust to be made a tourist venue. I don't th ink this is the case fo r many o f our heritage buildings in the precinct, however; mostly their appeal is outside rather than Inside. They are suitable as premises fo r heritage and related organisations and in some cases small restaurants, coffee shops or galleries - as now! The Mansions is a good example. There is no need to disturb these existing arrangements, but buildings should retain heritage builds with no major refits A rt galleries and markets, some tourist acol ok


• Heritage Casino should stop being a casino. Should be up-market shops, art gallery and restaurants (not Asian) this only brings in a lower standard. W e need to raise the standard in Brisbane not continue to lower it.

• No, let's remove them. • Only those that have already had the ir fabric destroyed by redevelopment, i.e. the

current Treasury Casino • Any use that can be constructed w ithout damage to the heritage value o f the site, in

accordance with recommendations and advice from the Heritage Council • No, jus t leave them alone. • The Treasury is a beautiful building and needs a sympathetic approach to any

redevelopment. • These buildings belong to the people of Queensland. All of the proposals above will

mean that the will be sold off and only those who have purchased them can use them. I understand that they are expensive to maintain and if necessary, I would go fo r restaurants, coffee shops, and maybe retail outlets, but not 24 hour 711 shops.

• They should remain as they are. • NO • The Treasury Heritage Hotel building works well as a hotel - it should remain a hotel.

The Old Library should be a public space and the Printery/Public service club could be a better quality entertainment establishment. The Commissariat Store should remain as it is.

• Keep in public use and public access. These must not be privatized fo r residential. • Only uses that do not compromise or overwhelm the very few heritage buildings that

Brisbane has. • Uses should be ones that have a low im pact on the architecture, ensure the

buildings' preservation, and ensure continued PUBLIC access. Ideally these uses would be consistent with the heritage, fo r example, museums.

• Certainly not a casino • none of the above • Heritage Tours • No • There is potential to use some spaces, such as The Mansions or Harris Terrace as

small scale bars and restaurants, perhaps opening up behind these prem ises to create an interesting courtyard am bience that also could be accessed from th is point.

• A set up sim ilar to the Sydney Rocks area would be great. • Specialist museums. • Maybe residential if outside of buildings can be retained. • museum • Heritage buildings in the CBD should be retained fo r the public's benefit and

enjoyment. • Events facilities • Nor appropriate or w ise to restrict thinking in this way. It is likely that these historic

buildings will find a place when the major redevelopment is determined. They will likely provide support services fo r the major redevelopments & until that is determ ined we should keep an open mind & not rush in. They are there fo r the long term unlike the other buildings that are to be demolished.


Museums/cultural buildings Museums/cultural buildings This area should be redeveloped like the Rocks area in Sydney com m unity based Demolish all o f them, to allow a large redevelopment No "Any infrastructure buildings fo r w hatever use, needs to be sensitive to the surrounds and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I strongly feel that we don't need another 80 story tower (blight) in the city. W ith lots o f beautiful landscaping and places to jus t sit and most o f all good lighting fo r people to feel safe walking through the precinct at night." None of the above "W ithout damage to the buildings. I don’t agree with using the heritage buildings fo r commercial businesses-m aybe a coffee outlet or the like. Keep the buildings fo r the general public to use-like city hall." I'm not really concerned with what they are used for, as long as the ground level is activated Light commercial office, so there are a population to service the restaurants. And maybe only light Residential. W e don’t want to turn it into a ghetto. Disagree strongly Performance space, hire office space, community space None of the above. Heritage buildings to be retained as landmarks No they should be used fo r public arts and galleries Restored to form er use fo r governm ent offices. Current governm ent offices occupying buildings should be retained and enhanced. If you are developing them, yes, use them fo r other purposes, not necessarily governm ent offices. But kept in tack. Not a casino! Art galleries, Museums, but not retail. Small gallery stores, sure. But large shops: no. Mixture of the above. National T rust House is an appropriate place to house the National Trust and W ildlife Queensland and other not-for-profit offices. Heritage buildings should be used fo r sm all-scale businesses, defin ite ly not offices and accommodation. Brisbane does not need another hotel. The city doesn't attract enough people to warrant any more. Once good culture and entertainm ent precincts are set up (once again, this is NOT defined by jus t a collection o f expensive restaurants/bars and retail stores), more people will view Brisbane as a mature, thriving city and want to visit. You're deluded if you think people flock to Brisbane for a good time. It's e ither because they're unaware o f its inadequacies, or just because it's a stopover on the ir way to Syd, Mel, A lice Springs, etc. none of the above "NO MORE PUBS! The V ictory should have been torn down after that fire. It is back to being the dump it always was - full o f drunkards and barflies. The world does not exist to benefit those who w ant to get drunk and fight."


• Heritage buildings should be used fo r anything. I think jus t be used. A building not used is a waste of space.

• The reuse of heritage buildings is integral to the city's story. Just as buildings all over the world are used as galleries or shops, entertainment and dining. To have public accessibility to these buildings will ensure the ir longevity. They are beautiful buildings that would only enhance the city's attractiveness to tourist and residents to visit and enjoy. The precinct should NOT be used fo r residential purposes. There is more than enough residential in the inner city and immediately surrounding suburbs. The only residential if needed should be short term accommodation/hotels as there is an undersupply of hotels in th is city. See Brisbane City Council initiatives fo r hotel redevelopment in the city (also city centre master plan).

• Carefully re-adapted - not jus t reuse. • Turn the treasury into a massive shopping complex for tourist w ith high-end brands

etc. like the W intergarden. That’s after the Treasury Casino o f Echo Entertainment gets to redevelop the areal

• A uniquely Brisbane identity to draw interest o f tourist worldwide. Brisbane has very little to offer in inner city historical (or otherwise) attraction. I would like to see a big draw card. W hen I get visitors to Brisbane they are more interested in going to the Gold Coast shopping precinct/tourist attractions then looking around Brisbane. W ould like that to change by offering them more interesting tourist stuff to do in Brisbane. W hat about also an historical museum dedicated to the history of Brisbane's/Queensland, e.g., from Aboriginal inhabits only to present. Could offer interactive displays/scenery; participation in "doing" something. Though we are young, we still have a rich heritage to draw on and show to the world.

• The Heritage buildings should be retained as public assets. There are limited heritage buildings left in town and the ones in this area are some of the oldest in Queensland.

• Historic and education purposes as well as government activities • No, leave them as heritage /educational sites • No • Ail o f the above. It is critical that our heritage buildings are protected and celebrated. • Museum or other general uses that allow the public to access them. • None o f the above. They should not be commercialised. • Ensure that com munities continue to have access to the buildings - state government

should subsidise cultural uses, incubating innovation, and tenancies for cultural organisations. Also, im portant to include some uses that are inclusive o f cultural diversity - a welcom ing place fo r international students, visitors and new residents.

• None of the above - but they should be accessible to the public. • Not casinos. W e have one in the precinct and that is absolutely enough. • Only if you could guarantee their character would be retained, there is one casino

that is enough in this area. • How about a safe place to stay when we have been evicted from our home because

we have defaulted on the mortgage and cannot afford rent? • None • Any of the above as long as heritage Is maintained • NO CASINOS • offer buiidings to com m unity groups - e.g. heritage and environmental


Light entertainment uses, such as restaurants o r bars. Not casinos or hotels, which lim it the Queensland public's access to these buildings and history. Heritage buildings aren’t often suited to office accommodation any commercially viable usage which re-establishes/preserves heritage va lues of individual buiidings and heritage values of the location as a whole I would not like to see any o f the buiidings "consumed" in any new modern building. I like the way the Treasury and Conrad International buildings are kept w ithout alteration to the buildings or the surrounding air space and clear space around them. Any innovative use tha t improves the accessibility and visib ility o f the site to the public. Live music/entertainment venue Offices fo r Not for Profit organisations - so they can be close to the seat o f government Only options which legitimately preserve the total integrity o f the buildings - the current commercial uses seem to be ok, however it is im portant that the choice of tenants also reflects the buildings’ heritage values - societies etc. - they should definitely NOT be given over to more glamorous, comm ercial tenants who would want to destroy or modify the internal structures, or trade o ff their value fo r the ir own commercial interests - the little restaurant there (Augustine’s) jus t fits in w ith what is there and this has always worked well fo r them by a bit o f old world charm that cannot be manufactured today; little societies that provide a feeling of access to these buildings for the people are also a good idea - access or usage rights to these buildings should NOT be traded away for profit Depending on the key heritage aspects of particular buildings; contemporary usage and cost effective ongoing maintenance models can be developed to enable future generations to best understand heritage selections while actively utilising heritage buildings. The uses should really be anything that allows public access and contains fit outs that are sym pathetic to any internal historic design rather than covering up with modern finishes or making the spaces exclusive. Anyone can enjoy the outside architecture but it'd be a shame not to embrace the internal architecture and design where present and possible. No- leave people’s grubby money making hits off them. Educational/historical tours I believe use of the heritage buildings for shops and coffee spots, cafes is a sustainable option and will provide better options for the comm unity who have very little option available currently, nil Any of these Retain their current usages. Heritage buildings can be used as museums or opened up to the public for tours. Existing uses must remain e.g. the Commissariat Store Commercial O ffices do not provide as much activation as other uses Some thought should be given to adding to the range o f entertainm ent activities available to Brisbane's resident and visitors; not merely to increasing the stock o f the existing attractions. A scan of com m unity/leisure/entertainm ent precincts in some of the world's vibrant cities could provide a source of interesting options.


Cultural and history, education I believe that business owners that take up residence in these locations w ill have difficulty making a profit as it is too far away from the Queen Street mall. Leave it jus t how it is now. No I don't really mind as long as they keep their heritage, original fagade etc. and are maintained properly with respect. Com m unity space or revert to government offices No, leave them as Govt Offices, the way they were intended. No Bulldozing or development for profit. conference facilities sim ilar to customs house None of the above Heritage buildings must be maintained as historically significant building and not dim inished by commercialising their use, believe it o r not visitors to Brisbane actually appreciate these buildings Reuse the heritage buildings sensitively, with a bias towards uses that favour public access Theatre Heritage buildings should remain publicly accessible NO, NO, NO and NO. I wanted to tick NO box but it would not give me that option Your survey insists on an answer even though I don't favour any of the above as worded. I do not favour general retail shops, only coffee shop, restaurant and tourist type retail. Public use - galleries, museums. Can one of the heritage buildings be converted Into a theatre for stage performances? "None o f the above....please construct your survey so people can answer properly, I can't subm it the survey w ithout choosing an option above, when my response is: None o f the above - don't sell our history!" All o f these are fine but whatever is there should be reasonable quality BUT PLEASE PLEASE no casinos Galleries and Theatres would be a good application. Arts oriented businesses also. Existing retail is already under pressure due to various factors i.e.; job losses Any use is appropriate as long as the cultural heritage significance of the places are conserved W hen I say "retail spaces", I don't mean all o f the heritage buildings should be used. E.g. a nice teahouse or coffee shop In a heritage building, not floor to floor wall to wall shops / restaurants I am disappointed that I am forced to approve one of the above limited options. There is no option for the heritage buildings to be re-used as for example a community facility, museum etc. Proposed use fo r heritage buildings should include detail. "NOTE: I only ticked the box because I could not tick other. These need to be retained by the people and not in private hands. Public areas such as art galleries and cultural areas, markets, public use, community organisations, learning centres" Public spaces (museums, galleries, libraries, etc.) None


Any suitable activity which can reinvigorate the heritage buildings with a modern, relevant function. No retail shops, only places that encourage small gatherings of people Heritage buildings should remain part o f the streetscape and be used to activate this part o f the city. Having heritage fo r heritage sake alone Is not enough to jus tify their existence. None of these - your survey demands an answer here. It should be possible to select none of these! anything but casinos To emphasise the historical and cultural significance of the area through m useums, art galleries, cultural hub, etc. Please don't lim it access to th is wonderful part o f Brisbane's early history I would steer clear o f residential as that is the Fortitude Valley's Live music scene killer. If you're going to have entertainment, then keep residential developm ent away OR have noise caveats or building codes that take into account that this may be a noisy area. It's perfectly positioned on the river!! These important heritage buildings should be used fo r th ings that allow the public to enter and explore them freely. Any uses fo r these buildings should involve as little changes to existing fabric as possible. No facading or total gutting o f these buildings should be allowed. M inor alterations only where necessary. "Community use only This is a dodgy survey as I didn't want to tick any o f these boxes but had to tick one to submit my su rvey lllllll!" A potential to provide dedicated artist In residence studios and accommodation - could be the start o f a Brisbane artist in residence program to bring some serious creative spirit into the precinct Heritage buiidings should be used fo r som ething a lot classier than gambling and shopping. They should not be used for commercial office or residential accommodation where public viewing is restricted. These are im portant historical artefacts and should be available fo r viewing to all. Anything that will pay fo r their retention and upkeep However restore them to their form er glory. Keep the heritage and prestigious look. It w ill attract people and people will pay fo r it. Buildings should be used, not jus t admired. It has been done fantastically in other capital cities, it can be done here. Don't have a preference Com m unity space, not corporate big business

Q10 If yes, what kind of casino do you think would be appropriate:

• The firs t option is only desirable if, on the outside it is NOT a cheap, expedient piece o f architecture. It is the historic architecture o f the Treasury building that gives status to the current casino,

• I believe a more integrated casino with a resort hotel, and sem inar conference facility would all benefit from the synergy of being co-located


It is a bad economy if we rely on problem gamblers to finance governm ent taxes from Casinos A casino and many other commercial operations should be part o f th is vibrant, 21st century precinct that sustains a respect for our heritage, and is enriched by it. It is a m isguided intention to attract people to the precinct through the architecture or the activity o f a casino. On its own, no matter how special the architecture, the casino could not compete long term w ith the tourism opportunities o f the heritage and culturally focussed precinct itself. It Is the precinct that can be the best advertising ever o f Queenslanders' values and maturity. A casino would be one o f m any world­ wide and unlikely to put Brisbane on the map. None. One casino is enough. World Class Casino - to put Australia (Brisbane) on the Casino Map - 6 S tar world Resort Sim ilar to Marina Bay Sands S ta ff should have opportunity to have shares in the project. It would give a sense of ownership and boost morale and can only be positive. NO more gambling dens ripping $$$ out o f workers’ pockets and placing it in the hands of a few already too rich and influential people. This is a very short-sighted "vision" from a short man devoid o f ideas. Go back to the arm y Newman, although, they didn't want you either. Something that is amazing. "BRISBANE DOES NOT NEED ANOTHER CASINO, PARTICULARLY NOT IN THIS PRECINCT!!!! Put it in Birdsville or Mt Isa or some other country place to provide a boost to their economies." W hy target international traveller, aren't locals good enough to use the space? Brisbane does not need a second casino jus t move the existing one I do not condone table and poker machine gambling and believe that it Is the most vulnerable within our com m unity that are hurt by gambling. I do not th ink a casino is appropriate Fuck you A resort is the perfect connection between the Gardens and Goodwill Bridge to South back and the city centre. Need something that brings large volumes to keep it alive and a place to be a part of, a real destination on the river precinct. W ill bring alive this part o f city and gardens I don’t think there should be two casinos but one new casino and use the existing casino for retail like QVB in Sydney as It's close to the shopping mall. The Treasury hotel should stand as an up market hotel befitting the exterior. Like CROW N casino, has everything. It’s much easier for us who live here and also fo r our friends when they are visiting from overseas! The State Government Precinct is an entirely inappropriate area in which to integrate a resort casino that includes hotels, shops, entertainment venues, convention facilities! W ith high unemployed, high debt, and high cost o f living within th is state, we definitely do not need another Casino In Brisbane. No casino, Australia already has 25% of the w orld ’s poky machines and the highest stats o f problem gamblers In the world. "We don't need anymore" and should have a governm ent working towards "removing them" and not "adding them". It's about time


the government took responsibility to repair the broken fam ilies & com m unities who suffer from these addictions. Hopefully crown could get the nod. I do not want Echo to own the casino. They are incompetent and do nothing for Brisbane. One existing Casino in Brisbane is sufficient not applicable To clarify, I think we need a new, modern casino, not a second casino in the city. Brisbane just isn't big enough and I don't understand why you would w ant two sm aller casinos instead of one bigger one that is a much better facility and there is the opportunity to invest more w ithout a com petitor 100 m down the road. Brisbane only needs one casino! NONE- it destroys fam ilies socially and financially-1 have seen this happen first-hand Casinos are not attractive venues It needs to be a multi-purpose building. A casino (the gambling part) should be only one of many attractions. Crown Casino My answer is NO Have something that caters for a greater cross section of the community. The casino needs more parking so all its patrons can use not jus t the VIPS. It also needs more hotel rooms as does Brisbane in general. Like Crown casino! A local and international tourist attraction! Something very sim ilar to Crown in Melbourne. Think Las Vegas. Don't settle for anything less than something appropriate fo r Las Vegas. Brisbane only needs one casino, but the current casino in the old Treasury building does not meet the demands fo r the population, or the needs of overseas high roller players. The current casino is only a casino, not an entire entertainm ent venue like o ther large casinos. Revitalize the exist casino Revitalize the exist casino W e have too many casinos now and as a consequence, too much trauma with gam bling addiction. Preferably Echo Entertainment casino. No casino can ever be appropriate next to parliament house. Imagine the jokes - Parliamentarians gambling with our future. The statue of the Queen with her handbag full o f betting coupons. Forget Casino in th is area see earlier comments. There is no valid reason to develop a second casino in Brisbane. The Melbourne Crown Casino is possibly the worst architecture I have seen and blight on the South Bank area. I do not w ish to seen this replicated in Brisbane. The social costs o f Casino's do not seem to be taken into consideration. None, as it will only encourage further gambling and ruin more lives, but this governm ent don't give crap about that nor the people, all they w ant is money, money, money, look at the 41 % pay rise they give them selves while sacking so many public servants.


STRONGLY OPPOSED to a second casino within the CBD. Competition between close-by casinos is likely to drive over-marketing and targeting of lower-income gamblers - i.e. cutting prices and more pokies - which would increase the social impacts. Conversely, a boutique high-roiler casino would tend to be self-contained, contributing little in the way o f patronage or activity for neighbouring spaces, and would effectively sterilise an area which could be used to build a vibrant and productive precinct. However need to make sure that Brisbane has enough demand for another convention facility - perhaps we have adequate facilities already. W hilst I understand the enthusiasm of Echo to move from its current location, particularly since Packer Is interested in a Casino as well, the area should not be dominated by a Casino used by a very small part o f the population and visitors and there Is already a convention centre across the river. I don't see Casino's dominating great cities around the world, so why here so don't build another one. We only need a new casino if it becomes an asset to the city. No one wants to add to the social problems o f gambling but if the end results 'gives back' to the com m unity in a positive way then it will be acceptable. Definitely a high end casino - not some dodgy pokie den. Let them come here and pay our taxes for us! NO CASINO Integrated resort casino that includes hotels, shops, entertainment venues It would be nice to see a newer casino. The treasury is nice, but getting tired. Brisbane doesn’t have the population fo r 2 casinos like Sydney does, especially with the Jupiter’s casino so close on the coast. I like the idea o f treasury becoming more like the star casino in Sydney, there ’s so much more to do there, not applicable For the privilege of building a casino (and making obscene profits), developers/owners should be 'forced' to provide world class entertainment venues. The Brisbane entertainment centre sucks and the R iver stage is weather dependent and too small. Brisbane needs an acoustically correct multipurpose venue capable of attracting world class acts: I'm tired o f big name shows, music, etc going exclusively to Sydney or Melbourne, no more casinos I would like a music venue that w ill a ttract International artists. A casino w ithout pokies. It should be for international people to give us their money, not fo r us to lose ours. A casino that has opposition would be appropriate. Treasury casino is not in opposition to the Gold Coast casino and so both casinos (especially the Treasury) have not been made inviting as places to visit. In fact they have been less than inviting due to lack o f opposition. NO CASINO! Only one casino is needed fo r Brisbane. The current one jus t needs some significant renovating. One casino is enough. Provided the Boutique Casino included Public Access to Restaurants and Bars and included 5 stars Accommodation that people outside of hotel patrons could stay at. A


low rise development that spreads over the area would be more attractive to the city than a high rise tower which has no connection to the community below. No casino - period. "A casino with lots o f free parking. Lots o f entertainment. Some parts that is not too dressy to be let in the fron t door. Casual is fine, especially if you want the tourist dollar. Lots to brag about when you say you are from Brisbane." No casino Don't think Brisbane needs another or a new casino (nothing wrong with the current one). One is enough. NO No casino Not just high rollers No casino. i definitely th ink that another casino is NOT required! a non-existent one An emphasis should be placed on facilities that do not involve gambling within the casino... E.g. live music. No casino No thank you. No com munity benefit....... Not another casino! One is enough - there are a lm ost no patrons there after m idnight on weekends anyway. There's no demand fo r it! This part o f the proposal is ridiculous. Especially any potential "resort". Brisbane doesn't have the attraction to warrant a resort. Build culture, not resorts. Basically, a casino that is better than w hat it is now, but not specifically aimed at international o r high roller patrons. Neither. Casinos negatively affect the area surrounding them - increased use of alcohol flowing onto the streets, increased access to gambling fo r the public which can destroy lives. Brisbane needs better. Casinos give very little back to the comm unity but take so much. Brisbane is a fa r nicer city to be in and travel around - we should be able to top Melbourne, we have the transport, the weather and our city doesn't remind you o f an industrial estate. The current casino is the worst in Australia, it is boring as hell. A il o ther casinos that i've visited have provided entertainment fo r patrons other than boring pokie machines. The current casino is horrible to attend because it clearly was once jus t a boring old office building, refitted with pokie machines. Hi! #9 is worded ambiguously: Did you mean "Instead o f the current one? (i.e. Replace the current one)” Or the current one goes, should we still have one in the city?" (i.e. There should always be a casino, but it doesn't m atter whether it's the old one or a new one) A resort style building incorporating a luxury hotel. A classy casino, open spacious gaming floor, exclusive high roller facilities (no pokies! they are so very unciassy!) car vaiet service, an area consisting of paved pedestrian walking streets with rivers and fountains, boutique luxury shopping, a small marina with walkways leading


around to botanical gardens, outdoor cafe and river front restaurant dining with late trading hours? No nightclubs, but including small w ine bars.

• No casino at all. I have never been to the treasury casino and noted it w as 'at capacity'. There is no need for expansion.

• NO CASINO!!! • Total integrated resort complex targeted at everyone, not just "overseas tourists" as

we do not currently have any other draw to Brisbane other than the current casino com plex and we should not rely on overseas tourists!

• Just like crown. • None • I think Treasury could be redeveloped into a high roller casino as the building has a

very grand feeling. To activate the area 1 would like to see a lot o f activity ali tim es of the day which a high rollers casino would not provide.

• It needs to be a casino that all o f Brisbane could enjoy if they so wished. It should not exclude the normal residents o f Brisbane: otherwise we have surrendered a piece of the public's land to make someone else rich to receive a small bit o f tax.

• It is not appropriate - we do not need a casino • NONE • none • Casinos (whether high roller or low) cannot make any type of positive social

contribution to our social fabric. It would be lovely if our city leaders could REALLY lead on this issue.

• NEVER • the last thing people o f Queensland need Is a place which will only encourage people

to throw good money away - money they should be using to appropriately feed, cloth and house their fam ilies - not use to drown out their financial woes at a casino where the house wins. This is the most ridiculous financial strategy I have ever heard. People are still homeless after all the floods and cyclones and you want to know what kind of casino we want?

• NO CASINOS • This is push polling at its worst • W e don't need 2 casinos on one street - FULL STOP! • Don’t need any more casinos and the current one is fine • I th ink it is vulgar to load all our cities up with yet more gambling places where the

vulnerable lonely and perhaps careless people can be ripped o ff o f their money. Gambling promises so much, but is light on delivery.

• The current one doesn't work in the heritage buiiding. It's hard to even know it's a casino from outside. It's much better suited to shopping or another hotel.

• Just one casino is enough • "DEFIN iTELY NO ADDITIONAL CASINO • DEFINITELY NO ADDITIONAL CASINO . ONE IS ENOUGH FOR THOSE W HO W ISH TO USE IT • the existing casino is glamorous and already has high roller rooms, as I understand

it" • None. Ever heard o f over saturation of the market?


Casinos and night clubs can be located in the Valley precinct rather than the central C ity or W est End. Disgusting! None - this survey seems slanted towards a casino development... E ither keep the same casino or move it somewhere else. Casino's draw filth into the city. I would only support the development o f an integrated resort casino if the Treasury Casino was moved from its current stop. Casino and government in same precinct doesn't present the appropriate image. Please - no Casino Are you guys kidding?? nil Casinos are never appropriate. They are blight on our culture, destroy fam ilies, bring crim e and cause human misery. No casino! DO NOT PUT IN ANOTHER CASINO OR EXTEND THE CURRENT ONE none None. There should be no expansion. Casino development is inappropriate fo r this area. A casino which has the functions o f Melbourne's casino precinct would be perfect for that location (albeit at a smaller scale). Boutique casino is a myth Do not put another casino there please! NO CASINO PLEASE If a casino is proposed (which I don't support) then it should only be a boutique casino A casino can be a part o f the redevelopment, but it shouldn't dom inate the area. It should also only be built if it is replacing the casino at its current location -one casino is enough for Brisbane. NONE Something sim ilar to the S ingapore's integrated resort would be ideal No Casino please. More facilities fo r families. NONE!!!!! None Brisbane does not need two casinos. I don't th ink a second casino is warranted. I don't th ink a second casino is appropriate. The current casino rarely has tables open due to low patronage. I believe m ost of the people visiting the casino currently are there for dining or socialising options rather than gambling, neither Not appropriate Do not agree with the 'high roller' tagline being thrown around for the Sydney Casino. I think the precinct itself should have all o f the Items in the option I didn't select, however I would not like to see it all Integrated in to a casino complex. Casinos are much internalised and end up feeling like giant shopping centres. Brisbane has such


brilliant weather and location on the river and this should be celebrated by encouraging activities outdoors.

• The casino licence should have terms in it that requires the operator to create an experience fo r the whole family: think Crown Casino in Melbourne: theatres, cinemas, food courts, video game arcades, restaurants should be a vital com ponent of th is redevelopment.

• none • if there must be a casino, please let it be a discrete building that matches the

heritage of the area. I really don't w ant some modern building that screams "casino" in a heritage area.

• in keeping with the emphasis on public access, any new casino should be an integrated resort like Crown Melbourne o r The Star in Sydney that can accommodate everyone. Any new casino development should be pressured to include a new large theatre space, as well as lots o f bars and restaurants, it shouldn't solely be a "gambling den".

• Definitely no casino • The area needs to be friendly to a w ide variety o f people - not just those "high rollers"

and such. . NO CASING • Casinos has a negative impact o f society

• No casino, convention facilities good though

Q11 If the Treasury Casino moved from its current location what should the existing heritage building be used for?

• The history o f Queensland, its places and its people. • Cultural facilities including convention, sem inar and theatres as well as possible

design-related. A governm ent building dealing with com munity services and inviting public access.

• Something like the Newstead power house • As above in item 7 • Greater com munity use such as not fo r profit organisations such as A ilA • A predefined use fo r the building is not required at this stage. The reuse should

however be consistent with the heritage values ascribed to the place, including aesthetic matters due to its high visibility to the general public and prominent location.

• W e already have two superb art galleries. The location is superb, perhaps retail and accommodation. This is going on the argum ent that retail w ill exist and not replaced by on line shopping.

• This should be the TOURISM QUEENSLAND information centre, showcase, permanent trade show and offices for Queensland's entire Tourism industry. See what the state has to offer and think about the possibilities fo r holidays and travel while dining in the Queensland Courtyard Cafe.

• cultural facilities: social; entertainm ent facilities • Hotel


"Museum, Dance Studios, Dining and dancing. (Tasteful dancing that is) W ith perhaps real musicians. Jazz or m id-20th century musical standards. A play house. Unique weekend market perhaps. Something for other people. Not more discos or that kind of kid rubbish. Som ething tasteful for middle aged to older or jus t fo r those with taste." Markets... Heritage Retail High End Fashion - Sim ilar to Brisbane Arcade Perhaps it could be turned Into the new "Festival Hall" fo r live acts "FOR fuck's sake. W HAT the hell is bloody wrong with the current casino?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????? JESUS FUCKED UP CHRIST. I th ink you're nutty fruit loops to do this. But hey OLD Gov’t has trillions to spend and throw away down the drain... spend it on the flood victims... you fuck arsed shits." In Melbourne Heritage buildings in the CBD are used fo r a variety o f A rt and Cultural organisations such as the ballet and many other small voluntary organisations It must remain a publicly accessible space. NO MORE shutting down access to the privileged few! Dedicated theatre and live music venue Tear it down Limited residential. Maybe low cost student housing fo r OUT students. None of the above. It's integrity (what hasn't been destroyed by its use as a casino) should be preserved for the enjoyment and appreciation o f everyone Bars and restaurants, perhaps a hotel Hotel None, it should remain as is. Very opposed to it moving and this becoming anything else. I don't think the layout o f the building would make a very profitable retail space. Mixed use - short term accommodation, restaurants, retail and other commercial uses Hotel A building with public access and recognition of its history. Performance Centre, Theatre, limited convention space. Museum of Brisbane, Indigenous Language and Culture Centre, Multicultural and or Community Spaces Perhaps the Museum of Brisbane? Or some other building of historical significance. Would be good to see the building restored to its form er g lory with courtyard. An art gallery, o r museum of crime committed against the people by the state government As long as the buildings are kept and utilised for modern purposes, then that allows them to be preserved. Seek the advice of Heritage experts. Theatre - Brisbane needs a new large venue. An integrated artistic hub, featuring gallery space, live performance space, cafes and restaurants - something like the Powerhouse but with a slightly higher end market, boutique hotel Museum


As previously stated, unless the occupants are able to maintain the building, the expense of using It for an A rt Gallery would be not practical nor other options provided. Restaurants, Bars No objection to reuse of the Treasury building though would prefer not to change the use to private residential but rather revert back to the original office use w ith some discrete commercial use within the precinct's heritage character and scale of the SOM master plan. I don't believe it should be shifted. Hotel As long as it doesn't impact on the new developm ent It can be whatever. Hotel "Comm unity and cultural use, including convention. The building should be restored (particularly internal courtyards). Uses should also encourage use of adjacent Queen’s Park. D ifferent frontages could support alternative activities. Residential uses should take advantage o f immediate views to Queen's Park. Street front retail and commercial should be limited to residential needs such as grocery/food stores (not cafes), medical (GP clinic) and the like to provide a CBD neighbourhood." A mix o f shopping, meeting space and hotel rooms would work well. Particularly if it was of a really high standard. It could be one of the most unique venues in the country. Hotel rooms Leave it Partial museum o f Brisbane - explain the special-ness of the city and how we have evolved since settlement. Emphasis on indigenous background, expanding on the recent exhibition in City Hall. Library, cultural and learning centre, do we really need more shops? Museum displaying the history and culture o f Queensland, Its people and particularly the achievements o f its public servants Shouldn't move It should not move governm ent offices Public access to the Treasury building It’s a gorgeous building e ither o f these two option would be great None o f the above. Leave it the way it is. No we are low rent, NGO charity offices to reduce overheads for the non-profit groups An extension of the Queen Street Mall My answer is NO...... Its heritage look would be excellent fo r a gallery. Hotel It's right on the main walking route from South Bank to Queen Street so it would serve well to have shops o r cafes there. Residential or office would be waste of


space. Art Gallery would be okay but I doubt it would get high traffic. Put in som e good American chain restaurants like Chill's or Applebee’s. Mixed use - all o f above as applicable. I worked there when it w as governm ent office w ith steel frame building where main gaming room is - the old rooms were great but not really the style o f modern offices. The existing casino / restaurant / bar use Is ok None of the above- maybe a restaurants O r restaurants, cafes o r live entertainment area public not private space It should remain where it is with no new casino added to the precinct. The courtyard should be reinstated. Don't see much use for anything other than its current use A Gift o f Life Centre, a home for com m unity giving enterprises. This would reverse com pletely the casino's focus on taking from people and support and celebrate the desire o f give. It would include charities: centres promoting volunteerism (Including government agencies); a drop-in centre fo r unwaged or low-waged people; an all faiths chapel; a welcome centre fo r new arrivals in Brisbane, community meeting rooms, and so on. There is plenty o f room fo r imagination as to what such a centre m ight be. And by the way, do we have an inventors’ centre? Think of a com m unity- focused equivalent o f the Pompidou Centre in Paris and you'll get the drift. Market style with heritage them e.g. The Rocks in Sydney + museum space Should be up-market shops, art gallery and restaurants (not Aslan) this only brings in a lower standard. W e need to raise the standard in Brisbane not continue to lower it. Do we w ant a city to be proud of on not? Sim ilar to how the heritage buildings are used in Melbourne where they integrate them with laneways and mix retail, art galleries and cafes/restaurants. Any use that can be constructed w ithout dam age to the heritage value o f the site, in accordance with recommendations and advice from the Heritage Council Cultural and dining. Live theatre, live music. Accommodation Need master plan fo r whole of development including current Casino site to proposed development site to make sure that it is integrated with the City and Brisbane centre as a whole including South Brisbane and Fortitude Valley areas and that the facilities proposed are not at the expense of current facilities i.e. we don't need an oversupply o f facilities. S im ilar to QVB in Sydney Public space to enable all Queenslanders to enjoy the architectural beauty. May include art gallery....also include other sim ilar activities. Vacating the old Treasury building is a bit alarm ing - there were problems in finding a suitable use the firs t time around, will they be able to find a good tenant this time? One that will be able to afford to maintain the heritage buildings? Hotel and restaurants It doesn't matter... public uses not private Public access, public use. no title to prevent free public access Hotel Like Queen Victoria building in Sydney. Open up the old courtyard too.


W ould prefer it not to move to another location on that side of the river but would support move across the river to south bank. Creative Industries Meeting spaces Public lunching area. High end retail like the Strand Arcade in Sydney Something beautiful and iconic, like the Queen Victoria building In Sydney. A section could be devoted to a small, contem porary art gallery, balanced by a historical area that details the history o f Brisbane City, government one-stop shop Don't have an opinion on type of usage but it must protect the heritage structure. W ouldn't it be fantastic if we could get something like Hobart's MONA (Museum of Old and New Art? Something unique in the world and a destination In its own right. Or, why not partner with MONA (offer subsidized space and touring collections) to create something proven to work? no do not move the Treasury casino - it stays where it is Mixed, like Anzac Square building Any mainstream activity that is e lf funding. Keep the bars and restaurants. Do not change its character. Has to be heritage specific. Don't believe Echo has the expertise to develop or manage this area. Treasury has deteriorated under Echo management. Foyers, carpets etc. neglected and dirty. Talk to s ta ff and patrons. Both unhappy since Echo took over control o f Treasury. This is a hospitality industry which current management do not understand. Do not believe Echo should be given the new licence to run the new Casino. Have visited Casino and Hotel regularly since 1996 as well as other Casinos and this is the poorest m anagement I have experienced. W hatever the best use would be fo r which the government could lease it. Hotel Entertainment or recreational activities. Cafes, restaurants Heritage buildings in the CBD should be retained fo r the public's benefit and enjoyment. it must be used for a purpose that ensures it receives the upkeep it needs. It is not a cheap building to maintain so it must earn some income to offset it maintenance cost. I suggest a m ixture of retail, office and public areas. It is on prime CBD land so it may be good fo r corporates. Look at QVB in Sydney. W ould it be suitable for part conversion to a theatre fo r performance? Museum o f history Museum o f history Demolish or move it elsewhere Hotel office space fo r not for profit and com m unity organisations community facilities, artists spaces and the like O f your options, this is the only one acceptable Something fo r the public to use-Not Commercial use. Maybe a coffee outlet, etc.


No need to move it and spend the money o f the people of the State 5 star hotel Bookable meeting and function rooms fo r out-of-town businesses and com m unity groups. Indoor theme park. A mix of office, retail {ground floor only) and galleries A combination o f Retail shops/cafes, a museum covering the history o f the area, art is fine. Light office. But no residential. As th is will increase tra ffic to the area. W e need it to be more of a people place that we can walk around w ithout watching out fo r cars and the like. Public spaces - shopping and integrated free public spaces It should stay where it is. A public access building It would be great to restore the building to its form er layout and design - open up the original courtyards and m inim ise impact on its external appearance. Return it use to the governm ent and integrate some small scale, low impact retail spaces within existing building layout to also allow internal public access. Museum Local Museum. Use it as other cultural attractions: Theatre, art, quirky cafes, organic restaurants and anything that shows people who were are and that locals them selves also enjoy attending. Perhaps a hotel, maybe a theatre. "Moving the treasury likely means building something big & awful in what is a nice area... an art gallery is the least offensive idea, but given the large galleries across the river it seems pretty dumb" None of these options are suitable It w as built as office space. Bars, live music at the least, government offices Not the usual shops though - something a bit unique and with a bit more class. Brisbane: The cultural void o f Australia. W hy would it move? "The building needs to still be accessible to the general public as it is iconic. The layout can easily accomm odate shop tenancies including dining opportunities. It could also be used in part as a convention facility as there is a lack o f smaller- medium space convention facilities in the inner city (other than Hilton hotel and other hotel convention rooms). The bars that have recently been refurbished within the building should remain as they are very popular and allow the general public not interested in the casino section access and experience the heritage building in a social setting. Offices and residential would result in exclusive use of the building which will detract from the iconic state of the building. The art galleries etc. are associated more with those precincts at South Bank rather than in the inner city."


Live music venue (to replace Festival Hail, The Arena etc.) fo r smaller acts. Could incorporate a sm all hotel/pub entertainment complex or art house/retro C inem a since the Regent was destroyed by idiots! Retail shops, boutique, targeted at tourists! Something tha t allows people to experience such a wonderful building. A uniquely Brisbane identity to draw interest o f tourist worldwide. Brisbane has very little to offer In inner city historical (or otherwise) attraction. I would like to see a big draw card, e.g., an inner city observation tower; higher level restaurant overlooking the river city. W hen I get visitors to Brisbane they are more interested in going to the Gold Coast shopping precinct/tourist attractions then looking around Brisbane. Would like that to change by offering them more Interesting tourist stuff to do in Brisbane. W hat about also an historical museum dedicated to the history of Brisbane's/Queensland, e.g., from Aboriginal Inhabits only to present. Could offer interactive displays/scenery; participation in "doing" something. Though we are young, we still have a rich heritage to draw on and show to the world. It should be retained as a pubilc building that is accessible to the public so office space or residential would be my least preferred options. Access fo r the public It could be modified to be like T he Block Arcade" in Melbourne and made into a heritage shopping arcade. Although it Isn't really an arcade, It could be modified to have that feel. Don't lock It away from public access e.g. office/residential. Its public, heritage property Entertainment, Bars. market place - sim ilar to Queen Victoria Markets in Melbourne Museum or other general uses that allow the public to access them, tourism concert hall, library, community space market-style high end retail o f local handcraft, gourmet foods, fresh produce, display spaces, buskers, street performers, coffee shops, boutique bars - non-corporates "The Casino should stay where it is ... However, Ideally the building should be brought into mixed use; should refer to some o f the thinking that was generated through the City Centre Master planning process and Ideas Fiesta. Also consider using some space fo r an Innovation centre - incubating start-ups, creative and entrepreneur’s especially digital economy." It should be a public space not private residential it Is our heritage and should be accessible. Think Queensland Victoria Arcade or the Block Arcade In Melbourne. Beautiful old world places to linger and shop - making the most o f our subtropical, neoclassical architecture - it is a magnificent asset and one that should not be ruined by the awful ambience of misery and desperation created by gambling and casino. Treasury Casino can't look after the heritage they currently lease - they should be relocated to a new building somewhere out o f the precinct, it's fine where It is, wouldn't won't casino development in government precinct, inappropriate A collection o f cultural and historic activities and records of Queensland with tourism focus (including dining and refreshments). Give both the community and tourists a strong sense of being in Queensland that they can Identify with.


• Theatre • Park land • Gardens • Not a regular user or vis itor to the Casino so I wasn 't really aware that there was

anything wrong with it and therefore needed revitalisation as reported in the media. • W hatever is most needed and would maintain the heritage. I th ink an art gallery

would be a lovely feature in a heritage building but depends if there is an art gallery that needs space or needs to move

• NO CASINOS • community space • any commercially viable usage which preserves the heritage value o f the place, and

which factors in the removal o f the bus tunnel entrance outside the front entrance to the building

• "An art gallery would be perfect!!! Absolutely NO to more shops. The city is currently full o f empty shops. Who is going to shop more than they a lready do, jus t because there are shops in a new location?

• People don't shop in the city now -- one problem -- parking and access." • hotel • Public use • Culture & Heritage Museum, Community space • Mixed use residential and a gallery perhaps restaurants etc. on the ground floor - if

the building layout permitted mix of public and private use • "important to preserve what is left o f the heritage structures • e.g. - the highly successful Queen Victoria Building fo r shopping and cafes - appeals

to both tourists and locals - tenancies and uses honour the heritage values o f the building

• re my comments above, th is would be an acceptable solution - it would also achieve some improved social value as the casino moving out o f the way of fam ilies and those more vulnerable could be a good thing"

• Consider preserving the Treasury building: with a high-rise city statem ent building constructed in its centre - towering above and surrounded by the Treasury building perimeter. The tower would provide spectacular views with functional floor space fo r both tourism and business activity.

• Leave It where it is. • Gallery, cultural, civic • It has to be some sort o f cultural element. A beautiful purpose built theatre would be

great! • YES!!! Get rid o f the casino! Higher-class entertainm ent draws higher-class citizens.

W orldly exhibits draw international guests and will create more tourism revenue. • I definitely think that it should be kept for public use and not a residential / office

space. I imagine that an art gallery or retail shops would be a good use. In term s of retail it is im portant to get the right mix of shops in there (like the GPO in Melbourne). It would be a shame to have a heritage listed building filled with cheap disposable shops.

• Mixed use - e.g. some shops, some office. But I don 't agree that a new casino should be built in the Government Precinct redevelopm ent area.


and entertainment Museum Mixed commercial and retail Leave the Treasury Casino alone and preserve that area as is. Museum "A range of International restaurants. it is important to encourage visitors and residents to move across the river to the South Bank precinct so having another art gallery (o f any type) could potentia lly prevent the need to people to move across the river to the current art gallery.” Mix o f residential and public area, art spaces would then flow on from the o ther side of the bridge in South Brisbane and bring it to the CBD Shopping area sim ilar to the Queen Victoria in Sydney. Bars. Not applicable. Keep it where it is and don't expand casino facilities. "Unique shopping (like Queen Victoria Building on George S t Sydney). O r a grand theatre" Restaurant and bars Think QVB building in Sydney. W estfield San Fran The global marketplace should be invited to tender proposals fo r an alternative use of the Treasury Building. This would more properly be the subject o f a separate poll. Space for com munity groups in the city would be great Performance space Preferably something which encouraged public access - maybe theatre o r convention use, but sympathetic to existing structure. Could be mixed use including restraint, cafe and arts spaces plus some hotel/residential. Don't see it as a shopping precinct - enough adjoining Something that is accessible to the public. Cultural Centre Move treasury back in public space Surely we do not need more shops! Com munity space or revert to governm ent offices restore the building back to its intended character - courtyard building Something that is publicly accessible. Consider using fo r public uses such as museum, theatre, arts. Brisbane needs more arts spaces. Move the museum from South Bank to this building, and expand the current art gallery into the existing museum space. Public transport hub including secure indoor bicycle parking A mix of uses This should be seen as an extension o f the Queen Street Mali - opportunity for more retail and public uses (such as art gallery) All o f the above. Mixed use precinct. Reuse of this significant heritage building fo r retail, residential or office space is likely to require considerable changes to the fabric o f the building (i.e. the building will be "trashed"). The Casino has done a reasonably good job of trying to balance the


heritage of the building with its present use (but did so subject to many constraints imposed upon them). W hy not retain it as a space that can be used free ly fo r community meetings and offices fo r not-for-profit organisations with STRICT RESTRICTIONS on damage to the fabric o f the building, no fixtures, only furniture that is brought in and can be taken out again. Theatre Library, Museum, Entertainment Art, museum, conventions - some form o f civic venue space. Perhaps indoor markets and incubator spaces fo r art, services and social enterprises. Museum of Brisbane architecture, design and urban planning? I wanted to tick no box but it would not let me O r Museum or Specialist educational venue Something consistent with the nature of the building - not over commercialised, and not over-used Something to do with tourism. I had to answer something above but do not agree with any o f the choices. It should be a public Space Public space. Too much office space in CBD that is unused / unable to be leased. But only high end retail - like the Strand and QVB building in Sydney. "None of the above....please construct your survey so people can answer properly, I can't submit the survey w ithout choosing an option above, when m y response is: Government offices, the way they were intended" It should be open fo r the public to enjoy. It doesn't need to move?? Cultural space. Definitely not commercial o r retail. Multipurpose entertainm ent venue. Museum/Art Gallery/Small theatre type destination would be reasonable. Hotel Any use is appropriate as long as the cultural heritage significance of the place is conserved Because the website wouldn't accept my answer as other I have ticked retail shops but I don't want shops. I want a hotel where slightly older people can feel comfortable with bars open to the public and easy listening live entertainment. Other! I did not w ant to select "retail" but wanted "other": A boutique hotel, sensitively renovated appropriately with the heritage feel o f the building, sim ilar to the Treasury Hotel is currently Theatre I am disappointed that I am forced to approve one of the above limited options. There is no option fo r the heritage buildings to be re-used as fo r example a community facility, museum etc. Proposed use for heritage buildings should include detail. The Casino should not be moved - it is iconic in Brisbane mostly due to its location within the existing heritage building Museum Hotel Boutique Hotels A Theatre. Either a cultural facility or it would make a fantastic hotel.


• I don't think it should be office space it needs to be enjoyed by the public. W hy not consider multipurpose use instead o f limiting the options? Flexibility in deciding usage over time will help maintain diversity and interest by patrons/lessees.

• I don't know if W estfield can make good of the old casino building. If they can't there is no point letting some second-tier shopping centre operator do it as it would waste the potential to create something great fo r the people of Brisbane.

• Hotel • Boutique Hotel • As with other questions I d idn 't want to check any of the boxes {I wanted to check

other) but the survey required me to do so. I am not fussed on what the upper levels are used for but the ground level should be an inviting place fo r the public - perhaps shops/cafes etc.

• Restaurants • Something like The Strand in Sydney etc., o r a department store like Harrods/Davld

Jones with Food Hall • Mixed uses to encourage activity as part o f a day time econom y and night economy • Please don't limit public access to this beautiful building. The hotel in front of

Queen's part is a good w ay o f redeveloping this area, also please think laterally - mixed spaces are good - retail, community, theatre, gallery,

• Hotel, with shopping and dining downstairs • The Treasury should always remain open to the public, and never closed off as office

or residential space. Ideally, I would like to see retail at basement and ground levels, with restaurants and a possible cultural space on the upper levels. Any new use should see the existing internal structure o f the Treasury Building should be largely maintained, with the courtyard roof possibly removed/made transparent.

• NONE OF THE ABOVE - HAD TO TICK ONE TO PROCEED. The Casino should not be moved. Retail - would fracture the current retail hub. A rt gallery - would duplicate the South Bank. Residential - absolutely not. O ffice space - it once was but now it would not be suitable and destroy the heritage feature.

• Com m unity use • Hotel • O ther public activities, office space fo r NGOs and not for profits, conference facilities

fo r the public etc. • Cultural o r historical purposes only. Maybe an art gallery o f what the city used to look

like before the original buildings were knocked down fo r high-rises. • W e have enough gallery space at South Bank, where it should be concentrated.

State government has already hinted at removing the free admission. A new one would inevitably have an admission fee.

• "Survey could not be submitted w ithout answering this question. I do not agree with any o f the options provided but have ticked ""art gallery"" to enable the survey to be submitted.

• Restaurants and bars. Casino has been recently refurbished so existing facilities should be used."

• Do not move the casino • Hotel • public use, fo r hire e.g. private and business functions


• Redevelopment o f the space should be open to bids - let interested parties put forward ideas rather than specifying what we want.

• I iike it the way it is. Please keep the Casino in its current location! I only selected 'retail shops' because there wasn't an option for 'would prefer it stayed in current location'.

• I don't think it should be moved

Q12 Where did you first hear of the Government Precinct Redevelopment project?

• Colleague • By chance - a fe llow occupant in Harris Terrace became aware on today’s date and

informed us - It is important to note no direct notification was given to current occupants o f 'Harris Terrace', through the Australian Institute of Architects online news No direct notification to tenants of Harris Terrace TV News Through work, Treasury Casino. Can't remember as I am still in shock. Can't remember as I am still in shock. Can't remember as I am still in shock. Can't remember as I am still in shock. Friend Nine News Facebook word of mouth Government stand at the Eke 2013 TV Facebook Facebook Television the Eke governm ent area in Brisbane Facebook hand out at Library email Government liaison Word of mouth from Public Sector Employees TV news Facebook Facebook link Facebook, we are on to you TV TV AD Treasury advertising Current treasury casino staff we know


Television and Facebook "W idespread word o f mouth despair at the proposai, over riding the precepts o f the SOM master pian. It is not good enough to say that as it is government land, the Government can override the Brisbane City Council consideration of th is im portant precinct and allow un-controlied over-deveiopm ent o f the site, it is an abuse of power which we the people resent, and will resist! i am rem inded of the NSW Government M inister firing the architect on the iconic Sydney O pera House on behalf o f the people, thinking he knew better, when he obviously didn't!" S treet promotion Jupiter’s casino From Aaron Gomez, MD of Jupiter’s Casino Television news 2013 Eke A friend told me about it. TV EKKA EKKA A t eke Eke A t the EKKA Through University Coursework (Regional and Town Planning) and Eke Government Stand Eke Ekka The ekka. Government Friend Ekka I work at treasury casino TV News Tv add Tv add 10 news Got something in the mail. Hadn't heard. About it Tv news Ekka Ekka Television Television Media release 'Have your say at this year's Ekka' Ekka Ekka Facebook TV news Media statement


sta ff handing out information in the mall. Facebook W ord of mouth - this survey was poorly advertised. Casino Newsletter Television Cards distributed at Brisbane Square library People mentioned the casino idea. Cards handed out DSDIP person with card in the street. Brisbane City library - a woman standing near the entrance secretly giving out business cards. W ord of mouth, then at Brisbane Square Library Then you see in the news how chumy the deputy prem ier and prem ier are w ith the casino mob. They must be getting a big bonus from them on top o f their 41% pay rise. How can these people call them selves honourable when they are thieves, liars and back stabbing pigs? Brisbane Library handout. TV News Brisbane City Council Library Tv news. Through clubs Queensland industry Association I had a pleasure of meeting one of your esteemed colleagues during a visit to City Library. City Central library, Brisbane Square, Brisbane City Redcliffe place tv TV TV (news program) Campbell Newman discussed it at an event media statement friends I was given a card in Queen Street Mall. someone handed me a card person shoved a card in my hand in the mall. On the TV news It has been common knowledge around the present casino for 2 years It has been common knowledge around the present casino for 2 years T V Television News Television TV news Person in Queen St Mall handing out information I was also given info in the Queens Street mall which has prompted me to take this survey Someone handed me a "Have Your Say" card in the Queen Street Mall, card was handed to me at work 111 George St


W ord of mouth Brisbane Club Sem inar flyer Tv advert Some State employees handing out cards in the QSM. cards handed out in Mall W ord of mouth reddit TV card hand outs heard it on the news & w as handed a business card by a lovely young lady in the Queen St Mall. Card handed out in Queen Street Mall TV news ministerial media release There was a guy handing out flyers in the city From a person handing out cards In the C ity Mall. I w as given a handout card by a volunteer. Terrible advertising campaign from Echo Entertainment Group. Guy handing out cards on the street Through a mutual friend Planning student at QUT - avid researcher o f developments in Brisbane. Planning student at QUT - avid researcher o f developments in Brisbane. Facebook Redevelopment of executive building is not necessary. Someone standing in the mall handing out business cards. I mean, really??? Card handed out on street I found a car dropped in the street - will this survey be advertised, as I have not seen any Information so far Queen Steet mall card handouts A lady handing out information cards Current Affairs program Television Saw the development commencing at 1 W illiam St, months ago. reddlt.com/r/Brisbane sta ff member handing out flyer to complete this survey Reddit Social media Je ff Seeney presentation at property Institute luncheon Through friends reddit.com/r/Brisbane Facebook

http://www.reddit.eom/r/brisbane/comments/1ie1e1/have_your_say_about_the_casin o_a n d_g ove rn m e nt/ The Premiers Facebook page. Govt employee on the street, handing out information cards


A friend. A t work TV News Some guy in the street Facebook Television TV nightly news. Cycling Queensland newsletter. Bicycle Queensland TV media releases Media Statement email TV News media release Social media Tv business card handed to me at work television news I currently work at the Treasury Casino TV From a lady standing at the exit at 111, George Street, who handed out a very pretty business card to everyone (while we were worrying over whether or not our jobs would be cut or how we are going to survive w ith no pay increase). TV News Extensive Marketing by Echo Entertainment to which I am opposed. TV - announcement o f new building at 1 W illiam Street Negative coverage concerning the cost and lack o f consultation. Not a good start and the financing of the project and super funds... privatisation o f building assets Television news News website. Friend sent through details The redevelopment of the "North bank" area has been ongoing fo r many years now. The developers can't wait to get their hands on th is precious land, and governments o f all levels, can’t wait to get their hands on more money. But where is the money coming from? Brisbane people won't increase their spending, international gamblers will have choices of Melbourne and Sydney - why come to Brisbane? Facebook DSDIP E-newsletter Television University. Friend TV State development email TV News Not sure TV news media release


TV News TV news Media Release Facebook community group (TLR Performance) TV Media release forwarded to business units. Friend TV news From a friend QG Media statement word of mouth Yes Television Facebook, where i.e. the social media box?? TV news, tw itter News News website email from a friend Skyscrapercity.com Facebook update from the Brisbane Development page (www.brisbanedevelopm ent.com ) Brisbane Development Online Forums Media release Twitter TV News Government media releases, media release Television news Ministerial media alerts

Q14 if you would attend any of the above, when is the best time for you to attend the event in the Brisbane CBD?

No specific preference, but would make every attem pt to attend either or both events. Any day not during Lunch time Friday 4 - 8pm Any 1 work shift work. If I’m off I’d go. Offer all options N/A probably would not attend Immediately after work i.e. sessions at 4, 5, 6 pm There should be a permanent display with an appropriate person able to answer questions. This should be every day during the week until 6pm and 9am until 5pm


weekends. Signs should be displayed and easily read; sign boards and buses should carry details as a public service. Prefer the governm ent do what was elected to do and make decisions Prefer to visit online I work in the city, so lunchtime. Probably would not attend A fter 6pm Seriously! You have already made up your mind so why waste our money having people stand in the mall handing out cards telling us to have our say kind o f a slap in the face really. none of the above (but no alternatives fo r Q13 and 14 are provided) "I work near the city but avoid it like the plague at all o ther times. The BCC have made it a place to avoid with the ir Revenue Enforcers running around with ticket books In hand. If there is anything that has killed shopping and trade and entertainm ent in the city, it starts with over-zealous ambition to collect monies from the people; an ineffectual public transport system that attempts to rip o ff travellers at every opportunity; and a lack o f law & order for the general public." Compliment the community information events with social media, on line com m unity technology etc. etc. NO This feels a lot like "give the public a say" so they feel they have had some "buy in" and then let Jam es Packer have his 2nd casino in the end anyway... Depends as I work shifts CBD lunchtime event Unbelievable waste of money - you have already made your decision, you are jus t going through the illusion of consultation. Do a webcast - it's cheaper It’s a major project so I th ink 2 sessions day midday and evening and It should go for a week!! Any weekday morning o r afternoon Monday to Friday Gam to 6pm can't attend re: item 13 above I would rather watch a presentation on YouTube at a tim e of my choosing Display available to the public fo r a num ber of weeks in the Brisbane city hall. Can the event be held OUTSIDE the CBD please? Preferably somewhere with plenty o f free parking! I prefer online forum s and webs material. Video via Skype I wouldn't - not interested in what th is governm ent has to say. Any day about m id-morning or mid arvo I wouldn't attend. Prefer to receive info online. May watch a video online re the project, o r fo llow on tw itter or Facebook fo r online interactivity and Q&A would prefer an internet link to see w hat is proposed and ability to make com ment on it


• I actually don't want to attend any of these but it said that question 13 required an answer.

• Anytime outside of business hours.

16 Would you like to comment on the project, Its draft vision and objectives?

• NA • "Please refer to the two attached documents completed in 2011 by UQ M aster o f

Urban and Regional Planning students. • Attachment.1 .den.Hertog.pdf is a visual critique of site access and movement. • A ttachm ent2 .den.H ertog.pdf is a (bare bones) slide show originally used to support a

presentation of potential land uses." • "Not at this early stage, as time has not permitted us to carefully study and analyse

the projects draft visions and objectives and the final effect it will have on our non­ profit organisation, o f very lim ited resources, which has been a very long term occupant in 'Harris Terrace' and would be severely affected if we were forced to vacate.

• W e thank you fo r the opportunity to subm it th is submission. • The proposition is sickening! It is a desperate attempt to get money no m atter what

the long term damage to Brisbane's heritage. The presen/ation and advancem ent of the core values embodied in the precinct could attract much more long-term tourism investm ent and income. The governm ent is shirking its responsibility to be a vigilant and creative custodian of th is precious place...and kidding itself that the private sector can and would have the civic interests of Queensland at its heart. The private sector CANNOT deliver quality civic infrastructure much less become the custodians of Queensland’s assets. Handing over th is area is akin to the crown jewels being handed to Michael Hill Jeweller fo r repair and safe keeping!

• "Queensland Government Precinct Redevelopment-Brisbane • This represents a once in a century chance to showcase Brisbane as the ‘Gateway’

to Australia, to Queensland and to Brisbane. 'Reconnection' is the other hallmark. This North Quay part o f the Brisbane River is always been ‘second cousin’ to South Bank, which housed the original port facilities and more recently the cultural precinct, Expo 88 and the subsequent redevelopment o f South Bank, while North Quay continued to be neglected as buildings turned their ‘front doors’ away to face William and George Streets. The ultimate surgical severance came with the construction of the Riverside Expressway, which now speeds traffic past mostly the backs of buildings. The precinct is considered, by both locals and visitors, to be an alienated muddle of buildings and expressway flyovers. Currently the precinct not a destination or a place to contemplate the river as the expressway noise and the under croft OPTED issues and fears, which are not unfounded by past incidents, are therefore not inviting to users.

• A new beginning could, create a sense of place, become a destination in itself, acknowledge the civic importance, celebrate the government heritage and reconnect the city to the Brisbane River, which is the raison d’etre for the establishment o f the Brisbane City Centre. W hile it would be easy to copy successful examples of urban design possibilities from recent port redevelopments from around the world; a bit from here, a bit from there, such as, Montreal, Vancouver, Holland, London and nationally the historic ‘The Rocks’, Darling Harbour and Kangaroo in Sydney,


Federation Square, Melbourne we should aspire to making th is an authentic Australian, Queensland and Brisbane iconic place and experience. How these three scales are expressed In urban design terms, will be the result o f a considered study o f the natural and cultural context, infrastructure and bio climatic design as Brisbane is the quintessential sub- tropical capital o f Australia, with its ‘laid back’ e thos of shaded streets and Queenslanders with shady verandas, which partly expla ins why the French Colonial style became the preferred architectural style fo r the colonial government building within the precinct.

• As the Brisbane city centre becomes more urbane with more residents, as opposed to the sanitized 'Office Block’ city it once was, the Residential City, m ade up of visitors and permanent residents alike, w ill drive what is needed in the urban design process and outcomes. As well as accom modation; food outlets and restaurants that open for all meals 7 days a week; grocers, butchers, fishmongers, and ‘town market’ and other shops; medical facilities -doctors, chemists, com plem entary and sports medicine; sporting facilities- gyms, running tracks (le Corbusier, d'Habitat) swimming pools (Safdie Architects, Singapore) accessible green roofs (Vancouver, cultural centre) to the tops of buildings: cultural facilities- large public assem bly area, galleries, local ‘artist in resident’ programs for visual and performing artists and centres, town library (already is Brisbane Square, but would need to open out of business hours); entertainment- cinemas, com m unity half and passive facilities o f nature animal and bird gardens, are all needed to complete the urban fabric. This heritage quarter precinct would then become a ‘high street’ and a ‘town centre ’ within a ‘city centre’.

• Graham Osborne, • Origen Architects P/L Consortia. Copyright 30/08/13" • "Upgrading of existing Heritage Buildings is a must in the precinct but current uses

must be maintained. • R iverfront itse lf should be modernised but not to detrim ent o f Heritage Buildings." • The project vision is sound but its' implementation will depend on due consideration

of public requirements and expectations fo r the area. All potential impacts to the precinct, be they traffic, noise, environmental, and heritage need to be given equal weighting during the concept design phase. Impacts to the areas numerous architectural, archaeological and landscape heritage values need to be better understood from the initial concept design stage to ensure sensible and practical integration of those values into the redevelopment.

• It is too early. It is just an idea. The previous governm ent were going to build on the river. This would have been disastrous in the 2011 flood.

• "A unique and vibrant CBD precinct, treasured by Queenslanders and visitors alike for its modern architecture, diversity o f activities and access to government, public spaces and heritage places'. Yes, th is is an appropriate vision - to create a precinct a t the heart o f Queensland.... not a Brisbane precinct, but a Queensland precinct.

• And, yes, it SHOULD stimulate and support opportunities for private sector Initiated and funded construction and tourism development and revitalise the precinct through private sector investment. Diversification o f activities and land uses, conservation and adaptive re-use of heritage buildings and improvements to public spaces should be designed to achieve the optimal financial outcome fo r governm ent through the monetisation of under-utilised governm ent buildings and land assets.


• Agreem ent between the state and the private sector in consultation with BCC, peak industry bodies and other key stakeholders Is desirable to achieve a quality design, land use and asset m anagement sub-objectives:

- enhancing Brisbane's reputation as a vibrant city with modern architecture sensitively

• integrated with heritage buildings in a weli-planned urban environment - creating and activating public spaces which facilitate community access to

key governm ent buildings and services improving community access to the foreshore o f Brisbane River improving visibility and use of Brisbane's most significant concentration of heritage places improving connectivity and pedestrian movement

• The Design Institute o f Australia 's concept fo r this precinct and surrounds embraces ail o f these objectives in a shared vision for the Queensland Capital city’s major public precinct."

• "The past century has seen the Crown’s progressive acquisition of all properties within the precinct thus achieving the status of Australia ’s largest, uncompromised State Government Precinct. However the precinct has never been as static as might be construed from old bricks and mortar; indeed changes of use, differing modes of stewardship along with chance and creative engagem ent with the tensions inherent in development agendas will continue to enrich the evolution of this public precinct provided the public spaces are afforded preeminent status and to which all adjoining buildings and redevelopment will defer.

• The insightful strategies proffered by design professionals can help guide those who will negotiate the evolution of the precinct. There will be challenges. Strategies will differ. Interpretation and prioritisation will require on-going specialist design advice. Changes of property tenure could steal from successive generations the chance of enriching further the Government Precinct.

• Most importantly, th is precinct is the jewel in Brisbane’s crown, a public asset which, if afforded enlightened, and well-inform ed custodianship can become both an econom ic catalyst and an uplifting place of cultural expression and civic engagement."

• I want to see a full master plan which looks at how this development will effect already stretched infrastructure, and how it links in with surrounding areas such as South Bank, The City, and QUT. I need to understand the big picture in order to ascertain if this is in fact the right destination for a new casino or is there actually a better alternative location?

• I believe an extension to the current casino and making one big entertainment destination is a great idea. Brisbane doesn’t need more competition, were not big enough but we do need something fresh and new to add to the city. Something that will a ttract people to Brisbane.

• Although the current precinct is largely a dead zone lending itself to redevelopment my concern is tha t big governm ent plus big business will almost certainly lead to another W estfie ld food court. Governments have the power to change culture and profit alone should not be the only driver. Please resist the urge to build Industrial scale cultural artefacts and provide a precinct where small scale entrepreneurs can develop the new ideas.


The state owned assets along George and W illiam streets should remain in the public hands and the short term view of selling leasing rights to them is not in the people of Queensland’s best interests. It is like selling the fam ily silverware, we only get one chance at this and the LNP is going to make it a gambling den. "Yes I would. I find it the m ost disturbing and despicable grab fo r the alm ighty buck I have witnessed since the debauched and immoral days o f the Belk Petersen Regime. All at the cost o f the poor average Joe trying to get a break by w inning big tim e to the point o f illness. That a Governm ent can't see what It a lready has In the way which its own ancestors gave it w illingly and abundantly Is so sad and near sighted. That Government then doesn't deserve to have control o f its precinct's treasures. A Governments money lust for itself, them selves and their crony mates. I am so appalled I don't even know where to begin. One last word. DISGUSTING!" Brisbane is in desperate need o f a world class attraction. W e are calling ourselves a new world city but we as a city are so old fashioned about how we do things and the areas we create tha t we a failing behind. Brisbane has the opportunity to create something world class and fix up the dead space under the freeway. This should be a priority Need to make it like Singapore. The idea fo r redevelopment is a good one; however a casino is not the right answer. The casino is barely full during the week. Brisbane isn't calling out fo r more gambling venues. Brisbane is calling out fo r more fam ily orientated entertainm ent in the city. SCRAP it. NOW Any development must enhance the existing heritage value o f the area. Overseas countries make cultural tourism a m ajor Income earner fo r the ir cities. Not every part o f the city needs noise, and $ being pumped into the hands of the few excessively rich people in this country. Public land should stay in the hands of the public. This does not belong to Newman (Napoleon - short man’s complex). He is a suck to private industry. So long as the heritage buildings are maintained (or at least the ir facades) and remain visible from across the river. Brisbane does not need to encourage further gambling through casinos. One is plenty. Ultimately, the health o f the river should come first. Not that the state government seems too concerned with the health of Queensland’s waterways. "Please allow space fo r public graffiti walls and a skate park An urban farm ing project centre would also be really cool" W e need a building that a person anywhere In the W orld could recognize as Brisbane. It has to have the absolute W oW factor. "Preserve ambience and gardens Access to public transport

• Better use of riverfront" • I don't know enough to make a comm ent at th is moment • No • W e need something that international tourists would come here to see, and

something we aren't embarrassed about. If you go to places iike Singapore and Las


Vegas, the casinos themselves are attractions and that’s what we need. Something that really stands out and makes people w ant to see it! It needs an attraction, like the Bellagio fountains, or the Singapore W ater show, something to make us w ant to go there, even if we don’t like gambling. W e also need much better staff in the casino. A round o f craps should not take 10 m inutes because the staff doesn’t know whose bet is whose. Very unprofessional and deters me from going there, This is a chance to put Brisbane on the international radar. Don’t get it wrong Please just rem em ber much o f th is area has been and is likely to be affected by floods. Brisbane needs a precinct that will a ttract tourists, as well as provide greater entertainm ent facilities for the existing population. I'm really at a loss to understand why the State Government, in these tim es of extreme fiscal constraint, are investing enormous sums of taxpayer’s dollars into this type of project. I also have absolutely no confidence that the heritage value o f the precinct will be in any way protected o r enhanced. Queensland state governm ent seems intent on destroying any and all semblances of heritage value in ou r amazing state. Not everything has to be new all the time. Leave it well alone. Brisbane needs a world class entertainm ent precinct like Singapore where there is a true integrated resort and casino at world class levels worried that the bikeway will be com prom ised as well as the heritage buildings I am in favour of retaining the heritage buildings as much as possible and making it a more inviting area to walk through i.e. better lighting Not at this time I don't think we need any more casinos one is enough! Retail coffee shops and outdoor entertainm ent is preferable I do not support the movement of the casino. I don't think we as a society should be encouraging the growth of the gambling industry. I work in this precinct and would think that my safety would be somewhat a t risk if a casino would be allowed in the area. I’d particularly be more concerned with safety at night if I needed to work late. I would love to see this part o f Brisbane preserved for and made accessible to the people of Brisbane through sensitive design, rather than having it consumed by an enormous casino development. A place where people can enjoy outdoor dining and jus t free space to sit on grass and eat the ir lunch catch up with friends etc. No casino A different Company should hold the casino license Let Packer in It w ill be up to the government to consider the level o f homelessness and whether it is appropriate to for another casino and resort development in light o f this. The governm ent precinct is In desperate need o f a redevelopment. I fully support the view of making a casino development. And support the view that the Casino should be fo r all Queenslanders not just the high-rollers. It should be a grand entertainment space much like Crown Casino in Melbourne. W e share many sim ilar geographic properties - as in we could build a promenade style along the foreshore. Prem ier Newman is all about progressing the goals and lining the pockets of developers. This casino project is no different. Newman is also renowned for undertaking faux public consultation -- it’s fake because the end goal is already decided. Example: the Go-Between bridge -- when he was Mayor, council sent out


fliers asking for the public opinion. The contract was awarded a matter o f weeks later. Public consultation my foot. I make this forecast: irrespective o f the results of th is survey about the "Government Precinct Redevelopment", the redevelopm ent with casino, restaurants, entertainment, convention centre facilities W ILL go ahead. It’s a farce. Finally, we DO NOT NEED another casino. The enormous social problems gambling has caused should m ake any politician grey with sham e, should they promote further gambling in our society. Take your eye o ff the $$$ at human cost Campbell Newman, hang your head in shame. No casino more public parks and open am phitheatre facilities Brisbane really needs this redevelopment N/A "I strongly object to building a new casino. State governm ent should not be investing in gambling. Strong regard to environmental concerns should be maintained especially the mangroves." leave it as It is "It's true that the area around the proposed precinct is ugly and underutilized however the draft vision and objectives does not seem to recognise that area is mainly public land and infrastructure. Nowhere in the draft vision do I see any suggestion of compensation fo r the public making these assets available fo r private companies making high return investments in the development o f the area. Nor do I see any discussion o f whether we need a larger Casino in our city. Before the Qld Government sign's Its people up to th is dud deal I’d like to see some honest appraisal o f the cost benefit, o r any other benefits, against the society w ide cost of gambling. I’d also question the value and consistency o f th is development as proposed, a t a tim e when the State Government has conjured its own self-fulfilling budget crisis to jus tify savage cuts to public sen/ices. A t a tim e when the public are being told to tighten our belts the Queensland governm ent Is also passing state assets over to investors to make a quick buck." There is nothing vibrant about the modern architecture in Brisbane if we've got King George Square and associated bus station; Brisbane Square; and other recent high- rise as the examples of what is part o f the vision. Two casinos would be a positive for business, government revenues and the community. I would like to see a world class casino Yes, I've had enough of watching CROW N land given to developers. Stop it; use it fo r services fo r your constituents, not freebies for your rich mates. Brisbane currently has nothing to attract tourists, we need some vibrancy A more sophisticated and modern casino/resort, with dining and entertainm ent 24/7 Brisbane needs a modern casino w ith 24 hour entertainm ent to attract more tourists to the city No casino please. too much focus on a second casino, we do not need another one!! This end of the city is dead and insulated from the CBD. If Brisbane is to be a vibrant city th is precinct needs an injection of vitality. Transport is crucial - to remain ‘liveable’ but also dynamic there must be viable modes o f public transport. People


need to be able to move easily from one part o f the city to another. Revitalisation can be modern and imaginative - Brisbane needs this, but it must be done w ith sensitivity as 'historical' Brisbane is just as important to our developing place in the world as modern makeovers. If th is is done sensitively, with a strong sense of history and place, it will be great. If it is jus t an excuse fo r higher rise and a home fo r the casino, it w ill be another disaster fo r the city. Brisbane must embrace its sub-tropical heritage and celebrate its connection to nature. I th ink the idea of the redevelopm ent is brilliant. Maintaining the heritage character is vital. Treasury casino has outgrown the building, we need a casino/resort/convention centre to attract tourists I th ink it's time for the casino to be overhauled and something more modern built. We need to inject some more life into this dead section of the city and what better way than a modern casino with entertainment options. Build a new casino to bring in more tourists and more money into our city It would be a boost to the local econom y and potentially create sustainable jobs w ithin the precinct. It w ill also provide a major tourist attraction in the Brisbane CBD. I th ink the new casino should be built Building a newer better casino seems like a good idea as long as the Treasury building is handled appropriately NO Relocate the current Casino. It desperately needs a revamp/upgrade Only one casino is needed in Brisbane There should only be one casino. Brisbane market would not support two casino model "open fo r other competitive to the City. Let Brisbane become a focus in OLD" Should open new casino so this it is not monopoly by a company. Brisbane residents will have more choices to visit the business they wish to. Unless Brisbane Government has a secret dealt with the current Treasury Casio as its name is highlighted on your survey? Not enough detail. Would love something like Crown Melbourne!!! I don't know how they will mix heritage building with the new?? More entertainm ent venues are a must if we want to draw v is ito r here. Treasury casino and th is precinct are not world class venues, if Brisbane is to become a competitor in the world market fo r tourists we need to build a world class precinct with a world class casino. Treasury casino is old and tired and not a draw card for tourists at all. I would like to see the area used to extend the casino/hotel into something more modern which could compete with international competition. I believe we have an opportunity to invest in the city and increase our attraction to tourists. I believe the casino option would integrate entertainment, accommodation and dining. I would like th is opportunity to be used to add some big, impressive architecture to the city.


"I was recently invited to a 2 day workshop with the National T rust and various design bodies to review the State Governments over-riding o f SOM's plan w ith the development o f the 1 W illiam Street ""Tower of Power"" and designation o f the remnants of their scheme as the ""Core Redevelopment Area"" fo r a relocated Echo Casino and ""revitalisation."" Dr Graham De Gruchi is an Architect and author/urban designer who were born in South Africa, studying Architecture in the 1940’s. He moved to Brisbane in 1962 to take up an appointment with the Queensland Government, Departm ent o f W orks, where he designed Tara Hospital and later worked on the Government Precinct in Brisbane. In 1963 he was appointed Lecturer in the Departm ent o f A rchitecture at the University o f Queensland. After gaining a Master o f Architecture degree and a Diploma in Regional and Town Planning he was appointed Reader in Architecture in 1968. In 1977 he was admitted to the degree o f Doctor o f Philosophy, (UQ) w ith a thesis titled, “Brisbane City Centre."" As such he is em inently suited to adjudicate on your proposal and should be invited to review it before our heritage is erased." "I believe the east bank of the river under the freeway needs to be developed but do not like the idea of a glass tower being built on 1 William Street. Yes it too needed to be developed but it will stand out like a white elephant (Public Service target) jus t like the Parliamentary Annexe. Doesn’t matter what political party, don't believe them, don't trust them. They will not take this survey seriously. They will do what they want regardless." The Treasury Casino is an extremely poorly managed and run business and its expansion while in the short-term would provide im m ediate benefits to the local redevelopment o f the area, the long-term sustainability o f the area will suffer greatly. The treasury casino has neglected and squandered the ir opportunity, which they have had for almost 20 years to be Brisbane's prem ier entertainm ent precinct. However, only through potentially competition to their monopoly, they suddenly show interest in investing back in Brisbane. Treasury Casino and its m anagement is disgust, I w ill not support them and the ir endeavours. W e don't need to fund the revitalization with an expanded casino. Residential and com mercial enterprises would be more than happy to partake in the redevelopment opportunity. Please refer to my com m ent above regarding problem gamblers. Don't want to see Echo anymore. They have failed Brisbane. Crown has proved to be effective in th is type of thing. If a new casino is to be created do not let echo in. They have had their chance and ruined it. Give crown a go. They can enhance Brisbane. Treasury Casino is pathetic. Brisbane city overall needs a revitalisation; Southbank is great & was launched many years ago; now we need the same fo r the other side of the river Brisbane city centre needs redevelopment to attract day-trippers / visitors as well as workers No need for an additional Casino... More Machines could be viewed as a slap in the face fo r responsible gambling. This whole area needs to be a thriving metropolis where it is the place to be in Brisbane. A t the present tim e there is not enough activity to sustain and grow this end of Brisbane there is too much to do elsewhere! The precinct needs good healthy competition whether it’s a coffee shop or a casino and there needs to be lots o f it!


Not at th is stage. Based on the population o f Brisbane and the current Economic climate, a second casino in Brisbane would by no means be o f benefit to the state, rather than force the closure o f the already operational property. One Casino in CBD and promote, redevelop existing one company and another casino will affect jobs and more important comm unities as there will be com petition to get people in casino and which will add to addictive gambling which will result in dom estic violence, bankruptcy, thefts and many more Stop talking and get on with it. "I believe that Treasury Casino & Hotel should be allowed to build a new world class resort style casino for local, domestic and international visitors to Brisbane and the exiting building should be developed into a hotel o r residential apartments. I do not agree with another casino operator building a new casino, as one world class casino is all the Brisbane market can cope w ith .” We do not need two casinos. One is plenty enough I th ink one casino a new casino but only one is best fo r us. W e have two casinos in SEQ and that is enough so a bigger better one in Brisbane but only one in Brisbane. "There is opportunity to create a new centre the CBD. Consideration should be given to providing activities/ facilities which are currently lacking within this part o f the inner city. A community/ neighbourhood centre for CBD residents and visitors would be beneficial. Open spaces should encourage congregation - not separation and alienation, and be free from commercial exploit/enterprise." A development of this site needs to have a holistic approach. I am not supportive of two casinos in Brisbane. Two casinos mean two smaller facilities but a big increase in gambling. And it would be good to see the current casino out o f the Treasury Building so that it can be used fo r something more suitable. One modern casino as part o f an overall development that has entertainment, hotels and restaurants would liven up a boring and unattractive part o f the city. To get the best out o f this opportunity, the city needs something that operates on the weekends as there is nothing to visit on Saturday o r Sunday. Brisbane only requires 1 Casino, not Casino's. So expansions o f the existing Casino into an integrated resort would be preferred. New Casino Like Crown in Melbourne or Star in Sydney need to integrate new and old. Overshadowing o f heritage buildings could create "cold" spaces and wind tunnels. I'd prefer open spaces rather than a clutter of buildings biggest casino yeah "I th ink it is excellent that the area be developed tastefully and to enhance the heritage buildings, but the Treasury Casino should not be permitted to move or build another casino. Echo has not looked after or maintained the current building it is in, so why should it be allowed to jus t go to another building to do the same. The area has beautiful building s that should be accessible to all, by developing it as an area o f cafes, restaurants, galleries and boutique shops people are not far from the CBD. Close to the river for ferry term inals and the city’s main bus link fam ilies can access it easily via public transport and green areas could be incorporated on the river’s edge.


The area should be developed fo r the majority which covers all ages and w ill include families, not a m inority o f gamblers which will exclude fam ilies." W e don't need 2 casino's Melbourne doesn't so why would we with less people living here, need more jobs, hotels, and exciting lifestyle venues, good restaurants, quality shops, cinema's as the Queens street mall looks old, the current buildings are 70's glass government buildings with no excitem ent as th is is the main entrance from the Gold coast and from lower states. It needs a w ow factor. I think the focus should be away from the commercial and more towards the cultural. For example, the celebration of Brisbane's live music and art heritage would be imm ensely beneficial for the city. The river side expressway currently d isconnects the city from the river so It would be important to try to re-establish this connection through interesting design proposals. The project should also acknowledge the traditional owners of the land through the respect o f the environm ent and through education, no The riverside expressway needs to be kept, it is integral in enabling South Brisbane residents access to western Brisbane. It has been criticized fo r being ugly having lived in Brisbane my whole life it is an important part o f Brisbane’s heritage and should be preserved. Lots o f significant historical buildings have been lost due to them going out o f fashion, let’s not let this highly functional system is lost because some people th ink it’s not attractive. Yet to read Yet to read The need for th is proposal is very questionable, given the state of public finances, it has in no way been endorsed or justified, and, with the amount o f discussion and options, is most unlikely to be Vibrant' or treasured by Queenslanders’. The only beneficiaries are likely to be wealthy businessmen getting big contracts, and the result will look cheap, boring, and yet another step to robbing our city o f the little character and attractiveness it has left. Revitalize and protect Brisbane’s history "We DO NOT need a new casino. Improve the security in the City especially in the evenings so people feel safe. Make Brisbane like the Melbourne CBD was there are still activities/places opened in the evenings." "1. A permanent w alk through display (day and night) o f Brisbane river history should be incorporated in the development. 2. incorporate maximum shaded seating fo r vista-view ing as part o f the rive rfron t development. 3. Include pedestrian street fo r Buskers and street food and retail stalls with Brisbane City them es." "The riverside is really bland. There should be a better utilisation of the shade created by the expressway. Pubs, boat restaurants and floating walkways should be up for consideration." A casino would be a tacky introduction to w hat could be a beautiful new vital part o f the city fo r the people o f Queensland. Need to be a world class Casino/hotel to put Brisbane on the map


Please maintain the heritage and give public access to these spaces - so w e can appreciate the fascinating history o f early Brisbane. I am sure Brisbane will benefit greatly from Treasury casino moving into a new exciting area. It will bring life to the city and i think Echo will lead the way. I would like to see one new casino built with regard to enhancing the city o f Brisbane and to encouraging new visitors to Brisbane. A world class building with a unique design and function that would put Brisbane on the map with regard to international and interstate visitors. I believe the venue needs to be first class and world class standard to encourage new visitors and new Investment as a long term project fo r the state of Queensland. I don’t believe that Brisbane can support two casinos and we need to have one casino integrated with convention and hotel and shopping and food and night club and a venue to cater fo r all visitors and locals alike. The project seems great. Tim e fo r a new casino though that can cater to international guests. I don't w ant Echo to have a second chance, they cannot m anage one properly The Government precinct needs to redevelop as the buildings are tired and out of date... The Treasury building (although stunning in its own right) in my opinion does not suit a casino with ever changing needs and ideas with no s=where to expand or change... A new building would be more suitable if Brisbane is to compete with the other capital cities. Too much reliance on private investment and retail - need non-profit, attractions to bring in tourists who otherwise aren't going to be attracted by retail only hub - see what Christ Church used to be like. Making it into something sim ilar to the rocks would be great. No casino Excellent proposal by the Queensland government, this is what Brisbane desperately needs, it will deliver a tourism and entertainm ent offering that our city deserves. This area should be utilised fo r the relocation of Treasury Casino, it will bring large opportunities for the unemployed and make Brisbane a place to visit/holiday. With all the facilities at your fingertips, (5+ star accommodation/pool/theatre/conference rooms/restaurants/retail shopping and water front activities - jus t to name a few) why wouldn 't you want to visit. The survey questions are very leading. I believe a new casino site is needed the current one is cramped and hard to negotiate around. I DO NOT believe Brisbane warrants a second casino license the current one should move there. I th ink that Brisbane can only sustain 1 Casino. I th ink a new casino and other retail and entertainment venues would be perfect for boosting the economy. "Brisbane is in desperate need o f a new casino and entertainment complex. Please allow Packer to build his casino here!" I feel there is only room in Brisbane for One Casino. I'll leave the decision up to you.... This is a real opportunity to create something truly International and spectacular. Retail, dining, casino and hotel must be included. There should be only 1 casino in the area.


W e only need one casino in Brisbane but we need a world class precinct that Brisbane can be proud of. Treasury does a great job and they deserve the right to move to a larger venue. Not enough information about the casinos plans to redevelop. Not specific enough details. I th ink relocation from the current building to a new resort style casino would be perfect. It could be the drawcard Brisbane is looking for with improved parking, hotel, restaurants, bars, showroom and Casino. "Please make this CBD useful again. This place is dead on weekdays a fte r 5pm. And on the weekend it's so boring. Don't make it a place for people to come to fo r work only - that creates a negative Impression o f the CBD (no one who works here would consider spending the evening o r weekend here as they suffer enough during the working week). W e need some good river front shopping and eating. And m ost importantly, make them all open late every day of the week. Please put in some cheaper dining options too (not like South Bank where it's like 30 bucks fo r a main!). Thanks!" I do not think there should be a new casino. Please don't turn the existing casino into expensive apartments, and then the building Is accessible to no one. I th ink it d ifficult to design out the freeway w ithout excess disruption to city traffic and maybe impractical to enclose. Don’t dom inate existing views from South Bank & west end Change Is not required in the precinct and the State should not spend $ it doesn't have on something like this. Excellent idea and would add a boost to the local economy, both in term s of employment and it would bring in more tourists to the area. It would also revive the area for the local population o f Brisbane and give the hospitality sector a much needed revival. "The development needs to be sensitive to the existing heritage buildings. I don't believe tha t Brisbane needs another casino. This end of town does not lend Itself to retail as it is no easily accessible to public transport - should redeveloped to become a highly desirable place fo r public servants to work." "The development needs to be sensitive to the existing heritage buildings. 1 don't believe that Brisbane needs another casino. This end o f town does not lend itse lf to retail as it is no easily accessible to public transport - should redeveloped to become a highly desirable place fo r public servants to work." There is considerable scope to improve the area through redevelopment o f the 'concrete architecture' o f the more recent buildings. All new buildings should be designed to be In sympathy with the heritage buildings and the sub-tropical nature of our climate. An area which blends the city's historical elements with modern attractive and practical buildings and public open spaces will inevitably be vibrant and actively used by the public. I think it is long overdue fo r th is area of business to be re-developed. It should end up like the Riverside end of the city where people can use it for walking, bike riding, dining, shopping, etc.


Good to see consultation but suspect you guys have already made your m inds up. W e need to preserve the heritage values of the precinct and sensibly integrate tourist, entertainment, the arts and historical venues BUT NO MORE CASINOS. This is a great opportunity to create an interesting landmark with cultural texture. Providing a space for live music (so lacking in Brisbane) to attract quality local, national and international acts, with a view of the Brisbane River and beyond, and far enough away from residential. Restaurants and cafes that serve good quality nutritional food sourced from organic? local growers - promoting local fare. A cultural space integrated with retail outlets that support such a space e.g. local artisans, designers, quality foods. I th ink there are many more important things that the community needs than the government spending time and money on something like this I am concerned they are jus t masking the true intent o f allowing Packer to develop a casino. I would love to see this area of the CBD revitalised. It's such a dead zone currently and we could really showcase the heritage values o f the area. Maybe it's a bit ambitious but something akin to the Rocks in Sydney o r Salamanca in Hobart would be a wonderful use fo r the precinct. Brisbane needs a new casino and Echo entertainment is the people to do it. Gold Coast, Townsville, Sydney even Melbourne Crowns Casino is fantastic. To bring more population, job, tourists to Brisbane, we need a new casino. The focus in the area should be about history that is so easily discarded, not about glitzy new casinos. W e have enough problem gamblers w ithout putting one right outside my work! Art, music, cafes and markets would all be welcome in the queens w harf road area. It needs a bit o f culture. A revitalisation of this precinct is well overdue, but the decision to put "all the eggs in one basket" at 1 W illiam Street was poorly conceived. The Government would have been far, far better off including that site as part o f a precinct redevelopment, and negotiating cut-price rents on refurbished existing building stock that would have resulted in o lder buildings being brought up to good standards. Very silly move. "More open space - create a new parliament square Separation of pedestrian and vehicle traffic (e.g. put Margaret S t and/or Alice underground to create a plaza) Better connection between the city and the river. Consider public and private transport implications of many more visits to the area (e.g. closest rail station is across the river)." the obvious slant towards a new casino is concerning. There is a high emphasis on the private sector which is not a bad thing - however coherence should be managed carefully and the governm ent should also be seeking to invest substantially in the public realm. This would also attract the cream o f private interest. I believe Brisbane only needs 1 casino, however the current site is not appropriate and a new site would be advantageous fo r Brisbane. How does add value and how can it be justified? If you look at cities with designation Casino/hotel, you will see it’s not just the Casino that profits from the development, it is also the city; the government, council, charities and the public. O ther businesses (and even the city) w ill profit from the tourism dollar.


It is needed and benefits everyone. There are poiicies in place to help m inim ise problem gaming, but the city needs to understand people have a choice to gamble and if you build a safe place to enjoy the entertainment they will always com e and from far. start planning fo r the future better than keeping all the old buildings doing nothing. Should increase the value o f the precinct: make the riverfront more vibrant, more life. This State and this city does not need another Casino or another Casino precinct The present spaces are about the only unique Brisbane areas left unspoilt. Leave public open spaces as jus t that and not try to capitalise and by using them to fill developers purses. W hat do you know about architecture? The latest addition to the skyscraper is a monster, "Central Brisbane is notable fo r its relatively c lear separation of functions around the CBD and adjoining areas. For example, one end o f George S treet has government, the other end o f George S treet has law and law enforcement, Queen and nearby streets has retail, the area around Eagle Street has big business, and South Bank has culture and outdoor recreation. This project presents an opportunity to create a new precinct based on already existing usage: a people's precinct fo r want o f a better term. This would build on the much used Brisbane Square library, the W ednesday markets, the casino (much as I dislike it). Queen's Park activities, and some o f the heritage functions such as the Royai Historical Society o f Queensland. A com m unity focus such as these needs to be strengthened in the CBD to grow the city's overall sense of community. Com m unity needs a hub, which this area could provide. As part o f th is project I would also like to see a youth/student centre. The city is full o f young people but not so well served with meeting places and places fo r them to ""hang out"" and indeed study (the libraries are starting to get too crowded). The form er State Library in W illiam Street would be a suitable venue. The draft vision and objectives are OK up to a point but somewhat overblown. Parts of the precinct, fo r example, could be made more exciting and public, especially the riverside, but th is doesn't necessarily apply to all parts. George Street is reasonably alive as it is. And not every area o f the CBD should be as ""vibrant"" as Queen Street Mall. Regarding dot point 3 in the objectives, some buildings could undoubtedly be better used, but that should not be made an excuse fo r selling o ff public assets which is what seems to be contemplated. Regarding dot point 7 in the objectives, I'm bemused at the mention of connectivity between the parliamentary precinct and other locations. It's already good. Do you want to rip more buildings down perchance?" Fix the river banks - add more green space and leave Queens Park alone. I think there is opportunity fo r making some improvem ents but I th ink the overall vision is tacky, a waste of money and evidence o f lazy thinking and poor understanding of the urban environment. This is a clear and blatant picture of greed. Echo Entertainment is not trying to redevelop for the better good of the city and the com m unity but to try and compete to gain the wealthy Asian Gaming Market. I do NOT support this development in any way. "Pedestrian access throughout the area should be enhanced.


Heritage buildings are important. The presence of the large heritage build ings on George Street should not be underestimated. Asian visitors, in particular, seem quite fascinated by their facades (at least). Any change to their usage should enhance the ir standing. It is bad enough the old treasury building suffers being used as a casino. Don't mind a casino going into a new building though. Perhaps the old treasury building could be used as a cultural hub e.g. a city offshoot o f GAG/GOMA. Modelled on OUT reuse of old governm ent house." See comments above "I think that a lot o f areas of Brisbane and the property owned as public assets needs to revitalise and should be managed appropriately. I think the tim ing is inappropriate considering the rhetoric w hether reai or fabricated about QLD's financial position. If QLD's finances are dire then this sort o f thing should be tabled but addressed when OLD show's signs of positive improvement. Until then this is seen as a trophy fo r a term in government and towards ego. I do like the idea o f the potential wet leases. Some areas can begin but the complete revitalisation should be when finances improve. It clearly is not in the interest o f the state or its finances at th is point." "I th ink this part o f town is incredibly under-utilized. I only walk through this part o f town, never stop. W e need more cafes, events and art culture in Brisbane. W e are falling behind the likes o f Melbourne and Sydney." This area is drastically In need o f overhaul. It should be a fully mixed use precinct w ith world class amenity. I would be happy if the casino was taken away - nothing inside that building is attractive or appealing fo r me, a local, o r a visiting tourist. That an old building has a casino inside it is poor taste in itself. The whole lot should be removed and something better needs to take up that space. The main priority should be to beautify the North Quay Shore of the river which currently Is quite ugly W ould be horrified if we ended up with something sim ilar to the hideously tacky Crown Casino in Melbourne. I think that you will get it that I am not fo r th is so called project and believe tha t th is is another one of the governments get rich (for themselves) plans and don't give a crap about what the people say as they will go ahead with them no matter what, a good example is the pay rise that they gave them selves for something that they don't deserve. This project is well overdue; having worked in several o f the buildings in the precinct they were an embarrassment to have meetings in. The draft vision is quite obvious and doesn't really provide any detail. Unbalanced, with an inverted set o f priorities. Social and planning outcomes should be promoted and given the greater priority, and the objectives relating to financial return to the state (while valid) are presently over-emphasised and should be lumped into a single objective. "Although I am generally pro-deveiopment, I think the order o f the objectives is back- to-front; the focus should be on making it place for users (who by their activity and


desire to use the space will achieve the ""vibrancy"" referred to in the v is ion) rather than focusing on the developer/stimulating the econom y (the '"'build it and assum e they will come"" philosophy). There is a symbiotic relationship between user and developer that needs to be appreciated. Perhaps the objectives need to be fu rther defined into 'economic objectives' and 'design objectives' Also, the word ""vibrant"" is so over-used and has become meaningless." Is it possible to have underground parking and connections to all facilities w ith flow down to the river below the roads w ith cafes etc. and river walk? "Need master plan fo r whole of developm ent including current Casino site to proposed development site to make sure that it Is integrated with the C ity and Brisbane centre as a whole including South Brisbane and Fortitude Valley areas and that the facilities proposed are not a t the expense o f current facilities i.e. we don't need an oversupply o f facilities. The development should be reflective o f a tropical sunny Queensland. (Please, please no Melbourne or Sydney architecture, design). Echo’s proposal seem s dark and inward looking - not like Queensland at all! A development that integrates and makes the most o f the Brisbane river, so that It Is a place where people can get closer to the river is w hat Brisbane is currently lacking and needs." My main concern is that our views are not lost by high rise buildings being constructed to block other residents that live in the city. "I like the idea of creating a world class city w ithout the mediocre of w hat Sydney and Melbourne tries to do. By creating a world city w ithout the fanfare, we can attract the productive and talented niche people who will contribute to society in a much more positive and resourceful manner. Queensland and Brisbane is a young state/city and it should be projecting what it is to live in th is day and age. To me that is a healthy/educated/creative/supportive and respectful society with a vision fo r global collaboration in regards to climate, finance and humanity. Brisbane needs a coming of age; we have done well to get to th is point but now are the time to step up on the Internationa! stage." Return access to the Brisbane R iver....foreshore extension beyond the expressway...walkways, cafes, trees, shade....place to relax, read a book, hi there i.am need to fix the clock at city hall Meaningless An extra Casino is crazy, the existing one is empty most days and the last thing we need is more gambling! The area should be redeveloped to maximise the access from river cats to the city. A t the m om ent is ugly with patch work concrete etc. A discrete area of the CBD which segregates public servants from the w ider business comm unity is an issue. W e need professional and social mixing fo r maximum outcomes. I feel that the governm ent has already made a decision to build a casino due to the extent o f the lobbying underway by the 2 competitors "We need Steve W ynn to build a casino here. That way it would be a W ynn fo r Brisbane!" I feel by putting in a casino it is a race to the bottom. I am sure that with a lot of thinking and more discussion, better ideas can be produced. Casinos don't make a


city and when I have been to the Treasury Casino I have not seen it as a place for fun and entertainment. If anything, it was morbid. I really think that Brisbane has absolutely no need for an expanded casino. There is obviously great potential fo r redevelopment o f th is area, but a casino would totally ruin it. I believe that the project design should include a clear reference to the Bellevue Hotel which was demolished on this site in 1979. The Bellevue Hotel's distinctive verandas and iron lace balustrades should be replicated in the design, particularly on the corner o f George and Alice Streets. The other corners o f th is intersection are Parliament House, the Queensland Club and the Botanical Gardens. Any new building on the corner o f Alice and George Street must be sympathetic to the other historical institutions on the intersection - a clear architectural reference to the Bellevue Hotel would be a fitting design. The current draft vision is so vague as to be nearly impossible to provide any meaningful com ment on. No, if you go asking everybody your finish up with the dog breakfast, just get on with it I think. I've said enough above. I don't want a new bus station inside the Brisbane Botanical Gardens It's a pity that the existing infrastructure issues for non-motorists don’t seem to be addressed in the planned "revitalisation". why are 4 out o f 15 questions about a new casino? the key issues here are public access and new public spaces that are welcom ing and safe; that public spaces should be aimed at com m unity uses, not privatised in terms o f their management; open up views and access to the river and along the river; recapture Queens W harf road from being a bus route to a pedestrian environment; look at the opportunity for a new bridge to South Bank, which offers shade and shelter (Victoria bridge is inadequate). W ould be great to have a place to spend free time with a baby in an outdoor city style park. Also since accommodation in the city is so expensive - need more apartments, it should provide high quality space, design and should not give our private assets to private developers The area to be developed is prime real estate, and it’s a chance to make something special. I think an entertainm ent precinct is w hat Brisbane needs; more than just restaurants bars and cafes like all the other 'social' spots around our city. The impact o f gambling particularly on those who can least afford it concerns me and to create a bigger better version of the casino in Brisbane would not help this situation. There is overdevelopm ent of retail/dining in the City already- lots o f vacant offices and dying small business - so make it more community oriented and less commercial - o r all that will happen is another part o f the city will die. I don't think we need a second casino in Brisbane "see above com m ent in Question 5. I am strongly opposed to a casino, and the precinct should make it easier for people to get to work by foot, bicycle or ferry." The casino developm ent should be across the river on the south bank.


I think the project has a huge am ount o f potential however I don’t th ink tha t there is any need for another casino in Brisbane CBD. I think that we should build on the positive cultural aspects that a precinct like this could offer, if this is going to be a world class precinct, it needs to be one of the best energy, water and waste efficiency examples in the city/state/country, even if the current government thinks that might be green tape, it would reflect badly on Brisbane and Qld if this is not a key part o f the project. Minimise demolition of existing buildings, for example Neville Bonner building is relatively new and should not be demolished. Retain historic buildings and maxim ise green spaces. Please do NOT spend money on another casino. W hat Brisbane needs is more art and cafe precincts. Also late night shopping. This city has become so boring compared to Sydney and Melbourne and we are supposed to be a vibrant c ity - we are not and another casino will jus t make it worse. W e have enough social problems with gambling w ithout adding to it. Something needs to be done to get people there First, use this under-utilised public land for non-alcoholic, non-gambling uses. In other words, no casinos and no pubs/ big bars. Make it intimate with restaurants, cafes and small bars. The buildings should reflect the colonial architecture - use local stone (Brisbane tu ff - the stu ff that Kangaroo Point is made out of). The goal should be to encourage users of South Bank to look across the river, see these new buildings, and w ant to either walk over the bridge, o r catch a ferry, and visit. NB Gamblers and drinkers do not walk along south bank. Need to compliment Southbank (e.g. art gallery), not duplicate I've always loved the atmosphere that Brisbane has, if there was one innovative area I would like to see would be to Install more street art (sim ilar to the m o tifs regularly found in Melbourne) within the city. As part o f Brisbane's role as a capital city, this precinct is critical to Its ongoing success. The role o f Parliament and the Executive needs to be celebrated and the connection with the CBD heart also needs to be enriched. Parliam ent and OUT are both destinations, so the journey to those destinations needs to be interesting, engaging and safe. This redevelopment needs to ensure that the connectivity between the parliam ent and business is clear. I believe that the introduction of another casino will not make fo r an interesting environment fo r the people who will use this space every day. we need to grow up as a city - it's ridiculous that we can't shop 24/7 and can't ge t a decent meal in the city after 11.00pm. I welcome the development of the river area, but am disappointed that the government could be thinking of pulling down buildings like 80 and 100 George Street (they have the ir heritage value too). Better connection from the Goodwill Bridge to the precinct and the city in general would be helpful to visitors. 1 often walk through the river side of OUT and after have to give directions to people on how to find their way out. Keep the redevelopm ent fo r the fam ilies o f Queensland, not fo r the high rollers, also consider how it fits / links and extends on South Bank so that walking between the two is safe and the experience is integrated.


Brisbane needs to retain the few cultural heritage buildings it currently has otherwise we risk losing the little character the city has. Trying to please everyone will result in average results (or worse) with no one being happy. This project needs vision and a champion to create something the world will want to visit. Be bold! New Casino should only be agreed if redevelopment o f old Treasury Building is agreed and underwritten. The frequent questions in th is "survey" blatantly push the agenda fo r another casino. Give us back green areas fo r families and children not more concrete/glass casinos Don't over-commercialize. Queen St Mall suffers from too many restaurants and newsagents crowding out public space. I W OULD LIKE TO SEE ECHO ENTERTAINMENT M ADE TO HAVE SOME COMPETITION, SUCH AS PACKER. Opposed to expansion of Casinos. W ant Executive Building preserved as a fine exam ple of 1960 / 70s architecture Totally agree with the revamp as at the moment the area Is dead and boring the governm ent buildings are old and ugly. This side of the city needs to be modernised jus t as the east side has become it needs some classy super tall towers for both residential and the casino. The riverside area is also awful however the riverside road obviously makes this difficult to Integrate restraints etc., it would be good if somehow the proposed redevelopment could straddle the road and connect with the river. Look forward to finally witnessing Brisbane competing with Melbourne and Sydney whom have really got this side of the ir cities looking and feeling fantastic. W e don't need a revamped or bigger casino. Gambling should never be encouraged and It does not help the world become a better place. W e NEED a new theatre and accompanying entertainment / dining area I would love to see an observation tower that overlooks Brisbane river and city, something that is iconic, draws international tourists and a means of showcasing its surrounds. Brisbane undersells itself, the city has a lot o f favourable qualities but little that draws immediate attention on an international level. The Queensland Governm ent Precinct redevelopment presents a great opportunity to revitalise the North Bank o f the Brisbane River. Areas between the river bank and George Street are currently unattractive and largely unused. The right revitalisation will attract use by locals and tourist for exercise and recreational use. I propose the development of a recreational 'public space pier' sim ilar to those in Brooklyn, NY including football fields, playgrounds, gardens and parklands. This would create a public space to rival the South Bank and could link with the Botanical Gardens to form a unique river from Kangaroo Point and the Botanical Gardens to South Bank and the proposed Governm ent Precinct. Examples of the piers in Brooklyn can be found at: http://www.brooklynbridgepark.org/the-park/pier-1 I see this as an excellent opportunity fo r the C ity o f Brisbane to develop the area Into a destination that National and International visitors will have at the top of their list when visiting our City. One of the buildings could have a striking and unique architecture that could become an icon and a landmark for the C ity o f Brisbane for generations to come. It w ill cost more but worth the investment fo r a stunning entrance to the river City.


There are a pile o f shops that are empty because the rents are too high fo r the shops to make money. How will you address th is issue in the redevelopment and w hat controls will you put in place to stop the current situation from getting worse e.g. post office square? I cannot believe this Government would even consider building Campbell’s precinct!!! Outrageous!!!!! They have slashed tha t man jobs, treat people like village idiots and expect us to be happy. People have long memories, and we will see them voted out a t the next election. Can you imagine what the LNP would say to the Labour Government if they were to do this? They would ridicule them. If they w ant to build a village for the village idiots that they are, go to Christmas Island!!! Not a t this stage. I'm very excited about the potential o f th is project and the revamping o f this incredibly important and historic part o f Brisbane, provided the heritage buildings are preserved and reused in creative and thoughtful ways. Although it’s outside the redevelopment area, could thought be given to incorporating the O 'Reilly's Bonded Stores building in Margaret Street into the overall vision o f the project? "The government should invest/highlight/focus on the unique features of Brisbane city. Having a bigger and better casino in Brisbane does not necessarily mean that it will attract more tourists. W hy? Because Brisbane is also competing with Sydney and Melbourne. How can Brisbane possibly com pete w ith Sydney and Melbourne city, when all these cities have the same old tourist attraction - the casino? Shouldn’t the government focus on other aspects of our city in order to make it unique from the rest, instead of trying to copy other local cities such as Sydney and Melbourne???? W hat are our city’s planners and urban designers doing?? C’mon SEQ, surely Brisbane can actually become a world city that offers attractions tha t are unique and different!!!!! According to the Brisbane Times, Brisbane has more gaming machines than Las Vegas. This city does not need any more gambling facilities. Could the governm ent please th ink about the consequences and negative effects this new development would have on the community and evaluate this proposal again in the best interests o f society?" see question # 6 It's a big enough area to include a good variety o f attractions. It should have a sub­ tropical feel - lots o f fountains - has to be tidy and always have things happening, see question # 6 If there is a casino development then it should be if possible be Australian owned and operated. Facility that would attract local support and the best celebrities and others who visit Australia. Brisbane should be proud to welcom e visitors to this facility. Could not recommend Treasury Casino or Hotel now managed by Echo to any overseas or interstate visitors. Echo have closed or limited the hours of its current restaurants and the quality o f the food is poor. Used to eat there regularly but avoid it now. Hotel standards have also been reduced. A business that cannot manage now and whose standard is poor should not be given the opportunity o f managing something as exciting as the new project.


A signature architectural feature that encapsulates the city and makes its profile instantly recognisable, one that will not be lost in the forest o f office blocks would be a boon. I would like to see that end of town revitalised, but I am suspicious o f the current state governm ent's motives. The governm ent should ensure tha t any casino development brings w ith it w ider benefits fo r Brisbane. Large integrated resorts like Crown in Melbourne or Marina Bay Sands in Singapore show how casinos can extend to genuine entertainm ent complexes. Particular emphasis should be placed on gaining additional theatre space in Brisbane, which is currently insufficient. It is also important that the development integrates with the river, as th is side of the CBD has long suffered from being cut off by riverside expressway. W e all know we are getting a new casino. The Newman administration is patronizing us by pretending to consult as if the ultimate outcome were not a foregone conclusion. The prospect o f more casinos is horrifying. Investing in small business and housing is a better option. W e have a rental shortage, so more apartments would do well to help alleviate the problem. Brisbane has already lost too many older buildings. The government is always stressing the dire state of Queensland's finances, yet one of the firs t statements is that they will pull down the Executive building & rebuild. This when there is no money for Gonski & thousands o f workers losing the ir jobs including medical staff. .By all means tidy up the north riverbank & make it parkland, shade trees, seating & outdoor cafes. A lovely place to meet fo r residents & tourists alike. We already have too many modern, ugly buildings in the city. Brisbane has already lost too many older buildings. The government is always stressing the dire state of Queensland's finances, yet one of the firs t statements is that they will pull down the Executive building & rebuild. This when there is no money for Gonski & thousands of workers losing their jobs including medical staff. .By all means tidy up the north riverbank & make it parkland, shade trees, seating & outdoor cafes. A lovely place to meet fo r residents & tourists alike. W e already have too many modern, ugly buildings In the city. W e do not have many green places in the CBD. It is important to keep the green spaces we have left: M iller Park and Queens Garden. Especially if the decision is made to turn part o f the new precinct into a residential area. Keep the Heritage listed buildings and incorporate them into the new precinct; otherwise the city w ill lose some character, which in turn will make it more like all other cities, and no-one wants to visit a city that is the same as everywhere else. "The Governm ent precinct (George and W illiam Streets) is jus t about the only small part o f the city which connects us to the past, and we need to protect all heritage buildings in the precinct at all costs. I think the 100 George St buildings is the second ugliest building in the Southern Hemisphere and should torn down immediately, and the site turned into a culturally diverse green space to attract more visitors to this part o f the city. I also encourage future developments (even if it has to be casinos), especially very tall (300m+), environmentally friendly buildings, and architecturally diverse, but jus t in the appropriate sites i.e. the Brisbane Transit Centre (the ugliest building in the Southern Hemisphere). The following buildings are great points of


reference fo r what our city planners, councils and State Governm ent should encourage:

The Shard, London - C lear demonstration o f how a modern new building can overcome swampy muddy sites and still build an enormously tall structure that becomes its own tourist attraction. One Bryant, New York - The world’s most environm entally friendly building. The entire building and surrounding block is self-sufficient for its own energy.

• Taipei 501, Taiwan - An architectural masterpiece, with the engineering feats to overcome an typhoon w hilst standing at an impressive 501 metres, the fapade to replicate a piece of bamboo, and the entire structure is fang-sui, this building must be used as a case study.

Development fo r Brisbane is a good thing. As long as the history and integrity o f the space is maintained. I like the idea of making the CBD, especially along the waterfront, a more vibrant place to work, play and relax. Brisbane is often seen as less v ibrant than Sydney and Melbourne and I th ink the redevelopment plan would be a great way to proving that perception wrong. W ith the Commonwealth games coming up, I th ink the redevelopment is both tim ely and required. A great opportunity to create a landmark development that is unique to Brisbane and an enjoyable place to work. There has been no mention of the environment impact o f the project. 1 would like to see more information o f this type. "The tower project is proceeding in its gargantuan and out-of-scale over-developm ent o f the constrained 1 W illiam Street site, rising three times the height and 5 tim es the bulk of buildings in its vicinity like the Executive Building and the Parliamentary Annex and dwarfing the low rise remnants of Master Architect W alte r Netsch of SOM's master plan for the Governm ent precinct at 80 George Street and the Executive Annex that so sym pathetically fit w ithin their heritage surrounds. Over-riding the usual checks and balances you now say, ""no m aster planning will be undertaken."" W hy not?" I do not support having a Casino. Nor more Retail areas. I'd like the area to be kept for recreation, walks, parks with sculpture & art displays I'm 100% all for it. That end of town is tired and underwhelming and underutilised. This would reboot a construction industry limping along and revitalise the tourism industry. Brisbane is full o f tourists and we have the numbers to support this redevelopment. Cannot come sooner. The draft vision and objectives I have seen are spot on. It would be really great to make use of the riverfront. Hopefully the loony left doesn’t stop it. "NO new casino please Activate the river edge and tie into heritage significance to create Brisbane's equivalent o f "'T he Rocks.... The land is PUBLIC and MUST NOT BE SOLD!!!! The vision avoids clarity about the future ownership o f the land but it appears to be a plan to sell some of the most valuable PUBLIC LAND in Brisbane. NONE OF THE LAND SHOULD BE SOLD!!! I


could live with a lease but not, under any cirGumstances a sale. It would be jus t too near-sighted. This land will be even more valuable In the future, the place should be developed as a community centre fo r the people in Brisbane Need to include more options, including removal o f all existing buildings, railway or dedicated bus access, and car parking. Please make a step change to make the city have a central precinct that has a day and night life Tap Into Brisbane’s international community and maybe introduce a night market on the bicentennial bus way (along with mobile bike workshops etc.) with street food etc. This area should redefine Brisbane fo r the 21 st Century and nestle against the river, the Heritage building is o f limited value In the current form, the project needs to revitalise a dead part o f the city and bring a tourism edge to the City heart. A llow developm ent to pass over the expressway and connect with the public transport on the river. Any infrastructure buildings for whatever use, needs to be sensitive to the surrounds and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I strongly feel that we don't need another 80 story tower (blight) in the city. A building that shows some beautiful architecture such as the Law Courts Building and that will still look good in a 1 GO years’ time is the way to go forward. Not Just short term monetary gain fo r developers who don't have the foresight outside of the $ to give this beautiful city w hat it deserves to take it into the next century fo r future generations and fo r those o f us who live and work here now, the chance to enjoy the city to its maximum potential and as a showcase to domestic and international visitors. A precinct security presence should be permanently put in place and also good lighting to make people feel safe at night, thank you Strongly against a casino I support the redevelopment to support a new hotel. Cannot accept the idea of expanding the current casino, as the establishment is currently poorly run, examples given Include the closure of the "LIvewire Bar", reduced hours of restaurants, reduction in table games and increase in table minimum limits. Such examples give no credit to the relocation of the current casino. Consider expanding the cultural aspect o f the area to enhance tourism. all good except for the idea of another casino. 1 is already one too many. Please listen to the voice of ratepayers before you railroad us. This is a once-in-a- generation to do something fo r ratepayers, the people who keep you in a job. Surprise us and listen to feedback, take the time to listen. Pandering to special interest groups will come back to bite you! Leave It alone "Go for it! Make us prouder to be from Brisbane." There is an urgent need to facilitate the movem ent o f pedestrians & cyclists; to respect & facilita te enjoyment o f the river; & lim it vehicle traffic. This is a farcically Imprudent given the current econom ic environment. Services provision com es before assets building. Stop wasting our money, stop pay increases and start to provide essential services. Looks to me like the Draft is more of a Final D ra ft... game, set, match to C Newman and his band of opportunistic entrepreneurs.


By redeveloping the riverside in this area it could open up great locations fo r cafes and mirror the South Bank parklands area but with a more aduit rather than fam ily focus. Please improve the bike and walking paths so they feel safer at night. New development to support and promote the re-use of the important heritage buildings and the riverside public spaces. Not too sure if you are genuinely interested in the feedback from the com m unity with the tim e fram es and some of the questions above, it appears that the S tate has a preference fo r a casino. Updating this area is critical and creating a niche area that differs from existing activities would be great. There is enough residential already within the CBD. This area also needs to be considered in the greater inner city context. Please don’t turn this into just another section of the city that has tall boarding modern buildings. W e have lost our wonderful old world charm that we once had. I would also consider removing the office space tha t once had the Bellevue Hotel, and rebuild that once beautiful building. Place all the other buildings lost during the 60- 70/80’s Please connect with the past, be proud to what we had. there are already too many boring modern buildings in this city. I want to be able to show friends from 0 /S and interstate that we are a wonderful subtropical city, that old world "Singapore' feel is something we could build on. look at the Qld Club building, such a wonderful piece o f history. PLEASE don’t build tall modern rubbish. This is a once in a life chance to do something nice in our city. Rebuild a piece o f our past, turn a complete stretch of a street into an 1880's style area. Use our wonderful natural wood and stone. I work in the city but I don’t come tithe city with my fam ily as it is boring as fare as appeal goes. I would love to be able to show my 7 and 9 year old a piece o f the city "that was" as living and working show piece o f our past, we already have enough modern stuff in our city. I fee! sick everytime I walk up the end o f Queen street when the market are on and see that ugly Suncorp building. I remember as a boy the top end o f North Quay has wonderful old building and ianeways.... but they are gone and all we have is grey concert, jus t like King George square. I fo r one would have turn King George square into a nice green space with a Qld" feel. I could be in any other city in the world with w hat we have there at the moment. I know in my mind w hat the project should look like; let’s hope the powers to be can see what I do. Please not my thoughts are that o f at least a few dozen friends o f mine. Thanks. Jason "Please don't turn this area into a Casino resort!!!!! It is a rare stretch of land along the river's edge that should be redeveloped for the people o f Brisbane into a cultural m ixed-use precinct. W e desperately need to create more spaces to get close to the water like River Quay In South Bank and a creative spin on redeveloping under the m otorway could build on our new and bespoke ianeways culture of grunge, art and mystery. More short-term mooring opportunities and a spot to hire canoes/kayaks at this point would boost tourism as well." The executive building was an ugly block from the day it opened, if this area is to be rebuilt it should have more public open areas w ith c lear sunlight and a centrepiece of world class architecture not ugly buildings like 1 W illiam street but an amazing piece o f architecture like the Sydney opera house or the Art, Science museum in Singapore.


"I am doubtful about the motivation fo r the redeveiopment, which appears to be a politicai desire to capitalise on the value of the land and its redevelopment potential fo r commercial advantage. The highest and best use o f the land is public open space, not income earning buildings. And certainly not a casino. Any redevelopment should meet the highest modern standards fo r universal access fo r all members of the public, including those with physical disabilities." Again, don't think we need a new casino, i believe there are a lot more beneficia l entertainment options than a place to gamble which would be of benefit to Queenslanders versus a corporate organisation that would benefit from the casino. Better to have fam ily friendly options than a casino. I have concerns that the river Itself w ill suffer from the redevelopment, tha t the unique nature of the space along the foreshore will be over developed. No to a casino in the city precinct. A duplication of Southbank may have adverse impacts on Southbank as a social hub. "I think it's a wonderful idea providing you can provide some sort o f em ergency contingency plans if we ever see the flood levels we saw in 2011. Building up the foreshore with marinas and boardwalks is great but it will be wasted money if you open up the dams again that w ay and wash away everything out to sea. F lood-proofing the riverside part o f the precinct would be vital to any future development. Cafes and bars would look great and would make the riverside look sim ilar to some o f Sydney's harbour side localities. Lastly, i think much better lighting would be required underneath the current highway structure because it is currently terrib le and doesn't feel very safe when you walk there after dark." Brisbanites have lost so many o f our historic buildings over the decades and we didn 't have that many to begin with. W e don't want to lose anymore. I would not like to see any further developm ent of gambling in Brisbane, i would not like to see private developers purchasing government-owned properties fo r short­ term gain only. The riverside bikeway should be brought up to street level so that it does not flood and fo r safety at night. Cycle safety from the Victoria Bridge could be improved by extending the bike lane instead o f having it suddenly disappear, which is confusing and dangerous in the middle of traffic. A lso roadside parking could be reduced to provide bike lane connections to other routes. "W ords of the vision sound good - however I am somewhat dubious about what the quality o f actual outcomes will be. This is an area of utmost historic significance to the state of Queensland. Compatible use and careful design is the key to long term viability o f the area, i support adaptive reuse and infill o f heritage buildings, i support further development of the area. Development must be done with utmost skill and care. Careful integration of new development and compatible new uses should ensure this area will continue to tell the story o f Queensland's past and its evolution and contribute to our sense of place and identity. This in turn will stimulate long term econom ic and functional viability o f the area - any new development should be another sensitive layer to the story of th is area. Understanding the history o f the area, its cultural heritage significance, its patterns of use and its development over time (of the area as a whole and that o f its individual


buildings) should be the basis fo r decisions made on future plans to ensure a positive, lasting contribution to th is historic area. Unfortunately the design and scale of 1 W illiam S t development is disastrous - it does not set a good precedent. It also indicates a lack of understanding about how to develop significant areas that contribute to the long term economic and functional viability o f heritage precincts. How will Queenslanders view this building in 100 years’ tim e - are we contributing to our future cultural and economic capital or creating another future white elephant - like the 80 George Street building? Please don 't let th is be the start o f the end fo r th is area - whatever future functions and activities It houses it is how it is done as much as what is put in it that is the key issue. Queensland government needs to lead by example. The redevelopment o f this historic area will be a legacy o f our tim es - I hope decision makers will exercise good judgem ent and balanced decision making so outcomes are positive and lasting." Campbell Newman left a significant deficit in the BCG budget and I th ink a deficit from this development w ill be his 'legacy' for the state. The plan does not address how existing buildings (e.g. shops and office buildings) will be used. George St already feels like ghost town with em pty shops. The Public service is now smaller, w hy are more offices required? Preservation of space around the Com m issariat Store, the Mansions and the National Trust building should be a priority in any new development. I find it really difficult to feel positive about anything this government is doing. Preserving and displaying Brisbane’s heritage buildings should be a top priority as there are very few in Brisbane and they are not easily accessible to the public. I would like to see the space used fo r art and culture such as museums and art galleries, improved access to heritage buildings (perhaps used in ways such as the QVB building in Sydney or as museum s and galleries), restaurants and cafes and high class retail (NOT large chain store retail) with strong public transport access and use of the river. This space should not be wasted as office and residential. I am concerned that the area along the riverbank will be taken away from people who cycle and walk and use the space fo r non-commercial activity's and become an area like the elite (and dull) eagle street pier area. 1 do not want another casino in Brisbane... and finally when shops are shutting all over the city do you think it is responsible to pursue the creation o f new high rent retail space? wouldn’t it be better to fund project to support non-CBD based development? Ph more bike racks are need in the CBD and can you fix the bike lane that suddenly ends when coming off V ic bridge into the city? I think this a fantastic opportunity fo r Brisbane It's almost im possible to describe how strongly i oppose a second casino. Strategies that integrate the river better with the CBD. If we are a R iver C ity then nowhere should this be more apparent than the old North Quay area. If space allows then a number o f those visions m ight be achieved but certainly not a t the expense of heritage buildings. Planning should ensure that Queen Street mall Is a more natural extension of th is development area. If there is to be commercial development then restaurants at a higher level overlooking the river would be an inviting prospect. I have just returned from a European holiday via Asia and there is a clear message for Brisbane that we need to establish a more form idable ' icon' via which Brisbane builds its reputation upon. Perhaps this is related to our River City connections e.g.


something 'way out there' like a canal way that feeds from the river into the precinct area around public spaces Please ensure you keep the character o f the heritage area as too many o f our special heritage buildings have been lost. Many o f my fam ily used to work in the old Printing Office so these buildings have special meaning to me. I don't see the need fo r Brisbane to have another casino My main thought is there is public sector in a building on one side of a busy road (Alice Street) and the State parliament on the other - w ith the building squashed between other major routes off the expressway. To me it doesn't seem a good place to put a building of th is type w ithout a. redirecting traffic to another area o f the city and/or pedestrianising the area. I'd have thought a more low-set green field site or South Bank as more obvious (except for the distance to parliament). Public Transport is also a bit further away and need a rethink. Not a big fan of the size/tail building e ither - is it a target fo r terrorism? Revitalisation is needed. Integration with the river is needed. Better pedestrian access is needed. Better cycling lanes are needed on George St "Regarding the development of 1 W illiam St, the building o f a private building on public land is a ridiculous concept. Does the QLD government / people still own the land? If so who will pay the rates? Also the plan to build another Casino down the road from an existing Casino is Crazy, and a morally corrupt w ay fo r the government to earn tax revenue." It is a great vision and as long as there are plenty o f local small business’ involved and not big out-of-towners it should prove a great economic boost fo r Brisbane. I know o f few industries w ith as little value to society as gambling, i don't feel it should be further glorified or validated with another building in the CBD. i would prefer to see new CBD development projects contribute to the enrichment o f our culture. "No casino. Stop selling off governm ent buildings. More public spaces." It's not based on what Queenslanders and more specifically, what the people of Brisbane want, it’s all about business and money. People don't have money to spend so putting in more shops and another casino isn't going to make things any better. Another casino? This time, in a historic portion of old Brisbane? How tawdry. Are you selling us out, o r have you already been bought and paid for? "the riverside portion o f the designated Ares could use substantial revitalization, the bikeway and footpath below the riverside expressway are not overly pleasant places to be, the view across the river is great but the location itself is not. as this area is 'under the bridge' there is only so much that can be done effectively, the idea of je tties and riverside restaurants seems overly ambitious as there will still be constant shadow & noise from the riverside expressway however i do not feel that the other areas indicated need any substantial changes." i th ink th is is an excellent opportunity to reinvigorate the CBD Do not w ant another casino, would prefer to not even have one casino. Very damaging to society and families. Don't let James Packer take over Brisbane entertainment.


We are doing a great job, keep it up, Brisbane! It is very unnecessary and a complete waste of money. I don't even know w hy it is a thing to be looking at. The precinct already caters to everyone and will not lack capacity (in terms of catering to numbers) in the near future. 1 would like to see a government precinct as there is a t present. I would like to see better use of the riverfront, but must remember that we are a flood-prone city. The economic pillars are silly and the 'draft vision' needs to recognise that the riverside express is right there... Not exactly the best environm ent fo r w aterfront development The development has the opportunity to complem ent BCC new world city vision and should have a sustainability focus on Positive Development. The Australian Green development Forum would be interested in assisting the development of practical Positive Development guidelines fo r the development "We do not need a casino. It does em ploy many people but it also destroys lives and families... Makes me sick to think we collect money from people’s misery. http://www.abc.net.aU/news/video/2010/10/18/3041773.htm?sIte=southqld How can you sit by and watch people com m it suicide, you make me sick" No concrete Jungles. No tacky modernising. For instance, tha t "street art" on Burnett Lane. Wow. Absolutely terrible. The designs for any regeneration of Brisbane shouldn't be "flamboyant": they should be actually relatively minimal. As the precincts develop, THAT'S when you begin to look at superficial design that might match the atmosphere that's taken hold. I really w ish I could be present at any design meetings to provide a reality check to people who think they know what's "hip". The results make the majority o f people cringe. Would like to see improve pedestrian connectivity throughout the city. It is very time consuming walking between different buildings. Sub-surface pedestrian/cyclist connections would be excellent. The area needs redevelopment and this is a great opportunity to get inspiration from Melbourne - art spaces, street art, cafes, restaurants, Ianeways, etc. Brisbane could have so much more wonderful outdoor dining particularly near the river. A casino is a very bad idea though. no casino - appropriate arrangements made for the public servants that are being displaced Provided that there is a strong sense of preservation fo r Brisbane's heritage, this project has the potential to bring a new life into this part o f Brisbane. However I feel that the complete loss of any open spaces with grass and trees, etc. would work negatively towards the objective. sounds pretty good as fa r as retaining and enhancing heritage values and public utility. There is no need at all to have a casino - that will be a vote changer for me I'm very supportive o f development in the Brisbane CBD and Inner city. These kinds of projects grow our city and breathe life into businesses big and. small. I hope the area incorporates open planned lower floors o f all the buildings and allows for small coffee shops and restaurants to m ix in around the area. "If it can be done properly that w ill benefit all stakeholders for years to come (predom inantly TAXPAYERS), then go fo r it. If it is going to be run like a typical ALP-like Project with budget overruns; m ismanagement; and jobs fo r the boys... NO!"


Call Packer; tell him to put in a proposal to design the entire area, with consideration to Public & Private investment amounts budgeted. Remember to tell him "sorry, no Pokies allowed", get feedback. Go with Packers idea anyway. Build, enjoy.

• "Revitalisation of the precinct is long overdue and I’m excited that it is finally going to happen. Allowing a casino player (either Echo or Crown) to do all o r part o f the development is a good way to achieve it w ithout using taxpayer dollars. Play them o ff against each other to get the best result for Brisbane." I am concerned that there is a focus on unrealistic commercial objectives. There seems no realistic need for a resort style development in the CBD. It seem s to be that the Kangaroo Point or Southbank precincts are far more suited to such a development where there are already substantial green spaces to supplem ent the development, and the ability to take advantage o f city views. The project is a good idea but we need to ensure that the cultural value o f th is area is recognised and retained and make it an interactive area where people can gain an appreciation of the bygone era. something more with that. Encourage schools to visit and I don't believe Brisbane needs another casino development and South Bank already has the convention centre, art gallery, cultural experience angle pretty much covered. More revitalisation o f land next to the river, opening it up as a safe public space, get rid o f the roads!!! NO CASINO!! The Treasury Casino brings down the city, it’s full of addictive sm okers and gamblers, and it’s sad and depressing! Make it a cultural precinct with art and theatre and spaces communities can engage with each other in. Please, please, please...NO CASINO!!! the project acknowledges a part o f the city that is central and much underutilised. It is encouraging to think what can happen with th is project but it needs to be done in conjunction with Brisbane city projects like the city centre master plan so a cohesive strategic outcome is achieved for the whole of the CBD which results in integrated development and urban outcomes. The designs need to keep in place the subtropical environm ent the city is trying to achieve. "The Old State Library Building and other heritage buildings must be retained! Not jus t the facade!!!! There is not much heritage left in Brisbane which is becoming a sad joke. These buildings can be re-used by doing internal refits which maintain the character o f the building and its heritage. They could be used as restaurants, bars, cafes, art spaces etc. If a new casino is built in the precinct area its ok, but NOT at the expense of more heritage buildings. This end of the city is historically the classy side of the city, so the redevelopment should maintain the heritage but revitalise the precinct." I would really prefer that the there is no casino at all. I would like to see more places of culture such as live music venues and bars. Public realm is more important than buildings to make cities vibrant places. Governments should increase revitialisation of open space and streetscapes to create usable areas for all - not selling of land (expecting / hoping that it will work). I think redevelopment of the area is crucial in maintaining many peoples jobs, careers and lively-hoods, as well as bringing tourists in and giving the local south east Queeslanders a form of entertainment and relaxationi W e cannot lim it ourselves and put ourselves at the behest o f "overseas tourists" that quite frankly may never come!


• The project represents a once in a generation opportunity to transform inner city waterfront land. Like other capital cities around the world this opportunity m ust not be taken lightly if Brisbane is to become a globally identifiable place.

• Let's make something that everyone can enjoy, not Just those who want to shop, work o r gamble.

• The key to the both the CBD m aster plan and the Governm ent precinct redevelopment appears to be resolving the disastrous piece of urban design that is the riverside expressway. The acoustic pollution and ugliness of th is piece of infrastructure will continue to be a blight on Brisbane unless long term strategies are put in place to resolve the problems it causes, so that future generations can enjoy this edge of the city as much as countless thousands of people currently en joy South Bank.

• "I agree that this area has a great deal o f potential, particularly in adding to the Brisbane cityscape and making Brisbane a more attractive destination to v is it and live.

• Its proxim ity to the Brisbane River means that any development in the area could negatively impact on the remaining mangroves and biodiversity along/ in the river. This means any development needs to be sensitive to these special features.

• The precinct should em ploy clever infill methods fo r mixed used developments - Including commercial, cultural and educational buildings as well as public spaces.

• Queensland has one of the lowest percentages of parks o f all Australian cities. So it should be a green urban oasis that is a place people w ant to be. Promoting outdoor space and places will help bring the area to life. This m ight also help reduce the growing number o f Queenslanders with vitamin D deficiency!

• The precinct should emphasise its riverside access and link the buildings and landscape together with the Brisbane River. It should also connect with the city’s increasingly im portant bike and pedestrian pathways. Cyclists are making up an ever increasing proportion of the com m uter population and safer bike ways would help reduce traffic in the city and promote a healthier lifestyle.

• Including these elements and more could position Brisbane as a leader in urban design and attract the workforce and tourists that we are planning for in the rest of Queensland."

• They're pretty generic vision and objectives that you get from most of these projects. • A casino is not needed. Casinos provide only low skilled and low paid jobs and do

not develop the community and gam bling cannibalises small business. • "Hate casinos- are they really a necessary evil fo r tourism? • Gambling is not cool, need to review gam bling licensing and rehabilitation

opportunities fo r local people and make it c lear to us non gamblers who hate the pokies and what is has done to our entertainm ent precincts.

• A lso concerned that th is seems to be a done deal and carefully orchestrated in terms o f media releases. The public is not stupid. W ithholding information does not make it a novel fresh approach. It Is obvious that 1 W illiam street redevelopment was predicated on this arrangem ent w ith echo."

• no • An Upgrade fo r the riverside bike-way is overdue & a completion of the Copenhagen

lane on George street is needed


The current cycling and running paths are highly used but not very safe in terms of lighting and separation of cyclists and runners/walkers. There are such beautiful spaces along the river but th is stretch is quite an eye-sore and feels unsafe, more cycling options Please give a focus to cycling safety and facility when redeveloping the area. "It is positive to ask fo r feedback in th is way Activating the space is im portant so getting people there is important to include e.g. all active transport options, including public transport. End o f trip facilities, infrastructure, lighting, security, points of interest, shade, street furniture, street art, cafes, etc. are all important. High density residential options should be considered as well. Thanks fo r the opportunity to comment and I w ill watch with interest." Any casino should be out o f the CBD and over in South bank/W est End ... the Parmalat site would be perfect. This precinct is currently wasted and in parts, an eyesore. Not needed and a waste o f money This area deserves rejuvenation through redevelopment but w ill only be successful if the whole public can enjoy. Keep a strong focus on preserving the limited places o f heritage value we have in Brisbane Don't make it another Casino!!! I would be very disappointed if an additional casino was approved - our governments are already too dependent on gambling revenue - gambling causes all sorts o f social problems - Governments should be about fixing social problems, not causing them. Does the vision say "new world city"? W here are the innovation and step changes? W hat about our climatic variability that will impact greatly on our city? How can we employ great urban design to m itigate the effects? Given energy, water, food, and carbon are essentially core issues o f today that will have the greatest impact tom orrow - how are we integrating such thinking into the vision and objectives? needs to include aim to encourage travel that doesn't create tra ffic congestion - better public transport, bike ways and parking, and footpath parking fo r motorcycles Integrated land use for patrons, office workers, holiday makers of restaurants, cafes, open use areas, with green space as well as trees. A revitalised precinct for mind and spirit. Coming into the city fo r the last 7+ years it is very sterile, with no real life, a part from foot traffic. People are crying out for something that will breathe life back into the city. The only place to go atm Is over to Southbank. Let's make it a cross between the original South Bank idea and the Valley. Important to get the balance right. The public realm needs to be catered to. this is a revenue earning project for the LNP bit late fo r community consultation as the plans have already been done! No casino, no selling o ff o f governm ent owned assets. I would like Govt to ensure there is security so people can come and go from the precinct safely a t night. I dare our city leaders to show real leadership on this issue and NOT allow Brisbane to be turned into the same McShape and Mcsize o f so many other cities. It is ok to be different!


I fea r the greed of casino owners will trum p the expertise of well-m eaning historians and town planners. 1 don't think the objective should be to maximise returns - it should principally be about enhancing the liveability o f the city and making it the kind o f global city strategically located in the Asia-pacific region it needs to be. Tolerant, creative, entrepreneurial etc I am positive about the vision to develop the heritage precinct and to recognize the significance of the area to the history o f Brisbane. However I am fearful that the current nature o f the area will be taken away when I see the example shown of possible redevelopment which is totally out o f keeping with 'heritage'. The Queens W harf Rd. definitely needs attending to, as currently it is a 'no go' area because of those who frequent it. The old State Library Building is historic and should be used fo r that purpose. W illiam Street could have more o f an avenue feel, but firstly something has to be done about care for all o f the homeless people in the area to encourage the whole precinct to be used. I welcome the plans and agree that the vision recognizes the history o f the area, but it must be sym pathetic to the original architecture. Take Adelaide 's riverfront fo r example. Tim e to come alive, Brisbane Please retain the Public Service Club building with its outdoor dining area - it is a beautiful building and one o f the few hidden outdoor dining areas in the city. I really don't want 2 Casino's. But if the Premier won't let go of the Idea {for whatever reason) - the Melbourne Casino is kind of good - the surrounding restaurants etc. W e must enliven the precinct, treasure our heritage by reusing it a sensitive and meaningful way, make sure it is reused so the public who own it can use it, can linger in its shade and want to com e and spend time there day and night. Green, green, green and make use of the river. Do not let commercial greed dom inate in decision making. This is a once in a century opportunity to do something visionary. A casino in particular would ruin th is end of the city. It is perhaps the most magnificent part o f the city. Parliament House, Mansions, Commissariat store, Queensland Club, Printery, Treasury. W e must not have another 80 George Street or Parliamentary Annexe. Please, please do the right thing. Modern architecture should be Sym pathetic like Neville Bonner Building. 1 W illiam Street design is unsympathetic unfortunately. So, not starting on the right note. I am against the idea of putting all the public servants in one place in the city. If one building is compromised, the whole o f the public service will be affected, is it money well spent, is it necessary right now when small business is struggling and public service operating within tight constraints All the heritage buildings should be opened and available fo r use by the public The draft vision does not have a sufficient level o f community engagement and potential for participation. The area should be focused on cultural and historic facilities, records and activities. Queensland does not need more public infrastructure spending. It needs fiscal responsibility. I would like the area to become a public cultural hub, with restaurants and retail, and possibly new residential developments: I am strongly opposed to any further casino developments within the city.


I would like to see more public art in a variety o f mediums, interspersed w ith green spaces w ith flowers and trees and colourful spaces to enrich the eye (and the soul) and contrast with the bland ugly concrete in the area. A photography gallery, a gallery o f film and other media exhibitions, QLD political and social history museum, and public spaces where art events (e.g. laser beam art exhibits on rotation) that can be used fo r Brisbane Festival and other events would be great. A variety o f eating venues are also important given the huge relocation o f public servants to W illiam St. Please accom modate a sm oker’s area so that the other beautiful public green areas can be smoke-free. I think it would be great to see a world class integrated entertainm ent precinct on this sight. Brisbane needs a hub of excitement during weeknights and a place to be on weekends. 1 think that George Street rejuvenation is long overdue and very exciting. W e also have so much wasted space down by the river which should be a real attribute for the city. Can't wait to see w hat happens. Very positive about the development. I know the vision talks about being fo r everyone. But with ta lk o f a boutique casino, cafes, entertainm ent it sounds like something for the rich and fam ous - not a clever move in current environment O f the 16 questions, 6 include references to a Casino. It is obvious what is intended through this 'redevelopment' project! I strongly object to government land being sold o ff so that developers can put a second casino in. The Treasury casino is an abomination as it is. W hy would we want another? A ren ’t there better things to do with this land that would be of greater benefit to the people of Queensland than a second casino? Ineffective use of money. The building is ugly, it has no amenity and seem ingly thousands o f public servants will again have to move and endure the disruption - fo r what purpose. Ridiculous public policy. more recreational facilities i.e. parkland, river walkways, playgrounds etc. would revitalise th is end of the city and utilise access to the city cat. 1 like the idea but it will drain the already struggling mall businesses. There also needs to be reasonably priced parking to attract business as that is what is ruining the Myer centre and businesses in the heart o f the CBD. It would be good if 1 William Street had some sort o f acknowledgement to the traditional owners of the land - perhaps an art display in the ground floor foyer. I would also like to see a move towards green buildings such as the Maroochydore Govt Building which has verandas and doors on each level so that staff can open the doors and have natural cooling rather than air-conditioning as that's the way o f the future instead of huge costs for air-conditioning. 1 strongly feel that the space would be best suited fo r an Entertainment precinct with more hotel rooms, restaurants bars and a revitalised casino! The area around the river should retain its availability fo r leisure activities but could integrate services to make it livelier (and therefore seem safer). "The vision statement is excellent. Objectives include ""...improvements to public spaces..."" 1 would prefer expansion of this objective to include creation of new spaces as well.


Objectives include ""...optimal financial outcome fo r governm ent..."" This should be re-drafted to read ""...optimal financial social & environmental outcomes fo r the people o f Queensland....... No more casinos PLEASE There is not enough detail. W hich blocks exactly will be consumed? Tim efram e? W hat will the new precinct look like? we need more entertainm ent options away from Fortitude Valley. A casino should revitalise an area and I don't th ink central CBD is the place. Casino would be better at places like south bank, fortitude valley o r other areas tha t are aimed at entertainm ent o f all hours. This is a brilliant opportunity to bring life to th is area o f the city. If done right, it w ill be fantastic. It must be an area where you can work and play. I am concerned there could be two casinos. Brisbane doesn't need two, even a so- called VIP version like Packer got in Sydney. Let's get one high quality casino and get it right. a world class casino would lift the city economy I th ink Brisbane needs to develop a stronger entertainm ent area, a resort w ill provide Jobs and modern outlets fo r shopping and entertainment. Emphasise its role as one of the most significant heritage precincts in Queensland and the need to have a public realm o f the highest quality. It w ill achieve the overall revitalisation objectives fo r the precinct and if it is geared towards entertainment, it w ill boost visitor numbers to Brisbane and strengthen our local tourism industry. I like the whole idea of that area being revitalised and mostly I like the progressive ideas put out by the Govt re class hotels, casino with possible towers. Yes, an online version of the display would be good. Getting to th is area is hard from Central station. I am hesitant due to the tim ing o f project. There are other more pressing issues this money could be spent on. Like lowering the cost o f electricity. The project should not be fo r the personal gain of State Government Employees and the ir personal businesses. For your info I am a LNP supporter! I haven't seen any vision or objectives to com m ent on It is not clear whether the casino in the new developm ent will be IN ADDITION to the current casino or if the current casino will be moving to new premises within the transform ative area. I am open to the idea of all kinds of developm ent proposed except a casino. I support activation o f the riverbank only if undertaken sensitively and in accordance with best practice sustainability principles. Access from George St and W illiam Street through to the Goodwill Bridge should be dram atically improved. Victoria Park should not be encroached upon or lessen in size. Any additional public spaces should have adequate shading, especially in the form o f trees. Heritage buildings should be preserved, Public spaces & streets should be designed to lessen anti-social behaviours & have CCTV coverage. Consider some car-free pedestrian malls. "South Bank is a city-statem ent o f a healthy environm ent o f public access to leisure, entertainm ent and education. The North Bank could complement rather than duplicate; introducing fam ily friendly activities, events, and excitements.


The river foreshore should be developed as a public green-strip water-feature; modelling sustainable resources servicing river water fountain- laser light spectacles. These social amenities can be complemented, as part o f cost effective measures, with suitably discrete commercial interests wanting to benefit from the attractions.” Keep shopping out o f the development. Encourage hotels and private quality residential. As above, I don't th ink we can afford it. This proposal right now makes the governm ent look like a bunch of hypocrites and the recent sackings and service cut backs a cruel and sadistic joke. "Please forward updates on this project to leemapstone@ gmail.com Thanks" North bank development o f rivers, parks and other public spaces shouid not overshadow them I th ink that the precinct definitely needs to be updated but it’s hard to com m ent as there is no real information released. It’s also important to get the right m ix between heritage and modern. Definitely not like the BCC building or the current state executive building. The area does need redeveloping, particularly the areas nearest the River. The ugly Freeway up above is a problem though and it is assumed that is staying where it is (which limits what can be done). I would prefer the area be redeveloped w ithout a new casino - the existing one is perfectly adequate, and accessible from the Precinct area. The addition o f a quality new hotel and new Public Service accommodation would be good, as would developing walking/cycling areas down by the river (preferably right round to the Goodwill Bridge but I realise that is outside the redevelopment area). Regarding the possibility o f a casino being in the project, as my brother-in-law died one year ago from gam bling-related suicide, I would like to stress the very high cost individuals, fam ilies, and the com m unities w ithin which they live, pay from the impacts o f problem gambling, gambling addiction, and often-associated excessive consumption of alcohol. Let’s keep It sophisticated, classy, and with appropriate checks & balances in place to m inim ise the very dark side of this industry. Just do it we need a new venue for a new resort style casino I th ink the money fo r this project would be better spent improving transport options (particular access to the city from eastern areas like W ynnum, Gumdale, Capalaba, Birkdale etc.). I am unconvinced by w hat I have heard of the project so far. The project should prioritise high quality public open space to offset increased density and development in the precinct. Brisbane does not need another casino. The proposed building is too high and does not complement the surrounding historical buildings and gardens. Greater access to the River, w ithout losing the architecture of the SE Freeway which is iconic to Brisbane. Greater use of heritage buildings which draws visitors inside them. A "destination" fo r visitors to Brisbane - like the Crown Casino and Southbank precinct in Melbourne, no new casino


The proposed building at 1 W illiam Street requires significant redesign in the architectural treatm ent - currently presents as bulky '80s' style design. Activate the river frontage! Make 'human scale' and 'public safety' key design principles fo r the whole redevelopment Including feeders into the area. It is a great opportunity to showcase Brisbane's history with heritage them ed lighting and paving, make it a place for people with a subtle blend of comm erce not a giary bright modern shopping strip. i strongly oppose a casino/resort style development on the site, it would be inappropriate to directly co-iocate that kind of development with the Parliamentary precinct, i suggest that it is not the image that Qld wants to portray. for a government that claims the state is broke, th is is a bizarre proposal. There is no way that is ever going to be cost neutral. The taxpayers will be slugged fo r th is - refer Newman's previous projects - C lem7, A irport Link and Legacy W ay everyone is using modern architecture, why not fo r a change (for th is development area anyway) use a heritage style architecture with the latest mod cons including muiti-llnguai Interactive info points fo r tourists fo r example. Sydney and Melbourne retained heritage parts o f the CBD and cash in on tourists wanting to experience that....we shouldn't lose our history altogether in the CBD This is a highly significant historic area of Brisbane. It is not an opportunity to expand the Queen Street Mail shopping precinct, build more high-rise buildings o r to expand the existing casino facilities. W e do not need to copy Melbourne or Sydney on this. Brisbane doesn't need another Casino. One is enough. Any redevelopment shouid place a priority on sustainability, and continue to build on the reputation SEQ has been establishing as a place where buildings going green is becoming business as usual. A ll new developments shouid be required as part of planning and approval conditions to achieve a minimum 5 star green star design and as built rating, and a pedestrian accessibility and usability shouid also be a priority. I am concerned about the focus on casinos in this proposal. I do not believe it is the state government's role to be supporting casino development. The draft vision sounds acceptable, but the proposed execution does not. Brisbane does not need or want a new or expanded casino, i thought Southbank w as an entertainm ent precinct. The Ideas are so boring and derivative - can't Brisbane be itself instead of a copy of Melbourne. Fantastic and long overdue. W ill really vitalise this end of the CBD. Have long worked in this part o f town and been embarrassed by "government corner" Do not put into another casino. Make lower George Street a shared pedestrian and vehicle zone w ith a speed lim it o f 10kms another and create space fo r retail and dining business. More bike parking. No city cycle as they are a waste of valuable space The Government Tower in W illiam Street needs to have the top floor assigned to a meeting, conference, and state showcase area to promote the state to international and Interstate Investors. S im ilar to the facilities offered by both the NSW and VIC govts There shouid be more online communication Build replicas of heritage buildings demolished In the past e.g. Bellevue Hotel and Old Law Courts.


the vision needs to be realised in a way that is positive for a greater cross section of people - not jus t well off, inner city workers and business people. It's a really dead end o f town, and quite lacking in services. Over-dom inated by single use office towers. Pedestrian access is not good. Need to be able to Improve pedestrian flows and public transport - would be good to link better with South-Bank and cultural precinct. No I do not want commercial interest being given substantial long term leases and controls over this significant public space. Commercial interest must be only a sm aller part o f an area that should focus on making Brisbane liveable, open and publicly engaging. The current casino does nothing to provide entertainm ent or public good - its focus on making money from promoting gambling is a blight on Brisbane, The Government are hypocrites, when they say on one hand that the states finances are in such a bad way but then on the next hand the Prem ier announces that he is going to spend (waste) m illions o f public monies on a governm ent precinct. I don't agree with it; however it doesn't matter as the government is not listening to the public anyway. It is exactly the same as labour did. It proves that politicians are only there to look after themselves and not the people of Queensland as they are supposed to. As fo r the casino expansion, I am also against that as the government are only looking at dollar figures and not taking into consideration how it will impact the families. The very last thing Brisbane needs is a new or expanded casino taking food from the mouths o f children, driving up crime and suicide, taking revenue away from legitimate business activities. "-1 W illiam S t will be too fa r to walk from the cities major public transport hubs- Central Station and the bus station beneath Queen St.

- The space will be unpleasant to visit (other than to work in a sound proofed office) due to tra ffic noise from the Riverside Expressway.

-if a decision is made to transform the area from a transport corridor to a residential/commercial/recreational/wet lease area the project should relocate the riverside expressway and make the entire north bank foreshore a redevelopment site." While there are indeed some under-utilised areas in that area of the CBD, I'm concerned about the effects on traffic (and the Riverside Expressway), and the effects on heritage buildings. I would like to see more consultation with actual people living with disabilities on these types of redevelopments rather than jus t builders and engineers. Many existing areas that are supposed to be accessible are Impractical and I believe this is due to lack of consultation w ith people who will actually have to use it. The precinct must be used a public goods for the benefits o f all QLDer and not for commercial interest to MNC or large corporate bodies. There is a fa ir bit o f focus on casino development in this survey. Surely this great city and state is more innovative than this? I'll look forward to attending a community information event in the near future. Objectives need to be more strongly focused on adding to the fabric o f Brisbane in a connected w ay that entices people to be there.


More attention to parking - there is nothing in the questionnaire but I th ink it Is a massive barrier which needs to be addressed. A complete waste o f tim e - Qld has more important th ings to worry about than th is - especially outside the south east corner Leave it the way it is, as Govt Offices, the way they were intended. No Bulldozing or development for profit. I see this as the governm ent greasing the palms of developers, I don’t trust them. "This proposed redevelopment is a great opportunity to achieve something which this area of the CBD has been lacking fo r the last 15 or so years. I would love to see this precinct achieve:

- a better Integration with the Brisbane River (by means of activating the riverfront in these areas and encouraging higher and better uses than it Is currently being used for); and more pedestrian friendly streetscape design through the implementation of street furniture, w ider footpaths and subtropical urban design."

Public transport access should be a key consideration as well as making public spaces that a scale appropriately (not too big) with active edges to shopping, eating places. The draft vision gives blanket statements tha t could describe any new developm ent in the CBD. It does not give a specific vision o r objective fo r the site. It is a great idea- but a casino is not needed. A hotel/convention amalgam is fine. Great opportunity to reinvent Brisbane from the heart. I'd love to have a place that people want to go jus t to spend some tim e, rather than have to go (to work) o r simply jus t another place to spend money (shops). I don’t feel a t all connected to casino life - we can build a casino anywhere along the coast and people can fly in and spend their money, but th is doesn't need to be the heart o f w hat we do. This is a very important redevelopment for the C ity that should be started as soon as possible. Brisbane needs to keep its historic buildings especially around George St, otherwise it will become a city with no history, with buildings with no character A lot to work with but opportunities fo r public to comment. Let’s move forward w ith a more liveable city. I do not believe Brisbane needs another casino, especially with the social problems caused by problem gambling. The precinct should be used fo r more general public uses. My biggest consideration is how the plan will overcom e the riverside expressway which disconnects the CBD from the river and has a significant negative impact on amenity. The survey Is obviously biased to justify the building o f another Casino, the survey would have been shorter if you had just asked one question "W here would you like your new Casino" The geographic scope is too limited given the future Cross River Rail Station location on Albert Street and the governm ent’s landholdings beyond the precinct currently under consultation. The focus on the two pillars o f "construction and tourism" presupposes (1) significant redevelopment and (2) a casino / hotels etc. Given the historic importance of th is area, the focus should be on being creating a high quality public realm that celebrates this heritage precinct in the first instance.


Any redevelopment must focus on improved recreation facilities and access fo r the public. The scope and scale of any new buildings must be in keeping w ith existing heritage architecture. "I think the vision and objectives are great. It's good to see that this pro ject has potential to generate new business and investment in the area. It would be good to explore how this precinct could work in with other areas o f the city... Southbank, Botanical Gardens, Eagle Street Pier. How these areas could be connected together somehow to enhance the experience as a local and v is ito r to the area. Southbank does it beautifully connecting the old W harf to right down to the Cultural Centre. Could this new development do the same in providing a connected experience between itself and Eagle St Pier.... and then later onto the Howard St W harves and the floating walk way. In other words creating a Southbank type 'destination/experience' on the other side o f the river." A t a high level, the vision and objectives are OK but the devil is in the detail. I'd like to see much greater protection of the heritage buildings in this precinct and tha t new buildings are sympathetically developed to fit -- not "modern architecture"! Let’s restore the beauty of our city, not turn it into an identically ugly building w ith so many others. W ith the Internet, NBN, etc., let’s use this as an opportunity to shift offices out o f the CBD and into the suburbs closer to where people live and reduce tra ffic congestion. W e should be establishing telework centres in the suburbs so sm aller organisations don't have to establish the ir own suburban offices etc. Lots o f motherhood rather than a statem ent like 'to redevelop in the spirit o f our sub­ tropical giving the city greater appeal, secure open green attractive public areas and consistent with the vision of Brisbane as an energy city where visitors and residents can enjoy a river environment'. I'd like to see included in the plan a tourist facility from which people can boat to Moreton bay fo r day trips, thus linking the CBD with the bay. This appears to have an over focus on private sector investment when previous models highlighted that to make it 'stack up' and too much density o f commercial, entertainment & residential is required to pay for public realm. Keep it in public hands and look at a long term investment vehicle for the benefit o f Queensland The above covers my queries Need to go for a world class precinct. Something to draw locals and tourists to at the same time. A bunch o f useless shops and bad local art w ill jus t leave Brisbane still behind other great cities in Australia. Revitalisation of this part o f the CBD will be a great step towards making Brisbane a more active world city. I envision something like the Queen's W harf Transformative Area as seen as part o f Brisbane City Council's C ity Centre Master Plan, to costly Please protect the cycleway Draft objectives are fine, but some seem at odds with the proposed casino which I am tota lly against. Because the area in question is separate from the busier parts o f the CBD, It is ideal to exploit that by having only development that is focused on relaxed recreational activities, some of which would be integrated with the river and existing bikeway. The addition of a casino, hotel, nightclub o r sim ilar night entertainments is to me incongruous with these more casual values, and should not


be included. The sort o f development on the Southbank should be used fo r a model so the two sides o f the river look integrated. I am really concerned that Brisbane will lose out again to short term developer Imperatives, rather than creating a precinct that enhances the city. There are mixed messages being sent from the Qld governm ent and the w ork on the BCC City Master Plan. Locality/Precinct should be easily identifiable but it appears that there is some confusion on w hether the Precinct is Governm ent/Comm ercial/ Entertainment/Residential. The process is piecemeal considered in isolation to the whole City. The survey appears to be constructed in such a way those Casinos, hotels, bars, retail, residential, restaurants feature via a resort style approach to the redevelopment. There is a strong disconnecting with other parts o f the C ity and the precinct could end up a white elephant if the relationships of functional uses, spatial relationship and human desires are not understood. "The grey tiles in King George Square are HORRID. Please don't use these again. W ater features and sub-tropical plants are fantastic." 1 don’t really agree with what's been proposed -1 W illiam St is a BAD idea - the city will be clogged up w construction fo r years - what if private businesses can'i/don't want to Invest/occupy? CBD becomes a ghost town?? In an era where fam ilies are struggling, so many have lost their livelihoods and services to the public are declining, focussing on jo ining with the private sector to remodel a part o f our city is an affront to all. Spend the money on the things that count - good health care and education, emergency services. It's a slap in the face fo r regional Queensland as well. "I really like the idea of redeveloping this area, and it should be done as soon as possible. I would support almost all o f the ideas given above. However, I don 't fully agree with the riverfront activation option. Although I don ’t totally discount it, I would like to see this occur with careful consideration of the existing riparian vegetation along the bank. This should be affected as little as possible by any new development and protected to ensure it remains and becomes healthier." Said it above - cafes, better public transport that services the area all day and also runs beyond 6pm ... possibly connects a t interchange stations e.g. RBWH to facilitate changing to other services where necessary The heritage buildings should be accessible fo r the public. There should also be more public spaces, such as squares/plazas, lighting and green space on Queens W harf Road because currently that area feels unsafe at night and even during the day on weekends. I would jus t like to see a space that is accessible to the public with lots o f areas to relax. The old buildings shouid be accessible to the public rather than being used for offices or private accommodation. Lots o f shaded green areas are needed. I thought Qld was broke? Its fine the way it Is. Stop wasting money on crap redevelopm ent that isn't needed. Improve public access. New buildings should be tall and slender (maximising viewing corridors and minim ising shadow). Footpaths need to be w ider on George St - it's a pedestrian crush on George St. A cross river rail station in A lbert S treet would alleviate public transport pressures in tha t end of the CBD. Try and separate


pedestrians from cyclists around the river walkways. Start concept planning fo r life after the riverside expressway (even though It’s a generation o r two away). Good opportunity to revisit parts o f North bank. The problem with the previous North bank redevelopment attempts was NOT that people were against a redevelopment period, they were jus t against the severe river encroachment with overshadowed the good aspects. W ould like to see the project scope increased to include the redevelopment o f the North bank. Think big, I'm sick of Brisbane getting ju s t "ok" re/developments. Needs to be balanced against other government priorities but on the w hole 1 am supportive o f the revitalisation. Government should retain ownership o f any buildings they pay for, unless sale and lease back arrangements prove more financially viable over a period of 50 years. Please take a long term focus on this project - too often It is about what can be achieved within the election cycle. I don't believe Brisbane needs another casino. This particular river edge is historically im portant and th is needs acknowledgement. I would like to see a casino com plex with high class hotels o f a fa irly tall nature, sim ilar to what James Packer has approved fo r Barangaroo in Sydney. I would like to see a substantial capacity theatre included. One thing that is vital is that the existing riverfront cycleway is preserved as It is an important transport and fitness precinct. The current area could use a boost, but a second casino would not be used "Good idea to revitalise a high part o f the Brisbane CBD with potential fo r great views and access to river. Convention facilities not needed, but multi-purpose entertainm ent centre would be great for CBD (like Sydney Entertainment Centre, Madison Square Garden, Rod Laver Arena etc.)." 1 am concerned about development along the river bank. It needs to be sensitive to the environment and consideration about water traffic (boats) in the area. Must be world class and sympathetic (integrated with) to the heritage and culture of the older buildings. The devil is in the detail. The redevelopment o f the precinct is likely to create w inners and losers. Therefore further consultation will be needed as projects within the precinct are delivered so that their benefits can be communicated to and assessed by the public. I find the idea of further casino/resort style development in the area off-putting. I would be concerned that the Brisbane CBD would be turned into a "glitter-strip" sim ilar to the Gold Coast and not in keeping with the city's current atmosphere. The precinct is drab, unattractive and lifeless now. Anything to modernise it and remove ugly buildings like 80/100 George would be an improvement. I'd like to see a gym located down this end o f town, and better access to the train. Please restore the Bellevue Hotel (facade at least) and create a nice new casino with 24/7 dining. Integration w ith the river would be great tool I don't want a second casino in the CBD Lower hill In A lice S t between George & W illiam S t to create an underpass and a pedestrian plaza to create a strong link Into OUT & Botanic Gardens. Consider the same fo r A lbert St to link boulevard into botanic Gardens. Ideally Alice St's traffic


should be more like A lbert St to create the same effect as Roma S t Parklands in connecting the lower city Into the Botanic Gardens No I th ink this is a really important project fo r the development o f Brisbane. If any new Casino is built it should part o f the terms of them buying the site that they include a large theatre >1500 seats because Brisbane badly needs this and this is one of the last sites in the CBD that is big enough fo r it Overall it's a step in the right direction, there is so much valuable land w ith in the Government Precinct that is ripe for development - Brisbane has the opportunity to develop world class attractions, hotels, office buildings, entertainm ent facilities and other items in th is area - 1 am pro development in this particular area of the Brisbane CBD and I must stress that regardless o f the negative com m ents being sprouted by some in the community, Brisbane must do something with this Precinct because quite frankly the area is currently drab, unappealing and ripe fo r development Brisbane city needs to revitalise itself. It’s drab and boring with not many dining options as opposed to Sydney and Melbourne. The treasury casino is dated and is unappealing. Even Perth has a better casino! There's no point in investing more space and money on residential developments when there is not much else attracting people to make the move into the city or to attract tourists... Pretty boring city I say... LET’S GIVE IT SOME LIFE!!! I am completely fo r the development and revitalising of this area. New retail and business opportunities, culture and public spaces as well as moving the casino to a new building would really change this area fo r the best! Develop the shit out o f that area. As a governm ent precinct it’s being underutilised and as a result cuts itse lf o ff from the rest o f the CBD area. Increase the potential for foot traffic and transform the area to accommodate for future tourism growth. New world city. Get on that. I am indifferent about a casino. In other words I don't want, o r not w ant a Casino on the site. This is an opportunity fo r at least 1 tower that w ill be in every postcard shot o f Brisbane. W e should aim fo r Australia 's ta llest tower to roof. "Great idea to redevelop the whole area, Brisbane needs this to com pete as a world city. Something like the QVB building in Sydney would work well in the treasury. 1 only hope that the cross river rail project gets funding in the not too distant future (not holding my breath!). W ould love to see things open later and better cheaper public transport in city that would liven the place up also. Thanks :)" Don't be afraid to intensify the site. Brisbane deserves a world class integrated casino resort. If fu rther aspects such as a large scale theatre can be integrated into the overall design that would be fantastic. Let’s make this precinct a 24/7 precinct where people can shop, dine, have fun and enjoy life. So much for being in debt and here you are wasting time and money on something that Isn’t need. This wasted money should be spent on Cross R iver Rail and not some building to satisfy little-man syndrome. Make it world class, something that puts us on the map more so or equal to Melbourne and Sydney


The precinct shouid include Iconic structures, sim ilar to the new 1 W illiam S t tower. Further distinctive towers could be built in the precinct and create a recognisable landmark on the skyline - almost a visual place finder to attract people. It is important to ensure private involvement in the development results in real improvements in public realm rather than being paid lip service by developers. A master plan fo r public realm should be considered. Separated bike lanes throughout the precinct should be mandatory. W ide pedestrian paths and possibly shared zones with low speed traffic. Public art and plenty o f places to sit and watch city life. If a m ajor integrated casino is to take place it should be "externally focused", rather than being a big contained box it should be integrated into the surrounding streets and create activity on the street, with restaurants, cafes and shops. Make it an inclusive precinct, not jus t for high rollers, but sim ilar to Southbank where anyone can visit and relax. If executed correctly, this project has the potential to transform the CBD and position Brisbane as Australia 's true new world city. A liberalisation of trading hours in the CBD alongside a new casino resort development akin to the Crown Complex in Melbourne would be a tru ly great development for our city. This is a great opportunity to create jobs for the people of Brisbane. Due care and skill shouid be taken to get the best possible outcomes in th is project, and NIMBYs shouid not be allowed to ruin it. Seems to be too focussed on cost and commercial opportunities. I don't want "cheap" development that doesn’t improve the area much and limits future options - better to wait fo r when the state can afford to do it well. The project needs to provide excellent public realm access, with sensible and welcom ing streetscapes. The area is prime for high density development, but this needs to be carefully integrated with existing heritage buildings and shouid hopefully scale up from the river (i.e. ta ller buildings further back from the edge). Treasury Casino should become publicly accessible with retail o r art galleries. More street activation, more retail, and better activation o f the area under the riverside expressway. Add some cool lighting, something to do and it would really be great. I believe this project would be substantially enhanced if the Riverside Expressway was pulled down (at least some of the on/off ramps). There are plenty o f examples around the world as to how this has been successfully achieved and if Brisbane is to become a new world city it needs to demonstrate it is on the front foot with projects such as these. No new casino! As mentioned, I hope the Government th inks big here and encourages/enforces a significant development o f this area that also encom passes the river and minimises the expressway’s effect on the area. In terms of architecture, an icon is critical here and architecture designs inspired by other regeneration projects - such as recent works in Valencia. W ith a lot o f workers moving to 1 W illiam Street, need to provide efficient public transport to the area as well as enable active transport modes, especially safer options fo r cycling commuters I work in the city and often cycle in that area, it needs work re Question 4 cycling and walking isn't jus t "p la y " ... its active transport


Great chance for Brisbane to build something iconic "I haven't read the draft objectives, but I am neutral about a casino. I defin ite ly do not want 2 casinos in Brisbane. Overall I would like to see quality open space, engaging the river, and maximum use of space i.e. tall buildings - preferably office - but also residential (to keep the space active at night). However the tall buildings should be in scale, i.e. tall skyscrapers (200m, 250m, 300m tall etc.) should not be directly adjacent to plazas and public spaces. Buildings with more human scale built form s should be around these plazas and public spaces. Also importantly, Brisbane needs an icon, a signature tower, that the world can recognise and instantly know its Brisbane. It doesn't necessarily have to be a mega skyscraper, although I think a very tall building (250m+, 300m +) would help it to become an icon, but it could also be a sm aller scale building with unique architecture. Any iconic building whether tall o r short m ust be unique, and must be able to be easily seen from many vantage points around the city, i.e. kangaroo point, South Bank etc., so it is instantly recognisable" it should not just be about tourist but also the people who work/live in CBD - th is is our area and w ithout easy access to public transport (like South Bank) this could be a large investment w ithout Brisbane’s actually using it. It's exciting, hope it happens soon! How good are you at making miracles? I th ink the inclusion of word CBD is a bit ambiguous, as you have an opportunity to capture the essence o f th is new rive rfron t precinct with some positive words and it really is a CBD extension, i've lived here all my life and never visited half o f the heritage places listed, as they have seemed inaccessible. It sounds exciting! Go big, and go bold. This is a once-off opportunity and it shouldn't be watered down. Realise the maximum potential o f th is unique precinct. I would like to congratulate the Governm ent on working to rejuvenate this important but under-utilised part o f the CBD. I like the overall project aims, and see heritage retention and public access/use o f the area and overall rejuvenation as the core objectives, and I hope that the final vision for the precinct reflects this. A world class integrated casino would be a perfect addition to Brisbane , the existing Casino is so small and boring and only for gambling, a tall skyscrapers should be built in the area to show how great is Brisbane Skyline Shall subm it a written document. Suspect the underlying agenda will be to look to the interests o f the casino and property development industries ahead o f the interests o f the broader community. I strongly believe that the existing riverfront area, including active transport facilities (pedestrian/cycleway) should be retained at all costs and integrated into the existing area including the Parliamentary/QUT precinct The opening up of that section of the river front is good but the scale of the proposed structure is a concern - needs some really serious peacemaking efforts to ensure it is truly integrated into the cityscape as a whole it would be nice to see the heritage listed buildings used for a purpose that has some links to the ir original use. The space should learn a lot from the failed refurbishm ent o f King George Square (the area outside Brisbane City Hall). There w as no consideration for a Brisbane summer, with too much concrete and not enough trees or usable spaces for


lunchtime use. There is no shade and combined with the concrete is a heat trap. The new precinct shouid absolutely Incorporate open spaces for public use, designed with our climate and native species in mind. The 'four pillars' policy is a backward-looking throw back to the 1960's. How about the new economies, based on information, liveability and innovation. I would to see modern energy efficiency measures included in the precinct and buildings. I understand many overseas countries have a central energy system for precincts, called district cooling. This saves on C 0 2 emissions and costs and would be great fo r the precinct How does the vision fit in with neighbouring precincts like QUT to the East, Commercial and retail uses to the north and west, and cultural/entertainm ent uses to the south. This site is not an island, it is currently a "hole in the donut" o f the CBD and its redevelopment should take into account the adjoining land uses. This plan needs to Integrate Itself with the river's edge strategy. The North Shore requires a significant amount o f investment to ensure the safety of all using this area. Compared to other areas o f the river’s edge, th is is a non-efficient and vulnerable area. The mangroves along the river’s edge shouid be removed in the redevelopm ent area. They detract from amenity by collecting trash and cause an odour aiong the footway. The project should strengthen ties between existing strengths in the area - QUT, Cultural Centre, South Bank, Queen Street Mall, but not just rush ahead as development fo r its own sake. Make sure the area will contribute to the 18-24 hour city Brisbane is poised to become. I th ink it really needs to add value to the city and not draw attention away from other area's precinct's within the city. don't sell Queenslander tax payers assets The project needs to be clearer about whether it's fo r Queenslanders o r tourists. Build it fo r the community first - get that right and everyone, locals and tourists, will want to visit the space. Having a casino near parliament house is inappropriate. This would be like having a brothel next door to a girl’s high school. I think the project has the potential to be fantastic. I wouldn't like to see it being too commercialised. Just update the area nicely with funky restraints, cafes and make it a pleasant area to go to. I fear that it w ill further deface the limited historic views o f Brisbane. The area needs revitalising to increase short-term government revenue (property sales), create jobs (construction) and increase long-term viability o f the area (tourism, retail, office space). The revitalised area must be green, leafy and modern but with a special emphasis on retaining and enhancing those buildings that are o f special heritage and historical value. The precinct shouid be utilised fo r the public - green spaces, art galleries, cafes and general relaxation. Please value open space and comm unity space - please make it very distinct from the bland CBD Do something massive and innovative fo r the city. Don’t waste the opportunity.


Government Precinct Topline Report - Methodology & Interpretation Enhance Research was commissioned by the Department o f State Development, Infrastructure and Planning to conduct a survey seeking feedback on w hat the com munity prefers to have in Brisbane's Governement Precinct in t i ie future.

The research utilised an online methodology- Respondents were emailed a link to the survey and sample was drawn from the Online Research Unit (ORU) panel. The online survey was conducted in the week 2 - 7 October 2013.

This report presents the top line results fo r the Governement Precinct Survey.

Target respondent:

Brisbane residents 18 years and older

Demographic Splits

This report contains data at an Overall level, as well as split by Gender, Age, Household composition, Brisbane region and Employment status

Household composition: Couple w ith ou t ch ild re n /n o children living at home. Family household w ith children living at home (Couple w ith children living at home and One parent fam ily w ith children). Single person household and O ther household types (Group household. Something else, Don't know/Refused) Brisbane Region: Inner (4000,4005, 4006, 4059, 4064, 4101,4102,4169} and Outer suburbs (all Other Brisbane postcodes)

^ 1 8 - 3 9 , 40-54, 55-64 and 65+

Employment status: Employed (fu ll tim e, part tim e) and Not Employed (students, home duties, retired, not currently employed)

The base note Included a fte r each question th roughout the report is the sample size, which Indicates the num ber o f respondents who answered the relevant question (for example, n»408).

Significance testing has been conducted throughout th is top line report between demographical splits Only significant differences are shown throughout this report. Where an increase or deviance is considered to be statistically significant (I.e. outside the survey's margin o f error), it Is indicated in the follow ing way: GREEN figures are significantly greater than RED figures at the 95% confidence in terval.

ENHANCED research

Male Female

Government Precinct Topline Report

Couple 65+ years without


Household composition Occupation

Family with children

Single person

household Outer Employed

Not employed

Respondent profiles

SI VrSwrti d o Tou i-+'

Bate A llrespcnden is 403 208 200 129 « 88 92 155 115 81 34 19 i ; 3 215 1 8 - 2 4 years 9% 9% 9% 29% 0% 0% C% 3% 10% 6% 32% 17% 8% 5% 14% 2 5 - 3 9 years 23% 21% 25% 71% 0% 0% 0% 15% 32% 21% 21% 37% 21% 31% 13% 4 0 - 5 4 years 24% 20% 29% 0% 100% 0% 0% 14% 39% 22% 21% 14% 25% 36% 11% 5 5 - 6 4 years 22% 22% 22% 0% 0% 100% 0% 26% 16% 25% 15% 17% 22% 22% 21% 65 t years 23% 28% 17% 0% 0% 100% 41% 3% 26% 14% 23% 41%

1 Base A llre tp o n d e n ts 408 208 200 129 9.. 38 92 155 115 31 M 35 ?7J 215 1 M a le 1 51% 1 100% 1 48% 1 42% 1 51% 1 64% 1I 55% 1 47% I 52% 1 47% 1 54% 1 51% 1 53% 1 49% 1 1 Female 1 49% 1 0% 1 100% 1 52% I 58% 1 49% 1 36% 1 45% ______53% 48% 53% 1 46% 49% 1 47% 51% 1

B a '^ A ll responrtents 4Q8 208 20D 179 99 SB 92 155 135 31 34 35 373 215 Employed Full tim e 38% 45% 30% 46% 61% 35% 3% 32% 50% 35% 26% 40% 37% Employed Part tim e / casual 1S% 10% 21% 13% 18% 19% 11% 15% 17% 15% 32% 20% 15% 29% 0% Student 9% 9% 9% 26% 3% 0% 0% 5% 8% 6% 32% 17% 8% 0% 19% Home duties 9% 1% 18% 9% 10% 14% 3% 10% 15% 1% 0% 6% 9% 0% Retired 25% 32% 19% 0% 5% 26% 83% 37% 7% 38% 18% 17% 26% 0% 54% Not curren tly em ployed 4% 3% 5% 6% 3% 6% 0% 1% 4% S% 12% 0% 4% 0% 3% D on 't know/Refused 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 % 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% OH 0%

H H H base A ll lespondentt 408 2oe 200 129 99 K8 92 155 n s S i 34 35 3 /3 215 Couple w ith o u t ch ild ren / no children Irving a t horn' 33% 41% 35% 22% 22% 47% 68% 100% 0% 0% 0% 37% 38% 33% Couple w ith children living a t home 29% 29% 30% 41% 46% 20% 3% 0% 89% 0% 0% 20% 30% 37% 21% One parerit fam ily w ith children 4% 1% 6% 3% 6% S% 1% 0% 11% 0% 0% 6% 3% SH 2% Single person household 20% 20% 20% 17% 18% 23% 23% 0% 0% 100% 0% 26% 19% G roup household 7% 6% 8% 13% 6% 3% 3% 0% 0% 0% 85% 11% 7% 5% 9% Something else 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 1% 0% 0% 0% 15% 0% 1% 1% 2% D o n t know/Refused 1% 0% 1% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 2%

Main Questions

to p i'n i l ta i c r e p o u lto i i> H iO e k f'n n « t« f t t t m .

Base All respnndents 403 203 200 t? 9 99 n 92 155 1 IS 81 34 35 373 235 193 1- Com pletely against 17% 18% 16% 7% 21% 18% 1 25% 17% 16% 21% 1 9% 14% 17% 16% 18% 2- Somewhat against 14% 10% 18% 13% 12% 13% 17% 12% 12% 16% 21% 20% 13% 12% 16% 3- Ind ifferent 22% 20% 25% 30% 23% 15% 17% 22% 19% 27% 24% 6% 24% 21% 24% 4‘ Som ewhat in favour ' 2 » 30% 29% 33% 24% ' 3 ^ ........ 22% 29% 33% 26% il9% 3 7 % ' 29% 29% 30% S- Com pletely in favour 18% 22% 14% 17% 19% 16% 13% 20% 20% 10% 18% 23% 17% 21% 13%

n i f i t m o p **« e ykn 'i» K t? I« \M n n i» *ri'*» c> kM '’

Ba;e BeSiH i^Jenti tn favou> o f i h f <le/elop(n<!nl c« Provide m ore Jobs G row the economy Revitalise th e area A ttrac t m ore tourists Provide m ore en te rta inm ent options Provide m ore d in ing options A llow Brisbane to com pete w ith in te rna ttona ! dest O ther reasons U nsure/D on't know

Base Respondents n o t in favour o f th e deveioom ei Leads to socio econom ic problem s I

Increased tra ffic /congestion 39% 41% 37% 31% 34% 43% 51% 37% 34% 50% 33% 21% 40% 40% 38%

Encourages gambling 62% 59% 63% 69% 54% 60% 62% 57% 66% 60% 72% 57% 62% 58% 65%

Im pact on th e heritage o f th e area 38% 41% 37% 18% 45% 50% 47% 37% 36% 44% 44% 50% 38% 41% 36%

Prefer some o ther fo rm o f en te rta inm ent 36% 36% 37% 43% 29% 38% 35% 35% 28% 42% 56% 50% 35% 34% 38%

Do not support casinos/gam bling overall 51% 48% 55% 45% 46% 55% 62% 48% 48% 58% 56% 43% 52% 44% 58%

O the r reasons 7% 7% 7% 3% 9% 8% 9% 4% 8% 12% 6% 0% 7% 8% 5% D o n t know 6% 8% 5% 6% 11% 5% 4% 8% 6% 6% 6% 0% 7% 8% 5%

Q ( H ' t t r K k d ilM 'V M T I 'v H o I WO0M 1 > n (r tr jts i1 < lu ) lO 0« > p o u lfa > 1h « < )o v^ rn n vn t P rr to K l J M r t n l lk » <his to (h r < o la \« i» f

f h t «nM ilo«kiA<r W . i i i i j i i « l>>vp>rco<cl

Bare *11 respondents 408 208 200 129 99 88 92 ISS 335 81 34 35 373 21S 193

1- Com pletely against 10% 10% 9% 3% 14% 9% 14% 8% 1 10% 1 12% 6% 3% 10% 9% 10% 2 ' Som ewhat against 7% 9% 5% 7% 9% 6% 5%_ 6% i 3% 5% 6% 6% 7% 7% 6%

3- Ind iffe ren t 16% 16%' 16% 29% ' ' ' 11% 9% 10%’ 17% " 15% ' ! 14% 24% 23% 16% 16% 17%

4- Som ewhat in favour 32% 31% 33% 36% 32% 28% 29% 28% 37% 35% 24% 29% 32% 33% 30%

5- Com pletely in favour 36% 34% 37% 25% 33% 48% 41% 41% 30% 35% 41% 40% 35% 34% 37% M tA N 3.8

n e jM o n o n T r o 'J n C * r iv a ^ o n tH t ir i o t S J n i f S

408 12%

18% 36%

Ba^e All t« ]D onder!s 1- CompieCely against 2- Som ewhat against 3- Ind iffe ren t 4 - Som ewhat In favour 5- C om plete lv in favour M E A ^ 3.6 A p re fra m '^ rerreat-oA V<ne<ta»«"*e«l tfie h it ito n p ««iA rt Base A K rn p o n d e n ts 1- Com pletely against 2- Som ewhat against 3- ln d 0 e re n t 4- Som ewhat In favour 5- Com pletely In favour

706 12%

2C0 12%

19% 36%

21% 43%

19% 26%

11% 44%

92 14%

21% 28%

ISS 10%

21% 32%

U S 13%

13% 36%

26% 38%'

20% 26%'

373 13%

21S 13%

15% 37%

193 11%

22% 3S%

11% 12% 11% 5% 14% 13% 15% 9% _ ! 13% 14% 1 6% 6% 12% 11% 1 11%

5% 5% ' ' 5% ' 5% ' 6% " ' 2% ' ' 7% 6% 4% 2% ' ' 6% 3% 5% 4% 6%

21% 21% 21% 29% 13% 15% 23% 21% 16% 27% 21% 26% 21% 18% 25%

40% 38% 42% 40% 42% 41%' ' 37% 37% 44%' 44% i 32% 31% 41% 41% 38%

23% 24% 23% 22% 24% 28% 18% 26% 23% 12% 1 35% 34% 22% 26% 20%

Base All ipspurvdents 1- Com pletely aga Inst 2- Somewhat against 3- Ind iffe ren t 4- Som ewhat in favour 5 ' Com pletely in favour MEAN 3.S 3.S 3-5 3.5 3 .4 3.6

' O S " . . k y r i e l ' A j p ^ i r O r a ' i i e g n F W o l i S ^ S f l t a i i n a i A I h e C e v ' r n i r w P r a t l e y " ’ * f F * r ' * a S *g ' * < t o t s w o r n i a r e n a « i o t O " - . , d n r a i . .

i T i t m r s s n o a d d < i < o n i o i h r l e i a i n u m ' b y s f p r . t i * t » Q y r e m b n d

14% 15% 12% 7% 17% 13% 21% 14% 16% 14% 6% 14% 14% 13% 14%

6% 6% 6% ' 7% 6% 8% 3% ' 5%' 6% 10% '3% " 11% ' TO " ' 6% 7%

25% 23% 28% 32% 24% 19% 23% 26% 22% 1 28% 24% 29% 25% 24% 26%

29% 27% 32% 31% 27% 30% 29% 30% 30% 30% 26% 26% 30% 29% 30% 25% 2 ^ 23% ■ '23% 25% 3 1 % ' ' 24% ’25% .......... 27% 19% '41% " 20%' ' ' 1 26% 2 8 % ' 23% '

Base A llre ip o n rte rts 1- Com pletely against 2- Som ewhat against 3- Ind iffe ren t 4- Som ewhat in favour 5- Com pletely in favour

4(S 16%

34% 22%

206 16%

36% 21%

200 17%


33% 23%

99 20%

35% 24%

88 17%

92 22%

155 15%

34% 22%

135 19%

81 19%

38% 24%

373 16%

35% '22%

215 15%

36% 22%

191 18%

32% 21%

M EAN 3.1 K is la k le i 'fe i ird w rV w'4l« »w pt>h<es

Base A ll respondents 1- Com pieteiy against 29% 29% 29% 18% 36% 30% 36% 29% 27% 28% 35% 17% 30% 26% 33%

2- Somewhat against 20% 23% 18% 22% 21% 18% 17% 21% 19% 22% 18% 34% 19% 22% 18%

31% 31% 30% 33% 26% 32% 30% 36% 29% 27% 21% 20% 32% 34% 27%

4- Som ewhat in favour 13% 11% 15% 15% 12% 11% 12% 9% 19% 11% 9% 11% 13% 11% 15%

5- Com pletely In favour 8% 6% 10% 12% 4% 9% 4% 5% 7% 11% 18% 17% 7% 7% 8%

K i m m E 9 Bare All ic rpondents 408 .'08 200 129 99 38 92 155 u s 81 34 35 373 215 195 1- Com pletely against 16% 13% 15% 7% 23% 16% 22% 14% 19% 19% TO 20% 16% 16% 16% 2- Som ewhat against 13% 15% 10% 14% 14% 14% 9% 15% 9% 14% 15% 14% 13% 11% 15% 3- Ind iffe ren t 35% 37% 33% 43% 27% 31% 34% 35% 36% 35% 26% 23% 36% 35% 34% 4 - Som ewhat In favou r 25% 22% 29% 26% 25% 26% 24% 23% 24% 27% 38% 20% 26% 26% 25% 5 ' Com pieteiy in favour 11% 8% 15% 10% 10% 14% 12% 13% 12% 6% 15% 23% 10% 12% 11%


Base A ll respondents 408 208 TOO 129 >49 86 92 155 u s 81 u 35 i / i 215 195 1- Com pletely against 16% 15% 17% 7% 20% 16% 24% 15% 17% 19% 6% 14% 16% 14% 18% 2- Som ewhat against 7% 6% 7% 11% 7% 2% 4% 5% 6% 9% 12% 11% TO 7% 7% 3- Ind iffe ren t 24% 22% 26% 30% 23% 17% 22% 25% 21% 25% 26% 11% 25% 23% 25% 4- Som ewhat in favour 34% 35% 33% 33% 30% 36% 37% 37% 35% 32% 26% 34% 34% 34% 34% 5- Com pletely in favour 20% 21% 18% 19% 19% 23% 13% 19% 21% 16% 29% 29% 19% 22% 17%

Base A llfe sp cn tfe n ls Yes No

10% 200 9%

129 14%

99 10%

92 5%

19!> 12%

81 9%

219 12%


Y Q 6. A re th e re a n y o th e r fa c to rs th a t w o u ld in flu e n c e y o u r s u p p o rt fo r a second o r expa nded cas ino in th e G o v e rn m e n t p re c in c t?

13 If th e y p ro v id e d pu b lic r iv e r fro n t space and re c re a tio n a l a c tiv itie s on th e rive r.

M y husband w o rks in a co m p a n y th a t does co m m e rc ia l a rc h ite c tu re , th e y have lo s t 3 /4 o f th e ir s ta ff and w e live In fe a r th a t he w ill loose his jo b soon and have n o w h e re else to w o rk , th e p ro b le m s ta rte d w ith th e s ta te la b o u r gov.

p u lled th e p in on th e po lice p re c in c t p ro je c t, th e n e w g o ve rn m e n t h a ve n 't p ro v id e d th e w o rk w e had hoped. I’d c o n ta c te d th e libera ls be fo re th e e le c tio n and asked, w as p rom ised an e m a il fro m th e th e n shad ow m in is te r by th e

29 nam eless person w h o answ ers lib e ra l e m a ils ... h a ve n 't rece ived a rep ly to th is day. th e g o ve rn m e n t need to c rea te jo bs in th is in d u s try th a t is abo u t to d ie . th is m ig h t be a w ay.

39 It m ig h t t id y up th e area and also, Brisbane needs t o be 'w o ke n up ' 49 Design, i f it looks like so m e spastic a rch ite c tu ra l s tu d e n t hav ing a se izure has designed it I w o u ld say p u t i t nex t d o o r to th e a b o m in a tio n th a t is fe d e ra tio n squa re In M e lb o u rn e

64 M o re d in in g op tio n s

65 Extra e n te r ta in m e n t fa c ilit ie s such as live band bars

Casinos fo r th e m o s t p a r t o n ly o f fe r e n te r ta in m e n t o p tio n s fo r th e w e a lth y and fo r th o s e o ve r 18. The c u rre n t casino Is v e ry exclusive and irre le v a n t to m any peo p le w h o v is it th e c ity . I f a d e ve lo p m e n t like th is goes ahead, th e n th e

69 d e ve lo p e r shou ld m ake sure th e y p ro v id e so m e high q u a lity pu b lic spaces th a t d o n o t exc lude th o s e w h o w ill n o t e n te r th e casino.

71 T o p ro v id e m o re jobs

137 None 147 N o t th e c u r re n t casino o p e ra to rs

157 G ive Brisbane a n o th e r reason to co m p e te w ith o th e r c itie s as a t ru ly in te rn a tio n a l c ity

O n p rin c ip le - 1 am an tl-g a m b lln g . B u t, th e d e ve lo p m e n t o f a n e w /e xp a n d e d casino w ill p ro b a b ly be goo d fo r Brisbane e co n o m y - to u r is m jo bs , so, th e p ro m o tio n o f respons ib le gam b ling , he lp fo r add ic ts etc ., w o u ld need to

158 accom pan y th is p ro je c t 160 M a in ta in in g th e ex is tin g T reasu ry s ite . The h e ritage b u ild in g shou ld re m a in used and n o t fa ll in to ru in

163 Increase in gam blers 170 O pen ing hou rs - w h e th e r th e n e w p ropose d laws w h ich w o u ld m ake lock o u t tim e s ea rlie r. A lso a ffo rd a b ility - e n te r ta in m e n t th a t is reasonab ly p riced and caters fo r eve ryone

178 I w o u ld m o re like ly to s u p p o rt i f th e cas ino h o s te d in te rn a t io n a l p o ke r to u rn e ys

201 The Casino m u s t be use r f r ie n d ly fo r a ll legal ages and p ro v id e a range o f ac tiv itie s o th e r th a n ju s t gam b ling . Parking is an issue m u s t be ade qua te space fo r th e p ro je c te d n u m b e r o f pa trons a t peak perio ds and m u s t be free .

T ha t th e p ro je c t was a design based on c u ttin g edge e n v iro n m e n ta l know led ge . T h a t th e bu ild ings w e re a ll se lf po w e re d by so la r po w e r. T ha t all w a s te f ro m th e b u ild ing 's be addressed and processed on site . T h a t th e re was no lo w

to n e c lu b ’s w h e re gam b ling o f any s o r t was a llo w e d and d r in k in g w as o n ly a llo w e d if fo o d was be ing consum ed . T ha t open and extensive pa rk lands encased th e bu ild ings and hugged th e r iv e r banks. T ha t th e design o f a il bu ild ings

218 w o u ld re fle c t th e H e ritage bu ild ings In th e area exam p le The T reasu ry Bu ild ing.

239 The to u r is t d o lla r /p ro v id e pokies by reduc ing a ll d u b s ho ld ings by 10%

240 P aym en t o f p ro p e r and n o rm a tive taxes and o th e r ob lig a tio n s in a m a n n e r co n s is te n t w ith m y ow n p a ym e n t and cost o f th ings. No ta x a tio n = no rig h t to o p e ra te casino. W e can all s u ffe r un d e r th e sam e rules.

244 M o re p u b lic space, w a lkw a ys a long th e rive r, parklands

328 P rov ide m o re venues and o p p o rtu n itie s fo r la rge live bands t o p e rfo rm , n o t ju s t a so lo g u ita ris t o r keybo a rd p layer.

333 If in d e p e n d e n t s tud ie s w e re d o n e o f th e c o m m u n ity to p rove th e n e e d /s u p p o rt fo r it. I d o n 't be lieve w e need a n o th e r casino and Chat it is pu re ly to m ake m oney. W ith ga m b lin g causing such p ro b le m s fo r peo p le , i t is unnecessary.

354 The c u r re n t casino is a b o rin g fa c il ity , w h ich ca n n o t ca te r fo r ali needs {w e need a f ir s t class spo rts ba rl)

357 If N ick X enophon 's pok ies th in g is im p le m e n te d

3 7 0 Im p ro ve th e sky line o f Brisbane c ity A d eq u a te fu n d in g was p ro v id e d to Po lice th e area g iven th e increased n u m b e ro f peo p le th a t w o u ld be a ttra c te d . A lso th e c o s t o f pa rk in g in th e c ity Is absu rd , beyo nd rid icu lou s , I w o u ld n o t c o n s id e rv ls ltin g th e venue unless th e re

3 9 0 was a v a ila b ility o f reasonab ly p riced park ing.

4 0 8 C o m p e titio n b e tw e e n casinos

I f p u b lic spaces a re c rea ted , in s im ila r w ays to M e lb o u rn e 's S ou thbank. Places fo r fa m ilie s to ta ke a w a lk , re lax, en joy, w a tch s tre e t p e rfo rm e rs and fre e exh ib its . I w o u ld also lo ve fo r w a lkw a ys and b ikew ays to be p ro v id e d , places

4 1 4 w h e re i t w o u ld be f re e t o go o u t and exercise.

4 2 0 I f C row n g o t th e c o n tra c t

4 2 3 In ve s tm e n t In th e loca l area and also s u p p o rt o f cha ritie s and gam b le rs su p p o rt

4 3 3 A ttra c t in te rn a tio n a l and n a tio n a l v is ito rs . Hope th a t access to th e C ityC at s to p a t n o r th key cou ld be im p ro ve d

I am n o t aga inst ga m b lin g - in fa c t I am q u ite in fa v o u r o f because m o s t peo p le are ra tio n a l and responsib le . I am aga inst a second o r expanded casino as I d o n 't be lieve th a t Brisbane has th e p o p u la tio n to s u p p o rt it . The cu rre n t 437 casino is n 't th a t w e ll pa tron ise d and th e G old Coast Casino isn 't fa r aw ay. An a d d itio n a l casino w ill ju s t add to t ra f f ic congestion in th e c ity .

I w o u ld e xp e c t no dodgy dea lings done by th e Q ld g o v e rn m e n t in every aspect a t every stage o f th e p ro je c t. Sadly th e dangers o f c o rru p tio n w ith a p ro je c t o f th is m a g n itu d e w ill be e ve r p re se n t I fu lly expect th is g o ve rn m e n t p re m ie r

438 w ill n o t be ab le t o res is t. I f it was gua ran teed e ve ry th in g w ill be above boa rd th e n I fu lly su p p o rt th e p ro je c t b u t c o rru p tio n sickens m e. If th is g o v e rn m e n tt engages in i t th e n I w o u ld fie rc e ly ob jec t. 4 4 0 B igger th e b e t te r - m ake i t large, icon ic and g e n e ra te som e m o re jo bs !

443 I f i t was gua ra n te e d to supp ly jo bs fo r Austra lians o n ly - w h e th e r by b ir th o r c itizensh ip

445 M o re show s, m o re e n te r ta in m e n t


Community Feedback on the Government Precinct proposed redevelopment site

Research Insights Report 117**̂ October 2013

ENHANCED research

Queensland Government



The Research

Report Interpretation

Executive Summary

Overall Support fo r Integrated Casino

Support for Integrated Casino - Revenue Allocation

Factors th a t W ould influence Support fo r a Second or Expanded Casino

Profile o f Research Participants









ENHANCED 2 rtMtrch


The Queensland G ove rnm en t is w o rk ing to renew an u n d e r­ u tilised area w ith in Brisbane's CBD to create a unique, v ib ra n t and iconic p rec inc t w ith im proved pub lic spaces.

The G ove rnm en t Precinct is s ta te -ow ned land located be tw een th e Brisbane River and George S tree t and betw een A lice and Queen Streets.

A num be r o f consu lta tio n ac tiv ities w ere undertaken in th e in itia l phase inc lud ing an open o n lin e survey in v itin g the c o m m u n ity to have th e ir say abou t th e p ro jec t. This survey was placed on th e gove rnm en t's w ebsite du ring June to S ep tem ber 2013 and received a to ta l o f n = l,4 9 6 responses.

In O ctober 2013, Enhance Research was com m issioned to undertake a second on line survey w ith th e Brisbane co m m u n ity to fu r th e r understand w h a t res idents w ou ld p re fe r to have in th e G overnm ent Precinct in th e fu tu re . M o re specifically, th e aim o f th e study was to b e tte r understand th e casino response e lic ited fro m th e open on line survey.

The gove rnm en t w ill use feedback fro m a num be r o f consu lta tion ac tiv ities inc lud ing th e results fro m th e surveys to in fo rm subsequent stages o f th e p ro ject.

This re p o rt sum m arises th e find ings fro m th e on line study undertaken by Enhance Research in O ctober 2013.

Map o f the proposed redevelopm ent area

THE RESEARCH This re p o rt Is unde rp inned by research invo lv ing 408 people aged 18 years and over across th e Brisbane City Council area.

OBJECTIVE The s tudy a im ed to ;

• U nderstand reasons behind th e choices to have o r n o t have a casino in th e G ove rnm en t Precinct

• M easure pe rcep tions abou t th e typ e o f gam bling (pokies o r tab les) and w h e th e r it in fluences percep tions abou t a casino in th e Precinct

• M easure pub lic op in ion abou t a second casino o r an expanded casino.

METHOD An o n lin e survey was adm in is te red to a representa tive sam ple o f th e Brisbane p opu la tion . Respondents w ere em ailed a link to th e survey and sam ple was d raw n fro m th e O nline Research Unit (ORU) panel. M em bers o f th e ORU panel are genera lly selected to re flec t Austra lian popu la tion dem ographics at a na tiona l level as de fined by The Austra lian Bureau o f S tatistics.

SAMPLING ERROR M arg in o f e rro r arises w heneve r a popu la tion is incom p le te ly sam pled, i.e. a sam pling techn ique was used.

A sam ple size o f n=408 has an associated m argin o f e rro r o f + /-4 .9% at th e 95% confidence w h ich w ill prov ide s ta tis tica lly robust results.

This means th a t i f 50% o f Brisbane residents p re fe r certa in op tions in th e G overnm ent Precinct, w e can be 95% co n fid e n t th a t th e tru e resu lt in th e Brisbane popu la tion w ou ld be be tw een 45.1% and 54.9%.

The on line survey was conducted in th e w eek 2"^ - 7̂ ̂October 2013.

R E P O R T I N T E R P R E T A T I O N This re p o rt presents th e results o f th e 'G ove rnm ent P rec inct' research conducted by Enhance Research. The survey data has n o t been post-w e igh ted .

S tatistica l s ignificance te s tin g been based on dem ograph ic p ro files :

• Age: 18-39, 40-54, 55-64 and 65+ • H ouseho ld c o m p o s itio n : Couple w ith o u t ch ild re n /n o

ch ild ren liv ing at hom e, Family household w ith ch ild ren liv ing a t hom e (Couple w ith ch ild ren liv ing at hom e and One pa ren t fa m ily w ith ch ild ren ). Single person househo ld and O the r household types (G roup household. S om eth ing else)

• B risbane Region: Inne r (4000, 4005, 4006, 4059, 4064, 4101, 4102, 4169) and O u te r suburbs (all o th e r Brisbane postcodes)

• E m p loym en t s ta tus : Em ployed (fu ll tim e , p a rt tim e ) and N o t Em ployed (students, hom e duties, re tired , no t c u rre n tly em ployed)

• G ender: M ales and fem ales.

W here a d iffe rence is s ta tis tica lly s ig n ifica n t (i.e. ou ts ide the survey's m argin o f error, it is ind ica ted in th e fo llo w in g way:

• GREEN figures are s ign ifican tly g rea te r th a n RED figures at th e 95% confidence in terva l.

The base note inc luded be low each cha rt th ro u g h o u t th e re p o rt is th e sam p le size, w h ich indicates th e num be r o f respondents w h o have answered th e re levan t question (e.g. n=408).

W here re levant, results con ta in average means scores as w e ll as percentage score d is tribu tions .

The m ean score is th e average ra ting o f each scenario m easured on a five p o in t scale (e.g. m ean=3.4).

Results in th is re p o rt show th e to ta l leve l as w e ll as sp lit by age g roup ings only. See Topline Report fo r fu ll results sp lit by all dem ograph ic segm ents.

E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y The find ings fro m th is research reveal th a t th e re are 'm oderate' levels of support fo r an in teg ra ted casino proposal in the G overnm ent Precinct.

Overall, nearly 1 in 2 show some level o f su p p o rt tow ards th e in tegra ted casino redeve lopm en t (47%), w h ile abou t 1 in 3 are against th e proposal to some degree (31%).

Younger respondents (18-39 years) are m ore supportive o f th e in tegra ted casino proposal in th e Precinct com pared to o lder respondents (65 years+).

In all concepts tes ted the youngest age g roup is least like ly to be com ple te ly against Ideas presented and m ost like ly to be in d iffe re n t.

Support fo r th e casino proposal is largely d riven by th e be lie f th a t it could be a p o te n tia l draw card to a ttra c t and boost visitor numbers to Brisbane and it could act as a vehicle to generate m ore jobs.

In add ition , th e casino redeve lopm ent could p o ten tia lly allow Brisbane to compete w ith international locations and co n tr ib u te tow a rds economic growth.

Am ong those no t supporting th e proposal, th e m ost com m on concerns are centred around ob jections to gambling and the flo w -o n socio-economic problems th a t are impacts o f gambling.

The importance o f th e heritage buildings to th e com m un ity fea tu res strong ly in the feedback given. Because o f th is, th e level o f support fo r th e casino proposal increases w hen fund ing consideration is given to maintaining the existing heritage buildings in the areas (67%).

The construction and maintenance of a new riverfront and other areas (64%) and a program of recreation or entertainm ent (63%) generated sim ilar levels o f in te rest w ith in th e in tegra ted casino proposal.

In line w ith th is, com m on ideas put fo rw a rd th a t w ou ld in fluence people's support fo r a casino proposal revolved around th e provision of more entertainm ent or recreational facilities and programs th a t w ou ld ca ter fo r all ages.

There is a fee ling th e in tegra ted casino proposal should be user fr ie n d ly and provide a range o f activ ities o th e r than jus t gam bling. In add ition , some partic ipants have h igh lighted the im portance o f creating engaging public riverfront space (e.g. walkw ays / bikeways).

Feedback suggests th a t th e com m unity does no t fee l strong ly abou t th e types o f gam bling (pokies o r tables).

In fa c t the level o f support fo r a second or expanded casino drops o ff once specific types o f gam bling options are presented.

The concept o f th e casino redeve lopm ent w ith on ly tables fo r 'high rollers' w ith no pokies has th e least am ount of appeal, w ith on ly 1 in 5 supportive o f th is.

O f all scenarios presented, th e level o f support fo r a second o r expanded casino is highest i f i t creates the additional com petition to improve entertainm ent options in the city (54%).

O V E R A L L S U P P O R T FOR AN I N T E G R A T E D C A S I N O The Queensland G ove rnm en t has been approached by casino opera to rs to consider proposals fo r an In tegra ted casino deve lop m e n t w ith in th e G overnm ent P recinct bu t has n o t ye t fo rm e d a v ie w as to w h e th e r th is shou ld take place o r no t.

W h ils t th e Queensland gove rnm en t has n o t received any de ta iled proposals, an in tegra ted casino d e ve lo p m e n t could inc lude a num ber o f e lem ents inc lud ing 5-6 s ta r ho te l accom m odation , un ique and iconic to u r is m /e n te rta in m e n t experiences th a t w ou ld d iffe re n tia te Brisbane in th e global m arket, bou tiqu e reta il and ce le b rity che f restaurants, th e a tre , convention and recrea tion fac ilities . Iconic a rch itec tu re w ith expansive pub lic space and a casino w ith bo th gam ing tab les and e lec tron ic gam ing m achines (pokies).

ENHANCED V research

Support for an integrated casino redevelopment

O verall, nearly h a lf are in favou r o f th e 'in teg ra ted casino redeve lop m en t' proposal w ith in th e G overnm ent Precinct. Younger pa rtic ipan ts are genera lly m ore suppo rtive o f th e in teg ra ted casino proposal than o ld e r respondents, w ith a s ign ifican t d iffe rence in th e level o f su p p o rt be tw een th e 18-39 years and 65+ years groups. The youngest age g roup (18-39 years) displays th e low est level o f re jec tion and h ighest level o f Ind iffe rence to th e concept.

Level of Support



Support by age

18-39 years 7%

Tota l in Favour

M o re s u p p o rt


40-54 years 21% 12% 43%

O vera ll m ean




Completely In favour

Somewhat in favour


Somewhat against

Completely against

55-64 years 18%

65+ years 25% 17% 17% 22%

1- Completely against 14 - Somewhat in favour

2- Somewhat against

15 - Completely in favour

13- Indifferent

55% 3.2

40% 2.9


Reasons for supporting an integrated casino redevelopm ent

W hen discussing reasons for support of a new additional or extended casino by current operators in the precinct, people are generally quite positive about the potential for this proposal to generate m ore jobs and attract m ore tourists to the area. Furthermore, about 2 in 3 respondents are of the view that it would allow Brisbane to compete with international destinations and It would contribute towards economic growth.

69'% in 'favour' or 'indifferent' Provide m ore jobs

A ttract m ore tourists

A llow Brisbane to com pete w ith international destinations

G row the economy

Revitalise the area

Provide m ore enterta inm ent options

Provide m ore dining options

O ther reasons | | 2%

D on't know 6%

"Provide c o m p e iitio h to existing casino.

"Viy' jQl a c y th e i : - . ' - '


Reasons for not supporting an integrated casino redevelopm ent

On the Other hand, respondents who do not support the development of the casino proposal usually mention gambling and socio-economic problems as reasons. Around half do not support casinos/gambling in general, Verbatim comments show some sentiment towards the idea that there is already a casino In the area and that a second one is not needed.

> S3%'against' or'Indifferent' Encourages gambling Leads to socio economic problems

Do not support casinos/gambling overall

Increased traffic/congestion

Im pact on the heritage of the area

Prefer some other form of entertainm ent


O ther reasons 7%

Don't know 6% • ' I ' io le i

p ro b -v - :, ."

;?sr 10



Level of support for integrated casino proposal if part of the revenue was allocated to the following: (Areas ranked by level of support) Out of all scenarios tested, using revenue for the maintenance of the existing heritage buildings in the precinct is an idea that generates the highest level of appeal within the casino proposal. There are equal amounts of interest in the construction and m aintenance o f a new riverfront and a program of recreation/enterta inm ent events in the broader precinct, whilst providing additional parking generates the lowest level of appeal. In all options presented the younger age group (18-39 years) is least likely to be completely against the idea and most likely to be indifferent.

Total in Overall M ore in favour Favour mean

10% 6 7 % The m a in te n a n ce o f th e ex is ting h e rita g e bu ild ings in th e p re c in c t

C o n s tru c tio n and m a in te n a n ce o f a n e w r iv e r f ro n t and o th e r areas

A p ro g ra m o f re c re a tio n /e n te r ta in m e n t e ven ts In th e b ro a d e r p re c in c t

12% 6%

11% S%





To p ro v id e a d d itio n a l pa rk ing in th e p re c in c t

A A 14% 6% 55% 3.5

1- Completely against ■ 2- Somewhat against ■ 3- Indifferent ■ 4- Somewhat in favour ■ 5- Completely in favour


Support for an integrated casino redevelopment: The maintenance of existing heritage buildings in the precinct

Two thirds of respondents would support the Integrated casino proposal if the revenue was used to ensure heritage buildings w ere m aintained. This is the use of funding that receives the highest level of support of the options presented. This proposition appeals more strongly to older age groups, aged 55+ years than It does to younger groups 18-39 years.

Level of Support



Completely In favour

■ Somewhat in favour

■ Indifferent

■ Somewhat against

■ Completely against

Support by age Total In Favour mean

M ore support (^)

18-39 years S%7%

40-54 years 14% 9% 11% 32%

55-64 years 9% 69^ 9% 28%

65+years 14% 51

1- Completely against 14- Somewhat in favour

10% 29%

12- Somewhat against 15- Completely in favour

13- Indifferent

60% 3.7

66% 3.6

76% 4.0

71% 3.8

Support for an integrated casino redevelopment: Construction and maintenance of a new riverfront and other areas

Almost tw o thirds are supportive of the proposal if funds are contributed to a new riverfront. Those aged 18-39 share the highest level of support for the project in this circumstance.

Level of Support



Completeiy in favour

Somewhat in favour

ind ifferent

Somewhat against

Completely against

Support by age

More support

18-39 years 4%7J$|

40-54 years 16% 19% 26% 32%

21% 43% 25%

55-64 years 16% 2

65+years 14% 9%

1- Completely against

14- Somewhat in favour

2 - Somewhat against

15- Completely in favour

13- Indifferent

Total in Overall Favour mean


68% 3.8

59% 3.5

70% 3.6

57% 3.5


Support for an integrated casino redevelopment: A program of recreation/entertainment events in the broader precinct

A similar level o f support, just under tw o thirds, is expressed for the proposal that funds are made available for a program of entertainm ent/recreation events in the broader precinct. The oldest age group. 65+ years is the least supportive of this idea.

Level of Support



Completeiy in favour

Somewhat in favour


Somewhat against

Completely against

Support by age

18-39 years 5969

40-54 years 14%

55-64 years 13%

6 5+ years 15% 7%

Total in Overall Favour mean

M ore support {%}

61% 3.7

1- Completely against

14- Somewhat in favour

■ 2- Somewhat against

■ 5- Completely in favour

• 3- Indifferent

67% 3.6

69% 3.7

55% 3.4

Support for an integrated casino redevelopment: To provide additional parking in the precinct

Just over half o f respondents are supportive of the proposal if revenue was used to provide more parking In the broader precinct. This is the weakest of the proposed revenue usage options.

Level of Support



25% Completely In favour

Somewhat In favour

■ Indifferent

■ Somewhat against

■ Completeiy against

Support by age

18-39 years 7% 7%

Total in Overall Favour mean

M ore support (%)

54% 3.6

40-54 years

55-64 years 13% 8%

21%65+ years

24% 27% 25%

23% 29% 24%

19% 30% 31%

53% 3.4

60% 3.6

53% 3.3

1- Completely against

■ 4- Somewhat in favour

12- Somewhat against

15- Completely in favour

13- Indifferent

-r r. 16



Level of support for a second or expanded casino proposal if the following factors were incorporated: (Areas ranked by level of support)

A concept th a t holds high appeal is th e idea th a t th e second o r expanded casino w ou ld create c o m p e tit io n to im p rove e n te rta in m e n t o p tio n s in th e CBD. Feedback suggests th a t having tab les fo r high ro llers w ith no pokies is considered a less Ideal concept fo r th e casino proposal. In all op tio n s presented th e younger age g roup (18-39 years) is least like ly to be com p le te ly against th e idea and m ost like ly to be ind iffe ren t.

I f i t c rea tes th e a d d itio n a l c o m p e tit io n

to im p ro ve e n te r ta in m e n t o p tio n s in th e c ity

M o re in favou r

16% 7%

Total In Favour



O vera ll m ean


I f th e re is no a d d itio n to th e to ta l n u m b e r o f pok ies in Q ueensland

16% 12% 37% 3.1

I f th e size o f th e casino Is lim ite d 37% 3.0

I f th e casino o n ly has tab les fo r high ro lle rs w ith no pokies 13% 8% 20% 2.5

I I - C o m p le te ly a g a in s t ■ 2 - S o m e w h a t a g a in s t ■ 3 - In d if fe re n t ■ 4 - S o m e w h a t in fa v o u r i 5 - C o m p le te ly in fa v o u r


Support for a second or expanded casino proposal: If it creates the additional competition to improve entertainment options in the city

O f all concepts tested , th e h ighest level o f suppo rt fo r th e casino deve lop m e n t w o u ld occur if it created a dd ition a l co m p e titio n to im prove e n te rta in m e n t o p tions in the city. M ore than ha lf are in favour, and those aged 55-64 years are th e m ost supportive .

Level of Support




Completely in favour

Somewhat in favour


Somewhat against

Completely against

Support by age

18-39 years

40-54 years 20% 7% 23%

65+ years 24% 4% 2 ^

M ore support

t -


55-64 years

11- C o m p le te ly a g a in s t

4 - S o m e w h a t in fa v o u r

12 - S o m e w h a t a g a in s t

5 - C o m p le te ly in fa v o u r

3 - In d if fe re n t

Total in overall Favour „,ean


52% 3.5

49% 3.2

65% 3.6

50% 3.1


Support for a second or expanded casino proposal: If there Is no addition to the total number of pokies In Queensland

If th e deve lopm en t o f the new casino p rec inc t did no t mean m ore pokies in Queensland, around tw o in five respondents are in favou r o f th e proposal. Younger respondents share th e highest level o f suppo rt fo r th is concept.

Level of Support



Support by age

18-39 years

40-54 years

M ore support

Total in Overall Favour mean


40% 3.3

31% 2.8


12% Completely in favour

Somewhat in favour


Somewhat against

Completeiy against

55-64 years

65+ years

11- Completely against

4- Somewhat in favour

12- Somewhat against

5- Completely in favour

13- Indifferent

40% 3.2

38% 3.0


Support for a second or expanded casino proposal: If the size of the casino is limited

M o re than a th ird o f respondents w ou ld be in favour o f th e casino proposal if th e size o f th e casino was lim ited .

Level of Support


I I r


Support by age

18-39 years 7% 14%

Total in Overall Favour mean

M ore support

36% 3.2

40-54 years 35% 2.8


Completely in favour

Somewhat in favour


Somewhat against

Completely against

55-64 years

6 5+ years 22% 9% 34%

11 - C o m p le te ly ag a in s t

4 - S o m e w h a t in fa v o u r

12 - S o m e w h a t a g a in s t

5 - C o m p le te ly in fa v o u r

13 - In d if fe re n t

40% 3.1

36% 3.0

i l

Support for a second or expanded casino proposal: If the casino only has tables for 'high rollers' with no pokies

Tables fo r "h igh ro llers o n ly " poss ib ility a ttrac ts th e least am oun t o f suppo rt am ong all respondents. People aged 40+ years are s ign ifican tly m ore opposed to th is idea than younger respondents.

Level of Support



Support by age

18-39 years 18% 22%

Total in Overall Favour mean

M o re su p p o rt { % )

2 6 % 2 .8

31% 40-54 years 16% 2.3

Completely in favour

Somewhat in favour

■ Indifferent

■ Somewhat against

■ Completeiy against

55-64 years

6 5+ years

I I - C o m p le te ly a g a in s t

4 - S o m e w h a t in fa v o u r

12- S o m e w h a t ag a in s t

5 - C o m p le te ly in fa v o u r

13 - In d if fe re n t

20% 2.5

16% 2.3

GREEN RED . ’. r

Other factors that would influence support for a second or expanded casino in the precinct Key Discussion Areas

Each participant was given the opportunity to provide feedback on what other factors would influence their support for a second or expanded casino at the end o f the survey. About 1 in 10 people chose to provide a comment. Common themes revolved around the desire for more entertainm ent or recreational facilities and programs as well as public spaces that would cater for all ages.

. Other factors would influence support for a casino

"Entertainm ent that is reasonably priced and caters fo r everyone."

"Provide m ore venues and opportunities fo r large live bands to perform , not ju s t a solo guitarist or keyboard p layer."

"The casino m ust be user fr ien d ly fo r all legal ages and provide a range o f activities other than ju s t gam bling."

" If they provided public riverfront space and recreational activities on the river. I f public spaces are created, in sim ilar ways to M elbourne's Southbank. Places fo r fam ilies to take a walk, relax, enjoy, watch street perform ers and fre e exhibits. I w ould also love fo r w alkways and bikeways to be provided, places w here it w ould be fre e to go out and exercise. "

" If a developm ent like this goes ahead, then the developers should m ake sure they provide some high quality public spaces th a t does not exclude those who w ill n o t en ter the casino."

" If they provided public riverfront space and recreational activities on the river.”

"Attract in ternational and national visitors. Hope th a t access to the CityCat stop a t North Q uay could be im proved also."

"That the project was a design based on cutting edge environm ental knowledge. That the buildings w ere all self pow ered by solar power. That a ll w aste from the buildings be addressed and processed on site. That open and extensive park lands encased the buildings and hugged the river banks. That the design o f all buildings would reflect the H eritage buildings in the area such os the Treasury Building."

"On principle, I am anti-gam bling. But the developm ent o f a new /expanded casino w ill probably be good fo r Brisbane's economy - such as tourism, jobs etc. The prom otion o f responsible gambling, help fo r addicts etc, would need to accompany this pro ject."



ENHANCED 2 research

Profile of Research Participants


18 - 24 years

25 - 39 years

4 0 - 5 4 years

55 - 64 years

65 + years






Employment status Househotd structure

Em ployed Full t im e

Em ployed Part tim e / casual

S tudent

Hom e duties


N ot c u rre n tly em ployed 4%


Couple w ithout children/ no children living at home

Couple w ith children living at home

Single person household

One parent fam ily w ith children

Group household

I 4%

Something else | 1%

Don't know/Refused | 1%




ENHANCED research

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Enhsrtce M«nagwn«nt Pty Ltd Ceding as Enhance Beeearcft j«h «a ore isi www.84ihsnceraMarch.eom.au