LawRight’s concerns with Report No. 12
Community Support and Services Committee
15 Dec 2021

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16 November 2021 Committee Secretary Community Support and Services Committee Parliament House George Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 By email only to: Dear Committee Secretary Child Protection Reform and other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 Thank you for the opportunity to provide a submission on this Bill and the opportunity to be a witness at the public hearing. We are writing in response to Report No.12, 57th Parliament Community Support and Services Committee (the Report) which was tabled on 12 November 2021. In the Report, some of the submissions and oral evidence of LawRight have been recorded inaccurately and we take this opportunity to ask that these be amended. Firstly, our position on the inclusion of ‘domestic violence information’ as relevant information that the Chief Executive can consider when deciding a blue card application has been misrepresented. At on page 15 of the Report it states “LawRight and the… QCEC expressed support for the inclusion of domestic violence information for the purpose of blue card assessments”. This statement is misleading. Our submission stated that we consider the information as relevant but goes on to express many concerns about the inclusion. Our submission read as a whole, and our oral evidence before the committee, does not support the inclusion of domestic violence information and to highlight one sentence from our whole submission without context is misleading. We ask that the committee remove reference to LawRight in that paragraph. Secondly, at on page 19, a quotation from Ben Tuckett has been used in the wrong context. In the report, the quote is used in relation to adverse interstate decisions however the statement was in fact made in relation to domestic violence orders and the process used to appeal those (see page 28 of the public hearing transcript).

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We ask that this quote either be removed entirely or be relocated to the discussion on domestic violence information. Contacting us Thank you for the opportunity to rectify these issues and we are happy to discuss this matter further. Please contact us on or by email to if you have any questions about this letter. Yours faithfully