Labour Market Information Council and Statistics Canada seeking input on Labour Market Information gaps
Labour Market Information Council and Statistics Canada seeking input on Labour Market Information gaps


The Labour Market Information Council (LMIC) and Statistics Canada understand how important the availability of timely and relevant insights about the labour market is to support Canadians in their decisions to acquire education and skills, plan their career and search for a job. Public organizations, businesses, as well as labour market experts also value data and insights about the labour market to support their decision making or serve Canadians in their pursuit of a successful career or business.

To better understand needs about labour market information (LMI) and help determine data priorities and gaps in this area, LMIC and Statistics Canada have developed an online questionnaire to gather input from organizations and professionals with an interest in LMI.

Share your opinions, and help us shape the future of the labour market information system!

How to get involved

We invite all interested organizations or individuals using labour market data and information for their work to fill out the short online questionnaire.

Completing the questionnaire is easy and should take approximately 10 minutes.

To do so, simply follow these steps:

To obtain more information on the initiative, please contact us by email at

Statistics Canada is committed to respecting the privacy and confidentiality of its participants. All personal information collected, used or disclosed by the Agency is protected under the Privacy Act. Please refrain from sharing any personal information (as defined in Section 3 of the Privacy Act) when filling out the questionnaire. Findings from the questionnaire will be stripped of any personal information, the personal information will be disposed of, and results will be aggregated before being made available on the Agency's website in the Consulting Canadians module, as well as on the Canadian government website Consulting With Canadians.

Closing date

The questionnaire will be available online from November 15, 2021 to December 24, 2021.


Summary results of the questionnaire will be published online when available.