e-3765 Citizenship and immigration
Jenny Kwan
March 13, 2022, at 7:53 a.m. (EDT)
Petition to the House of Commons
    The Government of Canada has made a commitment to resettle up to 40,000 vulnerable Afghan nationals in Canada;
    Many Afghan nationals put themselves in harm's way to aid the Canadian government in various roles (not limited to interpreters) supporting the Canadian mission in Afghanistan;
    Extended family members of these Afghan nationals who held various roles supporting the Canadian mission in Afghanistan are now being heavily targeted and persecuted by the Taliban; and
    Canada has a moral obligation to assist the extended family members of these Afghan nationals who are now at a high risk of being killed by the Taliban.
    We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to:
    1. Immediately expand eligibility for Afghan refugee status to the extended family members of all Afghan nationals who supported the Canadian mission in Afghanistan, including, but not limited to, interpreters;
    2. Further expedite the application processing of these Afghan nationals and their extended families (including Afghan human rights activists) by enacting an emergency immigration measure that grants a Temporary Residence Permit and temporary travel document, suspending the usual documentation requirements until they are safely in Canada;
    3. Expand the family reunification stream to include extended family members;
    4. Provide additional allocation of spaces to Sponsorship Agreement Holders; and
    5. Open up all privately sponsored refugee streams and waive the requirement for Refugee Status Determination documentation (for Group of Five and Community Sponsors).