International Mentoring Day: Joint statement

“Every year, Mentoring Day gives us an opportunity to recognize the kind and caring volunteers who provide essential mentorship to children and youth.  

“Positive relationships with mentors can help young people thrive in their schools, workplaces and communities. The ministries of Children’s Services and Education are proud to fund the Alberta Mentoring Partnership, which works with school divisions and community organizations to connect mentors with children and youth who need support or guidance. In the last year alone, this partnership has trained more than 1,500 mentors and recruited more than 3,000 new volunteers to support young Albertans in need.

“The Child and Youth Well-Being Review report, which was released late last year, has highlighted the urgent need for youth to have consistent support. Navigating this pandemic has been a massive challenge for kids, especially those made more vulnerable by isolation, housing issues, food insecurity and other barriers to their success. Strong mentors can help children and youth stay on track to develop the personal, social, educational and professional skills that will serve them well for the rest of their lives.

“This International Mentoring Day, we’re grateful for all that our community partners and volunteer mentors do to support youth, and we also encourage other Albertans to explore opportunities to mentor a young person in your community. Visit to learn more.”