Cumulative B.C. Regulations Bulletin, April 12, 2022
12 April 2022

Cumulative B.C. Regulations Bulletin 2022

This cumulative bulletin is current to April 12, 2022 – B.C. Regulations Bulletin No. 14
(B.C. Regulations 1/2022 – 104/2022).

The B.C. Regulations Bulletin is a summary of the regulations deposited under the Regulations Act by the cutoff
each Tuesday. A bulletin is not issued if there were no regulations deposited.

Links under the heading "Order" go to a PDF scan of the original Order.
Links under the heading "B.C. Reg." go to the regulations as published in The British Columbia Gazette, Part II.

Order   B.C. Reg. Number  Deposit Date
  Adoption Act
158/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 291/96 — Adoption Regulation 75/2022 March 30, 2022
  Adult Guardianship Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 115/2014 — Statutory Property Guardianship Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Access to Services (COVID-19) Act
22/2022Enacts Access to Services (COVID-19) Regulation 6/2022January 17, 2022
  Agricultural Land Commission Act
83/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 30/2019 — Agricultural Land Reserve Use Regulation, effective August 31, 2022 36/2022 February 18, 2022
  Animal Health Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 4/2015 — Enforcement Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Balanced Budget and Ministerial Accountability Act
Treasury Board Repeals B.C. Regs.
    164/2009 — Expected Revenue Outcome for the 2009/2010 Fiscal Year Regulation
    51/2010 — Expected Revenue Outcome for the 2010/2011 Fiscal Year Regulation
    159/2017 — Minister of State for Child Care Expected Results for
the 2017/2018 Fiscal Year Regulation
    2/2018 — Minister of State for Child Care Expected Results for
the 2018/2019 Fiscal Year Regulation
    2/2019 — Minister of State for Child Care Expected Results for
the 2019/2020 Fiscal Year Regulation
    3/2020 — Minister of State for Child Care Expected Results for
the 2020/2021 Fiscal Year Regulation
    232/2015 — Minister of State for Emergency Preparedness Expected Results for the 2015/2016 Fiscal Year Regulation
    13/2016 — Minister of State for Emergency Preparedness Expected Results for the 2016/2017 Fiscal Year Regulation
    21/2017 — Minister of State for Emergency Preparedness Expected Results for the 2017/2018 Fiscal Year Regulation
    81/2021 — Minister of State for Infrastructure Expected Results for
the 2020/2021 Fiscal Year Regulation
    83/2021 — Minister of State for Lands and Natural Resource Operations Expected Results for the 2020/2021 Fiscal Year Regulation
    23/2017 — Minister of State for Rural Economic Development Expected Results for the 2016/2017 Fiscal Year Regulation
    24/2017 — Minister of State for Rural Economic Development Expected Results for the 2017/2018 Fiscal Year Regulation
    16/2014 — Minister of State for Tourism and Small Business Expected Results for the 2014/2015 Fiscal Year Regulation
    26/2015 — Minister of State for Tourism and Small Business Expected Results for the 2015/2016 Fiscal Year Regulation
    160/2017 — Minister of State for Trade Expected Results for
the 2017/2018 Fiscal Year Regulation
    3/2018 — Minister of State for Trade Expected Results for
the 2018/2019 Fiscal Year Regulation
    3/2019 — Minister of State for Trade Expected Results for
the 2019/2020 Fiscal Year Regulation
    4/2020 — Minister of State for Trade Expected Results for
the 2020/2021 Fiscal Year Regulation
    37/2008 — Ministers of State Expected Results for the 2008/2009 Fiscal Year Regulation
    26/2009 — Ministers of State Expected Results for the 2009/2010 Fiscal Year Regulation
    52/2010 — Ministers of State Expected Results for the 2010/2011 Fiscal Year Regulation
29/2022 February 15, 2022
Treasury Board Enacts Minister of State for Child Care Expected Results for
the 2022/2023 Fiscal Year Regulation
37/2022 February 22, 2022
Treasury Board Enacts Minister of State for Infrastructure Expected Results for
the 2022/2023 Fiscal Year Regulation
38/2022 February 22, 2022
Treasury Board Enacts Minister of State for Trade Expected Results for
the 2022/2023 Fiscal Year Regulation
39/2022 February 22, 2022
  British Columbia Transit Act
Victoria Regional Transit Commission Enacts Victoria Regional Transit Commission Regulation No. 43-2022, effective March 31, 2022 74/2022 March 29, 2022
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 377/85 — Transit Conduct and Safety Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Budget Transparency and Accountability Act
68/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 53/2010 — Education and Health Sector Organizations Regulation 22/2022 February 14, 2022
  Business Corporations Act
78/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 206/2012 — Credit Union Incorporation Act Regulation 32/2022 February 17, 2022
  Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs. 273/2004 — Disclosure of the Cost of Consumer Credit Regulation 57/2009 — Payday Loans Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Cannabis Control and Licensing Act
137/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 202/2018 — Cannabis Licensing Regulation 60/2022 March 14, 2022
  Civil Forfeiture Act
16/2022Amends B.C. Reg. 164/2006 — Civil Forfeiture Regulation 5/2022January 14, 2022
  Clean Energy Act
M70/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 236/2012 — Improvement Financing Regulation 59/2022 March 11, 2022
  Coal Act
Chief Gold CommissionerAmends B.C. Reg. 280/2007 — Mineral and Coal Land Reserve (No Mineral or Placer Claim Registrations) Regulation 4/2022January 13, 2022
  Commercial Transport Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 30/78 — Commercial Transport Regulations 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Community Care and Assisted Living Act
25/2022Amends B.C. Reg. 96/2009 — Residential Care Regulation 7/2022January 17, 2022
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    96/2009 — Residential Care Regulation
    189/2019 — Assisted Living Regulation
    332/2007 — Child Care Licensing Regulation
76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Community Charter
M47/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 42/2006 — Dispute Resolution Regulation 45/2022 February 24, 2022
M52/2022 Enacts Public Notice Regulation, effective February 28, 2022
Note: B.C. Reg. 49/2022 is inoperative. See B.C. Reg. 52/2022.
49/2022 February 28, 2022
M55/2022 Enacts Public Notice Regulation 52/2022 March 1, 2022
  Cooperative Association Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 391/2000 — Cooperative Association Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Coroners Act
155/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 298/2007 — Coroners Regulation 77/2022 March 30, 2022
  Correction Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 58/2005 — Correction Act Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Court Rules Act
21/2022Amends B.C. Reg. 168/2009 — Supreme Court Civil Rules 8/2022January 17, 2022
158/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    30/2001 — Provincial Court (Adult Guardianship) Rules
    311/76 — Patients Property Act Rules
75/2022 March 30, 2022
  Credit Union Incorporation Act
78/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 206/2012 — Credit Union Incorporation Act Regulation 32/2022 February 17, 2022
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 308/90 — Credit Union Directors Election Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Cremation, Interment and Funeral Services Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 298/2004 — Cremation, Interment and Funeral Services Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Creston Valley Wildlife Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    79/71 — Permit Regulations
    164/73 — Summit Creek Campground and Recreation Area Regulations
76/2022 March 30, 2022
  E-Health (Personal Health Information Access and Protection of Privacy) Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 172/2009 — Disclosure Directive Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Election Act
Chief Electoral Officer Enacts Ballot Form Regulation 66/2022 March 18, 2022
Chief Electoral Officer Enacts Vote Counting Regulation 67/2022 March 18, 2022
Chief Electoral Officer Enacts Voting Opportunities Regulation 68/2022 March 18, 2022
Chief Electoral Officer Enacts Voting Options Regulation 69/2022 March 18, 2022
  Election Amendment Act, 2019
128/2022 S.B.C. 2019, c. 42 — see Acts in Force 57/2022 March 11, 2022
  Emergency Health Services Act
M36/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 210/2010 — Emergency Medical Assistants Regulation 27/2022 February 14, 2022
  Emergency Intervention Disclosure Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 33/2013 — Emergency Intervention Disclosure Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Emergency Program Act
7/2022Repeals B.C. Reg. 317/2021 — Milk Industry Standards Exception Regulation, effective November 17, 2021
Enacts Milk Industry Standards Exception Regulation, effective November 17, 2021
1/2022January 10, 2022
  Employment and Assistance Act
51/2022Amends B.C. Reg. 263/2002 — Employment and Assistance Regulation 16/2022January 31, 2022
185/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 263/2002 — Employment and Assistance Regulation, effective May 1, 2022 85/2022 April 4, 2022
  Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act
51/2022Amends B.C. Reg. 265/2002 — Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Regulation 16/2022January 31, 2022
185/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 265/2002 — Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Regulation, effective May 1, 2022 85/2022 April 4, 2022
  Employment Standards Act
139/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 396/95 — Employment Standards Regulation, part effective June 1, 2022 and part effective January 1, 2023 63/2022 March 14, 2022
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 396/95 — Employment Standards Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Environmental Management Act
M39/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 263/2010 — Code of Practice for Industrial Non-Hazardous Waste Landfills Incidental to the Wood Processing Industry 35/2022 February 18, 2022
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    391/2008 — Landfill Gas Management Regulation
    18/2002 — Organic Matter Recycling Regulation
    218/2016 — Solid Fuel Burning Domestic Appliance Regulation
    320/2004 — Waste Discharge Regulation
    87/2012 — Municipal Wastewater Regulation
    152/2019 — Open Burning Smoke Control Regulation
    63/88 — Hazardous Waste Regulation
76/2022 March 30, 2022
182/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 318/2004 — Conservation Officer Service Authority Regulation 86/2022 April 4, 2022
  Evidence Act
M35/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 363/95 — Designation Regulation 21/2022 February 9, 2022
158/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    60/2005 — Electronic Court Documents Regulation
    249/78 — Sound Recording Regulations
75/2022 March 30, 2022
  Family Law Act
37/2022Amends B.C. Reg. 347/2012 — Family Law Act Regulation, effective March 1, 2022 14/2022January 24, 2022
  Farmers and Womens Institutes Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 466/83 — Farmers and Womens Institutes Act Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Finance Statutes Amendment Act, 2021
78/2022 S.B.C. 2021, c. 2 — see Acts in Force 32/2022 February 17, 2022
80/2022 S.B.C. 2021, c. 2 — see Acts in Force 33/2022 February 17, 2022
  Financial Administration Act
Treasury Board Amends B.C. Reg. 215/83 — Interest on Overdue Accounts Payable Regulation 30/2022 February 15, 2022
91/2022 Enacts Property Transfer Tax (Treaty Lands) Remission Regulation 41/2022 February 22, 2022
  Financial Disclosure Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 235/96 — Financial Disclosure Act Form Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Financial Institutions Act
78/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 173/2008 — Trust and Deposit Business Exemption Regulation, effective June 1, 2022 32/2022 February 17, 2022
79/2022 Enacts Credit Union Complaint Resolution Regulation, effective June 30, 2022 34/2022 February 17, 2022
80/2022 Enacts Credit Union Transactions Regulation 33/2022 February 17, 2022
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 366/2007 — Insurer Exemption Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Financial Institutions Amendment Act, 2019
78/2022 S.B.C. 2019, c. 39 — see Acts in Force 32/2022 February 17, 2022
79/2022 S.B.C. 2019, c. 39 — see Acts in Force 34/2022 February 17, 2022
80/2022 S.B.C. 2019, c. 39 — see Acts in Force 33/2022 February 17, 2022
  Firearm Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 373/80 — Firearm (Authorization) Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Fish and Seafood Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    262/2016 — Enforcement Regulation
    261/2016 — Fish and Seafood Licensing Regulation
76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Food and Agricultural Products Classification Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    306/2016 — Egg Grading and Standards Regulation
    305/2016 — Enforcement Regulation
76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Food Safety Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 349/2004 — Meat Inspection Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Forest Act
120/2022 Enacts Spotted Owl Designated Area No. 2 for the period ending February 28, 2023 54/2022 March 3, 2022
154/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 22/96 — Timber Harvesting Contract and Subcontract Regulation 78/2022 March 30, 2022
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    175/95 — Performance Based Harvesting Regulation
    446/94 — Scaling Regulation
    220/81 — Log Salvage Regulation for the Vancouver Log Salvage District
    253/97 — Timber Marking and Transportation Regulation
    68/2006 — Woodlot Licence Regulation
76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Forest and Range Practices Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    70/2004 — Forest Service Road Use Regulation
    278/2001 — Fort St. John Pilot Project Regulation
    96/2001 — Stillwater Pilot Project Regulation
76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Franchises Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 238/2016 — Franchises Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
74/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 150/2021 — Committees of the Executive Council Regulation 28/2022 February 15, 2022
M89/2022 Schedule 2 of Act amended, effective April 1, 2022 73/2022 March 28, 2022
  Greenhouse Gas Industrial Reporting and Control Act
87/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 249/2015 — Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Regulation 42/2022 February 22, 2022
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 249/2015 — Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Health Care (Consent) and Care Facility (Admission) Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 20/2000 — Health Care Consent Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Health Care Costs Recovery Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 397/2008 — Health Care Costs Recovery Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Home Owner Grant Act
204/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 100/2002 — Home Owner Grant Regulation, effective January 1, 2022 93/2022 April 11, 2022
  Homeowner Protection Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    240/2000 — Building Envelope Renovation Regulation
    152/99 — Notice to Mediate (Residential Construction) Regulation
76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Hospital Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 121/97 — Hospital Act Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Hospital Insurance Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 25/61 — Hospital Insurance Act Regulations 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Income Tax Act
34/2022Enacts Recovery Benefit Regulation, effective December 18, 2020 13/2022January 20, 2022
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 4/99 — Film and Television Tax Credit Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Independent School Act
151/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 262/89 — Independent School Regulation 79/2022 March 30, 2022
  Industrial Roads Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 450/59 — Vehicular Traffic on Industrial Roads Regulations 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Insurance Corporation Act
147/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 307/2004 — Special Direction IC2 to the British Columbia Utilities Commission 70/2022 March 25, 2022
  Insurance (Vehicle) Act
148/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 447/83 — Insurance (Vehicle) Regulation 71/2022 March 25, 2022
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 127/98 — Notice to Mediate Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
207/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 60/2021 — Income Replacement and Retirement Benefits and Benefits for Students and Minors Regulation, effective May 1, 2021 94/2022 April 11, 2022
208/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 4/2021 — Basic Vehicle Damage Coverage Regulation, part effective May 1, 2021, part effective November 1, 2021 and part effective April 11, 2022 95/2022 April 11, 2022
211/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    447/83 — Insurance (Vehicle) Regulation, effective May 1, 2021
    59/2021 — Enhanced Accident Benefits Regulation, part effective May 1, 2021 and part effective April 11, 2022
96/2022 April 11, 2022
  Integrated Pest Management Act
M26/2022Amends B.C. Reg. 604/2004 — Integrated Pest Management Regulation 18/2022February 2, 2022
AdministratorAmends B.C. Reg. 604/2004 — Integrated Pest Management Regulation 19/2022February 7, 2022
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 134/2014 — Administrative Penalties (Integrated Pest Management Act) Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Jury Act
158/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 282/95 — Jury Regulation 75/2022 March 30, 2022
  Labour Relations Code
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 7/93 — Labour Relations Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Land Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 315/76 — Land Act Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Land (Spouse Protection) Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 85/97 — Forms Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Land Title Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    8/89 — Application for Subdivision Approval Regulation
    490/88 — Torrens System Application Regulation
76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Law and Equity Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    296/2007 — Notice to Mediate (Family) Regulation
    4/2001 — Notice to Mediate (General) Regulation
76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Liquor Control and Licensing Act
187/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 241/2016 — Liquor Control and Licensing Regulation 89/2022 April 7, 2022
209/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 241/2016 — Liquor Control and Licensing Regulation 97/2022 April 11, 2022
210/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 241/2016 — Liquor Control and Licensing Regulation 98/2022 April 11, 2022
  Livestock Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 67/81 — Livestock Regulations 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Livestock Identification Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 69/81 — Livestock Identification Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Lobbyists Transparency Act
86/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 235/2019 — Lobbyists Transparency Regulation 43/2022 February 22, 2022
  Local Government Act
M4/2022Enacts By-Election Exemption (Local Emergency) Regulation 2/2022January 10, 2022
38/2022Amends B.C. Reg. 90/2019 — Housing Needs Report Regulation 15/2022January 24, 2022
M47/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 41/91 — Regional District Special Voting Regulation 45/2022 February 24, 2022
  Local Government Bylaw Notice Enforcement Act
67/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 175/2004 — Bylaw Notice Enforcement Regulation, effective February 16, 2022 23/2022 February 14, 2022
158/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 175/2004 — Bylaw Notice Enforcement Regulation 75/2022 March 30, 2022
  Local Services Act
M47/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 262/70 — Subdivision Regulations 45/2022 February 24, 2022
  Medicare Protection Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 426/97 — Medical and Health Care Services Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Metal Dealers and Recyclers Act
136/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 101/2012 — Metal Dealers and Recyclers Regulation 61/2022 March 14, 2022
  Mineral Land Tax Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    458/78 — Agricultural Mineral Land Regulation
    825/74 — Mineral Land Tax Adjustment Regulation
    826/74 — Surrender of Interests in Mineral Land Regulations
76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Mineral Tenure Act
Chief Gold CommissionerAmends B.C. Regs.
    71/2010 — Mineral Land Reserve (No Mineral Claim Registrations) Regulation
        271/2007 — Mineral Land Reserve (No Mineral or Placer Claim Registrations) Regulation
    280/2007 — Mineral and Coal Land Reserve (No Mineral or Placer Claim Registrations) Regulation
4/2022January 13, 2022
Chief Gold Commissioner Enacts Mineral Land Reserve (Relief from Obligations) Regulation No. 2 31/2022 February 16, 2022
Chief Gold Commissioner Amends B.C. Regs.
    271/2007 — Mineral Land Reserve (No Mineral or Placer Claim Registrations) Regulation
    71/2010 — Mineral Land Reserve (No Mineral Claim Registrations) Regulation
40/2022 February 22, 2022
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 19/99 — Mining Rights Compensation Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
Chief Gold Commissioner Amends B.C. Regs.
    71/2010 — Mineral Land Reserve (No Mineral Claim Registrations) Regulation
    271/2007 — Mineral Land Reserve (No Mineral or Placer Claim Registrations) Regulation
    397/2012 — Mineral Land Reserve (No Placer Claim Registrations) Regulation
91/2022 April 11, 2022
Chief Gold Commissioner Repeals B.C. Reg. 449/95
Amends B.C. Reg. 71/2010 — Mineral Land Reserve (No Mineral Claim Registrations) Regulation
92/2022 April 11, 2022
  Ministry of Lands, Parks and Housing Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 490/79 — British Columbia Housing Management Commission Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2020
122/2022 S.B.C. 2020, c. 14 — see Acts in Force 55/2022 March 4, 2022
  Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2021
111/2022 S.B.C. 2021, c. 27 — see Acts in Force 46/2022 February 28, 2022
  Missing Persons Act
156/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 111/2015 — Missing Persons Regulation 80/2022 March 30, 2022
  Motion Picture Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 260/86 — Motion Picture Act Regulations 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Motor Vehicle Act
17/2022Enacts Quality Assurance Vehicle Initiative Regulation 9/2022January 17, 2022
71/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 26/58 — Motor Vehicle Act Regulations,
part effective February 14, 2022 and part effective May 1, 2022
24/2022 February 14, 2022
M54/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 5/97 — Weld Repair of Aluminum Alloy Wheels Regulation 51/2022 February 28, 2022
138/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 334/91 — Motor Vehicle Fees Regulation, effective March 17, 2022 62/2022 March 14, 2022
Superintendent of Motor Vehicles Amends B.C. Reg. 25/2015 — Lien on Impounded Motor Vehicles Regulation, effective April 1, 2022 72/2022 March 28, 2022
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    414/97 — Appeals and Show Cause Hearings Regulation
    133/98 — Emergency Vehicle Driving Regulation
    4/2013 — Identification Card Regulation
    334/91 — Motor Vehicle Fees Regulation
    26/58 — Motor Vehicle Act Regulations
76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2021
50/2022S.B.C. 2021, c. 30 — see Acts in Force 17/2022January 31, 2022
198/2022 S.B.C. 2021, c. 30 — see Acts in Force 99/2022 April 11, 2022
  Natural Gas Price Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 241/90 — Natural Gas Price Act Regulation No. 2 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Natural Products Marketing (BC) Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    328/75 — Natural Products Marketing (BC) Act Regulations
    188/61 — British Columbia Chicken Marketing Scheme, 1961
    174/66 — British Columbia Turkey Marketing Scheme
    259/68 — British Columbia Cranberry Marketing Scheme, 1968
    173/67 — British Columbia Egg Marketing Scheme, 1967
    109/80 — British Columbia Hog Marketing Scheme
    432/88 — British Columbia Broiler Hatching Egg Scheme
    96/80 — British Columbia Vegetable Scheme
76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Off-Road Vehicle Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 193/2015 — Off-Road Vehicle Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Offence Act
19/2022Amends B.C. Reg. 89/97 — Violation Ticket Administration and Fines Regulation 12/2022January 17, 2022
158/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 422/90 — Offence Act Forms Regulation 75/2022 March 30, 2022
  Park Act
152/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 227/67 — Class C Parks Regulations 81/2022 March 30, 2022
  Personal Information Protection Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 473/2003 — Personal Information Protection Act Regulations 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Pharmaceutical Services Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    222/2014 — Provider Regulation
    73/2015 — Drug Plans Regulation
76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Plant Protection Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    93/59 — Domestic Bacterial Ring Rot Regulation
    92/59 — Bacterial Ring Rot Regulation
    34/83 — Little Cherry Control Regulation
76/2022 March 30, 2022
205/2022 Repeals B.C. Reg. 102/2021 — North American Gypsy Moth Eradication Regulation
Enacts Lymantria Moth Eradication Regulation
100/2022 April 11, 2022
  Powell River Incorporation Act
199/2022 Enacts Mill-site Area Regulation 101/2022 April 11, 2022
  Property Transfer Tax Act
90/2022 Enacts Property Transfer Tax Exemption Regulation No. 34,
effective August 1, 2021
44/2022 February 22, 2022
  Provincial Sales Tax Act
113/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 93/2013 — Designated Accommodation Area Tax Regulation, part effective March 1, 2022, part effective June 1, 2022, part effective July 1, 2022 and part effective August 1, 2022 47/2022 February 28, 2022
  Public Health Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    210/99 — Food Premises Regulation
    18/2002 — Organic Matter Recycling Regulation
    50/2009 — Public Health Impediments Regulation
    52/2009 — Public Health Inspections and Orders Regulation
    326/2004 — Sewerage System Regulation
76/2022 March 30, 2022
184/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 186/2020 — E-Substances Regulation 87/2022 April 4, 2022
  Public Interest Disclosure Act
127/2022 Enacts Government Body Designation (Public Interest Disclosure) Regulation, effective April 1, 2022 58/2022 March 11, 2022
190/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 58/2022 — Government Body Designation (Public Interest Disclosure) Regulation 90/2022 April 8, 2022
  Public Sector Employers Act
28/2022Amends B.C. Reg. 84/2003 — Social Services Employers Regulation 10/2022January 17, 2022
  Public Service Act
70/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 67/2014 — Standards of Conduct for Political Staff Regulation 25/2022 February 14, 2022
  Public Service Benefit Plan Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    409/97 — Long Term Disability Plan Regulation
    408/97 — Group Life Insurance Regulation (No. 1)
76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Range Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 116/2005 — Range Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Recall and Initiative Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    70/95 — Initiative Petition Administration Regulation
    69/95 — Recall Petition Administration Regulation
76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Regulations Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 394/83 — Regulations Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Representation Agreement Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 199/2001 — Representation Agreement Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Safety Standards Act
M35/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 49/2011 — Alternative Safety Approaches Regulation 21/2022 February 9, 2022
  School Act
M34/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 314/2012 — School Calendar Regulation 20/2022 February 9, 2022
M73/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 314/2012 — School Calendar Regulation 64/2022 March 15, 2022
150/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 212/99 — Francophone Education Authorities Regulation 82/2022 March 30, 2022
  Sechelt Indian Government District Enabling Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 126/88 — Sechelt Indian Government District Property Taxation Suspension Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Securities Act
Securities Commission Amends B.C. Reg. 181/2014 – National Instrument 52-108 Auditor Oversight, effective March 30, 2022 65/2022 March 17, 2022
British Columbia Securities Commission Amends B.C. Reg. 129/2017 — National Instrument 94-101 Mandatory Central Counterparty Clearing of Derivatives, part effective April 12, 2022 and part effective September 1, 2022 104/2022 April 12, 2022
  Seed Potato Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 219/84 — Seed Potato Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Societies Act
112/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 216/2015 — Societies Regulation 48/2022 February 28, 2022
  South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    88/2013 — Fare Infraction Review Referral Regulation
    87/99 — Greater Vancouver Transit Conduct and Safety Regulation
76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust Act
26/2022Amends B.C. Reg. 35/2006 — Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust Regions Regulation 11/2022January 17, 2022
  Statute Revision Act
215/2022 Amends Child, Family and Community Service Act 103/2022 April 12, 2022
  Strata Property Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 556/82 — Bare Land Strata Plan Cancellation Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Taxation (Rural Area) Act
200/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 387/82 — Taxation (Rural Area) Act Regulation 102/2022 April 11, 2022
  Transportation Act
M54/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 513/2004 — Provincial Public Undertakings Regulation 51/2022 February 28, 2022
  Utilities Commission Act
M5/2022Repeals B.C. Reg. 26/2017 — PREI Exemption Regulation 3/2022January 12, 2022
123/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 24/2019 — Direction No. 8 to the British Columbia Utilities Commission 56/2022 March 7, 2022
M101/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 232/2016 — Long Lake Exemption Regulation 88/2022 April 5, 2022
  Vancouver Charter
M53/2022 Enacts Public Notice (Vancouver Charter) Regulation, effective February 28, 2022
Note: B.C. Reg. 50/2022 is inoperative. See B.C. Reg. 53/2022.
50/2022 February 28, 2022
M56/2022 Enacts Public Notice (Vancouver Charter) Regulation 53/2022 March 1, 2022
  Vital Statistics Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 69/82 — Vital Statistics Act Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Voluntary Blood Donations Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 72/2019 — Voluntary Blood Donations Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Water Sustainability Act
164/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 36/2016 — Water Sustainability Regulation, effective April 1, 2022 84/2022 March 31, 2022
  Weed Control Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 66/85 — Weed Control Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Wildfire Act
153/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 38/2005 — Wildfire Regulation 83/2022 March 30, 2022
  Wildlife Act
19/2022Amends B.C. Regs.
    115/2015 — Guiding Territory Certificate Regulation
    338/82 — Wildlife Act Commercial Activities Regulation
12/2022January 17, 2022
157/2022 Amends B.C. Regs.
    261/83 — Freshwater Fish Regulation
    53/98 — Hunter Safety Training Regulation
    168/90 — Designation and Exemption Regulation
    253/2000 — Permit Regulation
76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Workers Compensation Act
69/2022 Amendments to the Act resulting from changes to the Consumer Price Index 26/2022 February 14, 2022
  Youth Justice Act
157/2022 Amends B.C. Reg. 137/2005 — Youth Custody Regulation 76/2022 March 30, 2022
  Acts in Force
128/2022 Election Amendment Act, 2019, S.B.C. 2019, c. 42 — various provisions in force March 11, 2022 57/2022 March 11, 2022
78/2022 Finance Statutes Amendment Act, 2021, S.B.C. 2021, c. 2 —
section 144, as it enacts section 93 (2) (b) and (c) of the Credit Union Incorporation Act, in force February 17, 2022
32/2022 February 17, 2022
80/2022 Finance Statutes Amendment Act, 2021, S.B.C. 2021, c. 2 —
section 23 (b) in force February 17, 2022
33/2022 February 17, 2022
78/2022 Financial Institutions Amendment Act, 2019, S.B.C. 2019, c. 39 — various provisions in force February 17, 2022 32/2022 February 17, 2022
79/2022 Financial Institutions Amendment Act, 2019, S.B.C. 2019, c. 39 — section 14 and section 79 (a), as it enacts section 289 (3) (p.31) of the Financial Institutions Act, in force June 30, 2022 34/2022 February 17, 2022
80/2022 Financial Institutions Amendment Act, 2019, S.B.C. 2019, c. 39 — section 25 in force February 17, 2022 33/2022 February 17, 2022
122/2022 Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2020, S.B.C. 2020, c. 14 — section 16 in force March 4, 2022 55/2022 March 4, 2022
111/2022 Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2021, S.B.C. 2021, c. 27 — sections 17 to 19 in force February 28, 2022 46/2022 February 28, 2022
50/2022Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2021, S.B.C. 2021, c. 30 — sections 2 to 4, 6, 7, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21 to 25, 29, 31, 34, 38 to 40, 42, 48 to 51 and 55 in force February 28, 2022 17/2022January 31, 2022
198/2022 Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2021, S.B.C. 2021, c. 30 — sections 44 to 46 in force April 11, 2022 99/2022 April 11, 2022

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