Premier Kenney to address U.S. Senate Energy Committee

The Premier will appear before the committee in Washington, D.C., on May 17 to highlight the integrated nature of the Canadian and American energy systems and the growing demand for secure, reliable and affordable energy from Alberta.

Premier Kenney will also promote Alberta’s approach to responsible resource development with practical emissions-reducing technology.

“Alberta is the clear choice to help meet the rising worldwide demand for stable energy and displace energy exports from violent and oppressive countries that threaten global security. We must work closely with our U.S. partners to establish a united front on energy security and that means increasing Alberta’s energy exports to the United States and the world.”

Jason Kenney, Premier

The committee appearance comes at the bipartisan invitation of committee chair Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia and ranking member Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming. Senator Manchin visited Alberta in April to learn about Alberta’s energy sector and emerging minerals sector and to discuss North American energy security. During his visit, the senator proposed that an Alberta delegation visit Washington to continue discussions.

The hearing will be broadcast on the Premier’s social media channel as well as on the Committee’s website. An archived video will be available shortly after the hearing concludes.

Premier Kenney will be joined by Energy Minister Sonya Savage and Environment and Parks Minister Jason Nixon in Washington from May 15 to 18. In addition to presenting to the Senate committee, the Premier and ministers will meet with other members of Congress and government officials.

The Premier and ministers will be accompanied by five staff members from the Premier’s Office, the chiefs of staff for both ministers and a department official from both the ministries of Energy and Environment and Parks. The delegation will be supported by staff from Alberta’s office in Washington.

Mission expenses will be posted on the travel and expense disclosure page.

The Alberta government is committed to working with its national and international partners to advance shared interests that can lead to new opportunities for people and businesses in Alberta and around the world.

Itinerary for Premier Kenney, Minister Nixon and Minister Savage*

May 15

  • Travel to Washington, D.C.

May 16

  • Meet with U.S. officials

May 17

  • Appear before the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
  • Meet with U.S. officials

May 18

  • Travel to Edmonton

*Subject to change.