e-4006 Parliament and politics
Elizabeth May
Equal opportunities,Political parties,Women
September 17, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. (EDT)
Petition to the House of Commons
    Women represent 50% of Canada’s population yet only represent 30% of the legislators in the House of Commons;
    Canada will not meet the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, specifically Goal No. 5 (Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls), which calls for the equitable treatment of women in societies and institutions;
    Not all official parties of Canada have, underwritten in their constitutions, policies that that directly work to eliminate barriers to women’s participation in politics; and
    According to the Interparliamentary Union, Canada places 59th on the gender parity ranking against a host of other nations that have achieved far greater equity in their parliaments.
    We, the undersigned, citizens  and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to ensure that:
    1. Official party status only be recognized for those parties whose constitutions reflect a firm and practical commitment to achieving full gender parity among their member representatives and candidates by the next federal election in 2025;
    2. A non-partisan working group or House of Commons committee be formed to aid and support parties in the creation and implementation of nomination, election, and ongoing workplace policies and protocols, that will help them achieve gender parity achieving gender parity and equitable representation from all other equity deserving groups among their ranks; and
    3. The government confirms publicly the goal of reaching gender parity in the House of Commons by 2030.