441-00509 Democratic process
Elizabeth May
Electoral reform,Proportional representation
Petition to the Government of Canada
        Canada's electoral system from its very inception has always been a "First-past-the-Post" (FPTP) system, unfairly resulting in either a Liberal or Conservative government with virtually no opposition, no impact on the popular vote leading to distorted Canadian values;
        Proportional Representation (PR) is a principle that says that the percentage of seats a party has in the legislature should reflect the percentage of the people who voted for that party, so that if a party gets 40% of the popular vote, they should get 40% of the seats;
        In the 2021 election the Liberals had 32.62% winning 160 seats, Conservatives 33.74% winning 119 seats, Bloc Quebecois 7.64% winning 32 seats, NDP 17.82% winning 25 seats, People Party 4.94% winning 0 seat and Green Party 2.33% winning 2 seats;
        Under a FPTP system, like the current system in Canada, a party can win a majority of seats and all the power with less than half the popular vote;
        Proportional Representation (PR) ensures that majority governments have an actual majority of the voters (popular vote) backing them;
        Many other countries such as Germany, Italy, Ireland, New Zealand and the Netherlands have progressed from a FPTP system to a PR System; and
        Many American States are seeking to implement "Ranked Choice Voting" so that all votes are calculated.
    We, the undersigned, residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to move to a "Proportional Representation” system to bring credible representation to Canadians.