public committee meeting held on 11 May 2021
Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee
24 Jun 2022
Transcript - 11 May 2021 - PCCC - Public Meeting - Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee

This is an uncorrected proof of evidence taken before the committee and it is made available under the condition it is recognised as such.


Members present: Mr JM Krause MP—Chair Mr MJ Crandon MP (virtual) Mrs MF McMahon MP Mr BL O’Rourke MP Ms KM Richards MP Dr MA Robinson MP Mr JA Sullivan MP Staff present: Ms E Jameson—Committee Secretary Mr G Thomson—Assistant Committee Secretary Ms N Ryan—Committee Support Officer



TUESDAY, 11 MAY 2021 Brisbane

Public Meeting—Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee

Brisbane - 1 - 11 May 2021

TUESDAY, 11 MAY 2021 ____________

The committee met at 1.06 pm. CHAIR: Good afternoon. I am Jon Krause, the member for Scenic Rim and chair of the

Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee. Joining me here today are: Mr Jimmy Sullivan, the member for Stafford and deputy chair; Mr Michael Crandon, the member for Coomera—can you hear us on the phone, Michael?

Mr CRANDON: Yes, I can hear fine, thank you. CHAIR: Very good, thank you—Mrs Melissa McMahon, the member for Macalister; Mr Barry

O’Rourke, the member for Rockhampton; and Ms Kim Richards, the member for Redlands, who is a substitute for Duncan Pegg, the member for Stretton. I am assured that Dr Mark Robinson, the member for Oodgeroo, who is also on the committee, will be joining us shortly.

The committee’s proceedings are proceedings of the Queensland parliament and are subject to the standing rules and orders of the parliament. As parliamentary proceedings under the standing orders, any person may be excluded from the hearing at the discretion of the chair or by order of the committee. These proceedings are being recorded by Hansard and broadcast live on the parliament’s website. Media may be present and are subject to the chair’s direction at all times. You may be photographed here today and you may also appear on the parliament’s website or social media pages.

The committee is beginning its meeting in public to deal with a number of matters. The committee will then close the public part of the meeting and continue the remainder of its meeting in private session. I note some items of apologies and declarations of interest. I note that Ms Kim Richards, the member for Redlands, is here as a substitute for Mr Duncan Pegg, the member for Stretton.

I will just check whether we still have Mr Crandon. Michael, can you hear me? Mr CRANDON: I only heard part the last part of what you said. You did apologies and

declarations of interest, did you? CHAIR: It hopefully will be clearer for you now, Michael; the microphone has been placed

directly in front of me. Mr CRANDON: That is fine. CHAIR: That is better? Mr CRANDON: Yes, that is better. CHAIR: Thank you. I was at apologies and declarations of interest. I will ask for declarations

of interest. Mr SULLIVAN: I have my standing declaration, Chair. CHAIR: The standard declaration from the deputy chair. Mr CRANDON: In view of what might be on the agenda, I have a declaration of interest from

past dealings with Logan City Council. Until the state election of 2017, the suburb of Eagleby was part of the electorate of Coomera. That means I shared a small area of my electorate with Councillor Jennie Breene at the time for the several years she was a councillor. Up until that date I can say that I have only ever had passing dealings with her, occasional conversations at meetings and what have you. I had no close contact with her. Indeed, since then I do not recall ever having any conversation with her about any matter, and certainly I have had no conversations with any councillors of Logan City Council or previous councillors of the Logan City Council since the matters that may arise today were commenced in, I believe, 2018.

CHAIR: Thank you, Michael. That is up for discussion in the private section of our meeting today. Thank you for your very thorough declaration. Are there any other declarations of interest?

Dr ROBINSON: Yes, Mr Chair, just my standing declaration with Logan City Council. CHAIR: Thank you. Agenda item No. 2 is the adoption of the agenda for today’s meeting.

Member for Oodgeroo, would you move that the agenda for today be adopted?

Public Meeting—Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee

Brisbane - 2 - 11 May 2021

Dr ROBINSON: I so move. CHAIR: All those in favour? Against? That is carried. Item No. 3 is the draft minutes. Members

have been provided with a copy of the draft minutes for the committee meetings held on 20 April, 27 April and 28 April 2021. Could I have a mover for the motion that they be adopted?

Mr SULLIVAN: I am happy to do that. CHAIR: Thank you, Mr Sullivan. All in favour? Against? That is carried. Members have been

provided with copies of incoming and outgoing correspondence schedules. There is a proposed motion on our agenda that the inward be accepted and the outward be endorsed. Could I have a mover for that motion, please?

Mrs McMAHON: I so move, Chair. CHAIR: Mrs McMahon, thank you. Any discussion? There being none, I will put the motion. All

in favour? Against? That is carried. Correspondence from the Crime and Corruption Commission: members have been provided

with an update in relation to the Queensland police register of reports and recommendations. That is just for noting. If there is any discussion arising out of that we might take that into the next portion of the meeting as well. There does not seem to be any, so we will move on to the next item of business, which is item No. 6, five-year review of the CCC, review of the activities and some responses to questions taken on notice that we had from the public hearing from Mr Favell. Firstly, we will deal with Mr Favell. He took some questions on notice on 26 March and has provided the committee with further information.

There is a proposed resolution that the committee authorise publication of Mr Favell’s response to questions taken on notice. I will move that motion. Is there discussion? There being none, I will put that. All in favour? Against? That is carried. Michael could you just say ‘aye’ a bit quicker if you are voting for the motion, please?

The next one is 6.1.2. Members have been provided with the Crime and Corruption Commission’s further response to questions taken on notice at the public hearing on 26 March 2021. The proposed resolution is that the committee authorise publication of the Crime and Corruption Commission’s further response to questions taken on notice. Is there a mover for that motion?

Mrs McMAHON: I so move. CHAIR: Thank you, Mrs McMahon. Is there any discussion around that? There being none, I

will put that motion. All those in favour? Against? That is carried. Members, this actually concludes the public portion of our meeting today, so we will continue

the remainder of the meeting in private session. Thank you to the media in attendance for your interest.

The committee adjourned at 1.13 pm.