Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Fight for Australia’s Coastline) Bill 2022
04 August 2022



The Parliament of the

Commonwealth of Australia







Presented and read a first time





Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Fight for Australia’s Coastline) Bill 2022


No.      , 2022


(Senator Whish-Wilson)




A Bill for an Act to amend the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 , and for related purposes




1............ Short title............................................................................................ 1

2............ Commencement.................................................................................. 1

3............ Schedules............................................................................................ 2

Schedule 1—Amendments                                                                                                 3

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006                                3



A Bill for an Act to amend the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 , and for related purposes

The Parliament of Australia enacts:

1   Short title

                   This Act is the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Fight for Australia’s Coastline) Act 2022 .

2   Commencement

             (1)  Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.


Commencement information

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3




1.  The whole of this Act.

The day after this Act receives the Royal Assent.


Note:          This table relates only to the provisions of this Act as originally enacted. It will not be amended to deal with any later amendments of this Act.

             (2)  Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this Act. Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it may be edited, in any published version of this Act.

3   Schedules

                   Legislation that is specified in a Schedule to this Act is amended or repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this Act has effect according to its terms.

Schedule 1 Amendments


Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006

1  At the end of Part 2.14


286D   Prohibition on exploration—Sydney Basin

Cancellation of PEP11

             (1)  PEP11 ceases to be in force 2 months after this section commences (unless it ceases to be in force earlier).

             (2)  The Joint Authority must not consider, or continue considering, a PEP11 application.

             (3)  To avoid doubt, subsection (2) does not apply to a PEP11 application that:

                     (a)  was made before the commencement of this section; and

                     (b)  the Joint Authority finally determined before that commencement.

No future permits etc. for PEP11 blocks

             (4)  The Joint Authority must not invite applications for the grant of a petroleum exploration permit or petroleum production licence over a PEP11 block.

             (5)  The Joint Authority or Titles Administrator must not:

                     (a)  grant any of the following:

                              (i)  a petroleum exploration permit over a PEP11 block;

                             (ii)  a petroleum retention lease over a PEP11 block;

                            (iii)  a petroleum production licence over a PEP11 block;

                            (iv)  an infrastructure licence in relation to a place in a PEP11 block;

                             (v)  a pipeline licence that authorises the licensee to do any of the things mentioned in subsection 211(1) at a location in a PEP11 block;

                            (vi)  a petroleum special prospecting authority over a PEP11 block;

                           (vii)  a petroleum access authority if the authority area includes a PEP11 block;

                          (viii)  a petroleum scientific investigation consent that authorises the holder to carry on petroleum exploration operations in a location in a PEP11 block; or

                     (b)  renew, vary, or suspend a condition of, a petroleum exploration permit, petroleum retention lease, petroleum production licence, infrastructure licence, pipeline licence, petroleum special prospecting authority, petroleum access authority or petroleum scientific investigation consent if the permit, lease etc. so as renewed etc. would be a permit, lease etc. that under paragraph (a) could not be granted.

             (6)  For the purposes of subsection (5), it does not matter whether or not a person applied for the grant, renewal, variation or suspension before, on or after the commencement of this section.

             (7)  In this section:

earlier PEP11 means:

                     (a)  the permit:

                              (i)  known as Exploration Permit for Petroleum No. 11 (Act 1967); and

                             (ii)  granted under the repealed Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1967 on 24 June 1999; or

                     (b)  either of the following (other than PEP11):

                              (i)  an exploration permit granted under that Act by way of the renewal of an earlier PEP11;

                             (ii)  a petroleum exploration permit granted under this Act by way of the renewal of an earlier PEP11.

PEP11 means the petroleum exploration permit known as Petroleum Exploration Permit/NSW PEP11.

PEP11 application means an application under this Act that relates to PEP11.

Example:    An application under section 119 for renewal of PEP11.

PEP11 block means a block covered by PEP11, or an earlier PEP11, at any time occurring:

                     (a)  on or after 24 June 1999; and

                     (b)  before the commencement of this section.

286E   Prohibition on exploration—King Island

Cancellation of T/49P

             (1)  T/49P ceases to be in force 2 months after this section commences (unless it ceases to be in force earlier).

             (2)  The Joint Authority must not consider, or continue considering, a T/49P application.

             (3)  To avoid doubt, subsection (2) does not apply to a T/49P application that:

                     (a)  was made before the commencement of this section; and

                     (b)  the Joint Authority finally determined before that commencement.

No future permits etc. for T/49P blocks

             (4)  The Joint Authority must not invite applications for the grant of a petroleum exploration permit or petroleum production licence over a T/49P block.

             (5)  The Joint Authority or Titles Administrator must not:

                     (a)  grant any of the following:

                              (i)  a petroleum exploration permit over a T/49P block;

                             (ii)  a petroleum retention lease over a T/49P block;

                            (iii)  a petroleum production licence over a T/49P block;

                            (iv)  an infrastructure licence in relation to a place in a T/49P block;

                             (v)  a pipeline licence that authorises the licensee to do any of the things mentioned in subsection 211(1) at a location in a T/49P block;

                            (vi)  a petroleum special prospecting authority over a T/49P block;

                           (vii)  a petroleum access authority if the authority area includes a T/49P block;

                          (viii)  a petroleum scientific investigation consent that authorises the holder to carry on petroleum exploration operations in a location in a T/49P block; or

                     (b)  renew, vary, or suspend a condition of, a petroleum exploration permit, petroleum retention lease, petroleum production licence, infrastructure licence, pipeline licence, petroleum special prospecting authority, petroleum access authority or petroleum scientific investigation consent if the permit, lease etc. so as renewed etc. would be a permit, lease etc. that under paragraph (a) could not be granted.

             (6)  For the purposes of subsection (5), it does not matter whether or not a person applied for the grant, renewal, variation or suspension before, on or after the commencement of this section.

             (7)  In this section:

T/49P means the exploration permit known as Petroleum Exploration Permit/T/49P.

T/49P application means an application under this Act that relates to T/49P.

Example:    An application under section 119 for renewal of T/49P.

T/49P block means a block covered by T/49P at any time occurring:

                     (a)  on or after 22 May 2013; and

                     (b)  before the commencement of this section.

286F   Prohibition on exploration—12 Apostles

Prohibition on considering V21-3 applications

             (1)  The Joint Authority must not consider, or continue considering, a V21-3 application.

             (2)  To avoid doubt, subsection (1) does not apply to a V21-3 application that:

                     (a)  was made before the commencement of this section; and

                     (b)  the Joint Authority finally determined before that commencement.

No future permits etc. for V21-3 blocks

             (3)  The Joint Authority must not invite applications for the grant of a petroleum exploration permit or petroleum production licence over a V21-3 block.

             (4)  The Joint Authority or Titles Administrator must not:

                     (a)  grant any of the following:

                              (i)  a petroleum exploration permit over a V21-3 block;

                             (ii)  a petroleum retention lease over a V21-3 block;

                            (iii)  a petroleum production licence over a V21-3 block;

                            (iv)  an infrastructure licence in relation to a place in a V21-3 block;

                             (v)  a pipeline licence that authorises the licensee to do any of the things mentioned in subsection 211(1) at a location in a V21-3 block;

                            (vi)  a petroleum special prospecting authority over a V21-3 block;

                           (vii)  a petroleum access authority if the authority area includes a V21-3 block;

                          (viii)  a petroleum scientific investigation consent that authorises the holder to carry on petroleum exploration operations in a location in a V21-3 block; or

                     (b)  renew, vary, or suspend a condition of, a petroleum exploration permit, petroleum retention lease, petroleum production licence, infrastructure licence, pipeline licence, petroleum special prospecting authority, petroleum access authority or petroleum scientific investigation consent if the permit, lease etc. so as renewed etc. would be a permit, lease etc. that under paragraph (a) could not be granted.

             (5)  For the purposes of subsection (4), it does not matter whether or not a person applied for the grant, renewal, variation or suspension before, on or after the commencement of this section.

             (6)  In this section:

V21-3 means the area known as Acreage Release Areas 2021: V21-3.

V21-3 application means an application under this Act that relates to V21-3.

Example:    An application under section 104 for a work-bid petroleum exploration permit of V21-3.

V21-3 block means a block covered by V21-3 at any time occurring:

                     (a)  on or after 15 June 2021; and

                     (b)  before the commencement of this section.