Public Advisory: Update on Air Quality due to Forest Fires
Justice and Public SafetyEnvironment and Climate ChangeFisheries, Forestry and AgricultureHealth and Community ServicesTransportation and Infrastructure

Forest fires are causing smoke and deteriorated air quality in areas of the central region of the island. The forecast is projecting a change in wind direction which is anticipated to result in an increased presence of smoke in Grand Falls-Windsor, Bishop’s Falls, and Botwood this evening (Wednesday, August 10) and overnight.

At this time, it is anticipated that the presence of smoke will increase in Grand Falls-Windsor, Bishop’s Falls and Botwood between approximately 2:00 a.m. (Thursday, August 11) and approximately 7:00 p.m. (Friday, August 12). Current projections do not indicate the smoke will be as intense as it has been previously. Ambient Air Quality Data for Grand Falls-Windsor is available through the Department of Environment and Climate Change.

While there is no required evacuation at this time, for the health and safety of residents, it is recommended that people stay inside during this period. Individuals at a higher risk of health problems or those with concerns can leave the area either on their own or by using the transportation being provided to the congregate shelter in Deer Lake.

Air quality
Forest fires can increase air pollution levels. Forest fire smoke contains particles and pollutants that can harm your health.

To protect yourself, you should keep windows and doors closed as long as the temperature is comfortable and turn off or use recirculation settings on your HVAC system to prevent smoke from entering your home. For more information on what health impacts it can have and how to protect yourself, please see the backgrounder below.

Any individuals impacted by the state of the emergency and deteriorating air quality can avail of the buses to travel to the congregate shelter in the Hodder Memorial Centre, 8-10 Crescent Street, Deer Lake.

Four of the buses transporting individuals to the congregate shelter in Deer Lake are accessible for mobility devices.

Transportation to the congregate shelter in Deer Lake from Bishop’s Falls, Grand Falls-Windsor and Botwood is running on a daily basis at approximately 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The muster point/pick-up site in Bishop’s Falls is the Salvation Army Church and in Grand Falls-Windsor is the Joe Byrne Arena and Windsor Stadium, and in Botwood at the Salvation Army Citadel. This daily transportation service will be available however, times may change as the need continues.

Residents can take your pet on the bus departing from Bishop’s Falls, Grand Falls-Windsor or Botwood however, the pet must be in a proper carrier when you arrive and during transport.

Upon arrival in Deer Lake, a volunteer will help you transport your pet to the pet shelter at the Deer Lake Fire Hall.

The Bay d’Espoir Highway (Route 360) will remain open. Please note that visibility may be reduced and motorists should drive carefully and not stop.

Forest resource roads along Bay d’Espoir Highway (Route 360) remain closed and cabin owners should refrain from entering the area. If you are currently in the area, please vacate immediately as you are endangering yourselves and first responders.

Comfort stations are available to residents and are located at all provincial park locations. All comfort stations have showers, toilets, sinks and coin-operated laundry. There are Wi-Fi hotspots for use at the parks and water taps are available throughout. Please note, we are advising residents not to visit comfort stations that are in direct proximity to the Central Newfoundland fire, such as Notre Dame Provincial Park at the Lewisporte Junction. To find a provincial park location nearest you, please visit

Important Contacts for Assistance
For those who have health conditions or sensitivities to poor air quality or other negative effects from the nearby smoke from the forest fires, more information from the Health Authority is provided in the Central Health operations update. As the fire and smoky conditions continue, residents are encouraged to contact 811 or to see a health care provider if they experience any new or concerning symptoms that they feel could be related to the heat or smoke.

Two toll-free phone numbers have been established to help field inquiries pertaining to the Central Newfoundland forest fire emergency. The phone lines will operate from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. A messaging service is available to assist with incoming calls outside the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. These include:

  • 1-833-845-0775: Provincial Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC) Phone Line for inquiries regarding supplies, transportation and general questions.
  • 1-833-960-4571: Central Health Phone Line for all health inquires.

To help residents and tourists make informed decisions before they travel, please visit the NL511 website at NL511 provides up-to-date information on driving conditions, highway cameras, major incidents, current ferry status updates, and weather. An NL511 app is also available for smartphones.

Updates on conditions, resources and assistance will be made available continuously throughout this evolving situation. For the most up to date information, please follow the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador on Facebook and Twitter.


Media contact
Emily-Jane Gillingham
Justice and Public Safety
709-729-2634, 730-4607


Air Quality during a Forest Fire

Milder and more common symptoms of smoke exposure include:

  • Headaches
  • A mild cough
  • A runny nose
  • Production of phlegm
  • Eye, nose and throat irritation

These symptoms can typically be managed without medical intervention.

More serious symptoms include:

  • Dizziness
  • Chest pains
  • Severe cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing (including asthma attacks)
  • Heart palpitations (irregular heart beat)

If you have any of these symptoms, talk to a health care provider, call 811, or seek medical attention. If you think you are having a medical emergency, dial 911 and seek immediate medical assistance.

Some people are at a higher risk of health problems when exposed to wildfire smoke including:

  • Seniors
  • Pregnant people
  • Infants and young children
  • People who work outdoors
  • People involved in strenuous outdoor exercise
  • People with an existing illness or chronic health conditions, such as:
    • cancer
    • diabetes
    • mental illness
    • lung or heart conditions

The best way to protect your health is to reduce your exposure to wildfire smoke.


  • Pay attention to special air quality statements or other indicators of smoke levels in your community. If necessary, limit outdoor activity and strenuous physical activities.
  • If you need to work outdoors, check with your provincial or territorial occupational health and safety organization or your local health authority. They can provide guidance on how to work safely outdoors during wildfire smoke events.

Indoors and at home:

  • Keep windows and doors closed as long as the temperature is comfortable.
  • Turn off or use recirculation settings on your HVAC system to prevent smoke from entering your home.
  • Use a clean, good quality air filter (for example, HEPA) in your ventilation system.
  • Use an air purifier that uses HEPA filtration to remove smoke from your home. For more information on selecting an air purifier that is appropriate for your needs, refer to the “Using an air purifier to filter wildfire smoke” factsheet.
  • Visit community centres, libraries, and shopping malls. These places often have cleaner filtered air and can provide a break from the smoke.
  • Keep vehicle windows closed and set the ventilation system to recirculate.

Other recommendations to protect your health:

  • Drink plenty of water to help your body cope with the smoke. Check on others who are in your care or live nearby who may be more vulnerable to smoke.
  • Avoid vacuuming and burning candles, incense or other materials.

If smoke is present for more than a few days:

  • Stay active when you can. Try finding a place with clean air to exercise indoors, for instance at the gym, the community centre or at home. Consult the AQHI to look for breaks in the smoke to find opportunities to go outdoors.
  • Don’t forget to take care of your mental health. It’s not unusual to feel anxious, stressed out, sad or isolated during a smoke event. Eating well, getting enough sleep, exercising and staying in contact with friends can help. Anyone who is having trouble coping with symptoms of stress, anxiety or depression should seek help from a health care provider.

2022 08 10 4:39 pm