Queensland Council of Unions - 27 July 2022
Education, Employment and Training Committee
12 Aug 2022
Public Hearing Document

r:.1111 Queensland ~ Council of Unions

Rob Hansen

Committee Secretary

Education, Employment and Training Committee

Queensland Parliament

Email: EETC@parliament.qld.gov.au

Dear Mr Hansen,

Honorary President: Kate Ruttiman General Secretary: Michael Clifford

Assistant General Secretary: Jacqueline King

I write in response to your email of 26 July in relation to a response to a question taken on notice at the public hearing on 21 July 2022 of the Education, Employment and Training Committee of the Queensland Parliament.

That question is as outlined:

"Of those 26 affiliated unions, what fee do they pay to be affiliated with the QCU?"

The Queensland Council of Unions (QCU) notes that section 34 of the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001 (Qld) provides that a person may object to providing a document or other thing to the Committee on the grounds (among other things) that the answer, document, or thing is of a private nature and does not affect the subject of inquiry.

The QCU notes that affiliation fees of the QCU is a private matter between itself and its affiliate unions and other unions that may wish to make an application to join, and that these matters are not the subject of the current inquiry into the Industrial Relations Act Amendment Bill 2022.

I trust this satisfies the Committee's inquiries on this matter.

Yours sincerely,

.___L _ 4_--...J lt { {//L"I Jacqueline King

Assistant General Secretary

Level 5, TLC Building, 16 Peel Street, South Brisbane 4101 Tel: (07) 3010 2555 Fax: (07) 3844 4865

Email: info@gcu.asn.au Web: www.gueenslandunions.com