Parliamentary Agencies Delegations Legislation Bill
2019 No 163-2

Parliamentary Agencies Delegations Legislation Bill

Government Bill


As reported from the committee of the whole House

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1 Title

This Act is the Parliamentary Agencies Delegations Legislation Act 2019.

2 Commencement

This Act comes into force on the day after the date of Royal assent.

Part 1 Amendment to Clerk of the House of Representatives Act 1988

3 Amendment to Clerk of the House of Representatives Act 1988

This Part amends the Clerk of the House of Representatives Act 1988.

4 Section 12 amended (Delegation of functions or powers)

Replace section 12(1) with:


The Clerk of the House of Representatives may delegate any of the Clerk’s functions or powers to a person described in subsection (1A), including a function or power delegated to the Clerk under—


this Act; or


any other Act; or


the Standing Orders of the House of Representatives.


The following persons may be a delegate:


the Deputy Clerk, or other officer, of the House of Representatives:


the General Manager Chief Executive of the Parliamentary Service:


an employee of the Parliamentary Service:


a person working for the Clerk of the House of Representatives or the Parliamentary Service as a contractor or secondee.


A delegation must be made in writing.

Part 2 Amendment to Parliamentary Service Act 2000

5 Amendment to Parliamentary Service Act 2000

This Part amends the Parliamentary Service Act 2000.

6 Schedule 1 amended

In Schedule 1, replace clause 8(1) with:


The General Manager Chief Executive may delegate any function, duty, or power the General Manager Chief Executive may exercise under an enactment or under a delegation made under an enactment, other than this power of delegation, to—


a specified employee, or a specified class of employees, of the Parliamentary Service; or


the Clerk, Deputy Clerk, another specified officer, or a specified class of officers, of the House of Representatives; or


a person working for the Parliamentary Service or the Clerk of the House of Representatives as a contractor or secondee.

Legislative history

31 July 2019

Introduction (Bill 163–1)

7 August 2019

First reading and referral to Governance and Administration Committee

24 October 2019

Reported from Governance and Administration Committee

7 November 2019

Second reading

12 November 2019

Committee of the whole House (Bill 163–2)