Province assessing initial damages of Fiona

Provincial crews, community organizations and partner agencies like Maritime Electric are travelling across the Island to begin initial damage assessments to roads and critical infrastructure. 

The health and safety of residents will remain a top priority as part of provincial recovery efforts. The Province urges all residents to stay home or close to home to support crews in damage assessment work.

Government departments began assessment and restoration work to address the aftermath of Fiona earlier today when it was safe to do so. Residents can expect this work to last several days and weeks.
Key activities during the initial hours include:

  • Transportation road crews and partners are clearing provincial roads to help first responders, Maritime Electric and partners assess damages and this work continues.
  • Healthcare facilities continue to operate on generator power. Certain facilities and appointments may be further impacted. Please call ahead and check Health PEI for the latest information.
  • Early reports indicate some farmers, fishers, and aquaculturists may have experienced damage to crops, boats or other infrastructure. Assessments are ongoing.
  • One significant fire occurred Saturday, resulting in the total loss of the Stanhope golf course club house, and several other small fires. Residents are reminded to exercise safe fire prevention measures while power is being restored to their area.
  • The Court of Appeal, Supreme Court and Provincial Court of Prince Edward Island will not be hearing matters on Monday, September 26, 2022. A further update will be provided.
  • Both Public Schools Branch and La Commission scolaire de langue française are assessing damage to Island schools and will be closing schools Monday, September 26 and Tuesday, September 27. A further decision on school closures is expected on Tuesday.
  • Certain childcare facilities may be operating. Contact your childcare provider for the latest information.
  • The civil service is encouraged to work from home where possible while assessments are underway at various government offices. Further announcements are expected later today.

EMO, through the Department of Fisheries and Communities, is working with municipal partners to ensure residents are aware of local reception centres that have been opened. Residents who are unsure if a reception centre is open in their area are encouraged to contact their local authority. As of the morning of September 25, 30 centres have opened on the first day and municipalities continue to evaluate the need for further reception centres. 

EMO urges all residents to use their preparedness supplies appropriately as assessments and restoration efforts are ongoing. Anyone needing additional supports can contact 211.

As of this morning, the majority of households are experiencing power outages. Maritime Electric has worked alongside road crews to assess and repair damages. For the latest information or to report an outage, visit their website or call 1-800-670-1012.

As residents begin their own clean-up efforts on private property, the Province would like to remind everyone that debris should be placed at least 10 feet (3 metres) away from the curb, away from any power lines, power poles that may obstruct those doing assessments and repairs. Residents should not place any debris in ditches, on or near the roads, or around culverts. Further information of debris disposal will become available in the coming days.

Obstructed or damaged roadways can be reported through 511, by text or through local county dispatch offices.

Residents can also report damages online or by phone 1-833-796-0642 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. for the foreseeable future.

To support the provincial response to Fiona, residents are reminded of the following:

  • Never leave candles unattended;
  • Have generators installed, including power connections, by licensed electricians;
  • Portable generators must be used outside only and at least five feet away from anything that can catch fire; 
  • Always allow the generator to cool down before refueling;
  • Contact your local municipality for reception center openings and closures;
  • Residents with health appointments should call ahead to confirm appointments;
  • Remember to take photos and videos to use when reporting damages to your insurance company;
  • Call 911 in case of any emergency;
  • Get updates from local media, @peipublicsafety on Facebook and Twitter, and municipal, and community social media pages. 

Government thanks all first responders, Island policing services and law enforcement officers, community organizations and partner agencies for their immediate collaboration as part of our provincial Fiona recovery efforts. 

Government also thanks all residents for heeding the preparedness advice of EMO and for their continued patience as the restoration work on the Island continues.

Visit provincial storm response, for the latest information.

Media contact:    
Vicki Tse
Justice and Public Safety