Right to Know Week 2022 – OIPC Launches Accessible “Know Your Access Rights” Video
Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner

The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) is inviting the public to “Know Your Rights” during the annual Right to Know (RTK) Week, held September 26 to October 2. RTK Week is promoted each year internationally evolving from International Right to Know Day, September 28, which has been marked around the world since 2002.

RTK Week recognizes the importance of the right of access to information held by government and other public bodies. Access to information means government transparency and accountability, and provides citizens with knowledge to address public issues, scrutinize government and become active participants in the democratic process.

In an effort to ensure all individuals can access these rights, the OIPC, with the assistance of sign language interpreter Sheila Keats, has developed a video for deaf, hearing-impaired, and visually-impaired individuals. In this video, Commissioner Michael Harvey provides audio explaining individual rights under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015 (ATIPPA, 2015), which is simultaneously interpreted into American Sign Language, as well as captioned for a wide variety of audiences.

Part of the mandate of the OIPC is public education. By providing accessible videos and easily digestible information, the OIPC is helping to ensure all community members “know their rights”. To view this video, please visit www.oipc.nl.ca/events/right-to-know-week.


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Media contact
Sean Murray
Director of Research and Quality Assurance

2022 09 26 1:40 pm