Select Standing Committee on Health - Thursday, September 29, 2022
Thursday, September 29, 2022

Hansard Blues

Select Standing Committee on


Draft Report of Proceedings

3rd Session, 42nd Parliament
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Draft Segment 001

The committee met at 10:04 a.m.

[N. Sharma in the chair.]

N. Sharma (Chair): Welcome, everybody. Thanks for travelling here today, and for those that couldn't make it, I see you on the screen over there. We're starting our deliberation process today, and I want to acknowledge at the top that we're all gathered here today on the territory of the Lək̓ʷəŋin̓əŋ-speaking people, the Songhees and Esquimalt First Nation. I invite all members to think about how that shows up in the work that we do here, today and every day.

We are now entering the deliberation phase of this process. That starts today. Members have the materials in front of them.

[10:05 a.m.]

Just wanted to touch base with everybody on the journey that we've been on, and how we've heard from so many people across the province. We also heard yesterday about the number of deaths experienced in August. Clearly, this is a crisis

Draft Segment 002

in front of them. I just wanted to touch base with everybody on the journey that we've been on and how we've heard from so many people across the province. We also heard yesterday about the number of deaths experience in August. So, clearly, this is a crisis for many British Columbians today.

I'll invite all of us to reconnect with their terms of reference, the people that we heard, all of the things that we are committed to doing along this process as we begin our deliberations today.

We're going to start by having a little bit of an overview of the process from Darryl. First, I need a motion to go in camera for the process.

Okay. I see, Ronna-Rae and then Trevor.

The committee continued in camera at 10:06 a.m.




NOTICE: This is a DRAFT transcript of proceedings in one meeting of a committee of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia. This transcript is subject to corrections and will be replaced by the final, official Hansard report. Use of this transcript, other than in the legislative precinct, is not protected by parliamentary privilege, and public attribution of any of the proceedings as transcribed here could entail legal liability.