Proposed regulation amendments to simplify the procedure for registering amendment to a Phased Condominium
Regulation Number(s):
Instrument Type:
Regulation - Minister
Bill or Act:
Condominium Act, 1998
Summary of Proposal:
The new process for registering an amendment creating a phase of a condominium is set out below. The current process requires the surveyor for the declarant to attend at the Land Registry Office (LRO) and make changes to the original declaration and description under the supervision of the land registrar or Examiner of Surveys.

The new process will allow the land surveyor to prepare the amended description remotely and then submit the amended description to the LRO as a single package ready for registration. The following is an outline of the new process followed by a land surveyor:

1.Draw up Part 1 and Part 2, if any, Sheets for the Phase. Follow normal process to obtain planning authority approvals.

2.Obtain digital copies of current Part 1 and 2, if any, Sheets from initial registration from Land Registry Office.

3.Place new Index of Parts on perimeter plan for the Phase. Indicate updated number of Sheets in each Part. Additional Architectural & Structural Parts as required.

4.Integrate new Part 1 & Part 2, if any, Description Sheets (new Sheets) with current Part 1 & Part 2, if any, Description Sheets obtained previously from Land Registry Office. (current Sheets).
a.Integrate new Sheets into current Sheets.
i.New perimeter sheets shall immediately follow existing Sheets for Perimeter Plan of Survey
ii.New Unit Sheets follow immediately after the end of the existing Unit sheets included in the property before the registration of the amendment
iii.New Exclusive Use sheets follow immediately after the end of the existing Exclusive Use sheets included in the property before the registration of the amendment
b.Update Part / Sheet schedule on current Sheets by crossing off existing Part Sheet info and adding new Part Sheet info to match integration.
c.Ensure New Sheets have correct numbering.
d.Cross off Index of Parts on most current perimeter sheet and make reference to the sheet of the perimeter plan of survey on which the updated Index of Parts appears.
e.Make no other changes to Sheets.

5.This package of integrated 'current Sheets and 'new Sheets' will form the 'Plans Package' and is submitted to Land Registry office for pre-approval and final registration using a courier service.
Further Information:
Proposal Number:
Posting Date:
July 6, 2020
Comments Due Date:
July 31, 2020
Contact Address:
Ministry of Government and Consumer Services
20 Dundas Street W
4th Floor
Toronto ON M5G 2C2