e-2460 Environment
Laurel Collins
Plastics,Pollution,Tobacco products
November 5, 2020, at 5:39 p.m. (EDT)
Petition to the House of Commons in Parliament assembled
    Canada sells twenty-seven billion cigarettes annually;
    Tobacco pollution is the number one form of litter contaminating our eco-systems;
     Cigarette butts are a plastic product that significantly contributes to pollution in soil, waterways and beaches, and impacts the health of fish and other wildlife, as well as the safety of the food supply for humans;
    Plastic cigar tips, commonly sold and used with cigarillos and small cigars, are also among the most littered objects;
    We have Deposit/Return and Environmental Handling Fee models already in practice;
    There is already a processor that is recycling cigarette butts and cigar tips;
    An Environmental Handling Fee on tobacco products will create jobs and generate one billion dollars of revenue; and
    Efforts to prevent litter of cigarette filters by educating consumers have failed.
    We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to:
    1. Ban the sale of cigarettes, cigars, cigarette tubes and other tobacco products that contain single use plastics.
    2. Apply a minimum Environment Handling Fee of $.05 per cigarette, cigar, cigarette tube and other tobacco products to be used for supporting the infrastructure for cigarette butt, vape pod and cigar tip recycling;
    3. Apply a minimum fee of $.05 per cigarette or cigar or cigarette tube to be used as a Refundable Deposit on vape pods, cigarette filters and cigar tips.