Let’s Talk Parks, Canada! Minister’s Round Table 2020

“This year, more than ever, has reminded us of the importance of protected areas. They conserve vital ecosystems, contribute to the recovery of species at risk, help mitigate the effects of climate change, play a critical role in allowing Canadians to discover nature and connect with history, and form an important part of local economies.

In the recent Throne Speech, the Government committed to work with municipalities as part of a new commitment to expand urban parks, so that everyone has access to green space. This will be done while protecting a quarter of Canada’s land and a quarter of Canada’s oceans in five years, and using nature-based solutions to fight climate change, including by planting two billion trees.

As we look towards the future, I encourage all Canadians to participate in the 2020 Minister’s Round Table on Parks Canada and help shape the Agency’s priorities in the management of national parks, national historic sites, and national marine conservation areas.”

The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson

Minister of Environment and Climate Change and Minister responsible for Parks Canada

The 2020 Minister’s Round Table is the perfect occasion for Canadians to share their perspectives and help shape the future of Parks Canada and these treasured places for decades to come.