Fostering development in northern Alberta

The council advances development in Alberta’s north and advises the government on economic and social development opportunities. All five appointees – including two new members and three reappointments – are longtime residents of northern Alberta, and have knowledge and expertise that will help fulfil the council’s mandate.

Minister Fir has appointed the following members to two-year terms:

  • Omer Moghrabi, new member – Mayor of Lac La Biche County. He has owned a sporting goods business since 1976 and worked in post-secondary administration for more than 30 years.
  • Loretta Lieverse, new member (effective Sept. 14) – A partner with MNP’s Assurance Services team in Grande Prairie and recipient of the 2017 CPA Alberta Early Achievement Award for exceptional service to the accounting profession and to the community as a tireless volunteer. She also serves as a board member and chair of finance with the Phillip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum.
  • Peter Cardinal, reappointment – A current board member with Community Futures Lac La Biche and AlbertaHUB, as well as a former board member of the trust fund and health board of the Metis Settlements General Council.
  • Cody Beairsto, reappointment – A partner in a family-run surveying and engineering firm founded 54 years ago in the Grande Prairie area. He previously served one year as president and four years as a member of the Grande Prairie and District Chamber of Commerce.
  • Jason Schulz, reappointment – A member of the Wood Buffalo Housing and Development Corporation and a former member of the Wood Buffalo Real Estate and Zoning Development Appeals Board, as well as the board of directors for Persons with Developmental Disabilities, and Child and Family Services.

All five members were identified through their involvement in their northern communities.

“Our government recognizes the critical role northern Alberta plays in our economy as a hub for the oil and gas, forestry, agriculture and tourism sectors. The council has a long history of providing valuable advice on opportunities for social and economic growth and development in the region. With the appointments of these new and returning members, the council will continue to build strategic partnerships to help the region’s communities and residents realize their rich potential and strengthen their diverse economies.”

Tanya Fir, Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism

“Northern Alberta has many strengths, including its rich cultural heritage, vast geographic landscape and resilient northern residents. The NADC is pleased to continue collaborating with northern business, industry and community leaders to help find new ways to grow emerging opportunities that will help ensure a prosperous future for the north.”

Tracy Allard, MLA for Grande Prairie and chair of the Northern Alberta Development Council

Established in 1963, the council is a public agency accountable to the Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism. Its mandate is to investigate, monitor, evaluate, plan and promote practical measures to foster and advance development in northern Alberta.

The council engages with northerners to explore opportunities and promote growth through the development of community-based programs and services. The council also enhances dialogue between government and northern Albertans, and provides strategic advice and recommendations to government to help plan for the future of the region.

As part of government’s response to the Fair Deal Panel’s recommendation on regional strategies for northern development, the Northern Alberta Development Council will continue to focus on the development of one or more multi-modal corridors across the north. These corridors would include broadband, utilities, roads, and rail. The council will also lead the development of a northern strategy for Alberta.

Learn more about the council and its new members. 

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