e-2744 Parliament and politics
Michael Barrett
Canada Student Service Grant,Charitable organizations,Conflict of interest,Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner,COVID-19,Full time students,Government contracts,Inquiries and public inquiries,Pandemic,Prime Minister,Trudeau, Justin,Volunteering an
August 20, 2020, at 2:44 p.m. (EDT)
Petition to the Prime Minister
    After several serious breaches of Canadian ethical laws (fully admitted by the Prime Minister), we propose that Justin Trudeau step down to keep the integrity of the Prime Minister's office;
     A full investigation must take place;
     Laws must be followed by all Canadians, including elected officials who work for the Canadian people; and
    The standard must be higher and completely transparent when working for the public and receiving your pay cheque from the public purse.
    We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the Prime Minister to step down while a full investigation takes place regarding his ethical breach with the WE organization.