Newly Renovated Units Open in Estevan to Support Addictions Programming

Released on December 6, 2023

Saskatchewan residents now have access to newly renovated addiction treatment spaces in Estevan following a $950,000 investment from the federal and provincial governments.

Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, Social Services Minister and Minister Responsible for the Saskatchewan Housing Corporation (SHC) Gene Makowsky, and Mental Health and Addictions Minister Tim McLeod announced the completion of renovations and opening of the St. Joseph's Addiction Recovery Centre's housing units. 

The investment was made through the Canada Community Housing Initiative. Through SHC, Estevan Housing Authority provided St. Jospeh's Addiction Recovery Centre with the multi-unit apartment building.  

This project provides post-treatment housing to 32 individuals who have completed inpatient addiction treatment and require supportive housing for a period of time to maintain and strengthen the gains made during treatment. Funding for the post-treatment spaces was announced by the province earlier this year as part of a commitment to add 150 addictions spaces. Through the renovation and repurposing of underutilized housing units, these new spaces will provide housing and connection to services to improve long-term recovery success.  

Residents have access to addictions programming and supports from St. Joseph's Addiction Recovery Centre staff through partnership with the Saskatchewan Health Authority. The spaces are open to residents from across Saskatchewan.  

"The federal government is working with partners across the country to provide safe, affordable homes for those who need them the most," said Fraser. "I am proud that we could support a project which will give 32 people a stable new home where they can continue their recovery and start their next chapter."

"The Government of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Housing Corporation are proud to support St. Joseph's Addiction Recovery Centre in the transition of 32 units to support addictions programming in Estevan," Makowsky said. "Positive partnerships are essential to effectively meet the needs of the people we serve today and anticipate the needs of the future. We will continue working with our community partners to provide greater access to housing and supports for individuals who need more than a home to stay connected to housing."

"Saskatchewan residents will now have better access to the care they need to recover from addiction challenges," McLeod said. "These new post-treatment spaces at St. Joseph's Addiction Recovery Centre are part of the Government of Saskatchewan's commitment to adding 150 addiction treatment spaces across the province, a commitment we recently increased to a new target of adding 500 total addiction treatment spaces over the next five years."  

Quick facts:

  • Canada's National Housing Strategy (NHS) is a 10-year, $82-plus billion plan that will give more Canadians a place to call home.
    • NHS is built on strong partnerships between the federal, provincial, and territorial governments, and continuous engagement with municipalities, Indigenous governments and organizations, and the social and private housing sectors. It was created after consultations with Canadians from all walks of life, including those who have been in difficult housing situations. 
    • In 2019, the Government of Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan entered into an agreement through the National Housing Strategy. The CMHC-Saskatchewan Bilateral Agreement will invest $449.9 million over 10 years, which is cost shared between the federal and provincial governments.
  • All NHS investments delivered by the federal, provincial, and territorial governments will respect the key principles of NHS that support partnerships, people and communities.

Associated Links:

  • Visit for the most requested Government of Canada housing information.
  • As Canada's authority on housing, CMHC contributes to the stability of the housing market and financial system, provides support for Canadians in housing need, and offers unbiased housing research and advice to all levels of Canadian government, consumers and the housing industry. CMHC's aim is that everyone in Canada has a home they can afford and that meets their needs. For more information, please visit or follow us on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and Facebook.
  • To find out more about the National Housing Strategy, visit
  • Visit the National Housing Strategy Housing Funding Initiatives Map to see affordable housing projects that have been developed across Canada.
  • In November 2019, the Government of Saskatchewan released Saskatchewan's Growth Plan: the Next Decade of Growth 2020-2030, which sets out the government's vision for a province of 1.4 million people by 2030. The plan identifies principles, goals and actions to ensure Saskatchewan is capturing the opportunities and meeting the challenges of a growing province. To learn more, visit


For more information, contact:

Micaal Ahmed
Office of the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities

Media Relations
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

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Social Services
Phone: 306-787-3610    