Harnessing the power of civil society

Civil society plays a critical role in the well-being of Albertans and contributes significantly to Alberta’s economy. The $20-million fund will help leverage the existing strengths of civil society organizations to better address social problems and improve supports. The fund will provide $20 million over three years, with $7 million budgeted for 2020-21 to support civil society’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We know the significant impacts the pandemic has had on civil society organizations and on communities. With increased demand for services and devastating revenue losses, the pandemic sheds light on ways to improve and grow civil society organizations. The projects funded by this new initiative will have a significantly positive impact, helping us all better address social challenges and improve supports for our most vulnerable people.”

Rajan Sawhney, Minister of Community and Social Services

The Civil Society Fund is part of the government’s election commitment to harness the power of civil society and support an effective, lasting recovery of the civil society sector. The Premier’s Council on Charities and Civil Society recently released a report outlining ways to advance a sustainable recovery for civil society following the pandemic. The use of the fund will address these recovery opportunities.

“As a government, we are committed to harnessing the power of civil society because we know the most effective, lasting solutions to social challenges often lie within civil society organizations. The Civil Society Fund initiative will help bolster and strengthen the civil society sector, not only during recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, but into the future.”

Jeremy Nixon, parliamentary secretary for civil society

Applications are open

Civil society organizations, such as charities, not-for-profits and volunteer groups, as well as First Nations and Metis Settlements, can submit funding proposals for projects that have a positive impact on the civil society sector. The intent of the fund is to help transform how civil society organizations function and build their capacity to work together to address social challenges.

More information on eligible projects and how to submit a funding application can be found online.

“I am pleased Alberta’s government is taking action to support the recovery of civil society. I look forward to continuing to work with government to make recommendations on how to strengthen and grow this vital sector.”

Dr. Joel Christie, chair, Premier’s Council on Charities and Civil Society

Alberta’s Recovery Plan is a bold, ambitious long-term strategy to build, diversify, and create tens of thousands of jobs now. By building schools, roads and other core infrastructure, we are benefiting our communities. By diversifying our economy and attracting investment with Canada’s most competitive tax environment, we are putting Alberta on a path for a generation of growth.

Quick facts

  • Civil society includes Alberta’s non-profit, charitable, voluntary and social enterprise sector.
  • Alberta has more than 26,000 non-profit organizations that employ more than 280,000 Albertans.
  • The Premier’s Council on Charities and Civil Society provides independent advice to government on its relationship with civil society organizations to help these organizations address pressing social issues across Alberta.
Alberta's Recovery Plan

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