e-3039 Foreign affairs
Salma Zahid
COVID-19,Deaths and funerals,Foreign policy,Pandemic,Sri Lanka
February 14, 2021, at 2:04 p.m. (EDT)
Petition to the Government of Canada
    The Government of Sri Lanka mandated an exclusive cremation order on all deceased persons attributed to the COVID-19 virus;
    This order has been arbitrarily introduced, with no scientific evidence, and is contrary to the guidelines issued by the World Health Organization (WHO);
    Canadians of Sri Lankan origin are raising this concern and are resonating the worldwide outcry against this act of forced cremation.
    We, the undersigned, Citizens of Canada of Sri Lankan origin, call upon the Government of Canada to communicate via formal channels and request the Sri Lankan government to honour the religious and cultural sentiments of Muslim and Christian minority communities by restoring them the basic human right of burial of victims of COVID-19 within the guidelines of the WHO.