Cumulative B.C. Regulations Bulletin, May 18, 2021
18 May 2021

Cumulative B.C. Regulations Bulletin 2021

This cumulative bulletin is current to May 18, 2021 – B.C. Regulations Bulletin No. 19
(B.C. Regulations 1/2021 – 133/2021).

The B.C. Regulations Bulletin is a summary of the regulations deposited under the Regulations Act by the cutoff
each Tuesday. A bulletin is not issued if there were no regulations deposited.

Links under the heading "Order" go to a PDF scan of the original Order.
Links under the heading "B.C. Reg." go to the regulations as published in The British Columbia Gazette, Part II.

Order   B.C. Reg. Number  Deposit Date
  Administrative Tribunals Statutes Amendment Act, 2015
89/2021S.B.C. 2015, c. 10 — see Acts in Force 42/2021February 17, 2021
  Adoption Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    292/96 — Adoption Agency Regulation
    291/96 — Adoption Regulation
64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Agricultural Land Commission Act
254/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 30/2019 — Agricultural Land Reserve Use Regulation 114/2021 April 26, 2021
  Animal Health Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 303/2016 — Poultry Health and Buying Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Assessment Act
54/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 433/98 — Assessment Act Regulation 20/2021February 1, 2021
British Columbia Assessment Authority Amends B.C. Reg. 203/86 — Railway and Pipeline Corporations Valuation Regulation 44/2021February 25, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 438/81 — Prescribed Classes of Property Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Attorney General Statutes (Vehicle Insurance) Amendment Act, 2020
21/2021S.B.C. 2020, c. 10 — see Acts in Force 4/2021January 22, 2021
  Balanced Budget and Ministerial Accountability Act
Treasury Board Enacts Minister of State for Child Care Expected Results for the 2021/2022 Fiscal Year Regulation 80/2021 March 17, 2021
Treasury Board Enacts Minister of State for Infrastructure Expected Results for the 2020/2021 Fiscal Year Regulation 81/2021 March 17, 2021
Treasury Board Enacts Minister of State for Infrastructure Expected Results for the 2021/2022 Fiscal Year Regulation 82/2021 March 17, 2021
Treasury Board Enacts Minister of State for Lands and Natural Resource Operations Expected Results for the 2020/2021 Fiscal Year Regulation 83/2021 March 17, 2021
Treasury Board Enacts Minister of State for Lands and Natural Resource Operations Expected Results for the 2021/2022 Fiscal Year Regulation 84/2021 March 17, 2021
Treasury Board Enacts Minister of State for Trade Expected Results for the 2021/2022 Fiscal Year Regulation 85/2021 March 17, 2021
Treasury Board Amends B.C. Reg. 82/2021 — Minister of State for Infrastructure Expected Results for the 2021/2022 Fiscal Year Regulation 106/2021 April 13, 2021
  Body Armour Control Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 203/2010 — Body Armour Control Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  British Columbia Transit Act
Victoria Regional Transit Commission Enacts Victoria Regional Transit Commission Regulation No. 42-2021,
effective March 31, 2021
87/2021 March 18, 2021
  Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2020
108/2021S.B.C. 2020, c. 18 — see Acts in Force 56/2021March 4, 2021
  Building Act
M80/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 131/2016 — Building Act General Regulation 46/2021February 25, 2021
  Business Corporations Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 65/2004 — Business Corporations Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act
290/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 294/2004 — Business Practices and Consumer Protection Regulation, effective July 1, 2021 127/2021 May 14, 2021
  Carbon Tax Act
137/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    125/2008 — Carbon Tax Regulation
    127/2008 — Consular Tax Exemption Regulation
65/2021 March 11, 2021
  Child Care Subsidy Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 74/97 — Child Care Subsidy Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Climate Change Accountability Act
135/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 392/2008 — Carbon Neutral Government Regulation 66/2021 March 11, 2021
  Coal Act
34/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 251/2004 — Coal Act Regulation, effective February 5, 2021 11/2021January 26, 2021
  Coastal Ferry Act
256/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 151/99 — British Columbia Ferry Regulation 115/2021 April 26, 2021
  Commercial Transport Act
144/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 30/78 — Commercial Transport Regulations 67/2021 March 11, 2021
  Community Care and Assisted Living Act
298/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 332/2007 — Child Care Licensing Regulation 130/2021 May 17, 2021
  Community Charter
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 78/2010 — Conflicts of Interest Exceptions (Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality) Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
188/2021Enacts Additional Municipal Powers - City of Mission 93/2021 March 29, 2021
  Cooperative Association Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 391/2000 — Cooperative Association Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Court Rules Act
26/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    169/2009 — Supreme Court Family Rules
5/2021January 25, 2021
105/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    168/2009 — Supreme Court Civil Rules
53/2021March 2, 2021
286/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 120/2020 — Provincial Court Family Rules 126/2021 May 14, 2021
  COVID-19 Related Measures Act
4/2021Schedule 2 of Act amended 1/2021January 8, 2021
61/2021Schedule 1 of Act amended, part effective March 18, 2020 and
part effective July 10, 2021
25/2021February 8, 2021
68/2021Schedule 1 of Act amended, effective July 10, 2021 32/2021February 16, 2021
83/2021Schedule 2 of Act amended, effective effective July 10, 2021 33/2021February 16, 2021
86/2021Schedule 2 of Act amended, effective July 10, 2021 34/2021February 16, 2021
192/2021Schedule 2 of Act amended, effective December 18, 2020 94/2021 March 29, 2021
247/2021 Schedule 2 of Act amended 107/2021 April 19, 2021
  Cremation, Interment and Funeral Services Act
34/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 298/2004 — Cremation, Interment and Funeral Services Regulation, effective February 5, 2021 11/2021January 26, 2021
  Destination BC Corp. Act
M120/2021 Repeals B.C. Reg. 135/2013 — Transfer to Destination BC Corp. Regulation 86/2021 March 17, 2021
  Emergency Intervention Disclosure Act
174/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 33/2013 — Emergency Intervention Disclosure Regulation 89/2021 March 22, 2021
  Emergency Program Act
61/2021Enacts COVID-19 (Provincial Court Proceedings) Regulation,
effective March 18, 2020
25/2021February 8, 2021
192/2021Enacts COVID-19 (Income Tax Act) Regulation, effective December 18, 2020 94/2021 March 29, 2021
247/2021 Enacts COVID-19 (South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Act) Regulation 107/2021 April 19, 2021
  Employee Investment Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 341/97 — Employee Investment Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
141/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 341/97 — Employee Investment Regulation 68/2021 March 11, 2021
  Employment and Assistance Act
46/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 263/2002 — Employment and Assistance Regulation 16/2021January 28, 2021
55/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 263/2002 — Employment and Assistance Regulation 21/2021February 1, 2021
246/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 263/2002 — Employment and Assistance Regulation, effective May 1, 2021 108/2021 April 19, 2021
  Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act
46/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 265/2002 — Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Regulation 16/2021January 28, 2021
55/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 265/2002 — Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Regulation 21/2021February 1, 2021
246/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 265/2002 — Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Regulation, effective May 1, 2021 108/2021 April 19, 2021
  Employment Standards Act
34/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 396/95 — Employment Standards Regulation, effective February 5, 2021 11/2021January 26, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    396/95 — Employment Standards Regulation
    137/2019 — Family Member Regulation
64/2021 March 11, 2021
174/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 396/95 — Employment Standards Regulation 89/2021 March 22, 2021
216/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 396/95 — Employment Standards Regulation 101/2021 April 1, 2021
  Energy Efficiency Act
82/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 14/2015 — Energy Efficiency Standards Regulation 35/2021February 16, 2021
  Environmental Assessment Act
5/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 285/2019 — Exemption Regulation (No. 2) 2/2021January 8, 2021
  Environmental Management Act
34/2021Amends, effective February 5, 2021, B.C. Regs.
    413/98 — Mushroom Compost Facilities Regulation
    152/2019 — Open Burning Smoke Control Regulation
11/2021January 26, 2021
52/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 133/2014 — Administrative Penalties (Environmental Management Act) Regulation 22/2021February 1, 2021
M65/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    210/2007 — Code of Practice for Soil Amendments
    246/2007 — Code of Practice for the Slaughter and Poultry Processing Industries
40/2021February 16, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    133/2014 — Administrative Penalties (Environmental Management Act) Regulation
    375/96 — Contaminated Sites Regulation
    63/88 — Hazardous Waste Regulation
64/2021 March 11, 2021
296/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 107/89 — Placer Mining Waste Control Regulation 131/2021 May 17, 2021
  Evidence Act
75/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 210/2020 — Expert Evidence Regulation 31/2021February 12, 2021
  Family Law Act
51/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 347/2012 — Family Law Act Regulation, part effective February 1, 2021, part effective March 1, 2021 and part effective May 17, 2021 23/2021February 1, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    348/2012 — Division of Pensions Regulation
    347/2012 — Family Law Act Regulation
64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Family Maintenance Enforcement Act
51/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 346/88 — Family Maintenance Enforcement Act Regulation, part effective February 1, 2021 and part effective May 17, 2021 23/2021February 1, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 346/88 — Family Maintenance Enforcement Act Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Finance Statutes Amendment Act, 2021
297/2021 S.B.C. 2021, c. 2 — see Acts in Force 132/2021 May 17, 2021
  Financial Administration Act
Treasury BoardAmends B.C. Reg. 226/2001 — Official Duties Expense Regulation 30/2021February 12, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 62/2012 — Excluded Employees (Legal Proceedings) Indemnity Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
191/2021Enacts Gaming Services Registration Fee (COVID-19 Emergency) Remission Regulation 95/2021 March 29, 2021
261/2021 Enacts Speculation and Vacancy Tax (Commercial Tenancy) Remission Regulation 116/2021 April 28, 2021
Treasury Board Amends B.C. Reg. 226/2001 — Official Duties Expense Regulation 119/2021 April 29, 2021
  Financial Institutions Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 328/90 — Insurance Licensing Exemptions Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Forest Act
139/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 381/2008 — BC Timber Sales Regulation 69/2021 March 11, 2021
145/2021Enacts Spotted Owl Designated Area No. 1 for the period ending February 28, 2022 70/2021 March 11, 2021
  Forest and Range Practices Act
34/2021Amends, effective February 5, 2021, B.C. Regs.
    14/2004 — Forest Planning and Practices Regulation
    19/2004 — Range Planning and Practices Regulation
11/2021January 26, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    14/2004 — Forest Planning and Practices Regulation
    582/2004 — Government Actions Regulation
64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
93/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 156/2017 — Committees of the Executive Council Regulation 45/2021February 25, 2021
M89/2021Schedule 3 of Act amended 55/2021March 3, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 155/2012 — Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Gaming Control Act
198/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 208/2002 — Gaming Control Regulation 96/2021 March 29, 2021
  Geothermal Resources Act
34/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 39/2017 — Geothermal Resources General Regulation, effective February 5, 2021 11/2021January 26, 2021
  Greenhouse Gas Industrial Reporting and Control Act
34/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 249/2015 — Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Regulation, effective February 5, 2021 11/2021January 26, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 250/2015 — Greenhouse Gas Emission Control Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Home Owner Grant Act
41/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 100/2002 — Home Owner Grant Regulation, part effective January 1, 2021 and part effective February 15, 2021 17/2021January 28, 2021
  Homeowner Protection Act
34/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 29/99 — Homeowner Protection Act Regulation, effective February 5, 2021 11/2021January 26, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 29/99 — Homeowner Protection Act Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Income Tax Act
Commissioner of Income TaxAmends B.C. Reg. 243/2007 — Training Tax Credits Regulation, effective May 1, 2020 124/2021 May 6, 2021
  Independent School Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 262/89 — Independent School Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Insurance Corporation Act
74/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 307/2004 — Special Direction IC2 to the British Columbia Utilities Commission 28/2021February 12, 2021
  Insurance (Vehicle) Act
21/2021Enacts Basic Vehicle Damage Coverage Regulation, effective May 1, 2021 4/2021January 22, 2021
104/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 447/83 — Insurance (Vehicle) Regulation,
part effective March 1, 2021 and part effective May 1, 2021
51/2021March 1, 2021
110/2021Enacts Enhanced Accident Benefits Regulation, effective May 1, 2021 59/2021March 5, 2021
111/2021Amends, effective May 1, 2021, B.C. Regs.
    4/2021 — Basic Vehicle Damage Coverage Regulation
    59/2021 — Enhanced Accident Benefits Regulation
    447/83 — Insurance (Vehicle) Regulation
    234/2018 — Minor Injury Regulation
62/2021March 5, 2021
112/2021Enacts Income Replacement and Retirement Benefits and Benefits for Students and Minors Regulation, effective May 1, 2021 60/2021March 5, 2021
113/2021Enacts Permanent Impairment Regulation, effective May 1, 2021 61/2021March 5, 2021
263/2021 Amends B.C. Regs.
    447/83 — Insurance (Vehicle) Regulation, part effective April 28, 2021 and part effective May 1, 2021
    234/2018 — Minor Injury Regulation
    4/2021 — Basic Vehicle Damage Coverage Regulation, effective May 1, 2021
    59/2021 — Enhanced Accident Benefits Regulation, effective May 1, 2021
    60/2021 — Income Replacement and Retirement Benefits and Benefits for Students and Minors Regulation, effective May 1, 2021
    61/2021 — Permanent Impairment Regulation, effective May 1, 2021
117/2021 April 28, 2021
  Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act
51/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 15/2003 — Interjurisdictional Support Orders Regulation, part effective February 1, 2021 and part effective May 17, 2021 23/2021February 1, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 15/2003 — Interjurisdictional Support Orders Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Islands Trust Act
143/2021Repeals B.C. Reg. 247/2008 — Saltspring Island Local Trust Committee Referendum Regulation 72/2021 March 11, 2021
  Land Owner Transparency Act
288/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 250/2020 — Land Owner Transparency Regulation, effective May 17, 2021 128/2021 May 14, 2021
  Land Title Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 334/79 — Land Title Act Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Liquor Control and Licensing Act
45/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 241/2016 — Liquor Control and Licensing Regulation, effective February 26, 2021 18/2021January 28, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 241/2016 — Liquor Control and Licensing Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
151/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 241/2016 — Liquor Control and Licensing Regulation 76/2021 March 12, 2021
225/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 241/2016 — Liquor Control and Licensing Regulation, various effective dates 105/2021 April 7, 2021
  Liqour Distribution Act
225/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 611/76 — Liqour Distribution Regulation 105/2021 April 7, 2021
  Livestock Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 66/81 — Pound Districts Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Local Government Act
M82/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    191/98 — Regional Context Statements Regulation
    192/98 — Regional Growth Strategies Regulation
47/2021February 26, 2021
142/2021Repeals B.C. Reg. 405/93 — Municipal Act Fees Regulation No. 1 71/2021 March 11, 2021
299/2021 Enacts Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen Land Use Contract Termination Regulation 133/2021 May 17, 2021
  Local Government Bylaw Notice Enforcement Act
80/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 175/2004 — Bylaw Notice Enforcement Regulation, effective February 17, 2021 36/2021February 16, 2021
190/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 175/2004 — Bylaw Notice Enforcement Regulation, effective March 31, 2021 97/2021 March 29, 2021
  Manufactured Home Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 441/2003 — Manufactured Home Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act
89/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 481/2003 — Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Regulation, effective March 1, 2021 42/2021February 17, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 481/2003 — Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Milk Industry Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 464/81 — Milk Industry Standards Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Mineral Tax Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 405/89 — Mineral Tax Costs and Expenditures Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Mineral Tenure Act
34/2021Amends, effective February 5, 2021, B.C. Regs.
    529/2004 — Mineral Tenure Act Regulation
    19/99 — Mining Rights Compensation Regulation
11/2021January 26, 2021
Chief Gold CommissionerEnacts Mineral Land Reserve (Relief from Obligations) Regulation 41/2021February 16, 2021
134/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    19/99 — Mining Rights Compensation Regulation
    529/2004 — Mineral Tenure Act Regulation
73/2021 March 11, 2021
Chief Gold CommissionerRepeals B.C. Regs.
Amends B.C. Regs.
    271/2007 — Mineral Land Reserve (No Mineral or Placer Claim Registrations) Regulation
    71/2010 — Mineral Land Reserve (No Mineral Claim Registrations) Regulation
99/2021 March 29, 2021
  Mines Act
29/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    47/2017 — Administrative Penalties (Mines) Regulation
    54/2015 — Mines Fee Regulation
    99/2013 — Permit Regulation
6/2021January 25, 2021
30/2021Repeals B.C. Reg. 257/88 — Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System Regulation (Mines), effective April 1, 2021
Amends B.C. Reg. 47/2017 — Administrative Penalties (Mines) Regulation, effective April 1, 2021
7/2021January 25, 2021
  Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2019
184/2021 S.B.C. 2019, c. 36 — see Acts in Force 90/2021 March 23, 2021
  Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 3), 2010
45/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 241/2016 — Liquor Control and Licensing Regulation, effective February 26, 2021 18/2021January 28, 2021
54/2021S.B.C. 2010, c. 21 — see Acts in Force 20/2021February 1, 2021
  Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2020
51/2021S.B.C. 2020, c. 14 — see Acts in Force 23/2021February 1, 2021
  Motor Fuel Tax Act
137/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    127/2008 — Consular Tax Exemption Regulation
    414/85 — Motor Fuel Tax Regulation
65/2021 March 11, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 414/85 — Motor Fuel Tax Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Motor Vehicle Act
111/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 1/97 — Motor Vehicle Act ICBC Records Regulation 62/2021March 5, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 26/58 — Motor Vehicle Act Regulations 64/2021 March 11, 2021
144/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 372/92 — Inspectors Authorization Regulation 67/2021 March 11, 2021
184/2021 Enacts Electric Kick Scooter Pilot Project Regulation,
effective April 5, 2021
90/2021 March 23, 2021
208/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 26/58 — Motor Vehicle Act Regulations, part effective June 1, 2021 and part effective October 18, 2021 100/2021 March 31, 2021
Superintendent of Motor VehiclesAmends B.C. Reg. 25/2015 — Lien on Impounded Motor Vehicles Regulation, effective July 1, 2021 125/2021 May 11, 2021
  North Island-Coast Development Initiative Trust Act
84/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 34/2006 — North Island-Coast Development Initiative Trust Regions Regulation 37/2021February 16, 2021
  Offence Act
4/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 89/97 — Violation Ticket Administration and Fines Regulation 1/2021January 8, 2021
53/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 89/97 — Violation Ticket Administration and Fines Regulation 24/2021February 1, 2021
183/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 89/97 — Violation Ticket Administration and Fines Regulation, effective April 5, 2021 91/2021 March 23, 2021
185/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 89/97 — Violation Ticket Administration and Fines Regulation 92/2021 March 25, 2021
243/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 89/97 — Violation Ticket Administration and Fines Regulation 109/2021 April 19, 2021
252/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 89/97 — Violation Ticket Administration and Fines Regulation 113/2021 April 23, 2021
266/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 89/97 — Violation Ticket Administration and Fines Regulation 120/2021 April 30, 2021
  Oil and Gas Activities Act
Oil and Gas CommissionEnacts Oil and Gas Processing Facility Regulation,
effective March 4, 2021
Amends, effective March 4, 2021, B.C. Regs.
    282/2010 — Drilling and Production Regulation
    146/2014 — Liquefied Natural Gas Facility Regulation
48/2021February 26, 2021
Oil and Gas CommissionRepeals B.C. Reg. 279/2010 — Consultation and Notification Regulation, effective June 1, 2021
Enacts Requirements for Consultation and Notification Regulation, effective June 1, 2021
Amends, effective June 1, 2021, B.C. Regs.
    217/2017 — Emergency Management Regulation
    8/2014 — Fee, Levy and Security Regulation
    56/2013 — Oil and Gas Road Regulation
50/2021February 26, 2021
Oil and Gas CommissionAmends B.C. Reg. 199/2011 — Service Regulation,
effective June 1, 2021
52/2021March 1, 2021
Oil and Gas CommissionAmends B.C. Reg. 8/2014 — Fee, Levy and Security Regulation, part effective March 16, 2021 and part effective June 1, 2021 79/2021 March 16, 2021
  Pension Benefits Standards Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 71/2015 — Pension Benefits Standards Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Personal Information Protection Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 473/2003 — Personal Information Protection Act Regulations 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Pharmaceutical Services Act
159/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    73/2015 — Drug Plans Regulation, part effective March 15, 2021 and part effective August 31, 2021
    222/2014 — Provider Regulation
77/2021 March 15, 2021
  Plant Protection Act
215/2021 Repeals B.C. Reg. 81/2020 — North American Gypsy Moth Eradication Regulation, 2020
Enacts North American Gypsy Moth Eradication Regulation
102/2021 April 1, 2021
  Private Training Act
M184/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 153/2016 — Private Training Regulation, part effective September 1, 2021 and part effective September 1, 2022 122/2021 May 3, 2021
278/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 140/2016 — Fees and Student Tuition Protection Fund Regulation, effective September 1, 2021 123/2021 May 3, 2021
  Professional Governance Act
33/2021Enacts Agrologists Regulation, effective February 5, 2021 10/2021January 26, 2021
34/2021S.B.C. 2018, c. 47 — see Acts in Force
Amends B.C. Reg. 107/2019 — Professional Governance General Regulation, effective February 5, 2021
Enacts Professional Governance (Election Stagger) Transitional Regulation, effective February 5, 2021
11/2021January 26, 2021
35/2021Enacts Applied Science Technologists and Technicians Regulation, effective February 5, 2021 12/2021January 26, 2021
36/2021Enacts Applied Biologists Regulation, effective February 5, 2021 13/2021January 26, 2021
37/2021Enacts Engineers and Geoscientists Regulation, effective February 5, 2021 14/2021January 26, 2021
38/2021Enacts Forest Professionals Regulation, effective February 5, 2021 15/2021January 26, 2021
  Property Transfer Tax Act
31/2021Enacts Property Transfer Tax Exemption Regulation No. 33 8/2021January 25, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 74/88 — Property Transfer Tax Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
277/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 74/88 — Property Transfer Tax Regulation, effective June 1, 2020 121/2021 May 3, 2021
  Provincial Sales Tax Act
32/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 93/2013 — Designated Accommodation Area Tax Regulation, effective May 1, 2021 9/2021January 25, 2021
63/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 96/2013 — Provincial Sales Tax Regulation 26/2021February 8, 2021
109/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 96/2013 — Provincial Sales Tax Regulation, effective April 1, 2021 57/2021March 4, 2021
127/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 93/2013 — Designated Accommodation Area Tax Regulation, effective July 1, 2021 63/2021March 8, 2021
137/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    127/2008 — Consular Tax Exemption Regulation
    96/2013 — Provincial Sales Tax Regulation
65/2021 March 11, 2021
157/2021Enacts Provincial Sales Tax Rebate on Select Machinery and Equipment Regulation, effective April 1, 2021 78/2021 March 15, 2021
244/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 93/2013 — Designated Accommodation Area Tax Regulation, effective August 1, 2021 110/2021 April 19, 2021
  Public Health Act
34/2021Amends, effective February 5, 2021, B.C. Regs.
    296/2010 — Pool Regulation
    326/2004 — Sewerage System Regulation
11/2021January 26, 2021
  Public Sector Employers Act
87/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    427/94 — Health Care Employers Regulation
    84/2003 — Social Services Employers Regulation
38/2021February 16, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 379/97 — Employment Termination Standards 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Public Service Act
67/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 152/2017 — Salary Range Regulation 29/2021February 12, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 132/77 — Resignation Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Real Estate Services Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 506/2004 — Real Estate Services Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
213/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 506/2004 — Real Estate Services Regulation 103/2021 April 1, 2021
  Residential Tenancy Act
89/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 477/2003 — Residential Tenancy Regulation,
effective March 1, 2021
42/2021February 17, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 477/2003 — Residential Tenancy Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Riparian Areas Protection Act
34/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 178/2019 — Riparian Areas Protection Regulation,
effective February 5, 2021
11/2021January 26, 2021
  Safety Standards Act
M72/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 105/2004 — Safety Standards General Regulation, part effective February 22, 2021 and part effective September 6, 2022 43/2021February 22, 2021
M88/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 101/2004 — Elevating Devices Safety Regulation 54/2021March 3, 2021
  School Act
34/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 144/2005 — School Tax Exemptions and Refunds (Approved and Eligible Hydroelectric Power Projects) Regulation, effective February 5, 2021 11/2021January 26, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    250/2000 — Education Mediation Regulation
    212/99 — Francophone Education Authorities Regulation
    265/89 — School Regulation
64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Sechelt Indian Government District Enabling Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 156/2014 — Sechelt Indian Government District Advisory Council Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Securities Act
Securities CommissionAmends B.C. Reg. 110/2004 — National Instrument 51-102
Continuous Disclosure Obligations
27/2021February 9, 2021
Securities CommissionAmends, effective March 1, 2021, B.C. Regs.
    226A/2009 — National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations
    227/2009 — National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus Exemptions
    189/2000 — Rule 45-501 (BC): Mortgages
49/2021February 26, 2021
  Securities Amendment Act, 2019
194/2021S.B.C. 2019, c. 38 — see Acts in Force 98/2021 March 29, 2021
  Security Services Act
34/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 207/2008 — Security Services Regulation, effective February 5, 2021 11/2021January 26, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 207/2008 — Security Services Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Small Business Venture Capital Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 390/98 — Small Business Venture Capital Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
141/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 390/98 — Small Business Venture Capital Regulation 68/2021 March 11, 2021
  South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Act
137/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 127/2008 — Consular Tax Exemption Regulation 65/2021 March 11, 2021
  Statute Revision Act
248/2021 Amends Residential Tenacy Act 111/2021 April 20, 2021
262/2021 Amends Attorney General Statutes (Vehicle Insurance) Amendment Act, 2020 118/2021 April 28, 2021
  Strata Property Act
34/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 75/78 — Bare Land Strata Regulations,
effective February 5, 2021
11/2021January 26, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    43/2000 — Strata Property Regulation
    75/78 — Bare Land Strata Regulations
64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Taxation (Rural Area) Act
136/2021Repeals B.C. Reg. 110/2018 74/2021 March 11, 2021
214/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 387/82 — Taxation (Rural Area) Act Regulation 104/2021 April 1, 2021
  Teachers Act
M27/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 2/2012 — British Columbia Teachers' Council Regulation 3/2021January 14, 2021
M92/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 2/2012 — British Columbia Teachers' Council Regulation 56/2021March 4, 2021
  Ticket Sales Act
289/2021 S.B.C. 2019, c. 13 — see Acts in Force Enacts Ticket Sales Regulation, effective July 1, 2021 129/2021 May 14, 2021
  Tobacco Tax Act
137/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 127/2008 — Consular Tax Exemption Regulation 65/2021 March 11, 2021
  Utilities Commission Act
172/2021 Amends B.C. Reg. 24/2019 — Direction No. 8 to the British Columbia Utilities Commission 88/2021 March 22, 2021
  Veterinary Drugs Act
140/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 47/82 — Veterinary Drug and Medicated Feed Regulation 64/2021 March 11, 2021
  Water Sustainability Act
34/2021Amends, effective February 5, 2021, B.C. Regs.
    40/2016 — Dam Safety Regulation
    36/2016 — Water Sustainability Regulation
11/2021January 26, 2021
138/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 39/2016 — Groundwater Protection Regulation 75/2021 March 11, 2021
  Wildfire Act
34/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 38/2005 — Wildfire Regulation, effective February 5, 2021 11/2021January 26, 2021
  Wildlife Act
42/2021Amends B.C. Reg. 253/2000 — Permit Regulation 19/2021January 28, 2021
140/2021Amends B.C. Regs.
    8/99 — Hunting Licensing Regulation
    125/90 — Angling and Scientific Collection Regulation
    253/2000 — Permit Regulation
    338/82 — Wildlife Act Commercial Activities Regulation
    340/82 — Wildlife Act General Regulation
    168/90 — Designation and Exemption Regulation
64/2021 March 11, 2021
M171/2021 Amends B.C. Regs.
    190/84 — Hunting Regulation
    134/93 — Limited Entry Hunting Regulation
    196/99 — Motor Vehicle Prohibition Regulation
    338/82 — Wildlife Act Commercial Activities Regulation
112/2021 April 22, 2021
  Workers Compensation Act
85/2021Amendments to the Act resulting from changes to the Consumer Price Index 85/2021 February 16, 2021
174/2021 Amends B.C. Regs.
    125/2009 — Firefighters' Occupational Disease Regulation
    136/2018 — Mental Disorder Presumption Regulation
    164/2015 — Time Period for Review Regulation
    321/2002 — Workers Compensation Act Appeal Regulation
89/2021 March 22, 2021
  Acts in Force
89/2021Administrative Tribunals Statutes Amendment Act, 2015, S.B.C. 2015, c. 10 — sections 134, 135 (b), 136 (b), 180, 181 (b) and 182 (b)
in force March 1, 2021
42/2021February 17, 2021
21/2021Attorney General Statutes (Vehicle Insurance) Amendment Act, 2020, S.B.C. 2020, c. 10 — sections 38 and 40 in force January 22, 2021 and various sections in force May 1, 2021 4/2021January 22, 2021
108/2021Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2020, S.B.C. 2020, c. 18 — sections 62, 64, 65, 67, 68 and 73 to 77 in force April 1, 2021 58/2021March 4, 2021
297/2021 Finance Statutes Amendment Act, 2021, S.B.C. 2021, c. 2 — sections 7 and 12 in force May 17, 2021 132/2021 May 17, 2021
184/2021Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2019, S.B.C. 2019, c. 36 — sections 106, 109 (a) and 110 to 112; section 113, except
as it enacts section 210 (3.2) (c) of the Motor Vehicle Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 318; and sections 115 and 117 in force April 5, 2021
90/2021 March 23, 2021
54/2021Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 3), 2010, S.B.C. 2010, c. 21 — sections 1 to 4, 9 (a) and (c) and 15 to 34 in force February 1, 2021 20/2021February 1, 2021
51/2021Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2020, S.B.C. 2020, c. 14 — sections 1, 5, 12 and 13 in force February 1, 2021 23/2021February 1, 2021
34/2021Professional Governance Act, S.B.C. 2018, c. 47 — various provisions in force February 5, 2021 and section 32 (7) (c) in force February 5, 2022 11/2021January 26, 2021
194/2021Securities Amendment Act, 2019, S.B.C. 2019, c. 38 — section 78 as it enacts sections 163.2 and 163.3 of the Securities Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 418 in force March 29, 2021 98/2021 March 29, 2021
289/2021 Ticket Sales Act, S.B.C. 2019, c. 13 — that part of section 1 not yet in force and sections 3 to 17 and 20 to 29 in force July 1, 2021 129/2021 May 14, 2021

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