Family Support for Children with
June 28, 2024
For information only: Made by the Minister of Seniors, Community and Social Services (M.O. 2024-016) on June 27, 2024 pursuant to section 10 of the Family Support for Children with Disabilities Act. 1 The Family Support for Children with Disabilities Regulation (AR 140/2004) is amended by this Regulation. 2 Section 1(b) and (c) are repealed and the following is substituted: (b) "day care" means day care as defined in Schedule 1 to the Early Learning and Child Care Regulation (AR 143/2008); (c) "family day home program" means a family day home program as defined in the Early Learning and Child Care Act; (c.01) "out of school care" means out of school care as defined in Schedule 1 to the Early Learning and Child Care Regulation (AR 143/2008); 3 Section 4(1) is amended (a) in clause (e) (i) in subclause (iii) by striking out "a day care facility or an out-of-school program" and substituting "day care or out of school care"; (ii) in subclause (iv) by adding "program" after "family day home"; (b) in clause (f) (i) by striking out "child care in a day care facility" and substituting "day care"; (ii) by striking out "the day care facility" and substituting "the day care"; (iii) by striking out "a day care facility" wherever it occurs and substituting "day care"; (c) in clause (j) (i) in subclause (i) by striking out "if it is recommended by the dental review committee established by the Alberta Dental Service Corporation" and substituting ", if the treatment is recommended by the dental review committee established by the director, for the portion of costs exceeding"; (ii) in subclause (i)(A) by striking out "for the portion of costs exceeding"; (iii) by repealing subclause (i)(B) and substituting the following: (B) $250 annually if the guardian does not have dental insurance or a benefit plan for dental care; (d) in clause (k) by striking out "aggregate net income reported on line 236 of the previous year's income tax return by the child's parents" and substituting "combined net income of the child's parents, as determined by adding together the amounts reported by each parent on line 23600 of the previous year's income tax return,". 4 Section 8 is amended by striking out "June 30, 2024" and substituting "June 30, 2029". 5 Sections 2 and 3 come into force on July 1, 2024.