Consultation on the New Substances Program Remissions Approach
Join the discussion: Consultation on the draft new substances program remissions approach

Current status: Ongoing

This consultation will be open from November 5, 2020 to January 6, 2021.

A draft Remissions Approach for the New Substances Program, jointly delivered by Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada, has been posted online for stakeholder comments.

French and English webinars aimed at introducing stakeholders to the Service Fees Act, discussing applicable performance standards and reviewing the New Substances Program draft Remissions Approach were held on November 24, 2020.

How to participate

All interested parties are invited to submit written comments on the draft Remissions Approach, which was posted on the New Substances Notification Fees web page in early November.

Send us an email

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Participate by mail

Send your comments by mail to the address below.

Consultation details

The New Substances Program would like to hear from representatives of industries that are subject or are likely to be subject to fees as a result of submitting new substance notifications. These include companies that produce new chemicals or polymers, and those that import these new substances from abroad.

Key themes on which we invite comments are:

  • clarity of the draft Remissions Approach in explaining its scope and application, Environment and Climate Change Canada reporting on compliance with the Service Fees Act, how stakeholders can submit comments, inquiries or complaints; and
  • unexpected impact of fee remissions on affected businesses.

Once the comment period is closed, the New Substances Program will finalize the New Substances Remissions Approach. The final document will be posted on the New Substances Notification Fees web page by April 1, 2021.

Related information

New substances notification fees

New Substances Fees Regulations

Service Fees Act

Contact us

Substances Management Information Line

Science and Technology Branch
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Place Vincent Massey, 351 St. Joseph Blvd, Gatineau, QC, K1A 0H3
Telephone: 1-800-567-1999 (Toll Free in Canada) or 1-819-938-3232 (Outside of Canada)
Fascimile: 1-819-938-5212