Regulations Amending the Canada Grain Regulations: SOR/2024-160
The Canadian Grain Commission makes the annexed Regulations Amending the Canada Grain Regulations under subsection 16(1)footnote a of the Canada Grain Act footnote b.
Canada Gazette, Part II, Volume 158, Number 16

Regulations Amending the Canada Grain Regulations: SOR/2024-160

Canada Gazette, Part II, Volume 158, Number 16

SOR/2024-160 July 12, 2024


The Canadian Grain Commission makes the annexed Regulations Amending the Canada Grain Regulations under subsection 16(1)footnote a of the Canada Grain Act footnote b.

Winnipeg, July 10, 2024

David Hunt
Chief Commissioner

Patty Rosher
Assistant Chief Commissioner

Lonny McKague

Regulations Amending the Canada Grain Regulations


1 Table 10 of Schedule 3 to the Canada Grain Regulations footnote 1 is replaced by the following:

Barley, Canada Western Food (CW)
Grade Name Standard of Quality Maximum Limits of Foreign Material
Variety Varieties with Adhered Hulls
Other Hulless Varieties
Total Adhered Hulls
Inseparable Seeds
Other Cereal Grains
Select Food CW Two-row Any selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Western Food Two-row designated as such by order of the Commission N/A N/A N/A 0.2 2.0 2
Select Food CW Six-row Any selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Western Food Six-row designated as such by order of the Commission N/A N/A N/A 0.2 2.0 2
Select Food CW Two-row Hulless Any selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Western Food Two-row Hulless designated as such by order of the Commission Considered as other cereal grains 5 5 0.2 2.0 2
Select Food CW Six-row Hulless Any selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Western Food Six-row Hulless designated as such by order of the Commission Considered as other cereal grains 5 5 0.2 2.0 2

Note: Barley not selected for food will be graded according to quality into the general purpose grades.

2 Table 23 of Schedule 3 to the Regulations is replaced by the following:

Soybeans, Canada Yellow, Green, Brown, Black or Mixed (Can)
Grade Name Standard of Quality Maximum Limits of
Minimum Test Weight
Degree of Soundness Splits
Other Colours
Damage Foreign Material
Heat-Damaged or Mouldy
Foreign Material Other Than Grain
No. 1 Canada 70 Cool, natural odour, good natural colour 10 2 0.0 2 0.1 1
No. 2 Canada 68 Cool, natural odour, slightly stained 15 3 0.2 3 0.3 2
No. 3 Canada 66 Cool, natural odour, may be stained 20 5 1.0 5 0.5 3
No. 4 Canada 63 Cool, may be stained 30 10 3.0 8 2.0 5
No. 5 Canada 59 Cool, may be stained 40 15 5.0 15 3.0 8

Note: The colour is added to the grade name.

3 Table 48 of Schedule 3 to the Regulations is replaced by the following:

Barley, Canada Eastern Food (CE)
Grade Name Standard of Quality Maximum Limits of Foreign Material
Variety Varieties with Adhered Hulls
Other Hulless Varieties
Total Adhered Hulls
Inseparable Seeds
Other Cereal Grains
Select Food CE Two-row Any selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Eastern Food Two-row designated as such by order of the Commission N/A N/A N/A 0.2 2.0 2
Select Food CE Six-row Any selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Eastern Food Six-row designated as such by order of the Commission N/A N/A N/A 0.2 2.0 2
Select Food CE Two-row Hulless Any selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Eastern Food Two-row Hulless designated as such by order of the Commission Considered as other cereal grains 5 5 0.2 2.0 2
Select Food CE Six-row Hulless Any selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Eastern Food Six-row Hulless designated as such by order of the Commission Considered as other cereal grains 5 5 0.2 2.0 2

Note: Barley not selected for food will be graded according to quality into the general purpose grades.

Coming into Force

4 These Regulations come into force on August 1, 2024, but if they are registered after that day, they come into force on the day on which they are registered.


(This statement is not part of the Regulations.)


Schedule 3 of the Canada Grain Regulations requires amendments based on scientific research and consultations with stakeholders. Specifically, Table 23 (Soybeans, Canada Yellow, Green, Brown, Black or Mixed), Table 10 (Barley, Canada Western Food) and Table 48 (Barley, Canada Eastern Food) require updating.


The Regulations Amending the Canada Grain Regulations (the amendments) have the following objectives:

  • Improve consistency in soybean grading practices.
  • Improve the ability of the barley sector to identify varieties specific to food use.


The Canadian Grain Commission’s (CGC) grain grading system is continuously reviewed to ensure it provides a dependable commodity for domestic and export markets, as well as value to the Canadian grain sector. The grading system is designed to be flexible and meet the changing needs of producers, the industry and customers. Under the Canada Grain Act, the CGC may establish grades and grade names for any kind of western grain and eastern grain, and establish the specifications for those grades. The CGC may also designate the class of grain for which new grain varieties are eligible.

Table 23 — Soybeans, Canada Yellow, Green, Brown, Black or Mixed (Can)

The phrase “may be badly stained” in the “Degree of Soundness” soybean grading factor for the No. 4 Canada and No. 5 Canada grades will be replaced with the phrase “may be stained” to match that of the No. 3 Canada grade. Currently, the CGC has a standard print for the level of staining present in the No. 2 Canada grade that depicts “slightly stained,” but has no standard prints to depict levels of staining beyond “slightly.” With this amendment, all soybean samples with staining levels worse than that depicted in the No. 2 Canada standard print will be graded as a No. 3 Canada for “stained.” This will provide grading consistency for stakeholders and mitigate unnecessary downgrades.

In addition, the grading factor “Other Colours or Bicoloured Other Than for Mixed Soybeans” will be replaced with “Other Colours.” Bicoloured soybeans will be considered as any other seed coat discolouration and assessed against the “Degree of Soundness” using the appropriate standard print. This amendment will facilitate consistent grading for soybeans showing only seed coat discolouration.

Table 10 — Barley, Canada Western Food (CW) and Table 48 — Barley, Canada Eastern Food (CE)

A column called “Variety” will be added to the “Standard of Quality” grading specification in Table10 and Table 48 that includes the following descriptions for each barley grade name listed:
Grade Name Variety
Select Food CW Two-row Any selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Western Food Two-row designated as such by order of the Commission.
Select Food CW Six-row Any selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Western Food Six-row designated as such by order of the Commission.
Select Food CW Two-row Hulless Any selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Western Food Two-row Hulless designated as such by order of the Commission.
Select Food CW Six-row Hulless Any selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Western Food Six-row Hulless designated as such by order of the Commission.
Select Food CE Two-row Any selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Eastern Food Two-row designated as such by order of the Commission.
Select Food CE Six-row Any selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Eastern Food Six-row designated as such by order of the Commission.
Select Food CE Two-row Hulless Any selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Eastern Food Two-row Hulless designated as such by order of the Commission.
Select Food CE Six-row Hulless Any selected variety of the class Barley, Canada Eastern Food Six-row Hulless designated as such by order of the Commission.

Pursuant to section 28 of the Canada Grain Act, registration of a grain variety under the Seeds Act for sale or importation into Canada is necessary for grain of that variety to be eligible for all grades within a grain class. The CGC is responsible for issuing orders designating varieties to classes of grain. These orders are called “variety designation lists.” The CGC currently maintains variety designation lists for Canadian malting barley, but not for barley varieties appropriate for food use. Given that food barley varieties are unique from malting barley varieties, creating food barley designation lists allows for the identification and recognition of barley varieties specific to food use, which ultimately benefits the entire barley value chain.

As consultations are required with the standards committees regarding all changes to grading tables and associated grading specifications in Schedule 3, the changes to Tables 10, 23, and 48, and the associated implementation timeline, were presented to the Eastern Standards Committee on April 3, 2024, and to the Western Standards Committee on April 4, 2024. Both standards committees subsequently passed motions supporting the implementation of the changes effective August 1, 2024.

One-for-one rule and small business lens

The one-for-one rule does not apply to these amendments, as there is no change in administrative costs or burden to businesses. Analysis under the small business lens determined that the amendments will not impact small businesses in Canada.

Implementation, compliance and enforcement, and service standards

These Regulations come into force on August 1, 2024, but if they are registered after that day, they come into force on the day on which they are registered.


Kris Wonitowy
Program Manager
National Inspection Standards
Industry Services
Canadian Grain Commission
Telephone: 204‑983‑4627
Teletype: 1‑866‑317‑4289