Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Acknowledgements at the End of the Parliamentary Session
Routine Proceedings
Mr. Speaker, it has truly been one heck of a crazy year. To all the people who have worked here, I know we have felt every ounce of it some days.I would like to carry on with the words of the the House leader.I very much want to thank all the people who have made the job of the House of Commons work. I especially thank the clerks, the women and gentlemen, at the table who have helped us through so many different things.To you, Mr. Speaker, and to all the Deputy Speakers in the House, thank you very much for your commitment to the House and to the democracy we hold in this place.Of course, this job includes pages. For the many pages here today and throughout this session, it has been a very difficult time for them.With respect to the interpreters, we have heard a lot of things from our interpreters. Whether it is “move your boom down” so they can understand what we are saying or whatever it may be, I thank the many interpreters who have helped not only in the chamber but in our committees as well to ensure the work we do is done as well.To all the IT staff, we have probably learned a lot more about Zoom than we ever thought we would have to know, including knowing when to turn the audio off and on. I thank everybody who has been so patient with so many of the members as we have been learning about this.Of course, this place is safe because of the people whom we have here for public safety. Therefore, a special thanks to the PPS. I know I definitely have my favourites, and Norma is in the lobby today. We have some great people working here.With respect to the food services, many of us would not enjoy this job as much if food services were not here. I thank them so much for helping us out and keeping us nourished.To all the staff in the administration and the staff who work in each of our offices on the Hill and in our constituency offices, this is one big place to work in, and I very much thank everybody who makes it work so well.
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