Child and Youth Advocate Search - Thursday, October 21, 2021
Thursday, October 21, 2021

Legislative Assembly of Alberta The 30th Legislature

Second Session

Select Special Child and Youth Advocate Search Committee

Schow, Joseph R., Cardston-Siksika (UC), Chair Jones, Matt, Calgary-South East (UC), Deputy Chair

Fir, Hon. Tanya, Calgary-Peigan (UC) Goehring, Nicole, Edmonton-Castle Downs (NDP) Lovely, Jacqueline, Camrose (UC) Nixon, Jeremy P., Calgary-Klein (UC) Pancholi, Rakhi, Edmonton-Whitemud (NDP) Sabir, Irfan, Calgary-McCall (NDP) Smith, Mark W., Drayton Valley-Devon (UC) Turton, Searle, Spruce Grove-Stony Plain (UC)*

* substitution for Tanya Fir

Public Service Commission Participants

Dot Ellerby Acting Director, Executive Search Jeff Steinbach Consultant, Executive Search

Support Staff

Shannon Dean, QC Clerk Teri Cherkewich Law Clerk Trafton Koenig Senior Parliamentary Counsel Jody Rempel Committee Clerk Rhonda Sorensen Manager of Corporate Communications Janet Schwegel Director of Parliamentary Programs Amanda LeBlanc Deputy Editor of Alberta Hansard

Transcript produced by Alberta Hansard

October 21, 2021 Child and Youth Advocate Search CY-13

9 a.m. Thursday, October 21, 2021 Title: Thursday, October 21, 2021 cy [Mr. Schow in the chair]

The Chair: Okay. Good morning, everyone. I’d like to call the meeting of the Select Special Child and Youth Advocate Search Committee to order and welcome everyone in attendance. My name is Joseph Schow. I’m the MLA for Cardston-Siksika and chair of this committee. I’d ask that members and those joining the committee at the table introduce themselves for the record, and then we’ll ask those who are joining us remotely to do the same. We’ll begin to my right.

Mr. Jones: Matt Jones, MLA, Calgary-South East.

Mr. Turton: Good morning. Searle Turton, MLA for Spruce Grove-Stony Plain.

Mr. Jeremy Nixon: Jeremy Nixon, Calgary-Klein.

Mr. Smith: Mark Smith, Drayton Valley-Devon.

Ms Lovely: Jackie Lovely, Camrose constituency.

Ms Pancholi: Good morning. Rakhi Pancholi, MLA for Edmonton- Whitemud.

Ms Goehring: Good morning. Nicole Goehring, MLA for Edmonton-Castle Downs.

Mrs. Ellerby: Good morning. Dot Ellerby with Public Service Commission, executive search.

Ms Rempel: Good morning. Jody Rempel, committee clerk.

The Chair: I see that we have one member joining us remotely. Mr. Sabir.

Mr. Sabir: Good morning, everyone. Irfan Sabir, MLA, Calgary- McCall.

The Chair: Excellent. Thank you for that. Now for the record I will note one substitution. Mr. Turton is substituting for Ms Fir, and it is anticipated that that will continue to be the case for the remainder of our mandate. A few housekeeping items to address before we turn to the business at hand. I’ll remind everyone of the current committee room protocols, which require that those attending a committee meeting in person must wear a mask at all times unless they are speaking and that all attendees maintain an appropriate distance between themselves and other meeting participants. Please note that the microphones are operated by Hansard. Unless we move in

camera, the committee proceedings will all be streamed on the Internet and broadcast on Alberta Assembly TV. Committee members are reminded to please have your camera on when you are speaking. Please set your cellphones and other devices to silent for the duration of the meeting. Moving on to the second item of the agenda, which is adopting the agenda, can I please get a motion to adopt the agenda? Ms Goehring has moved that the October 21, 2021, meeting agenda of the Select Special Child and Youth Advocate Search Committee be adopted as circulated. All those in favour, both present here in the room and on videoconference, please say aye. Any opposed, please say no. That motion is carried. Item 3 is that we do have draft minutes from our last meeting. Are there any errors or omissions to note? Okay. Hearing none, can I please get someone to move a motion to adopt the draft minutes?

Ms Lovely: So moved.

The Chair: I see Ms Lovely has moved that the minutes from the August 23, 2021, meeting of the Select Special Child and Youth Advocate Search Committee be adopted as circulated. All those in favour, please say aye. Any opposed, please say no. That motion is carried. Okay. Item 4, which is consideration of applications received. Today we’ll be reviewing the applications received for the position of Child and Youth Advocate. To maintain the confidentiality of applicants, it would be appropriate to continue our discussions in camera. Would a member like to move this motion that we move in camera? I see Mr. Turton has moved that the Select Special Child and Youth Advocate Search Committee move in camera. All those in favour, please say aye. Any opposed, please say no. That motion is carried. I will now take a moment as we allow staff and Hansard to leave the room.

[The committee met in camera from 9:04 a.m. to 10:38 a.m.]

The Chair: Okay. Thank you, everyone. We are now back on the record. Do any members have anything for discussion under other business? If not, we will move on to the date of the next meeting, which I anticipate will be scheduled for early November. Can I get a member to move that we adjourn this committee? Mr. Smith has moved that the October 21, 2021, meeting of the Select Special Child and Youth Advocate Search Committee be adjourned. All those in favour, please say aye. Any opposed, please say no. That motion is carried. This meeting is adjourned. Thank you, everyone.

[The committee adjourned at 10:39 a.m.]


Published under the Authority of the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta